

このジャパンタイムズは、これまで“慰安婦”について「性奴隷」だと言ってはばかりませんでした。201512月に慰安婦問題で日韓が合意した時の報道でも、一貫して「性奴隷(sex slaves)」という表現を使い、当時の岸田外相が、「性奴隷という言葉は不適切」と抗議した際にも、20161月、その抗議に対して下記の署名記事を載せています。









+水野氏とは? その人脈


Editor’s note編集部からのお知らせ)で示した「慰安婦」・「徴用工」の表現変更






                       令和元年517日 松井茂基





コメント31 ジャパンタイムズ紙の右傾化?

―「慰安婦」など表記変更 ジャパンタイムズで何が起きたかー


ジャパンタイムズの新オフィスで、昨年12月3日、同社幹部と十数名の記者らの間で激しい論争を繰り広げられた。論争の火種は、1130日付の紙面に掲載された“徴用工”と“慰安婦”に関するEditor’s note編集部からのお知らせ)である。

Editor’s noteには、ジャパンタイムズは今後、徴用工を「forced laborers(強制された労働者)」ではなく「戦時中の労働者(wartime laborers)」と表現する、同じく慰安婦については「日本の軍隊に性行為の提供を強制された女性たち(women who were forced to provide sex for Japanese troops)」としてきた説明を変え、「意思に反してそうした者も含め、戦時中の娼館で日本兵に性行為を提供するために働いた女性たち(women who worked in wartime brothels, including those who did so against their will, to provide sex to Japanese soldiers)」との表現にすると記載。



2.表記変更の背景  何が起きたのか?

The background of description change   What has happened?





The issue “comfort women” and "forced labor" remains incendiary more than seven decades after the war both in Japan and in Korea. Why did the Japan Times change the description of those terms which have long lasted? Reuters interviewed with nearly a dozen Japan Times executives, staffs, persons concerned and persons with relevant knowledge and experience all of whom requested anonymity out of fear of reprisal along with hundreds of pages of internal emails and presentation materials.








Since the circulation of the paper and the advertising revenue have been declining, the Japan Times has been in a tough management situation.



 ジャパンタイムズ紙は1897年に創建された我が国最大で最初の日刊英字新聞である。ネットPRサービス会社ニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス(News2u Holdingsの完全子会社であるジャパンタイムズ株式会社から発刊されている。他の多くの日本のメディアと同様、第2次世界大戦中は政府の戦争遂行に協力する紙面を続けた。しかし、終戦後は日本の戦争責任を反省する社説を掲載、リベラルな編集方針にかじを切った。All the News Without Fear or Favor(恐れず、偏らない報道)」とのスローガンを掲げた同紙の報道姿勢はリベラルと見られている。1998年には同紙の慰安婦記事について、保守系雑誌「諸君!」が「国を売るのかジャパンタイムズ」と題する記事を掲載したこともある


 なお、ジャパンタイムズは収益立て直し策の1つとして、2013325日、ニューヨーク・タイムズ社と、ジャパンタイムズとインターナショナル ニューヨーク・タイムズをセットで読むことができる新聞を日本で発行することに合意した。両紙がセットになった新聞は、「ジャパンタイムズ/インターナショナル・ニューヨーク・タイムズ」へと名称が変わり、20131016日に初号が発刊された。この新聞は2部構成になっている。第1部は、現在のジャパンタイムズのコンテンツをそのまま生かしている。第2部は、インターナショナル ニューヨーク・タイムズ(インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューンとして現在知られている)の香港、ニューヨーク、パリ、及びロンドン支局で編集され、ニューヨーク・タイムズのグローバルなネットワークと豊富な情報源を活用するものとなっている。両社それぞれの編集責任で発行するとしている。


 The Japan Times is Japan's largest & first English-language daily newspaper founded in 1897. It is published by The Japan Times, Ltd. During World War II, the newspaper served as an outlet for Imperial Japanese government propaganda and editorial opinion the same as other papers. But, after the war, it changed the direction into democratic editing policy, upholding the editorial to reflect on the war responsibility of Japan. The paper’s editorial stance under the banner “All the news without fear or favor” are being viewed as liberal.

