



                         平成3010月 松井








1.What is midterm election 2018?

Midterm elections in the United States are the general elections held in November every four years, near the midpoint of a president's four-year term of office. Federal offices that are up for election during the midterms are members of the United States Congress, including all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, and the full terms for 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate. In addition, 36 of the 50 U.S. states governors are elected during midterm elections. Midterm elections usually generate lower voter turnout than presidential elections. While the latter have had turnouts of about 50–60% over the past 60 years, only about 40 percent of those eligible to vote actually go to the polls in midterm elections. Midterm elections usually see the president's party lose seats in Congress, and also frequently see the president's intraparty opponents gain power.




Present Party divisions of United States Congresses

Four hundred and seventy seats in the U.S. Congress (35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 6, 2018. The Republican Party holds 51 seats in the Senate. Democrats hold 47 seats, and the remaining two are held by independents who caucus with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party faces greater partisan risk in 2018, as they are defending 25 seats (two of which are held by independents), while eight seats up for election in 2018 are held by Republican incumbents. The Democratic Party must defend seats in 10 states that supported Donald Trump (R) over Hillary Clinton (D) in 2016. Republicans also control the U.S. House of Representatives. As of October 2018, the Republican Party was in the majority, holding 235 seats to Democrats' 193 seats, with seven seats being vacant. The Democratic Party is well-positioned to gain seats in the chamber in 2018; since 1934, the party of a newly elected president has suffered an average loss of 23 seats in the House in the following midterm.


アメリカ両院議院の470議席 (上院35及び下院全議席435)116日の中間選挙で改選される。共和党は現在上院で51議席を保持している。民主党は47議席で、残りの2議席は民主党系の無党派が保持している。民主党は今度の選挙では身内同士の争いというリスクに直面している。即ち、共和党が上院35議席のうち 8議席を確保すれば優勢を維持できるのに対し、民主党は25議席(うち2議席は無党派)以上を確保しなければ逆転どころか現状維持も難しくなる。民主党は、2016年の大統領選挙で、トランプ氏(R)が勝利しヒラリー・クリントン氏(D)が敗れた10の州で議席を守らなければならない。共和党はまた下院も支配している。10月現在、共和党は、民主党の193議席に対し235議席を保持し下院でも過半数を占めている(7議席は空席)。しかし民主党はこの度の選挙では下院の議席を逆転する位置にいる。と言うのも1934年以降、新たに選ばれた大統領が所属する党は、中間選挙では平均して下院で23議席を失っているからである。



2.Various pre-election polls

T NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll

Six weeks before the 2018 midterm elections, Democrats hold a 12-point lead in congressional preference among registered voters, with nearly six-in-10 saying they’d like to see significant change in the direction President Donald Trump has been leading the country, according to a new national NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. The results suggest a political environment where Democrats have the clear advantage in their pursuit to win back control of Congress in November. “Americans are hitting the brake in a midterm, and trying to send the signal that they’re not satisfied,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted the survey with Democratic pollsters at Hart Research Associates. “The public is clearly saying, once again, they want to shake up the status quo,” added Democratic pollster Fred Yang.


T NBCニュース/ウォールストリートジャーナル合同世論調査








Still, the same poll shows that Republican enthusiasm about the upcoming election has increased, drawing nearly even with Democrats; that GOP attacks on immigration and Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi are potent in individual races; and that nearly 70 percent of voters are satisfied with the economy.

In the survey, which was conducted Sept. 16-19, 52 percent of registered voters say they prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress, versus 40 percent who want the Republicans in charge.

それでも、この調査では、来たる選挙で共和党熱狂者が、民主党支持者とほとんど同じくらい増加していることを示している。共和党が(共和党の基盤で移民の多いカリフォルニア州で)移民を攻撃していることや、(同州を選挙区とする)野党民主党の合衆国史上初の女性下院議長であるナンシー ペロシ氏が個人的に選挙に強いことなどがありながら、有権者の7割が現在の「経済」に満足していることが背景にある。




In the larger pool of registered voters, Republican pollster Bill McInturff points to warning signs for Republicans. They trail Democrats among moderates and independents by more than 30 points; they’re losing women ages 50 and older by nearly 20 points; and they’re behind among voters living in competitive congressional districts by 12 points, 53 percent to 41 percent. Additionally, a combined 59 percent of voters say they’d like to see either “a great deal of change” or “quite a bit of change” in the direction Trump has been leading the country. That includes 61 percent of independents and even a third of Republican respondents. And by a 42 percent-to-31 percent margin, voters say their message in November will be for more Democrats to serve as a check and balance to Trump and the congressional Republicans, instead of Republicans who will help Trump and the GOP pass their agenda.






