








(1)旧通産省元事務次官 福川伸次氏

(2)JICA 北岡 伸一氏

(3)政治リスクコンサルタント業ユーラシアグループ代表 イアン・ブレマー氏

(4)劇作家 山崎正和氏


(1)JR東海名誉会長 葛西敬之氏

(2)国際政治学者 三浦瑠麗氏



                                  令和元年10月 松井茂基


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In the Reiwa era, what is Japan's future role in the world?

―Suggestions by the domestic and foreign experts―


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Shinichi Kitaoka, the president of JICA, speaks that the core of maintaining Japanese identity is the Japanese language and the Emperor system. Heisei period, which lasted around 30 years was hard times for Japan due to the prolonged economic stagnation, large scale disasters and so on. Nevertheless, the social stability has not been impaired. This owes a great deal to Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko who had long stayed close to the people and established a moral authority during a period.

This time, Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako who haven’t experienced war were enthroned in Japan's emperor and empress on May 1, and Japan's Heisei era came to an end on April 30, 2019, and the Reiwa era began on the next day.

Emperor Naruhito pledged to fulfill his duties as a symbol of the Japanese state and the unity of the Japanese people in accordance with the constitution. I am sure Emperor Naruhito, the first Japanese emperor to have studied two years at Oxford University and Empress Masako, a Harvard and Tokyo University-educated former diplomat are suitable for the new era in Japan amid the “nation first” strategy that has become stronger around the world. Thus, today, I would like to introduce several opinions by experts which moved me on the theme “where Japan should go in the Reiwa era”, even if they are selections from my extremely limited information sources.




2. The current situation surrounding Japan





(1) The postwar international order has been heavily shaken. It has been pointed out that the current situation in which each country prioritizes its own interests is similar to that of the 1930s when the world headed toward WWII. U.S. President Donald Trump rejects the role of the United States as “the world’s police,” showing his negative attitude toward maintaining multinational cooperation systems. In Europe, which has been promoting integration since the end of WWII, populism calling for the rejection of immigrants is spreading out of concern about terrorism and instability to people’s livelihoods. Britain has been mired in confusion over Brexit. The change in major countries that have supported the so-called free world is a large concern for fellow member Japan. Meanwhile, China has been rapidly rising, posing an increased threat under authoritarian politics, such as by promoting the militarization of the South China Sea. Together with Russia, which annexed Crimea, China has strengthened its stance not to shy away from “changing the status quo by force.”





(2) We are now in a global power vacuum named G-Zero.

The term G-Zero world refers to an emerging vacuum of power in international politics created by a decline of Western influence and the domestic focus of the governments of developing states. It aims to explain a world in which there is no single country or group of countries that has ability and will, economically and politically, to drive a truly global agenda. The term was first coined by political scientists Ian Bremmer (*).

 It is a reference to a perceived shift away from the preeminence of the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries and the expanded Group of Twenty (G20), which includes major emerging powers like China, India, Brazil, Turkey and others. Today, the United States lacks the resources to continue as the primary provider of global public goods. None of these powers’ governments has the time, resources, or domestic political capital needed for a new bout of international heavy lifting. Meanwhile, there are no credible answers to transnational challenges without the direct involvement of emerging powers such as Brazil, China, and India. Yet these countries are far too focused on domestic development to welcome the burdens that come with new responsibilities abroad.



説明: https://the-japan-news-archives.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/preview/entries/277494/materials/800666/e5d33b43893257e20916b30717379229.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI7EPFDYX6SSPYKKQ&Expires=1558369418&Signature=bqQ8aPJMWIGIXqEkhLUFQjCMPWs%3D









* Ian Bremmer is an American political scientist. He is the president and founder of Eurasia Group. He warns of “G-Zero,” his term for a global power vacuum in which no country is willing and able to set the international agenda.




3. Status quo in Japan

(1)JICA 北岡伸一氏

(1) JAICA Mr. Shinichi Kitaoka






Shinichi Kitaoka is a Japanese political scientist and the president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Kitaoka currently was the Chairman of the Advisory Panel on Reconstruction of the Legal Basis for Security, an advisory panel to Prime Minister Abe on the possibility of re-interpreting constitutional provisions to allow for collective self-defense.