In 1998, "Shokun!”, a monthly magazine of conservative opinion criticized the view on comfort women taken by the Japan Times, entitling “The Japan Times! Are you selling our country?” On the other hand, the Japan Times has been in a tough management situation. In the high economic growth era, the company adopted profit stimulus measures, publishing weekly mediums other than this paper and so on. But, after its earning deteriorated due to the collapse of the bubble economy, the company has been forced to carry out a large-scale restructuring for surviving. A 5 billion yen scale-sales amount at a peak period was sharply decreased to about 2.5 billion yen scale. Now, this newspaper has a circulation of 45,000 and its staff writers are approximately 140. The improvement of not only poor sales of the paper, but advertising revenue which was remarkably decreased after the Leman Shock are the big management challenges.

As one of improvement of the profitability, the Japan Times made a publishing agreement with the New York Times Company on March 25, 2013 that can see the International New York Times packaged with The Japan Times in the Japan market. The combined product is known as The Japan Times / International New York Times and the first issue was published on October 16, 2013. The Japan Times / International New York Times consist of two sections. The first section features the same Japan Times content that current readers enjoy. The second section will be edited from the Hong Kong, New York, Paris and London offices of the International New York Times (currently known as the International Herald Tribune) and draws on the global network and vast journalistic resources of The New York Times. The editorial operations of the two organizations are separate.





Change of the holding company, Mizuno’s appointment as Director and Editor-in-Chief


ジャパンタイムズ社は、1956年(昭和31年)以降、元外務官僚で, 内閣官房次長、共同通信社社長、プロ野球パ・リーグ会長などを歴任した福島慎太郎(1907-1987)が第15代社長として就任していた。1983年に自動車部品メーカー、ニフコグループの小笠原敏晶が福島慎太郎のジャパンタイムズとニフコの株式を交換する形でジャパンタイムズ代表取締役社長に就任した。小笠原は1985年より代表取締役会長2016年より名誉会長になったが、同年1130日に死亡した。彼の娘、小笠原 有輝子が2002年から代表取締役社長を勤めていたが、2012年にジャパンタイムズ生え抜きの堤丈晴に社長職を譲り、2016年より死亡した父の後を襲って代表取締役会長となった。2017620日、ニフコは、ネットPRサービス会社である末松弥奈子のニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス(News2u Holdings)にジャパンタイムズの全株を売却した(末松は安倍総理に近いとされる)。同日開催の臨時株主総会及び取締役会で小笠原有輝子の退任が決定し、末松弥奈子がジャパンタイムズ代表取締役会長に就任した(社長は堤丈晴のまま)。末松会長は、ジャーナリスト経験のある水野博泰を取締役編集主幹として招き入れた。それ以降、編集方針、常任のコラムニストの顔ぶれが変わるなど、同新聞がアンチジャパンと見られていることを見直す努力が行われている模様だ。



Shintaro Fukushima (1907-1987) who was a Foreign Ministry official and successively held the post of deputy chief cabinet secretary, Kyodo News president, professional baseball Pacific League chairman and so on, became 15th president in 1956. He exchanged each company's stock with Toshiaki Ogasawara who owns the company Nifco, a manufacturer of automotive fasteners.

After Fukushima renounced managing rights, Ogasawara acquired control of The Japan Times in 1983 and changed all of former staffs and company's tradition established in 1897. Ogasawara also served as the chairman and publisher of The Japan Times until 2016. His daughter Yukiko Ogasawara was president of the company from 2006 to 2012, when she was replaced by career Japan Times staffer Takeharu Tsutsumi. Yukiko succeeded her father as chairman of the company in 2016. Nifco sold the Japan Times to News2u Holdings, Inc owned by Ms. Minako Suematsu, CEO & Representative Director, on June 30, 2017. The Japan Times, Ltd. became a subsidiary of News2u Holdings, Inc. Suematsu invited Hiroyasu Mizuno as Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Japan Times, who had experienced a journalist.