President Trump’s job rating in the poll stands at 44 percent approve, 52 percent disapprove — essentially unchanged from August’s poll.




GOP catches up in enthusiasm

The good news for Republicans in the NBC/WSJ poll is that they’ve caught up to Democrats on enthusiasm about the upcoming midterm elections.

Sixty-five percent of registered Democrats say they’re very interested in the midterms — registering either a “9” or “10” on a 10-point scale — compared with 61 percent of Republicans who say the same thing. That narrow 4-point advantage for Democrats is down from their leads of 11 points in August (63 percent to 52 percent) and 16 points in July (65 percent to 49 percent).






The groups with the highest level of interest in the election: Seniors (73 percent register either a “9” or “10), Democrats (65 percent), whites (61 percent), Republicans (61 percent) and African Americans (53 percent).

The groups with the lowest level of interest: Independents 無党派層(37 percent) and those ages 18-34 (35 percent).






The most and least popular issue positions in 2018

The NBC/WSJ poll also asked voters positions on key issues in the 2018 campaign.

The most popular issues

58 percent said they are more likely to vote for a congressional candidate who favors allowing young adults who were brought into the country illegally by their parents to stay in the U.S. legally to attend college or to work;

55 percent said they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports cutting the tax rate for businesses and corporations— and cutting taxes for most Americans;

51 percent said they are more likely to vote for a candidate who favors stricter regulations on assault and military-style firearms;

And 47 percent said they are more likely to vote for a candidate who favors “Medicare For All” — a single-payer health-care system in which all Americans would get their health insurance from one government plan.










47パーセントが、メディケア高齢者および障害者向け公的医療保険制度で連邦政府が管轄している社会保険プログラム(single-payer health-care system―に賛成している候補者へ投票する。



The least popular issues

82 percent said they are less likely to vote for a candidate who favors cutting Social Security and Medicare to help pay for Trump’s tax cuts;

55 percent said they are less likely to vote for a candidate who favors increasing funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;

53 percent said they are less likely to back a candidate who supports Trump’s issue positions over 90 percent of the time.

52 percent said they are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports weakening or eliminating the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare;

48 percent said they are less likely to vote for a candidate who favors abolishing ICE, the agency in charge of immigration and customs enforcement;

And 44 percent said they are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports Nancy Pelosi as the next speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives if Democrats take control of Congress.






48パーセントが、移民や税関の管理を担当する国土安全保障省移民関税局ICE: Immigration and Customs Enforcementを廃止したいとする候補者には投票しない。





Sixty-nine percent say they’re satisfied with U.S. economy

Finally, the NBC/WSJ poll finds 69 percent of American voters saying they’re either “very” or “somewhat” satisfied with the state of the U.S. economy — tied for the highest percentage on this question since 2001.

The all-time high, however, was in September 1998, before President Bill Clinton and Democrats picked up seats that midterm cycle, when a whopping 86 percent of all adults said they were satisfied with the economy.

And when asked if Trump’s policies have helped or hurt the economy, 41 percent said helped and 26 percent said hurt. Thirty percent said they haven’t made much of a difference.