Heisei period, which lasted around 30 years was hard times for Japan. The ratio of Japanese GDP to the global economy fell from17 % to one third of that. The gross government debt became huge and the declining of birth rates has been getting worse year after year. Nevertheless, the social stability has not been impaired. This owes a great deal to His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus and Her Majesty the Empress Emerita. Most of Japanese have still enjoyed a good life today throughout the world.

However, I am afraid those days didn't last forever. Japan has been falling already from the leading country. Even though the structures needed for both diplomatic and internal politics was adequate in the cold war era, it doesn’t go gradually with the present state. We must make new start as a challenger, getting to face up to the fact.




(2) Prime minister Abe


―我が国は50年後も1億人の人口を維持する。現在の出生率が続くようであれば、50年後に人口は8000万、100年後には現在の3分の14000万人まで減少すると予測されている。これは即、我が国の競争力の喪失につながる。今が、誰もが活躍できる「一億総活躍社会」の実現に向けて内閣の総力を結集すべき時だ。次の3年間を「アベノミクスの第2ステージ」と位置付け新しい「3本の矢」を軸に、経済成長子育て支援、安定した社会保障の実現を目指す。第一の矢、経済では、「希望を生み出す強い経済」により、東京五輪が開催される2020年頃に戦後最大のGDP600兆円を達成する。第2の矢、子育てでは、「夢をつむぐ子育て支援」により、希望出生率1.8 (現在は1.44) まで回復する。第3の矢、社会保障は、「安心につながる社会保障」により、団塊世代70歳を超える20年代に介護離職ゼロを実現する―


After the Third Abe Cabinet was formed in December 2014, in an effort to address the depopulation issue, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe announced as follows:

―Japan will maintain the population at 100 million people 50 years from now. If the current birthrate continues, the population of Japan will be just over 80 million 50 years from now, and 100 years from now it will be 40 million, which is one-third today’s population. This will directly lead to a decline in Japan’s competitiveness. Now is the time for the Cabinet to make concerted efforts toward realizing a society in which all one hundred million-plus citizens are each dynamically engaged (Ichioku Sokatsuyaku Shakai). To achieve this, during the second stage of Abenomics, the first arrow is a robust economy that gives rise to hope, which is a reinforcement of the “three arrows” that were in place before, and our target shall be achieving the largest GDP in postwar history of 600 trillion yen around 2020 when Olympics will be held in Tokyo. The second arrow will be dream-weaving childcare supports. Under this arrow we will aim to raise the birthrate to 1.8 children per woman (now 1.44), which is the level the public has indicated as desirable. The third arrow will be social security that provides reassurance. Our goal with this arrow will be to reduce to zero the number of people who leave employment to provide nursing care.―





4. Japan's role in the world―Suggestions by the domestic and foreign experts

(1)電通顧問 旧通産省元事務次官



(1) Mr. Shinji Fukukawa

former Vice Minister of International Trade and Industry (METI)




create a future vision as a country with a middle-size population



The first is to work out a clear vision to create a future vision as a country with a middle-size population. In case of Japan, even if its population should come down to 88 million from 127 million, it would still be larger than that of the United Kingdom, France and Germany. If Japan continues to create the soft power peculiar to our country accompanied by the intellectual value based on the premise of middle-size population. it could still exist sufficiently as the Great Power which can gain recognition and cachet in the world for a long time to come. 




* Soft power

その社会のもつ文化や政治的価値観などを背景として、他国から理解、信頼、支持、共感を得て、国際社会で発揮される影響力のことを言う。軍事力や経済力、資源を背景として行使されるハード・パワーと対比される。アメリカハーバード大学教授で国際政治学者であるナイ氏(Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr.)が提唱した。ナイ教授はソフトパワーの源泉として、(1)文化的魅力、(2)政治的な価値観、(3)外交政策の3点をあげている。

ナイ教授によれば、日本のソフトパワーは、世界最高額のODA(現在は第4位)、世界最高の平均寿命、世界第3位のGDP、ダントツの特許件数、治安のよさなどである。 また、“クールジャパン”と言われる漫画、アニメ、ビデオゲーム、キャラクターズグッズ、コスプレ、ファッション、映画、料理等々も日本の重要なソフトパワーである。