Since then, the Japan Times changed its editorial stance and longtime contributors’ lineup as part of efforts to reduce criticism of the paper as an "anti-Japanese" outlet.




ジャパンタイムズ社 新体制(より)

水野博泰(取締役 編集主幹)





水野氏とは? その人脈

Who is Mr. Mizuno? His personal connections




その国基研は昨年1114日、戦時中の朝鮮半島における労働者が、「徴用」あるいは「強制」された労働者という間違った言い方がされていることについて、「朝鮮人戦時労働者wartime Korean workers)」と言う正しい呼び方に改められるべきだとする提言をホームページに掲載した。:「新聞報道を見る限り、“徴用された労働者”と言う間違った表現がまだ大量に使われている。さらに、外国のメディアだけでなく、日刊英字新聞であるジャパンタイムズ、朝日新聞や共同通信の英語版など日本のメディアも、韓国での訴訟に関連して“forced labor”と言う英語を頻繁に使用している。我々はこの言語の使用は歴史を歪める誤訳だと指摘せざるを得ない。そこで我々は、“朝鮮人戦時労働者”と言う用語が、戦時中、日本のために働いた朝鮮半島の人々を意味する総称として使われるべきだと提案するものである。」


After the jobs as Editor and Chief New York Correspondent of Nikkei Business Publications, Mizuno took part in GLOBIS University which is a business school in Japan to develop global business leaders and served as chief of office of public affairs from August 2011.

Yoshito Hori, president and founder of graduate school of management, GLOBIS University has developed initiatives to help create a better future for Japan. These initiatives include the “100 Actions.” In the English-language version of the 100 Actions document, Hori explains: “Japan’s English-language media is a gateway through which foreign nationals can access information about the country. It is unfortunate that the English-language media available in Japan is of poor quality.

Since the English-language media is expected to play a leading role in disseminating information throughout the world, it is necessary to fundamentally improve its quality to ensure accurate information is shared so that Japan may be assessed fairly. It is also essential to build relationships with the foreign media. The Japanese English-language media should not only assert Japan’s position as a matter of public relations, as in the past, but should also lead the discussion in the media.”

Mr. Yoshito Hori is a former director in the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals (JINF) where Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai serves as President too.

The JINF carried its proposal on the homepage, saying: What is wrongly referred to as “requisitioned” and or “compulsorily recruited” laborers (from the Korean Peninsula in the wartime past) should be correctly called “wartime Korean workers.” When it comes to news reports, however, the wrong expression of “requisitioned laborers” has still been used in abundance. In addition, not only news media abroad but also those in Japan – such as the English versions of The Asahi Shimbun and Kyodo News as well as The Japan Times, an English-language daily – have frequently been using the English term “forced labor” in connection with the South Korean litigation. We cannot help but consider the usage of the language as a blatant mistranslation detrimental to a correct comprehension of history. We, therefore, would like to come out with the proposal that the wording of “wartime Korean workers” be used as a generic term to mean people from the Korean Peninsula who worked in Japan during the wartime.




堀 義人







The atmosphere of press bureau was turned.


Mizuno who became the new top of press bureau presented new instructions and messages one after another, and it was a major shock to many of the editors and journalists working in Japan Times own newsroom.




 In August 2017, right after Mizuno took office, when Tokyo Shinbun reported that Tokyo’s governor Yuriko Koike would snub an annual memorial for Koreans killed by mobs after an earthquake in 1923 violating the usage, reporters rushed to cover the news. But the reporters said they were particularly shocked when, in an email seen by Reuters, Mizuno told staff, “I think there is absolutely no value for us to report on this.”

While Mizuno alerted to the reporters by e-mail: "We would try not to get affected by such ideological information warfare easily", he showed a view: "Even if we report this topic to the world, nothing bring productive, constructive, future oriented consequences for either Japan or the world." One of the current reporters talked to Reuters, saying reading e-mail from Mr. Mizuno and being shocked, According to the reporter, under the executive editor, it says " the atmosphere of the press bureau changed when such a topic must be carefully handled ".