最後に、今回のNBC/WSJ調査では、アメリカの有権者の69パーセントが、米国経済の状態に「非常に」か「少しは」満足していることがわかった。―この数字は 2001年調査以降で最高値である。しかし、これまでで最も高かったのは19989月である。ビル・クリントン大統領と民主党はこの年11月の中間選挙で下院議席数をやや回復したが、その直前の9月の調査では、86パーセントと言うとてつもない数の有権者が経済に満足していると答えていた。そして、トランプ大統領の政策が経済を上向かせているか妨げているかについての質問に対しては、41パーセントが上向かせている、26パーセントが妨げている、30パーセントがどちらにも関係ないと答えている。



Mixed opinions on impeachment (The NBC/WSJ poll as of June 1-4)

Asked about the possibility of impeaching President Trump, 25 percent said their vote would be a signal of opposition for impeaching him, and 22 percent said it would be a signal of support for impeachment. Thirty-three percent said their vote wouldn’t be a signal either way about impeachment, and another 20 percent said they were unsure.





Unchanged attitudes about the Russia probe (The NBC/WSJ poll as of June 1-4)

37 percent of voters say that — based on what they’ve seen, read or heard — Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign did collude or work secretly with Russia, while 34 percent disagree; 28 percent didn’t know enough to say. Those findings are essentially unchanged from the December 2017 NBC/WSJ poll.

Additionally, a combined 53 percent of voters say they either had “some” or a “great deal” of confidence in special counsel Robert Mueller conducting a fair and impartial investigation, versus a combined 40 percent who have little to no confidence.

And 46 percent believe that Mueller’s investigation should continue, while 36 percent think it should be ended.




U John Haltiwanger  a politics reporter at Business Insider Sep. 10, 2018

2 new polls give Trump and Republicans nightmare signs for the midterms

U 2018910日付ビジネス・インサイダー紙 ジョン・ハルティワンガー記者




President Donald Trump is rapidly losing favor among independent voters and has a low approval rating in general despite a strong economy, two new polls show.




A new CNN poll found Trump's approval rating to be just 36% and put his approval among independents at 31%, a new low and down all the way from 47% last month. Recent reports have suggested independents could make up as much as 30% of the electorate in the November midterms, meaning they could make or break the GOP's grip on its congressional majorities.





A separate poll from Quinnipiac University, also released Sep. 10, found Trump’s approval rating to be 38% and found 54% of American voters disapproved of the job he's doing. It also found just 36% of independent voters approved of Trump.

The poll did show, however, that Trump's approval with his base remained strong. Eighty-four percent of Republicans surveyed approved of the job Trump was doing.


注:クウイニピアック大学(Quinnipiac University )は1929年創立。コネチカット州ニューイングランド地方の美しい都市ニューヘブン郊外に立地する私立大学。設立当初はビジネスのみの単科大学だった。大学名の「クィニピアック」はネイティブアメリカンの言語で「ターニングポイント」という意味で、学生の人生にとって重大なターニングポイントとなる学びの場を提供すべく命名された。



Strong economic growth also doesn't seem to be winning over new voters for Trump, however. "The economy booms, but President Donald Trump's numbers are a bust," Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll, said in a statement. "An anemic 38% approval rating is compounded by lows on honesty, strength, and intelligence."

The Quinnipiac poll found just 32% of Americans felt the president was honest, which it said was his lowest grade for honesty since he was elected.


In addition, Trump received low grades from American voters on an array of character traits. Trump's low approval ratings nationwide come as his administration fights off allegations of chaos within his administration in Bob Woodward's new book, "Fear," as well as claims in a recent anonymous New York Times op-ed article of a “quiet resistance” against the president within the White House. Midterm elections often serve as referendums on the incumbent president, which makes Trump's overall unpopularity a liability for Republicans.



注1:ボブ・ウッドワード著 日本語題名「FEAR 恐怖の男 トランプ政権の真実(Trump in the White House」。9月に出版され忽ち全米1ベストセラーとなった。ニクソン政権を退陣に追い込んだワシントン・ポスト紙の調査報道記者が、政権内部を知悉する重要人物らに数百時間にわたる極秘インタビューを敢行。会議メモ、部外秘のファイル、文書、個人の日記などの情報や、大統領執務室、エア・フォースワン、ホワイトハウスでトランプ大統領の意思決定がどのように行われているかを暴いたもので、全世界15カ国以上で刊行が決定した今年最大の話題作と言われている。著者のボブ・ウッドワードは47年にわたりワシントン・ポスト紙の記者、編集者を務めた。ウォーターゲート事件に関する報道でピュリツァー賞を受賞している。












