

1.  離脱交渉の経過

2.  双方が描く離脱交渉のシナリオと方針

3.  主要3分野(離脱清算金/“手切れ金”、アイルランド・北アイルランド国境問題、市民権の保全)の交渉状況

4.  今後の焦点












Brexit talks between the EU and the UK



はじめに Introduction

一昨年(20166月23イギリスは、欧州連合European Union, EU)を離脱すべきかどうかを決めるための国民投票United Kingdom European Union membership referendum)を実施し、離脱支持側が僅差で勝利してEUからのイギリス脱退問題、いわゆるブレグジットBrexitBritainexitを合わせた語)に発展する事態となった。国民投票の決め手となったのは、新たにEUメンバーになった中・東欧諸国を含む他のEU加盟国からの移民問題である。イギリス国民の懸念は、EU移民と労働市場が競合して自分達の給料は下がり、仕事は奪われ、福祉や公的サービスも過負荷となることであった。そして政府がこの問題にうまく対処出来なかったことが有権者の不満を増大させ、EU離脱に票を投じさせる要因となった。EU離脱派が勝利したことを受け、翌6月24日、残留を主張したキャメロン首相は辞任を表明した。キャメロン氏の跡を襲って、前内相のテリーザ・メイ氏が、保守党党首となり首相に就任した。メイ氏は、キャメロン氏同様、国民選挙キャンペーン中は離脱に反対していたが、イギリス国民が望んだこととして首相就任後は離脱支持の立場に立った。メイ首相は、「離脱は離脱である」をキーメッセージに、移民規制を最優先事項とし、EU「単一市場」と「関税同盟」から完全離脱することを意味する「強硬離脱(ハードブレグジッド)」を選択することを明確にした。そして2017329日、EU条約(リスボン条約)50条を発動し、欧州委員会(ECEuropean CommissionEUの政策執行機関)のユンケル委員長EUの役職では最も強力な権限を持つ)に正式に離脱を通告した。これにより2年後の2019329日を離脱期限とするEUとイギリスの本格的な離脱交渉が開始された。




The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum” took place on 23 June 2016 in England to gauge support for the country either remaining a member of, or leaving, the EU.

The referendum resulted in the winning of Leave by 51.9% to 48.1% and led to the situation widely known as “Brexit”, a portmanteau of "Britain" and "exit". Specifically, the decisive factor in the referendum was immigrants from other European states including new EU members from East European countries. Many people are concerned that immigration reduces the pay and job chances of the UK-born due to more competition for jobs and take out in welfare and the use of public services.

What the government could not manage it successfully has aggravated the voter’s dissatisfaction and become a factor to make voters cast a vote for the EU leaving. Following the vote to quit the European Union, Prime Minister Cameron who insisted on remaining in the EU announced that he would resign on on 24 June 2016. Following Cameron's resignation,

 Theresa May, the former home secretary, won the ensuing Conservative leadership contest on 11 July, and was appointed Prime Minister two days later. Like Mr. Cameron, Mrs. May had been against Brexit during the referendum campaign, but, is now in favor of it because she says it is what the British people want. Her key message has been that "Brexit means Brexit." Mrs. May has made it clear that the UK will take "hard" Brexit which means not to stay both in the EU single market and in the EU customs union, adopting the immigration restriction as the top priority. On 29 March 2017, Mrs. May submitted notice to the president of the European Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, that the country would be departing his union under Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.

Thereby, Brexit talks has started, seeking conclusion of an agreement until the UK leaves the EU on March 29, 2019 at 11 pm (local time), 2 years later.




1.The process of Brexit talks

The meeting behind closed doors seems to be held frequently, but the talks which were released in the papers are 8 times so far. The outline of the talks is as follows:


photo, David Davis and Michel Barnier に対する画像結果

デービスEU離脱担当大臣      バルニエ首席交渉官

U.K. negotiator David Davis        EU negotiator Michel Barnier



1回会合  2017619



The 1st round of talks, June 19, 2017

The first talks were held in Brussels. Chief U.K. negotiator David Davis and his EU counterpart, former French foreign minister Michel Barnier agreed to go ahead with the talks in two phases and preferentially discuss three key "divorce" issues in the first phase over “how much the U.K. owes the EU”, “how to avoid a "hard border" between Ireland and Northern Ireland that could endanger peace in a region that suffered decades of violence” and “the rights of millions of citizens who have settled in Britain or Europe”.

Both agreed to aim at completing the first phase talks by the European Council meeting (the EU summit which is supposed to be held 4 times per year) in October. Davis gave ground by agreeing that talks on the country's future trading relationship with its largest export market (EU) would only take place when the EU decides that sufficient progress has been made on the top three issues. Barnier required a clarification of the UK position on the three key withdrawal issues in the next session, saying "We must clarify the reasons for this divergence.” 


2回会合 71720





The 2nd round of talks, July 17-20, 2017

In the second talks which lasted 4 days in Brussels, both sides proposed their position on the key issue, and a number of areas where both sides disagree were identified.

Barnier commented “We heard the detailed UK position on the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and could specify a "fundamental divergence" on the issue, and explained the EU position in detail on the financial settlement (so-called "divorce bill") and insisted that the UK’s explanation on the issue was indispensable.”

Davis said “All in all the second round of negotiations have given us a lot to be positive. We identified the issue of the rights of EU citizens as the priority in the next round of talks, and as for the divorce bill, we demonstrated the need for both sides to be dynamic and flexible.”


3回会合 82831



The 3rd round of talks, August 228-31, 2018

The third round of Brexit talks ended on 31 August in Brussels. While talks have been described as very technical, no real progress has been made so far on the three key withdrawal issues - citizens' rights, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and the Brexit financial settlement. Barnier warned that the ongoing slow progress was far from recommending European Council to discuss on the future trading relationship between two blocks and called on the UK side to "start negotiating seriously". Davis commented “The issue both on the withdrawal negotiation and on the future relationship between the UK and the EU cannot be clearly divided. The EU should take more imaginative and flexible approach on the Brexit talks.


メイ英首相の離脱方針に関するイタリア演説 922日 



May’s speech in Italy on the UK policy for Brexit, September 22, 2017


On 22 September, next month of the third round of the talks, British Prime Minister Theresa May tried to set out an upbeat vision for Britain’s future relationship with the EU in a speech at Florence, Italy. She has proposed delaying a full Brexit until 2021 by asking EU countries to agree to a two-year transition period during which the UK would continue to enjoy unfettered access to the single market. The prime minister said the government would be prepared to accept EU rules in that time, including allowing EU citizens to live and work in Britain, submitting to European laws and continuing financial commitments the U.K. made while a member of the bloc.


4回会合 92528 


デービス大臣は、会合後の記者会見で、アイルランド国境問題ではそれぞれが共通旅行地域(common travel area についての考え方を示し、イギリスの離脱後の財政負担についても前向きの議論が行われ、かなり進展があったと述べた。他方、バルニエEU交渉官は、秩序ある離脱に向けて十分な進展があったかと言えばまだまだ程遠いと述べた。


The 4th round of talks, September 25-28, 2017

The 4th round of Brexit talks failed again to bring long-expected concrete results from both sides. The 4th talks came on the heels of British Prime Minister Theresa May's high-profile speech in the Italian city of Florence spelling out Britain's plans to leave the EU. As for the Britain's financial responsibility after Brexit, the UK promised to pay "fair share" into the 2019-20 EU budget according to the May ‘s speech, but it didn't lead to the concrete results. There was no progress on the border issue between Ireland and Northern Ireland, too.