因みに、クールジャパンと言う語は、アメリカ人ジャーナリストのダグラス・マクグレイが2002年フォーリン・ポリシー誌へ日本のポップカルチャーを紹介し、そのタイトルで使った“Japan’s Gross National Cool (GNC)”と言う造語が由来となっている。経済力の指標であるGNPとは別の文化力を示す指標として使われたこのGNCで日本は、紛れもなく世界の超大国になっており、アニメ、ビデオゲーム、キャラクターグッズからファッション、音楽に至るまで、日本のソフトパワーの影響は今や世界を席巻していると彼は書いた。


Soft power is the ability to attract and “co-opt”, rather than “coerce (hard power)”. Soft power is the ability to shape the preferences of others through appeal and attraction. A defining feature of soft power is that it is non-coercive; the currency of soft power is culture, political values, and foreign policies. Joseph Nye of Harvard University coined the term in a 1990 book, Bound to Lead. In this book, he wrote: “when one country gets other countries to want what it wants might be called co-optive or soft power in ontrast with the hard or command power of ordering others to do what it wants.

According to Professor Nye, the soft power in Japan is the top donor of ODA in terms of quantity (currently the 4th), the world highest figures of the average life expectancy, the world's third largest developed economy, the very best number of patents and Japan's top-notch security. "Cool Japan" is a concept coined in 2002 as an expression of Japan’s popular culture. In a 2002 article in the journal Foreign Policy titled “Japan’s Gross National Cool”, Douglas McGray wrote of Japan “reinventing superpower” as its cultural influence expanded internationally despite the economic and political problems of the “lost decade.” Surveying youth culture and the role of J-pop, manga, anime, fashion, film, consumer electronics, architecture, and cuisine, McGray highlighted Japan's considerable soft power, posing the question of what message the country might project.




* Big country

「大国」と言う定義は公式には存在しない。大国とは相対的なものであり、国力を構成する各種要素の比較、時代の流れ、歴史的経緯などによって判断されるため一概に決めることはできない。冷戦下のアメリカと旧ソ連は大国を超える存在として超大国と呼ばれていたが、ソ連崩壊後はアメリカが唯一の超大国と言われている。我が国は、敗戦の焦土からの奇跡的な復興で経済大国と看做されるようになった。しかしこれは裏を返せば、軍事力や国際政治力で劣り、経済に限って大国であるという含意がある。ハーグ戦略研究センターの2014年度報告では、アメリカ(人口31000万人)、イギリス6200万人)、フランス6300万人)、ロシア14300万人)、中国134900万人)、日本12700万人)、ドイツ8200万人)の7カ国を、現在、大国(Great Power)と位置づけしている。この7カ国のうち、英、仏、独、日本の4カ国は、国土、人口、軍事力などのハード・パワーでは、米、ロシア、中国には及ばないものの、文化や科学技術、政治的価値観、民度などのソフトパワーでは他の国を魅了し影響を与える力を持っているが故に大国と認めていると思われる。


The term "big country" is not officially defined. That can't be said sweepingly because the big country is a relative concept and judged by the comparison of various elements which composes the national power formula, the flow of the times, the historic process and so on. During the cold war, the United States and the former Soviet Union were called a superpower as an existence exceeding a big country. However, after the former Soviet Union collapsed, only the United States has been named a superpower. Japan has been regarded as one of the greatest economic powers in the world, thanks to the miracle postwar restoration from ashes. However, to put it the other way, this naming connotes that Japan is not enough for the military power and the international political influence, but for only the economic power. According to the 2014 report of Hague center for strategic studies, 7 nations - the United States (310 million populations), the United Kingdom (62 million), France (63 million), Russia (143 million), China (1.349 billion), Japan (127 million), Germany (82 million) – are placed as the “Great Power”. Among 7 nations, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan are not as large as the United States, Russia and China as far as the hard power such as land, population and military power is concerned. However, these 4 nations are regarded as the Great Power by having the soft power such as culture, scientific technology, political sense of values, high standard of living, which can fascinate and affect other countries.






Fukukawa’s measures to Abe’s declaration



Abe’s declaration toward realizing a society in which all one hundred million-plus citizens are each dynamically engaged is paid attention as a future guide for the national power. As for the necessary measures to realize this issue, Mr. Fukukawa above mentioned has proposed the following measures:




The first is to make all-out efforts to help increase the birthrate.