 昨年(2018年)2月、ジャパンタイムズは安倍首相と単独会見を行い、その記事を新聞紙面とオンライン版に掲載した。オンライン版の慰安婦に関する部分にはアスタリスク(*)が付き、それをクリックすると政府見解を示す外務省のホームページが開くようになっている。複数の同紙関係者によると、首相官邸関係者から, 慰安婦の記述に関し「forced」の部分が外務省の見解と異なると電話で指摘され、水野氏が直ちに注記をつけるよう指示したと言う。

 In February 2018, the Japan Times had an exclusive interview with Prime Minister Abe and carried the article both on the paper and the online version. A part in the article describing comfort women on the online version was attached with asterisk (*), and when clicks the asterisk, the home page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which shows the government’s view on the comfort women comes to open. According to several Japan Times staffs concerned, as for the Japan Times article on comfort women, an official at the Prime Minister’s office made a sharp indication to the Japan Times on the phone that the term “forced” in the description over the comfort women differed from the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then, it is said that Mr. Mizuno immediately responded to the phone and ordered to attach with asterisk on that part.




 A few months after the paper’s exclusive sit-down with Abe in February, Mizuno tried to revise the paper’s style on comfort women and other sensitive topics, presenting editors with more than 100 meticulously annotated articles and columns.

In the notes, seen by Reuters, Mizuno objected to calling comfort women “victims” or mentioning that they included girls; questioned referring to Japan’s occupation of Korea as “brutal”; and criticized the paper’s reporting and stories by wire services, including the Japan Times, Kyodo, AP, Reuters, etc. as generally “pro-Korea” and not adequately reflecting Japan’s view, but just denouncing Japan.


 慰安婦の表現の変更を巡る記者・編集者と水野氏の議論は、数カ月にわたって続いたという。この最中、 昨年(2018年)10月、韓国の最高裁で、戦時中に日本の製鉄所で働いた韓国人の元徴用工が損害賠償を求めた訴訟で新日鉄住金に賠償金の支払いを命じた判決が確定した。ジャパンタイムズでもこれに関連する記事が増え、慰安婦に加え、徴用工の英語表記のあり方についてもあらためて議論せざるを得なくなった。

 It is said that discussions on the revision of the paper’s style on comfort women have continued over several months between Mizuno and editors and reporters. Amid simmering discussions, South Korea’s Supreme Court ruled that Japan’s Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp must compensate four South Koreans for their forced labor during the war in October 2018. The article relating this has increased even in the Japan Times. Thus, the company was driven into a situation where it had to discuss the English description of “forced laborers” beyond “comfort women”.


Editor’s note編集部からのお知らせに示された「慰安婦」・「徴用工」表現の変更>


The revision of description for "comfort women" and "forced labor" shown by Editor’s note


 そして昨年123日、ジャパンタイムズの新オフィスで、同社幹部と十数名の記者らが激しい論争を繰り広げた。論争に火をつけたのは、日韓摩擦の火種となっている「慰安婦」と「徴用工」について、1130日付の紙面に掲載されたEditor’s note編集部からのお知らせである。


 In the brand-new 14th floor office of the Japan Times, heated debates took place between senior editorial managers and dozens of reporters on December 3, last year. What ignites the debates was "Editor's note" which was published on the paper as of November 30 about "comfort women" and "forced laborers" which have become a source of conflict between Japan and Korea.


 「Editor’s note編集部からのお知らせ」の内容は、次のようなものである。


 《Editor's note: in the past, The Japan Times has used terms that could have been potentially misleading. The term "forced labor" has been used to refer to laborers who were recruited before and during World War II to work for Japanese companies.
However, because the conditions they worked under or how these workers were recruited varied, we will henceforth refer to them as "wartime laborers."



Similarly, "comfort women" have been referred to as "women who were forced to provide sex for Japanese troops before and during World War II." Because the experiences of comfort women in different areas throughout the course of the war varied widely, from today, we will refer to "comfort women" as "women who worked in wartime brothels, including those who did so against their will, to provide sex to Japanese soldiers."