Davis told reporters at a press conference following the talks that "considerable progress has been made in issues, saying, "Negotiation teams have drafted principles on common travel area between Britain and Ireland.” and have conducted constructive talks on details of Britain's financial responsibility after Brexit." For his part, Barnier, however, warned, "We will need several weeks, even several months, to be able to see sufficient progress on the principles of this orderly departure."


5回会合 10912




The 5th round of talks, October 9-12, 2017

EU negotiator Barnier said, “Brexit talks have reached a state of deadlock,” as the fifth round of negotiations concluded. Discussions had failed to produce progress on the key issue of the divorce bill. Barnier said that Theresa May’s speech on the financial commitments in Italy has not translated into a specific monetary offer from British negotiators. There have been no major breakthroughs on the citizens' rights, or how to deal with the contentious land border between Ireland (in the EU) and Northern Ireland (part of the U.K.). Thus, the delay for shifting to the talks on future trading relationship in the second phase which was supposed to be discussed this month in European Council according to the initial schedule has ensured. Barnier says that sufficient progress must be made on the three key issues before future terms of trade with Britain are discussed. Davis said that "significant progress" has been made in the nearly seven months since Britain started the clock on its departure from the EU and the problems on key issues are influenced by the talks for the future trading relationship between both sides.


6回会合 11910

引き続き大きな進展は見られなかった。デービス、バルニエ両代表は第6回会合の後共同記者会見に臨んだ。バルニエ氏は、“イギリスが今後2週間以内に激しい議論の的となっている離脱清算金についてより明確な申し出をしないなら、EUは年内に通商関係の協議入りをすることを拒否するだろう”と警告した。バルニエ氏は、フランスやドイツからの圧力のもとで、イギリス側に対し600億ポンド(1 GBP= 1.10424 EUR) の離脱清算金を支払うよう求めている。イギリス側は、将来通商関係の協議が出来るようになるまで清算金についてのコミットメントは出来ないとしている。


The 6th round of talks, November 9-10, 2017

There was no considerable development continuously from last time. David Davis & Michel Barnier hold joint press conference following 6th round of Brexit talks. Barnier has warned that the EU will refuse to open trade talks in December unless the UK offers more "clarity" on the fiercely disputed financial settlement within the next two weeks. Barnier, under pressure from France and Germany, are pushing the UK to offer up to £60bn as part of the so-called Brexit divorce bill. British negotiators say, “We cannot make a commitment on the financial settlement until both sides are able to discuss a future trading relationship.



● メイ英首相とユンケル委員長の会談 128日 




May, the UK prime minister and Juncker, the European Commission president, met on December 8, 2017

 December 8, 2017, the UK and the EU reached broad agreement on the phase 1-key issues including citizens’ rights and financial Settlement that clears the way for trade talks next year. Theresa May, the UK prime minister, and Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, met in Brussels to sign off a 15-page “progress report” that will allow EU negotiators to recommend opening a second phase of talks on post-Brexit relations.


photo, Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker に対する画像結果

メイ英首相       ユンケル欧州委員会委員長

Theresa May          Jean-Claude Juncker

the UK prime minister      the European Commission president



● EU首脳会議 1214‐15 


7回 2018年 25- 9日  



 Council of the European Union - Euro Summit, 14-15 Dec 2017

At the EU summit held on December 14-15, EU leaders have given the green light for Brexit negotiations to move to the second, addressing Britain’s future relationship with the EU including trade issue. They ruled that sufficient progress had been made on the opening issues to go forward.

The 7th round of talks, February 5-9, 2018

Barnier met Davis in London on Feb. 5 and their teams met in Brussels on Feb. 6-8 for the first talks on a transition period, plus how to enforce the divorce treaty and on ensuring there is no “hard” land border with Ireland. Barnier and Davis’s deputies met in Brussels on Feb. 9 to wrap up those talks, but it seems that there are still differences between the two. Barnier said, “We have very little time left.”

8回  716 - 19




The 8th round of talks, July 16-19, 2018

EU and UK held the 8th round of talks between 16 to 19 July.

Then again, talks between the two have resulted in little to no progress.




2.Scenario and Policy on Brexit talks

Through the talks up until now, it became clear that there is a wide gap in the scenario and the negotiation policy on Brexit talks intended by each side.

()-1 EUのシナリオは、次の通りである。

@ 離脱交渉期間中、第1段階では離脱協定を締結し、第2段階で将来関係についての予備協議を行う。

()-The EU’s scenario is as follows:

@During Brexit talks term, after concluding Brexit negotiations in the first-phase, both sides move to the second phase and commence preparatory discussions for the future UK-EU relationship.

A 2019329日にイギリスが離脱した後「移行期間」を設け、そこで将来関係協定の本交渉を行う。


AAfter Britain exited the EU on 29 March 2019, the two sets "the transition period" and conducts full-scale negotiation for the future relationship treaty during the period.

B 双方の将来関係協定の批准・発効を経て新たな関係に入る。なお、将来関係協定には、包括的自由貿易協定、税関協定、安全保障・治安協力が含まれる。


BAfter the treaty was taken effect after ratification in both sides, a new relationship will begin between the EU and the UK. Incidentally, the comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA), the customs agreement and the cooperation on security and peace should be included in the future UK-EU relationship treaty.


()-2 このシナリオのもとに、EUの交渉方針は以下のとおりである。


()-Under this scenario, EU’s negotiation policy is as follows:


@ 第1段階の離脱協定で十分な進展があれば第2段階の将来関係お交渉に進むと言う段階的アプローチをとる。

@ The EU takes a step-by-step approach of going to the second phase only when there is sufficient progress on Brexit talks in the first-phase.

A 様々な交渉項目を個別にではなく単一パッケージで行う。

A The EU discusses various negotiation items not separately, but as the single package.

B 全ての交渉を交渉官の元に一本化し、同一指揮系統の下で行う。

B The EU integrates all the negotiations into the single negotiator and conducts the talks under the single chain of command.

C イギリスにEU加盟国並の通商上の利益は与えない。


C The EU membership has not given the UK any "insider advantages" in trade with other European countries.

()-1 イギリスが描くシナリオは次の通りである。



()-1 The UK’s scenario is to conduct negotiations both on Brexit and on the future UK-EU relationship simultaneously or concurrently. As previously mentioned, the UK negotiator Davis says, “The issue both on Brexit talks and on the future relationship between the UK and the EU cannot be clearly divided. The EU should take more imaginative and flexible approach on the Brexit talks.”

In other words, the UK tries to conduct full-scale negotiation for the future relationship treaty simultaneously or concurrently through the first and second phase, while the EU takes the step-by-step approach.

()-2 イギリスの交渉方針は以下のとおりである。

@ 離脱協定と将来関係協定の交渉を第1段階、第2段階を通じて同時並行的に行う。


()-2 The UK’s negotiation policy is as follows:

@ The UK conducts both Brexit talks and the full-scale negotiation on the future UK-EU relationship simultaneously or concurrently through the phase 1 and 2.

A 得意分野である安全保障問題を交渉に絡める。


A The UK relates the negotiation to the security issue which is the UK’s strong field.

B EU加盟国同士を争わせ各個撃破戦術をとる。


B The UK tries to set the EU member countries into mutual opposition and takes the “divide and rule” tactics.



Incidentally, the UK draws a red line as to how much the UK can compromise as follows:

@    移民を規制すること。

@ The UK will call for immigration restrictions as a “red line” on which it will not compromise.

A    独自の通商政策を持つこと。

A UK maintains her own trade policy.