The falling birth rate is due to an increase in the number of unmarried people, late marriages and late birth. It is thought there are worries about unstable employment, financially insecure life after marriage, work incompatible with child-rearing and increasing child-rearing expenses and investment in education behind these trends. Especially, in view of the current employment situation that the ratio of non-regular employee accounts for almost 40% of all employees, promotion of indefinite-term employment / regular employment and better treatment of non-regular employees would be mandatory for stabilizing the employment situation.




The second is to take measures to mobilize the female and the elderly workforce into the labor market.


For this to happen, it is necessary to improve the working and social environment to make it easier for women and aged people to work. For utilizing the potential manpower of women, it is necessary to provide them with workplaces which they can demonstrate their ability to the fullest extent and help them with child-rearing compatible with work. Concretely, promotion of elimination of children on waiting lists and enhancement of local support for children and child-rearing are required. Also, for male workers in their 30s in the child-raising generation, the limitation of long working hours is particularly necessary for helping their partner’s child-rearing.

As to the elderly workforce, most companies consider it advantageous to utilize elderly skilled workers and many cite such merits as “they can hand down their skills to younger people” and “the company can secure skills and maintain the quality of their products.” 




The third is to step up productivity through technological innovation.


Since the rate of economic growth depends on the rates of population increase and technological progress, the economic growth rate will decline unless the progress of technological innovation surpasses the pace of population decline and aging. Prime minister Abe has also highlighted how the nation’s declining demographic is not a burden but an incentive to bolster productivity through innovations such as robotic technology and artificial intelligence.




The fourth is to bolster efforts to introduce foreign workers into this country under certain conditions.



There are fears that if permits are given unconditionally for the entry of foreign workers, the nation's law and order and social solidarity might be damaged as was the case with some European countries. The forecast research team calculated that if the number of foreigners in Japan increased by 250,000 every year, the total population would be significantly higher - 100.7 million in 2065. However, despite the nation’s demographic time bomb, the government appears to remain reluctant to discuss the politically sensitive topic of large-scale immigration. If, however, workers with required qualifications and abilities are introduced under certain designated conditions, it is expected to stimulate intellectual activities in this country and contribute greatly to social advancement.



(2)JICA 北岡 伸一氏

日本のあり方 世界で問う。 国際協調、民主主義…期待に応え続ける必要

(2) Mr. Shinichi Kitaoka

Japan’s role in the world

―meet expectations on international cooperation, free trade and democracy



This May, Kitaoka’s book “Sekai Chizu o Yominaosu” (Rereading the world map) was published from Shinchosha Publishing Co. Kitaoka has been serving as the president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) since 2015. He has visited 108 countries, including those before he assumed the post. In this book, he closely examines about 20 countries, mainly small nations including Russia’s neighbors Georgia and Armenia, African countries such as Uganda and South Sudan, and Asian nations.

Kitaoka keenly felt the desperate efforts that countries are making to protect their independence and maintain their initiatives, while being influenced by their own historical and geographic conditions. He refers to the situation in which such countries place high importance on maintaining language and religion, and points out that even in small countries, there were many outstanding leaders who had strategies for development based on their own strengths and weaknesses.




● More well regarded than thought


各国を訪問する中で見えてきたのは、思っている以上に日本は世界で知られ、尊敬もされているという事実だった。北岡氏はその理由を、日本が非西欧世界にもかかわらず経済発展を遂げ、民主主義と自由のある社会を達成したことにあると説明する。また、道路や港湾といった社会資本整備や、保健衛生事業など「人間の安全保障」の分野で協力し、対象国の成長に大きく貢献してきたからでもある。本書では、JICAが行っている特色ある協力事業も取り上げている。子どもが校舎を掃除する日本式教育を参考にした小学校の導入例や、スポーツ大会の開催、エリートの日本への招聘・教育、アフリカでのコメ作り指導などを紹介している。 それでも北岡氏は、日本を自画自賛する風潮には釘を刺す。支援の見返りに他国を影響下に置こうなどとは考えず、あくまで対等な関係で現地の実情に即した協力を行うべきだと強調する。『日本は世界の期待に応えられる国であり続けているのか』という自問自答が大切だ」と力を込める。


During his visits to such countries, he realized that the rest of the world knows and respects Japan more than he had thought. He says one reason for this is Japan’s ability to achieve economic development and a society that embraces democracy and freedom despite being a non-Western country. Another reason is that Japan has contributed greatly to the growth of aid-recipient countries by cooperating in the development of social infrastructure such as roads and ports, as well as in the field of “human security” such as health and sanitation projects. Kitaoka’s new book also highlights JICA’s characteristic cooperation projects. These include efforts to introduce Japanese education methods for elementary schools — in which the students help to clean school buildings — promote the holding of athletic meets, invite the elite to Japan to provide them with education and teach rice cultivation in Africa.