Editor’s note編集部からのお知らせ」の記事


 この「お知らせ」に対して、国内外のメディアから直ちに、安倍政権の見方に合わせたものだとの批判が出た。 12月の会議でも、これまでの同紙のリベラルな論調を是としてきた記者たちは猛反発した。水野氏が「反日メディアであることのレッテルをはがしたい。経営陣として『アンチジャパン(反日)タイムズ』ではとても存続できない」と説明したことに対し、記者側からは「ジャーナリズムの自殺行為だ」、「ファクト(事実)が問題であって、リアクション(読者らの反応)が問題なのではない」などの批判が噴出した。


 The Nov. 30 note drew immediate criticism from inside and outside media, with particular concerns expressed over the paper's apparent alignment with the political positions of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe

In the he December meeting, reporters who have regarded the paper’s liberal view as correct, protested vehemently the decision taken by the top executive of the press bureau.

Mizuno told reporters in the meeting that he had two goals: to avoid creating the perception the paper was “anti-Japanese,” and to increase advertising revenue from Japanese companies and institutions. His comment met with severe criticisms from the reporters, "That's suicidal to journalism. The fact is the core of newspaper, the reader’s reaction is not the matter."

A senior manager in charge of sponsored content then said the paper had already increased government ad sales and scored an exclusive interview with Abe after dropping a column by Jeff Kingston, director of Asia studies at Temple University Japan, who had been writing weekly on what he saw as the Abe administration’s historical revisionism. Voices of complaints were raised by many reporters to this comment, saying “From a journalistic standpoint, that’s fatal, really.”

On December 7, when a week passed since an amendment of description of "comfort women" and wartime forced laborers, Mr. Mizuno published an exceptional whole page announcement by the name of the executive editor. He said in the announcement: we must acknowledge the fact that the note damaged the relationship of trust that we have developed with our readers, our writers and our staff. For this we humbly apologize. Although the Nov. 30 note was not intended to signal a change in our overall editorial directions.




Mizuno categorically denies external pressure






What is Mizuno thinking about the amendment of description of "comfort women" and wartime forced laborers?


 In an email, Mizuno told Reuters he and senior editorial managers decided to revise the paper’s descriptions at the end of the discussion lasting one more year to “better reflect a more objective view of topics that are both contentious and difficult to summarize.”

He said the Nov. 30 note did not signal a change in the paper’s editorial direction, adding: “I categorically deny any accusations that The Japan Times has bowed to external pressure.”




 Concerning whether or not the government puts pressure on the




 Japan Times, Yoshihide Suga, Chief Cabinet Secretary told Reuters: “The government would not comment on media companies’ editorial policies, including those of the Japan Times” in the press conference on 24 Jan. Meanwhile, when it comes to some longtime contributors, including Kingston, whose regular columns were cut. Mizuno said in an email: “We have retained commentary writers and columnists that are, when appropriate, critical of the Japanese government.”





Conservatives welcome the decision, but some say the paper lost credibility.


 この変更に対し、タカ派のコメンテーターからは声高に支持する意見も上がった。中でもこれを歓迎したのは前述したグロービス経営大学院の堀学長である。堀氏は、「お知らせ」が出ることを、まるで事前に知っていたのではないかと思われるくらいほとんど同時のタイミングでツイートした。堀氏のツイートは和英両文で、英文ツイートでは、“ジャパンタイムズは“Forced Labor””Wartime laborers”へ変更した。誤解を避けるための勇敢で適切なステップである。私は他の新聞がこれに続くことを希望している」としている。

櫻井よし子氏の国家基本問題研究所(JINF)は、12月上旬、同紙の表現変更についてオンライン上にコラムを掲載し, 「我々は、歴史を歪める表現の是正を求め、提言や意見広告を発表してきた。ジャパンタイムズのこの度の英断を全面的に支持する」とした。



 The decision gained the outspoken support of some far-right Japanese commentators. Among those who celebrated the change in the Japan Times editorial line was Yoshito Hori, the founder of the Globis University, I previously mentioned. Hori’s reaction on Twitter was almost immediate (as if he knew in advance about what was coming). He offered one tweet in Japanese and one in English. His English tweet read, “the Japan Times has changed the term ‘Forced Labor’ to ‘Wartime laborers’. Brave and right step to avoid misunderstanding. I hope other newspaper will follow.”