B 20179月下院で可決された大廃止法(Great Repeal Bill)に従い、イギリスEUの前身である欧州共同体(EC)加盟に先立ち1972年に制定した、約1万2千に及ぶEU規制と欧州司法裁判所を英国内法より上位に置くことを定めたEU法(欧州共同体法、72年法)をすべて廃止し、英国内法に置き換える。


B In accordance with the Great Repeal Bill which passed the House of Commons Sept. 2017, the UK will repeal the 1972 European Communities Act, which took Britain into the EU and meant that European law took precedence over laws passed in the UK Parliament. It will also end the power of the European Court of Justice in the UK. All existing 12,000 EU legislations will be copied across into domestic UK law to ensure a smooth transition on the day after Brexit.



C The UK will abolish the mandatory fiscal burden to the EU.


Also, the UK’s inherent weak points in Brexit talks are as follows:


@ EU条約第50条には、離脱期間や離脱コストなどで離脱する側の不利が規定してあり、EUと離脱国間の交渉は最初から非対称性が伴う。


@ Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty sets down the disadvantage of a member state to withdraw from the EU as for withdrawing period, cost and so on. Thus, there exists asymmetry from the beginning in the negotiation of a withdrawal agreement between the EU and the withdrawing state.

A EU加盟27ヶ国はイギリスが想像する以上に団結している。

A The 27 EU member countries other than the UK are well united together more than the UK thought.

B 昨年6月8日に実施した下院総選挙で与党保守党が議会で過半数に至らぬまさかの惨敗を帰し、メイ首相の政権基盤が脆弱となっている。メイ政権の与党・保守党は北アイルランドの民主統一党DUP)と閣外協力をしなければ議会で過半数を取れなくなっている。DUPアーリーン・フォスター党首(女性)は、北アイルランドを、政治的、経済的に英連邦から分離するような離脱交渉には強く反対する、DUPの立場は他の英連邦と同じ条件でEUを離脱することだと述べている。即ち、DUPは強くハードブレグジッドを支持している。このことが離脱交渉をより面倒にしている。なおかつ、メイ政権内では、ハードブレグジッド派と、EU単一市場と関税同盟への残留を重視する穏健離脱(ソフトブレグジッド)派の対立が続いている。


B    After her party suffered a miserable defeat and lost a majority of parliamentary seats in general election on 8 June 2017, meaning she no longer has enough Conservative MPs (member of parliament) to guarantee winning votes in the House of Commons, Mrs. May keeps fragile grip on her job as British prime minister. She has to do a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)-a Northern Ireland Party with 10 MPs-to get their support in Commons votes. The leader of the DUP Arlene Foster has stated that her party strongly opposes any Brexit settlement that would separate Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK in an economic or political sense, and the DUP had been "very clear” that "Northern Ireland must leave the EU on the same terms as the rest of the UK." That is to say, the DUP strongly supports a hard Brexit. This makes Brexit talks more complicated. Also, within May’s Cabinet and within the Conservative Party there’s a clear divide between the Conservative MPs who want a soft Brexit and those who want a hard Brexit. By the way, a soft Brexit is that the UK retains all the benefits of being in the single market and in the EU customs union, even though it does not necessarily have be a member.



3.Progress on Three Main Topics


(1)Financial Settlement (so-called “Divorce Bill”)

EU予算は、EU政策に長期的計画性を持たせるため、多年次財政枠組み(Multiannual Financial FrameworkMFF)と言われる長期予算の仕組みが作られその枠組を根拠として決定される。現在、2014年から2020年までのEU予算が決定されている。この枠組みに基づき加盟各国は毎年EU予算を分担・拠出し、それが即ちEUの歳入財源となる。各国の拠出財源(EUの歳入財源)となるのは次の3種類からである。

@ EU域外国原産の輸入品に課される関税と砂糖税

A EU加盟各国で商品やサービスに課される付加価値税(VAT)の一定割合

B EU加盟各国の相対的な富裕度(GNI)に応じて決定される分担拠出金


さて、離脱清算金であるが、これはイギリスがEUを離脱することにより未払いとなる分を債務としてEUがイギリスに請求しているものである。EUがイギリスに求める離脱清算金は600億〜1000億ユーロ(約74500億〜124000億円)とも言われる。当初この問題については両者の間に顕著な相違があり、離脱清算金にそもそも法的義務があるのかないのかで対立していた。昨年922日のフィレンツェ演説でメイ首相は、予算分担金を支払う旨表明したが、具体的な金額については明示しなかった。しかし昨年12月8日に行われたメイ首相とユンケル欧州委員会委員長の会談で2020年までのEU予算の割り当て400億〜600億ポンド(440660億ユーロ、1 ポンド= 1.10424 ユーロ)を英国が支払うことで合意した模様だ。


The EU's budget is subject to limits which are set on a multi-year basis in the "Multi-annual Financial Framework" (MFF). The MFF provides a stable basis for implementing the budget over a period of at least five years. The MFF allows the EU to carry out common policies over a period that is long enough to make them effective and to complement national budgets. The current MFF covers seven years: 2014 to 2020. In accordance with the MEF, the 28 member countries pay for the EU budget, and it becomes sources of the EU’s income. Each member country obtains its revenue from following three main sources.

@   Traditional own resources (TOR), comprising customs duties on imports from outside the EU and sugar levies

A   VAT-based resources, comprising a percentage (around 0.3%) of each member state's standardized value added tax (VAT) rate

B   GNI-based resources, comprising a percentage (around 0.7%) of each member state's gross national income (GNI)

GNI is particularly large in these three sources. Incidentally, looking the EU member states' share of total contributions to the EU budget in 2016, while most of the EU countries contributed shares between 0.07 % (Malta) and 1.83 % (Denmark), there were only 4 member states, namely France, Italy, Germany and the UK, which reached contribution shares greater than 10 %. Together, these four countries make up over 60 % of all contributions, with Germany contributing the largest single proportion with 19 %.

By the way, the divorce bill is the UK’s remaining share of the amount of appropriations which the UK has committed under the MFF 2014–2020, including that which falls after the date of the UK’s withdrawal and is required by the EU to pay for as the debt.

The amount of the divorce bill which the EU demands the payment to the UK is said about 60 billion - 100 billion (7.45 trillion - 12.4 trillion yen).

As for this issue, there was a remarkable difference between the two from the very beginning, and stood in opposition on whether the UK has a legal obligation for the financial settlement or not. In her speech in the Italian city of Florence on 22nd Sept last year, Theresa May promised to pay "fair share" into the 2019-20 EU budget as for the Britain's financial responsibility after Brexit, but didn't show clearly concrete amounts.

On December 8, 2017, Mrs. May and Mr. Juncker met in Brussels to sign off a “progress report.” The UK has reached a historic deal on paying €40bn to €60bn in a hard-fought Brexit divorce settlement that clears the way for trade talks next year.

<参考> EU予算の使い道

<referenceExpense of the EU budget


As reference, the MFF 2014-20 is divided into about 70 programs in the following 5 categories of expense

@    知的職業及びEU全般の成長を促す分野

@  Smart and Inclusive Growth

a. 経済成長と職業の競争力強化→研究開発活動(RD)・イノベーション、教育・職業訓練、加盟国を繋ぐエネルギーインフラ・交通・通信ネットワークの構築などのプログラム。

a. Competitiveness for growth and jobs: includes research and innovation; education and training; trans-European networks in energy (TEN-E), transport (TEN-T) and telecommunications; social policy; development of enterprises etc.



b.Economic, social and territorial cohesion: covers regional policy which aims at helping the least developed EU countries and regions to catch up with the rest, strengthening all regions' competitiveness and developing inter-regional.

A    自然資源活用による持続的成長の分野

A Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources



Viewing that natural resources can become a driving wheel for sustainable growth, the EU aims to create the competitive economy by utilizing technology on the renewable energy to lead the world: includes the common agricultural policy, common fisheries policy, rural development and environmental measures.