Meanwhile, Kitaoka warns against the tendency for Japan to praise itself. He stresses that Japan should offer cooperation suited to local circumstances to aid-recipient countries on an equal footing without trying to put the countries under its influence in return for aid.




● National interests Japan should protect and what it should stand for



Observing small countries has made him realize what national interests Japan should protect and what it should stand for — namely, values that include international cooperation, free trade and democracy. Cooperation based on principles and for the sake of recipients would enhance Japan’s image in the eyes of other countries, increase the number of countries friendly to Japan, and offer “security that is cheaper than spending huge amounts on weapons” — and this eventually would bring a significant return to Japan. Of course, he does not underestimate security by defining it in a narrow sense.

Over the enactment of the security-related legislation in 2015, questions were raised about the right to collective self-defense, and there were dogmatic statements about war and protection of the Constitution. But he criticizes such arguments, saying they ignore international situations: “Japan has yet to come up with a ‘pivotal argument’ to set priorities on important issues by facing the most crucial matters. The country was able to do so at the end of the Edo period through the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century. There are still many things Japan can do in its diplomacy.”



(3) イアン・ブレマー氏 

(3) Mr. Ian Bremmer

令和の日本 世界での役割

2019514日 読売新聞への寄稿)


  What can the world learn from Japan in the Reiwa era?

(May 15, 2019 Special to The Yomiuri Shimbun)



How should we think about Japan’s role in the world in this new Reiwa era? Japan is increasingly a model for many countries around the world — and that’s new. Until the aughts, Japan was increasingly economically stagnant, had a lot of debt, and a decreasing birthrate and aging population. Some might have asked, “What are we going to learn from Japan?” And yet, in 2019, with this extraordinary transition happening in Japan, even though Japan has little growth, it is the one country that’s not eating itself apart. You don’t see the rise of nationalism or populism. Political institutions still have legitimacy. You have a country that is stable and is committed to the existing global order.

Take a look at all of the industrial democracies in the world today. Who is leading the free world? It isn’t the United States, which is questioning what its role should be. You certainly wouldn’t say Macron in France or Theresa May in Britain. You used to say Germany and Angela Merkel, but not anymore. In fact, the strongest leader of an advanced industrial democracy today is Shinzo Abe in Japan.

Japan has strong leadership and a stable political model. At the same time, the change in the geopolitical order is more of a danger and threat to Japan than perhaps any of the other major advanced industrial democracies. Japan’s lack of military capabilities — and its reliance on the United States so overwhelmingly for its security needs — at a time when Americans are increasingly questioning the costs of such support leaves the country vulnerable. Add to that China, a threat to Japan both because of historical and cultural enmity as well as proximity. Japan is particularly concerned as China builds up its geopolitical capabilities and influence in Asia. What can Japan do concretely? There are a few areas where we can see Japan playing more of a global role in this Reiwa era:





Japan’s role in helping to ensure existing multilateral architecture, created and supported by the West, continues to be critical. That’s true whether you talk about the World Trade Organization or Japan’s role in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which it helped ensure stayed together after the United States pulled out (the United States may still be welcome to join after Trump leaves office). Maintaining global security, maintaining a free market international trading system, maintaining support for international human rights — these are all things Japan is in a position to actively promote and safeguard.





New architecture. The Japanese are very interested in working with the Americans and others on cybersecurity. Today we have the Five Eyes agreement (the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada) but if you think about the other countries that are going to be the most interested and united in battling against cyber threats that come from the Russians, the Chinese and non-state actors, Japan is near the top of the list. It’s going to be a critical player and a more important ally to the United States and the Europeans than they have been historically.