Uploading a column to SNS in early December last year, the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals said: “We has made recommendations seeking to correct descriptions that distort historical facts and fully supports the newspaper’s wise decision.”

Kent Gilbert, a well-known conservative commentator and lawyer who has worked in Japan for decades, petitioned Asahi Shimbun last year to remove “forced” from its description of comfort women. He addressed: “Please send me a message which supports the Japan Times’s decision via Twitter, etc.”







 On the other hand, about the amendment of description of "comfort women" and “wartime forced laborers”, Haruko Satoh, Specially Appointed Professor at Osaka University & a former member of the Japan Times advisory board composed by scholars to verify the paper showed misgivings, saying: "Why were those terms changed even though the Japan Times shouldn't have done so? The paper lost credibility and injured the reputation since it became more rightist than the government. The reader might part from the paper.”

The chilling effect in newsrooms often comes from within the organization, experts say.

“It’s less a result of direct government pressure and more from people inside newsrooms looking to their superiors and the public,” said Minako Beppu, a journalism professor at Hosei University who studies media censorship. “It’s things like, ‘Let’s not criticize them too much,’ or ‘Let’s tone things down a bit.’” Also, the professor told: “It may be an international trend which the nation’s and the manager’s logic have thrown the weight around.




Reactions by inside and outside media




The reaction to the Editor’s Note was enormous, generating international articles and provoking a revolt from many foreign media. Media in the UK and the US criticized the revision as succumbing to the pressure of the right-wing administration and the activists.







For the Reuters interview, a New York Times representative said that the editorial operations of the two organizations were separate, and that the paper used precise language on the topic and would continue to do so.

The Guardian of Britain which still use the terms “sex slaves” and “slave laborers” criticized the revision as succumbing to the Abe administration’s pressure or rewriting history.

In an overreaction to The Japan Times announcement, the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, which comprises mainly foreign reporters, accused the announcement as having “sparked international anger” on its website.




+ 一方、国基研の関係者の見るところ、内外の英字新聞では徴兵工や慰安婦の記述をどうするかが大きな話題となっているのに、日本の大手新聞やテレビ局はこの問題をほとんど取り上げず無視しているようだと言う。また、この度のジャパンタイムズの賢明な決心は、慰安婦問題で虚偽情報をまき散らし結局謝罪に追い込まれた朝日新聞にとっては、手痛い一撃となったことだろうと語っている。(但し、同紙は英語版では今も慰安婦問題の謝罪を明確にしていないそうだ)。各紙が今回の変更を無視することは、歴史の歪みを助長し積み重ねていくことだという。




 According to a person involved with JINF, the big argument over how to describe wartime laborers and comfort women among English language media in and outside Japan has been little covered by major Japanese newspapers or television stations, Japanese media seems to be ignoring the Japan Times decision. However, he said : “The wise decision by The Japan Times might have given a painful blow to the Asahi Shimbun newspaper that has apologized for a series of erroneous reports about the comfort women while refraining from clarifying the apology in the English version.”

Ignoring this matter amounts to fomenting historical distortions.

Kent Gilbert petitioned Asahi Shimbun to remove “forced” from its description of comfort women. The paper did not amend its wording, saying in a public statement that it took care “to use the most appropriate phrasing” for stories.

Similar pressure led the conservative Yomiuri Shimbun to apologize to readers in 2014 for using “sex slaves” to refer to comfort women in its English-language edition.




A reaction taken by South Korea’s foreign ministry





South Korea’s foreign ministry said in a statement: “We regret that some Japanese media organizations have adopted terms that distort the historical facts regarding the victims of comfort women for the Japanese military, and forced labor, which is merely an attempt to sidestep the essence of the problems.”



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