B    EU市民の安全確保の分野

B  Security and citizenship



The EU Civil Protection Mechanism coordinates the EU's response to natural and man-made disasters within and outside the Union: includes justice and home affairs, border protection, immigration and asylum policy, public health, consumer protection, culture, youth, information and dialogue with citizens.

C   EU外交活動分野

C Global Europe



covers all external action (“foreign policy”) by the EU such as development assistance or humanitarian aid which provides aid for development cooperation with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, as well as overseas countries and territories.

D   EUの行政経費 




covers the administrative expenditure of all the European institutions (the seven principal decision making bodies of the EU), pensions and European Schools.


(2)Dialogue on Ireland/Northern Ireland border

アイルランドと英領北アイルランドは、同じアイルランド島の北部から北東部までの500km国境を接して共存している。両国は「共通旅行地域(Common Travel Area)」制度を共有し、EU単一市場の一部でもあるため、国境は実質的に人とモノが自由に移動できるようになっている。国境は200本の道路で結ばれ、毎月、約180,000台のトラック、210,000台のバン、および1900,000台の乗用車が行き来している。毎日、通勤や旅行で約30,000人が国境を行き来している。


アイルランド政府、イギリス政府、EU全てが、本国境が持つ極めてデリケートな問題に鑑み、税関などの物理的インフラの設置を望まない旨を述べている。即ち、国境の再厳格化は、1960年代から30年続いた「北アイルランド問題(イギリスやアイルランドではこの紛争を指して“The Troubles厄介事”という婉曲的な表現が用いられる)」に平和をもたらしたベルファスト合意(Belfast Agreement 下記注参照)の基盤をすことになるからである。しかし、前述したように、メイ政権が北アイルランドの民主統一党DUPに支えられていることが事態を面倒にしている。昨年128日のメイ首相とユンケル委員長の会談後、第1段階の3分野について大筋合意に達したとの15ページの「プログレスレポートが発表された。そして1214日―15日のEU首脳会議では、交渉の第1段階の3分野について基本合意に達し、十分な進展があったとして通商関係を含む第2段階の協議に移ることが承認された。しかしフォスターDUP党首は、プログレスレポートの(北アイルランドに関する)記述は北アイルランドの立場とは全く違うと異論を述べている。即ち、彼女は、ブレグジットはイギリス連邦に所属する全ての国がEUの単一市場と関税同盟から離脱することを意味しているにもかかわらず、何の合意もなく北アイルランドだけがEUの単一市場と関税同盟に完全に残ることになっていると言う。即ち、DUPイギリス連邦の一体性が失われるとして北アイルランドにEUルールを残すことに強く反対している。

なお、イギリスの正式名称は、「グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国(通称イギリスまたは英国)」で、イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドの四つの非独立国からなる。単に連合王国 (United Kingdom、略してUK) とも言う。


The Republic of Ireland–United Kingdom border runs for 500 km from the north to the northeast of Ireland, separating the Republic of Ireland from Northern Ireland.

As both states share a “Common Travel Area” arrangement and are part of the European single market, the border is essentially open, allowing free passage of people and goods. The border is linked with 200 border crossing points. Every month around 180,000 lorries, 210,000 vans, and 1900,000 cars cross the border. Around 30,000 people cross the border daily to travel to work.

Post Brexit, the border between Norther Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will become the only land border between the UK and the EU, raising the possibility of passport and customs controls. The Irish government, the UK government and EU representatives, are determined to avoid a hard border – physical infrastructure, officials, checks between Norther Ireland and the republic after Brexit due to the sensitive nature of the border. That is, the recreation of a hard border will result in undermining the foundation of Belfast agreement (*see footnote) which has brought peace over the Northern Ireland conflict (simply named “The Troubles”). It began in the late 1960s and lasted 30 years. However, as I previously mentioned, May’s fragile administration has been supported by the DUP-in Northern Ireland. This makes Brexit talks more complicated.

Mrs. May and Mr. Juncker signed off a 15-page “progress report” that will allow EU negotiators to recommend opening a second phase of talks on post-Brexit relations on December 8, 2017. And the 27 EU leaders have given the green light for Brexit negotiations to move to the second, addressing Britain’s future relationship with the EU at the EU summit On December 14-15, 2017. They ruled that sufficient progress had been made on the first phase issues to go forward.

However, Arlene Foster, DUP leader, made it clear that she had reservations about the final wording of the deal.

She said, “There is clear confirmation that the entirety of the UK is leaving the EU, leaving the single market and leaving the customs union. However, the agreement appears to commit the UK to keeping Northern Ireland’s regulatory regime in “full alignment” with EU law. It says that “in the absence of agreed solutions” on a post-Brexit trade regime, London was committed to an “all-island economy” — including having Northern Ireland abide by the rules of the EU single market and customs union.” That is to say, the DUP has strongly opposed to keep the EU rule in Northern Ireland after Brexit, saying it causes the UK to lose its integrity.

The formal name of England is “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”



The United Kingdom consists of 4 countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.[


<参考> ベルファスト合意とは

referenceWhat is the Belfast Agreement ?

20世紀前半にアイルランドがイギリスから独立して以来、英連邦にとどまった北アイルランドでは、1960年代半ばまで、人口の大多数を占めるプロテスタント系住民が国を支配し、少数派のカトリック系住民を虐げてきた。1960年代後半に公民権運動が盛んになると、プロテスタント系住民と、差別撤廃・アイルランドへの併合を求めるカトリック系住民の間で武力紛争が起きるようになり、イギリス政府が鎮圧のため軍や警察を派遣する事態に発展した。イギリス軍や警察を巻き込み、カトリック系住民とプロテスタント系住民の間で、爆破、殺戮、暴動など血で血を洗う紛争が1990年代前半まで続いた。これが「北アイルランド問題」と言われるものである。この紛争を解決するため、1998410日、北アイルランドのベルファストにおいてアイルランド代表、北アイルランドの諸政党、イギリス政府の間で漸く和平合意が結ばれた。これが「ベルファスト合意」である。この日が復活祭の前々日の聖金曜日であったため、「聖金曜日協定(Good Friday Agreement)」と呼ばれることもある。この合意は、1960年代以降30年にわたって繰り返されて来た北アイルランドのプロテスタント系とカトリック系住民の流血の歴史に終止符を打ち、両派の権力分配に道を拓くものとなった。この合意のあと、アイルランド共和国は国民投票により北アイルランドの領有権を放棄し、イギリスは“1920年アイルランド統治法”を廃止した。なお、ベルファスト合意の中に、「共通旅行地域(Common Travel Area)」制度を含むアイルランドと北アイルランドの国境を超えた協力に関する取り決めがある。


In Northern Ireland which remained under the UK rule since Ireland was independent of the UK in the early 20th century, by the mid-1960s, the demographic majority that Protestants enjoyed in Northern Ireland ensured that they were able to control the state institutions, and these powers were at times used in ways that disadvantaged the region’s Roman Catholic minority. When an active civil rights movement emerged in the late 1960s, incidents of communal violence ensued between Protestant and Catholic which demands of the elimination of discrimination and of the annexation to Ireland. And it led the British government to send troops to assist in quelling the urban violence. Bloody bombings, assassinations, and rioting between Catholics and Protestants including British police and troops continued into the early 1990s. This is named “the Northern Ireland conflict (The Troubles). " In order to settle the dispute, an agreement was finally concluded by the parties on all sides of the religious and political divide involving representatives of Ireland, various political parties of Northern Ireland, and the British government in Belfast on Friday 10 April 1998. This is called “the Belfast Agreement.” The Agreement is also known as “the Good Friday Agreement” because the date of conclusion was Good Friday, two days before Easter. This agreement put an end to its nearly 30-year bloody history since the 1960s and paved the way for power-sharing in Northern Ireland between its Protestant majority and large Catholic minority. After the Belfast Agreement was signed, while Ireland renounced territorial sovereignty over Northern Ireland by the referendum, the UK abolished “The Government of Ireland Act 1920” (*see footnote).