Artificial intelligence. One of the biggest dangers in the geopolitical order is that we’re seeing AI becoming a confrontation between the United States and China. But the United States by itself is much weaker on artificial intelligence than it is with allies. The Americans have the best entrepreneurs, the Europeans have the best regulators; Japan is the one country that is least threatened by AI; in fact, the Japanese welcome it. And the reason for that is their population is shrinking so they don’t have the same labor dislocations that come from the robots and automation and artificial intelligence that the Americans and the Europeans are experiencing. That makes them a critical partner in what we could envision as a technological TPP, an agreement that brings together the complementary AI superpowers of all the Western allies. China would need to think twice about competing against — as opposed to working with — such an alliance.




Resilience. We are entering a world where there are some very big and global threats that are going to make weaker countries and weaker political institutions very vulnerable. Climate change, in particular, poses a major risk. And the Japanese are more focused on building up durable infrastructure that is well-managed and lasts than any other country around; after all, their service sector is great and their infrastructure really works. That matters in a world of climate change, and that matters in a world of instability. It’s going to be important for Japan not just to have that for themselves, but to export it, to work with partners and help to ensure that other countries have the kind of resilience and the kind of infrastructure the Japanese have become famous for.




●Japan must look beyond U.S. for stable economic and military future

20184月に刊行されたブレマー氏の最新著書「Us vs Them: The Failure of Globalism(われわれ対かれら:グローバリズムの失敗)」(*)の中で、彼はアメリカと西欧諸国における外交方針の地殻的変動が日本に重要な影響をもたらしていると指摘する。









His most recent book, released in April of 2018, is titled “Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism.” He sees seismic shifts in U.S. and other Western countries’ foreign policies, which have significant implications for Japan.

 “America is showing limited interest in being the world’s policeman, the architect of global trade, and the promoter of global values. … These are long-term structural trends that Japan knows they have to deal with,” he said.

But even if Japan and other nations recognize the need to revamp their foreign policy approaches, Bremmer said that changing tack may be easier said than done in a world characterized by retrenched Western allies and rising Asian nations.

“It is hard to pivot (Japan’s foreign policy) because of the military relationship with the United States, and because of the cultural and historical enmity between Japan-China, and Japan-South Korea,” said Bremmer. “But Japan is clearly trying (to pivot).”

Bremmer listed negotiations over the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, new diplomatic initiatives with African nations and an improving relationship with Beijing as illustrations of Tokyo’s drive to find a diverse set of partners to ensure economic and military security.

Despite the U.S. appearing to be on an inevitable drift further away from its Asian allies, Bremmer is confident that straight talk from Tokyo could help keep Washington engaged in the region.

 “It is very important for the Japanese to learn that they are America’s best ally in Asia,” Bremmer said.

“(The U.S-Japan relationship) can’t be like the 1950s, where they are like a faithful spouse — that they just do whatever they ask.

The Japanese have to be thinking of what is in the best interest of both countries long term. That sometimes mean telling your partner when they are screwing up.”

Bremmer calls recent global political developments part of a “geopolitical recession,” and he believes Tokyo’s policies over the past few years can serve as a template to help create a political environment palatable enough for countries to remain open to free trade and international cooperation.

 “The Japanese are the one major advanced industrial democracy that isn’t really falling apart right now. It is increasingly becoming a model for stability,” said Bremmer, who attributes this stability to low levels of immigration and nonparticipation in foreign conflicts.

 “Asia is where we are going to have the world’s largest economies and a bulk of the global population. It is where we are going to see the biggest changes,” said Bremmer. “Japan is a place that understands the G-Zero world because they are on the front lines of it.”



(4) 劇作家 山崎正和氏



(4) Mr. Masakazu Yamazaki

Civic virtue key to raising national status



山崎正和氏 1934年、京都生まれ。日本芸術院会員。大阪大学教授、東亜大学学長、中央教育審議会会長、サントリー文化財団副理事長などを歴任。文化勲章受章


Yamazaki is a playwright and critic. Previously he was a professor at Osaka University and chaired the Central Council on Education. The government has named him a Person of Cultural Merit



Almost six decades passed between the birth of the Emperor of the Reiwa era and his ascent to the throne this year. In retrospect, the past half century can be said to be remembered as a period of transition in the history of modern Japan, causing the country to change its appearance as a nation together with that of its population’s lives.