In the Agreement, there is an institutional arrangement for cross-border cooperation including “Common Travel Area” between the governments of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

(*) The Government of Ireland Act 1920 was an Act of the Parliament of the UK. The Act was intended to establish separate Home Rule institutions within two new subdivisions of Ireland: the six north-eastern counties were to form "Northern Ireland", while the larger part of the country was to form "Southern Ireland". Both areas of Ireland were to continue as a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.



 (3)Protection of Citizens’ rights



The ongoing Brexit talks has a decisive influence over the right of EU27 citizens in the UK and of UK nationals in EU27. According to the Office for National Statistics of the UK's data in 2015, the number of EU27 citizens in the UK reaches about 3.2 million (2 million are employees). On the other hand, according to the UN’s data in 2015, UK nationals in EU27 are about 1.2 million (0.5 million are employees).






@                    協定発効日に、UKに住むEU27国市民、EU27国に住むUK国市民が、5年間の継続的な法定居住の後も、永住を求める権利を含みEU法に規定されているのと同等に(居住が)保全されること

A                    UK内ではUK市民とEU27市民が、EU27国内ではEU27国市民とUK国市民が、EU法に則って同等に扱われること

C          UKとアイルランドの間の共通旅行地域制度はそのままとし、離脱協定に盛り込まれるすべての事柄についてUK近傍及びUK国内に住むEU27市民が(アイルランド市民と)同等に扱われること

D          離脱協定発行日に、UKまたはEU27国域内でそれぞれ合法的に居住しているEU27国市民またはUK国市民は、権利を証明する居住文書を所持していなくても、法的に認められた居住者と見なすこと。こうした権利に関連して発せられる文書は、宣言的性格を持たなければならず、また、無料で発行されるか、同種の文書に対しその国の市民が支払っている金額を超えてはならない

E          離脱協定に定められた全ての市民の権利は、UK及びEU27国双方において、直接強制執行が出来る既得権として認められなければならない


The EU has transmitted its essential principles on citizens’ rights to the UK as follows:

The Withdrawal Agreement should protect the rights of EU27 citizens, UK nationals and their family members who, at the date of entry into force of the Withdrawal Agreement, have enjoyed rights relating to free movement under Union law, as well as rights which are in the process of being obtained and the rights of the enjoyment which will intervene at a later date (for example pension rights).

The following general principles should apply in accordance with Union law, as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU at the date of entry into force of the Withdrawal Agreement:

@                    Same level of protection as set out in Union law at the date of withdrawal of EU27 citizens in the UK and of UK nationals in EU27 including the right to acquire permanent residence after a continuous period of five years of legal residence.

A                    Equal treatment in the UK of EU27 citizens as compared to UK nationals, and in EU27 of UK nationals as compared to EU27 citizens, in accordance with Union law.

B                    Equal treatment amongst EU27 citizens by and in the UK in all matters covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, without prejudice to Common Travel Area arrangements between the UK and Ireland.

C                    EU27 citizens or UK nationals who resided legally respectively in the UK or EU27 at the date of entry into force of the Withdrawal Agreement should be considered legally resident even if they do not hold a residence document evidencing that right. Documents to be issued in relation to these rights should have a declaratory nature and be issued either free of charge or for a charge not exceeding that imposed on nationals for the issuing of similar document.

D                    All citizens' rights set out in the Withdrawal Agreement should be granted as directly enforceable vested rights in both the UK and in EU27.




The UK and the EU have agreed to protect the current rights of EU27 citizens living in the UK and those of UK nationals in EU27. But, what is the main point of contention in this issue is about whether jurisdiction for EU27 citizens in the UK belongs to the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) or to the UK own court. According to reports, the UK could be forced to live under the ECJ rule until 2027 –despite leaving the EU in 2019. It is said that both sides were opposed to each other over the issue of EU27 citizens and of Union law at the 7th round of Brexit talks held on February 5-9 this year. It seems that there still remain problems that has to be solved regarding the jurisdiction issue.



4.Focal Points from now on

+ 前述したように、昨年1214-15日のEU首脳会議では、第1段階の主要3分野について基本合意に達し、十分な進展があったとして、イギリス離脱後の両者の将来関係に関する第2段階の協議に移ることが承認された。これにより、128日のプログレスレポートをベースにした離脱協定書づくりが始まったが、本年319日付の同協定案には、市民権の保全と離脱清算金については記述されているものの、国境問題は触れられていない。プログレスレポートに対する北アイルランド地域政党DUPの抗議でメイ首相はユンケル委員長との合意を取り下げざるを得なかったようだ。本年52日からブリュッセルで離脱交渉が再開されており、交渉の行き詰まりを打開するため、イギリスは新たな解決策を提示するよう求められている。イギリスの離脱が2019329日と決まっているため、欧州議会やイギリス議会の承認手続きの期間を考慮して両者は201810月末までの協定の締結を目指しているが残された時間は少ない。



As I mentioned above, the 27 EU leaders have given the green light for Brexit negotiations to move to the second, addressing Britain’s future relationship with the EU at the EU summit held on December 14-15, last year. They ruled that sufficient progress had been made on the first phase 3 key issues to go forward. From this, preparatory works of the Withdrawal Agreement based on the progress report signed off by Mrs. May and Mr. Juncker on December 8, last year have started. The draft Withdrawal Agreement as of 19 March 2018 which became clear this March includes agreed legal text for citizens’ rights and the financial settlement, but the border issue is not included. It seems that Prime Minister May had no choice but to withdraw her deal with Mr. Juncker since DUP in Norther Ireland had reservations about the progress report. Accordingly, Brexit negotiations were resumed from May 2, this year. In order to break through the situation, the UK is required to show a new solution.

The date of Britain’s exit has been set for March 29, 2019. Considering the time needed for approval procedures by the European Parliament and the UK Parliament, both negotiating teams aim to finalize the entire Withdrawal Agreement by end of October. The time left for the two is really small.

The two was supposed to move to the phase 2 negotiations and begin preparatory discussions immediately after the start of this year for the future UK-EU relationship including the creation of framework for the most important trade issues such as the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). But the phase 2 talks was postponed until no earlier than March. This is probably attributable to the border issue which has reached a deadlock.

After all, it seems that an outline agreement on how to avoid the new EU-UK land border disrupting trade and peace in Northern Ireland remains the most difficult issue.


+ 通商問題を含む両者の将来関係については、まず、第2段階で予備交渉が行われ、来年3月のイギリス離脱後に本交渉が行われることになる。将来関係協定の締結・批准・発効には相当の時間がかかるため、金融機関や企業に与える影響を考慮し、経過措置として「移行期間」が設けられる。EU側は20181月、閣僚理事会(会合の出席者は、議題に関連する加盟各国の閣僚と欧州委員会委員)で移行期間を2019329日の離脱日翌日から2020年末までとする「交渉指令」を採択した。同指令によると、移行期間中、イギリスは欧州単一市場や関税同盟に暫定的にとどまることになり、EU法の適用を受けることになるが、加盟国ではないので政策決定などには参加できないとされている。メイ首相は、昨年922日のイアタリア・フィレンツェ演説で、ビジネスの混乱を避けるためEU離脱後2年間の移行期間を設け、EU単一市場へのアクセスを維持すること、その間EUルールに従うことを提案していた。今年3月双方は、移行期間について、イギリス離脱日の2019319日から20201231日までとすることで合意した。



+ As for the talks of the future UK-EU relationship including trade issues, preparatory discussions will be held first during the phase 2, and after the UK exited the EU in March 2019, the two will begin full-scale negotiation for the future relationship agreement. Since concluding, ratifying and entering into force of the agreement take too much time, “a transition period” will be set as a transitional measure, taking the bad influence of Brexit on financial institutions and companies into account.

In January 2018, the Council of EU Ministers adopted new orders so-called “negotiating directives” laying out the terms of a transition period to run from March 30, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2020 According to the directives, the UK would retain access to the EU's single market during that time, but in return must follow EU rules "as if it were a member state", without any voting rights. In a speech at Florence, Italy last September, Mrs. May had proposed delaying a full Brexit until 2021 by asking EU countries to agree to a two-year transition period during which the UK would continue to enjoy unfettered access to the single market. The prime minister said the government would be prepared to accept EU rules in that time. The UK and EU agreed terms for Brexit transition period in this March which will last from Brexit day on 29 March 2019 to 31 December 2020.

On 7 June, the UK government has suddenly asked the EU to keep Britain in EU customs union until the end of 2021 when the solution of the Irish border issue is delayed.

This means that May administration has hoped to extend the date of full Brexit 1 year later because the possibility of being unable to solve the problem during the transition period has arisen. Again, the Withdrawal Agreement must be concluded by the end of October, supposing that Brexit will be taken on March 29, 2019 as originally planned.

In order to solve the problem of the Irish border, the EU summit meeting in June was " the deadline " if counted backward. The UK has been required for finding a solution to avoid the recreation of a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland before the summit, but could not submit a concrete proposal to the meeting.



一方、ブレグジット問題は2日目に取り上げられ、イギリスを除く27ヶ国首脳が、これまでの交渉経過をレビューし、離脱協定案で進展があった部分については歓迎する一方、特に離脱交渉の争点となっている国境管理問題については「実質的な進展がない」と懸念を示した。また、将来関係に関する枠組みづくりについて「政治宣言」の準備を急ぐようイギリスに 求めた。


In the European Council (the EU summit) held on 28-29 June, the three issues: Brexit, migration and tariffs imposed by the US President Trump on imported steel and aluminum were supposed to become main topics. However, migration issue became the biggest point of dispute since Mr. Giuseppe Conte, the newly appointed Italian prime minister, attended to the EU summit for the first time, and issued an ultimatum to the EU, declaring that the current EU immigration laws must be changed because “Italian coasts are European coasts”. In Italy, the populist coalition government composed of the populism party “5-Star Movement” and the anti-immigrant party “League”, which have been critical of the EU, inaugurated in May, and Mr. Conte, a law professor and political novice, was appointed as the country's new prime minister.

Meanwhile, on 2nd day, EU leaders addressed Brexit (in an EU 27 format). The 27 leaders reviewed the state of Brexit negotiations and adopted conclusions on progress made. It welcomed the further progress made on parts of the legal text of the Withdrawal Agreement. However, leaders highlighted that important aspects still need to be agreed. Especially, the 27 leaders expressed their concern that no substantial progress had yet been achieved on agreeing a backstop solution for Ireland/Northern Ireland. They also stressed that work had be accelerated with a view to preparing a “political declaration” on the framework for the future relationship.



+イギリス政府は、712日、長らく待ち望まれていた、第2段階の交渉の核となり、政治宣言に盛り込まれる筈の将来関係についてイギリスの基本姿勢を示す「イギリスとEU の将来関係」と題する白書を公表した。104ページにわたる文書は離脱後のEUとの関係に関する提案を詳述している。この白書でイギリス政府は、EU離脱後にEUの「単一市場」と「関税同盟」から完全離脱するものの、これまで同様にEUとモノの取引を自由にする「自由貿易地域」を創設し、工業製品や農産品の規格などでEUのルールに従う方針を示した。これは現在のEUルールに基づく単一市場とほとんど同じである。一方、人の移動の自由については将来終らせる旨繰り返し強調しているが、これは移民規制がハードブレグジットの根幹だからである。この白書は、メイ政権が、EUルールによる国境や通商の規制から離れイギリスの主権回復を重視するハードブレグジッド路線を変更し、EUとの貿易の維持に力点を置くソフトブレグジッドを模索し始めたことを示している。その背景には英領北アイルランドとEU加盟国アイルランドの間で人、モノの行き来など4つの自由を維持する上で、ソフトブレグジッドを選ばざるを得なかったという事情がある。ところが78日、このメイ首相の路線転換に抗議し、政権内で強硬離脱派の筆頭格であった2人の閣僚デービスEU離脱担当相とジョンソン外相が相次いで辞表を提出した。彼等はメイ首相の姿勢はあまりにもEU寄りであり、ブレグジットを決めた国民投票に対する裏切りであると主張した。


On 12 July 2018, the UK government published its long-awaited Brexit White Paper titled “The future relationship between the UK and the EU” which becomes a nucleus of the phase 2 negotiations and should be included into the political declaration on the framework for the future relationship. The 104-page document details its proposals for post-Brexit relations with the EU. The White Paper proposes the establishment of a free trade area for goods between the UK and the EU, even after leaving the EU’s single market and customs union entirely due to Brexit and shows a policy to follow EU rules on industrial goods and agricultural produce. But it is very close to single market membership of the present EU. On the other hand, the White Paper emphasizes repeatedly that free movement of people will come to an end because the Prime Minister has adopted the immigration restriction as the core of a hard Brexit. The White Paper indicates that Mrs. May is likely to seek a soft Brexit where the UK retains some form of membership of the EU single market in return for a degree of free movement, changing her tough stance by backing a hard Brexit which would prioritize giving Britain full control over its borders, making new trade deals and applying laws within its own territory. There is a background factor that the UK had no choice but to choose a soft Brexit in order to maintain “four freedoms" of movement of goods, services, capital and people between Northern Ireland and Ireland. Boris Johnson has resigned as Foreign Secretary on July 8, hours after Brexit minister David Davis also quit his post, over his dissatisfaction with May’s plans to seek a soft Brexit. These ardent Brexiteers say May’s approach gives away too many concessions to Brussels and represents a betrayal of the EU referendum vote.




Meanwhile, the EU has been skeptical about Brexit White Paper. Mr. Barnier, the EU chief negotiator, tweeted, "We will examine the content " and added that the EU’s proposal is an ambitious free trade agreement (FTA). The EU has insisted the indivisibility of the four freedoms – goods, services, capital and people. Mr. Barnier has indicated the view that a free trade deal similar to the one it has with Canada is the only option. This is because this can realize immigration restrictions that the UK is calling for as a “red line” on which it will not compromise. The EU’s fundamental objection to the White Paper is that it violates the indivisibility of the four freedoms. The White Paper could mean that the UK accepts the authority of the European Court of Justice with regard to trade in goods, while it rejects free movement of people which is disliked by many Brexiteers. Barnier’s reference to FTA demonstrates the EU’s fundamental attitude that it never allow that way of “cherry-picking” by the UK.