Japan’s modernization, which began at the outset of the Meiji era (1868-1912), can be referred to as a history of expansionism, be it good or bad. During this process, Japanese society was driven by the “catch-up-and-overtake” development model. Japan’s economic credo remained intact even in the wake of World War II and its defeat. In the postwar years, it continued sticking to the model by adopting a national policy of gauging and enhancing national strength in terms of gross domestic product.





At the start of the 1970s, an ad campaign presented Japanese society with the slogan “Moretsu kara byutifuru he” advocating a shift of life mode “from breakneck to beautiful.”

The diversification of consumer desires was just one of the aspects associated with the societal sea change. It can be said that, as a matter of fact, the Japanese population’s sentiment was already turning to the acceptance of reforms during the 1970s. The individualization of tastes reflected a broader rise in individualism, which in turn would give rise to an independent-minded selective approach to human relationships. As a consequence, the pre-modern order based on people’s regional and blood ties and the more modern order based on company connections no longer worked as the absolute foundation of relationships among people.

The latent social energy stemming from the change in popular sentiment built up till the Heisei era. The accumulated change finally became intense enough to surface during that era in the form of volunteer activities to help victims of numerous natural disasters. It was epoch-making that when the Great Hanshin Earthquake hit Kobe and its vicinity in January 1995, a total of 1.37 million volunteers gathered from all over the country for relief activities over the course of a year despite having no regional or blood ties to victims. The example of the Hanshin Earthquake response led to the immediate launch of widespread volunteer activities in the Tohoku region following the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011 and in Kumamoto Prefecture following a major quake in April 2016. Volunteer operations became so common that the word “volunteer” became a part of everyday Japanese. As such, volunteer activities have become a natural trait among Japanese people, with many of them combining individualism with a sense of civic virtue by acting in the public interest on their own will.






It is true that the bottom line of Japanese people’s civic virtue has improved remarkably during the past half century. Now, it is common across Japan for people to properly separate household garbage for disposal and recycling. Likewise, a growing number of people pick up their dogs’ waste while taking a walk with their pets. Moreover, few drivers these days honk their horns to vent their frustration while stuck in traffic jams. Japan is globally acknowledged as having the world’s highest probability of lost items being found and returned to their owners. The Reiwa era has started against the background of such a state of national sentiment. I see no signs that the major transition from the quest of modernization, as seen above, will be reversed in the foreseeable future. I do not expect Japan to try once again to expand domestic demand and compete with China in terms of GDP growth. Even so, some people fear the possible loss of the positive psychological effects of high GDP growth and Japan’s national prestige, which have been sources of self-confidence at home and a strong presence abroad.

This article is actually intended to dispel any concern about such a possibility. I would like to emphasize that in the past half century Japan’s culture has developed in such a way that it should be spread abroad to improve the image of the country. In this context, Japan’s cultural exports now include not only manga shipments but also its civic virtue, which constitutes the very basis of Japanese society.



その中でも注目を惹くのは、国際協力機構(JICA)の北岡伸一理事長の最新著『世界地図を読み直す』に紹介されている「日本式小学校」のエジプトへの輸出だろう。2016年に、シシ大統領の発案に基づき、北岡氏が対応したものだが、その眼目は「子供が校舎の掃除をする小学校」だったという。大統領は、日本人の礼儀正しさと規律ある行動に関心があって、それを涵養したのが小学校教育であると直感したらしい。確かに日本は初等教育を重視したが、そこで要となっていたのが躾け教育だった。「自分で汚したものは自分で奇麗にする」という単純な徳目は、清潔感と責任感、それに平等な仲間意識を育むうえで鍵となっていた。この日本の徳目がエジプトに移植され、2018年には最初の学校が開設され、200校を目途に増設が予定されているという。日本文化が国際的な教化力を発揮したというこの事実は、GDPによる国威の発揚以上に、令和の日本を占う明るい材料といえる。 将来、外国移民の受け入れは日本にとっても不可避の課題だが、その際、移民の文化的な同化は必須だからである。権威としての日本文化に外国人も進んで随う可能性を知ることは、国を開く日本人に勇気を与えるにちがいない。

In this regard, an ongoing development in Egypt, as described by Shinichi Kitaoka, president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in his latest book, “Sekai Chizu wo Yominaosu” (A new way to read the world map), has particularly drawn my attention. It is about the adoption of Japanese-style primary school education, an idea that was floated by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and turned into a reality by the JICA chief in 2016.