On August 21, 2018, Dominic Raab, the Britain’s new Brexit Secretary and Mr. Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator held the meeting in Brussels. Mr. Raab lashed out at “hair-raising scare stories” about a no deal Brexit at a press conference, as Mr. Barnier warned that the EU would not accept the blame for failure to strike an agreement. But, Britain’s new Brexit Secretary and Mr. Barnier vowed to “negotiate continuously” to agree a divorce deal and a statement on future trading relations” before an EU summit on 17 October. In the 2nd meeting between the two held on Aug. 31, Mr. Raab admitted that finalizing the agreement could “creep beyond” the EU summit on October 18 and 19, which has been the deadline for the talks amid fears the UK could crash out without an agreement. Meanwhile, Mr. Barnier, the EU's chief Brexit negotiator said, “If there is no operational “backstop” on Ireland, there will not be an agreement,” and warned that a Brexit deal must be signed by “November at the latest”. The backstop plan is essentially a safety net if there is no Brexit trade deal. It sets out a list of proposals for customs arrangements with the EU in case a permanent deal is not secured by March 2019, when the UK is due to leave the EU. This would continue until a permanent future relationship between the EU and the UK is negotiated.




At an informal summit meeting in Salzburg, Austria held on Sept 19-20, the EU leaders decided to postpone the October-target to conclude the Withdrawal Agreement and have agreed to a special summit on November 17-18 to finalize a Brexit deal with Britain.

Both sides were originally hoping to see most of the withdrawal agreement and a political declaration on the framework for the future relationship done by a formal EU summit scheduled for mid-October. However, in addition to the talks on the Irish border issue going through extreme difficulties, a political declaration is becoming difficult too, since European leaders made clear in their eyes that the UK proposal in July was dead.

Mrs. May has cast that plan for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU as the only workable one on the table.



5. conclusion


Is the Withdrawal Agreement finally signed?






・第2は、無秩序のままイギリスが離脱する。来年329日までに離脱協定が締結・批准されなければ、両者の将来関係が定まらないままイギリスが EUを強硬離脱する。移行期間もなく翌30日からイギリス内外でEU法の適用は停止される。これは交渉の失敗を意味し、後のない“崖っぷち”のシナリオである。







The 18 months have passed since the UK sent notification of its withdrawal to the EU. But the pace of negotiations is slow. There are only 6 months left before Brexit on March 29 next year. The biggest reason for the delay is that talks on Ireland/ Northern Ireland border remains as the utmost risky issue. This is due to the continued confrontation in the British administration between “soft Brexiteers” and “hard Brexiteers.” Prime Minister May cannot consolidate enough these two forces into one party and is forced to walk a tightrope in her governmental management. Also, there is her weak political footing compelled to cooperate with Northern Ireland regional party DUP which has rejected the draft Withdrawal Agreement.

It is said that there are three possible scenarios from now on as to the UK's withdrawal from the EU.

+ The first scenario is an orderly withdrawal because both sides are working day and night for a deal ensuring this. After concluding and ratifying the Withdrawal Agreement before 30 March 2019, the UK will leave the EU and become a third country on that date. The EU and the UK will begin full-scale negotiation for the future relationship agreement including trade issue during a transition period which was set from Brexit day to 31 December 2020. After ratifying the future relationship agreement, the two will enter into a new era after a transition period of 21 months.

+ The second scenario is a disorderly withdrawal. If the Withdrawal Agreement is not ratified before 30 March 2019, the UK will crash out of the EU without the future relationship agreement. There will be no transition period and EU law will cease to apply to and in the UK as of 30 March 2019. This is referred to as the "no deal" or "cliff-edge" scenario.

+ The third scenario is that the UK voters go to a second referendum on final Brexit deal.

European Commission publishes communiqué on preparing for the UK's withdrawal from the EU on 19 July. This text calls on member states and private parties to step up preparations for all outcomes of Brexit talks. Following that there is still no certainty that there will be a ratified withdrawal agreement in place on that date, the communiqué indicates that concerns about the possibility of the 2nd scenario are rapidly growing in the EU.

On September 21, the Prime Minister May gave a defiant statement in Downing Street after returning from the Salzburg summit where EU leaders rejected her Brexit White Paper. The Prime Minister rebuked her European colleagues for a lack of respect in dismissing her proposal without offering an alternative of their own. And the prospect of crashing out of Europe with a no deal Brexit looms ever larger - with the pound falling against the Euro in the course of the statement.

If the UK crash out of the EU without the future vision, Europe will fall into confusion and the global economy will be adversely affected.




Was Brexit a choice to benefit the UK as expected?


専門家によれば、イギリス経済はEUと外資への依存度が高い。外資の対イギリス投資は大半がEU市場に照準を合わせている。ブレグジット交渉の不透明感はEU全域のサプライチェーン(供給網)に混乱をもたらしている。外資に依存したイギリス経済にとって、外資流出は致命的である。イギリスにとって最大の問題はブレグジットによって、名実ともに世界有数の競争力を有する国際金融センターとしての“シティ”の座が揺らがないかという点だろう。よく知られているように、シティとはシティ・オブ・ロンドンの略で、ロンドンのセント・ポール大聖堂の東側にある“1平方マイル(Square Mile)”とも別称される3平方キロメートルの狭いエリアのことを指し、数多くの金融機関が集中する。シティは50万人を雇用しイギリスの国内総生産(GDP)の20%を創出している。シティにブレグジットによる悪影響が生じれば、それだけでイギリス経済全体に深刻な影響が及ぶであろう。ブレグジットに備えシティから一部銀行の欧州大陸への移転がすでに始まっている。確かにイギリスにとってEUに留まることに多大の不利益がある。例えば、EU域内を自由移動する難民・移民がイギリスの労働市場に与えている影響、EUメンバーとしての高価な支出、自らは加盟していないが単一通貨ユーロがもたらしているEU経済の低成長と高い失業率、長期にわたり景気の停滞をもたらしているギリシャ等への財政支援、EUの強権的な官僚主義などである。しかし、EUは第2次大戦で最高潮に達した隣国同士の血みどろの戦いを終わらせるために創設された「平和の組織」である。第3次世界大戦が起きなかったのは、EUの存在が大きいと言われる。イギリスが国民投票という民主的手続きを踏んでいるとはいえ、そのEUから離脱するのはあまりに危険な選択である。更に、ブレグジットにより、「北アイルランド問題」が再浮上し、イギリスにとって悪夢を思い起こさせる問題となってきた。また、EU離脱に反対したスコットランドでは、EU残留を希望する多数派の国民の間でブレグジッドに歩調を合わせるように独立機運が高まって来ている。これに連動して、北アイルランドとアイルランドの統合問題も浮上している。ブレグジットの処理を誤れば、メイ政権は「イギリス分裂」の危機にさらされることになるであろう。


According to the experts, the UK economy is highly dependent on the EU and the foreign capital. The investment of the foreign capital in the UK is mainly looking forward to the EU market. The uncertainty associated with Brexit brings confusion to the supply chain over the entire EU area. An outflow of the foreign capital is fatal for the UK economy which has depended on it. The biggest problem for the UK will be that whether the “City” as an international financial center, leading globally in its competitive strength in both name and reality is shaken by Brexit or not. As is well known, “the City of London” is widely referred to simply as the City and is also colloquially known as the Square Mile as it is 2.90 km2 in area around and to the east of St. Paul's Cathedral in London comprising almost entirely of banking, brokerage, insurance, trading, and other such firms and financial institutions. It employs about one half-million people and generates some 20 % of the nation's GDP. If Brexit negatively effects on the City, it will cause great damage to the entire British economy just only for that reason. In preparation for Brexit, some banks have already begun to take action to shift operations out of the City to the continent.

It is true that there are many disadvantages of EU membership to UK, including migration that makes free movement of labor and causes problems of overcrowding in some UK cities, the high costs of EU membership, problems of the Euro contributing to low rates of economic growth and high unemployment across the EU even if the UK fortunately stayed out of the Euro, pressure towards austerity measures (in particular, to Greece) contributing to prolonged economic stagnation, more bureaucracy less democracy and so on.

However, the EU is set up with the desire for peace and the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbors, which culminated in the Second World War. It is said that the EU has played a major role to prevent the outbreak of “Third World War.” Even though the UK took democratic steps as the referendum, the leaving such the EU is too much risky choice.

Moreover, "the Northern Ireland conflict (The Troubles)” surfaces again due to Brexit and is becoming the problem to recall a nightmare to the UK. The momentum for pursuing independence from the U.K. has heightened in Scotland. Many Scottish people who want to stay in the EU support to become an independent sovereign state aligning with Brexit talks.

A movement for the integration of Northern Ireland and Ireland has arisen too, linking with Scotland.

May administration might be exposed by the crisis of “the dissolution of the United Kingdom” if she cannot deal with Brexit well.



  Can the EU keep unity?






Thanks to the confusion in the UK over Brexit and the distrust against Trump’s America First policy, the EU need not worry about Brexit triggering some form of domino effect that would lead to the unravelling of the EU. Populist parties are now in power either as majority governments or as parts of coalitions in several EU member states such as Austria, Italy and Central and Eastern European countries which newly became the EU members, and they have strengthened anti-EU posture, rejecting the EU refugee acceptance program. Under these situations, the EU cannot go easy on Brexit.

Needless to say, Germany-France Axis will play the leading role in promoting the EU integration. However, in German federal election held last September, the two-party ruling coalition by the Christian Democratic Union led by Angela Merkel/ her Bavarian allies the Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democrat Party (SPD) suffered a crushing defeat and lost their seats drastically in the lower house even though the both maintained the leading two-party. Following the general election’s results, Chancellor Merkel faced difficulties in establishing her fourth-term administration. After many twists and turns, Merkel’s new "grand coalition" government which formed a coalition again with the Social Democrat Party (SPD) has started in March. Hereby, the politics blank was finally lifted after Germany spent more than 4 months without an elected government following the parliamentary election last September. Chancellor Merkel ended up in being driven by the domestic affairs during nearly 6 months in one year after Brexit talks started.

In July, the fierce dispute arose between Chancellor Merkel's CDU and her Bavarian allies Christian Social Union (CSU) headed by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on the issue of immigration. It is because that Mr. Horst Seehofer refused to accept the EU’s restrictive measures on refugee which Chancellor Merkel took initiative in the EU summit in June and vowed to impose unilateral border controls to turn back asylum seekers already registered elsewhere in the EU by the Interior Minister authority. CSU voiced their "100 percent" support for Seehofer and are looking to turn Merkel's liberal refugee policy" upside down."

In the background where Mr. Seehofer insisted on the unique restrictive measures, there is an existence of "the Alternative for Germany party (AfD) " which has the same election ground as the CSU has in the southern Bayern state. AfD became the third largest party in German federal election last September and surprised the world as it was previously unrepresented in the lower house. AfD is regularly described as far-right and has campaigned strongly on an anti-immigrant. Before the forthcoming state election held in October, CSU could not help but show a severe anti-immigrant posture in order to compete with AfD, It is being said as a scenario that if Interior Minister Seehofer sticks to anti-refugee policy, Chancellor Merkel has no choice but to dismiss him, CSU will leave the coalition government as a result. If so, Merkel administration loses a majority in the lower house. This heightens the risk that the newly-formed coalition government is exposed under the threat of collapse and Chancellor Merkel is actually forced to resign.

However, on July 2, Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Seehofer have salvaged the German coalition government and their political alliance by agreeing to tighten border controls and set up closed "transit centers" to hold migrants on the Austrian frontier. The agreement came during a last-ditch attempt to prevent the risk of collapsing its seven-decade alliance between CDU and CSU. Mr. Seehofer who threatened to resign the interior minister in case of disagreement suddenly declared to stay in his office.

While the coalition government was salvaged from the risk of collapse for a while, the agreement seemingly Mrs. Merkel conceded the deal on migrants to Mr. Seehofer resulted in making a deep impression of the decline in Merkel’s unifying force that has become apparent in the aftermath of her failure to form a coalition government.

A radical shift in Merkel's liberal refugee policy to save her fragile government, immediately sparked resistance from EU partners as well as the third member of her shaky coalition, the SPD. Germany's neighbors are afraid that Merkel's shift will result in accelerating to unleash a domino effect of European nations shutting refugees out.

In this situation, the leadership of French President Macron who aims at the new leader in the EU is expected to take the initiative in Brexit talks. President Macron who made his debut under the slogan of deepening the EU integration doesn’t believe in softening the position on Brexit and is a passionate pro-European. He is possible to become a representative of the strong EU instead of Mrs. Merkel.

In order to break the deadlock over Britain’s departure, the UK Prime Minister May is attempting to persuade German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron who have significant influence over the decision making in the EU. Mrs. May met Mrs. Merkel in Berlin just before releasing the Brexit White Paper on July 12. Also, she met Mr. Macron at the French president’s summer retreat to step up her efforts to win backing for her Brexit plans. However, these meeting never take the place of the EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier, said both countries. The EU seems to maintain its basic policy to integrates all the negotiations into the single negotiator and conducts the talks under the single chain of command.


+ How will Brexit affect the Japanese economy?












What is anticipated first is an influence over the financial market. If the UK leaves the EU, the possibility of a worldwide drop in stock prices and the yen’s sharp rise has been mentioned. The second is an impact on Japanese firms that have invested in the UK as a hub of their operations in the European market. About 40% of the 1,380 Japanese firms that operate in Britain are in manufacturing. Automakers such as Toyota, Nissan and Honda export more than three-quarters of their vehicles built in their U.K. plants to the EU market — tariff-free as long as the U.K. remains within the single market.

If the UK leaves the EU, the indivisibility of the four freedoms – goods, services, capital and people guaranteed under the EU rule changes drastically and the British domestic law goes to apply to Japanese firms. Tariffs between the UK and the EU will be reexamined and business cost will increase, too. Some of Japanese manufacturers may be forced to review their investments in Britain and shift some of their operations to the continent. On the other hand, Hitachi, Ltd. which moved headquarters function of the railway business from Japan to London and placed the business as a spearheading business of global development and Nissan Motor Company which is proud of the biggest production base in Europe are strongly opposing to Brexit.

The Japanese government also adopted the “Japan’s Message to the United Kingdom and the European Union”, incorporating with Japanese companies in September 2016. In a word, the Message desires to maintain the status quo and its summary is as follows:

-―A considerable number of Japanese businesses operating in Europe are concentrated in the UK. We have been informed of a variety of requests that these businesses have in relation to BREXIT including:

maintenance of trade in goods with no burdens of customs duties and procedures

unfettered investment

maintenance of an environment in which services and financial transactions across Europe can be provided and carried out smoothly

access to workforces with the necessary skills

harmonized regulations and standards between the UK and the EU

The Government of Japan trusts that the UK and the EU, by heeding such requests to the fullest extent and responding to them in a cooperative manner, will maintain the current business environment or alleviate the impacts of any radical changes, so as to remain an attractive destination for doing business. Japan is willing to cooperate so that the process of negotiations for the UK’s withdrawal would move forward smoothly without causing major disturbance to the world economy.―

The UK side took this Message seriously. Each British media widely reported: “Japanese firms concentrated in the UK as a hub of their operations in the European market will shift their operations to the continent due to Brexit. When the former Prime Minister David Cameron visited Hitachi’s train manufacturing facility built in Durham County Newton Aycliff immediately before his resignation said: “The overseas investment in the UK is because it is a part of the EU which is 500 million people’s single-markets,” naming Hitachi, Toyota, Nissan and Honda. And he appealed: Brexit will negatively affect the global economy, pointing out the importance of massive investment from Japan.