The Egyptian leader, who is said to be interested in the fact that Japanese people are polite and well-disciplined, seemed to have instinctively understood that primary school education in Japan has traditionally cultivated such characteristics. Since Japan introduced modern public education in the Meiji era, it has truly given importance to primary school education with particular emphasis on discipline education as the core part of early childhood education. Students learn the simple rule of cleaning any place once they make it dirty. Acquiring such a simple virtue was the key for students to understand the importance of both cleanliness and responsibility on the one hand, and to build up a sense of equal fellowship on the other.

Now that Japan’s civic virtue has been accepted in the Egyptian education system, with the first batch of 35 Japanese-style schools opened in September 2018, the initiative expects to increase the number of such schools to as many as 200. As we want to know what Japan will become in the Reiwa era, the fact that one of the country’s cultural traits is being utilized for societal enlightenment abroad is more encouraging news than any efforts to boost the country’s national prestige abroad through GDP buoyancy.

Japan will inevitably have to accept immigrants from abroad in the future. It will be indispensable for them to assimilate into Japanese culture. For the Japanese population that will be required to open up the country sooner or later, it is certainly encouraging that there now appear to be people abroad willing to respect and follow Japanese culture.





5.National Security in Reiwa era―proposals by experts

(1)JR東海名誉会長 葛西(かさい)敬之(よしゆき)

日米同盟の進化、対中国 日本の役割増す

(1) Mr. Yoshiyuki Kasai

Japan-U.S. alliance needs to be solidified

(July 29, 2019)



説明: 葛西敬之氏 1940年生まれ。95〜2004年、東海旅客鉄道株式会社(JR東海)社長。同社会長を経て、14年4月から現職。

葛西敬之氏 1940年生まれ。63年東京大学法学部卒業、日本国有鉄道入社。69年米ウィスコンシン大学大学院経済学修士号取得。東海旅客鉄道株式会社(JR東海)社長。同社会長を経て、20144月から現職。



Yoshiyuki Kasai is the Chairman Emeritus and Representative Director of Central Japan Railway Company. Kasai joined Japan National Railway (JNR) in 1963 and played a major role in JNR’s reform. After the break-up and privatization of JNR, Kasai was appointed President of Central Japan Railway Company in 1995, Chairman in 2004, and then Chairman Emeritus in 2014.



President Trump complains about the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.



U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking at a press conference following the end of the Group of 20 summit meeting in Osaka in late June, complained about the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. He remarked, “I said [to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe], ‘Look, if somebody attacks Japan, we go after them and we are in a battle — full force in effect.’ We are locked in a battle and committed to fight for Japan. If somebody should attack the United States, they don’t have to do that. That’s unfair… I said we’re going to have to change it.” The president flatly ruled out the possibility of withdrawing from the bilateral security pact in answer to a reporter’s question. However, such a remark carries the risk of letting the rest of the world see a difference of perception between Japan and the United States regarding security, thus diminishing the deterrent power of their alliance.

The fact that he nonetheless dared to make his dissatisfaction known in public appears to suggest the president was sending a message to Japan, in order to solidify the Japan-U.S. alliance further in response to a rapidly worsening international situation.

The Japan-U.S. Security Treaty stipulates the reciprocal obligations of the two countries, with the United States assuming responsibility to defend Japan and Japan providing the U.S. forces in Japan with bases for forward deployment.

Both countries have implemented the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation of 1978 — which has since been updated twice — advancing their abilities to conduct coordinated operations. Further, the Legislation for Peace and Security that was adopted under the Abe administration is now in place, providing a wider variety of security options for the two countries to employ in case of a situation that Japan determines threatens its survival. Even in peacetime, the Self-Defense Forces are authorized to protect the U.S. military, including its vessels. Japan and the United States have thus steadfastly developed their alliance.




the alliance needs to remain determined to take joint action




However, the rapid rise in tensions between the United States and China demands that the alliance be further strengthened. Pursuing state capitalism under dictatorial control by the Chinese Communist Party, China has achieved years of rapid economic growth. China is now seeking hegemony in every area, confronting the U.S.-led order based on freedom, democracy and the rule of law. Trump’s determination to contain China’s supremacy is said to have across-the-board support from his administration’s national security team and strong bipartisan support on Capitol Hill.

Turning to China’s hegemonic intentions, they are not irrelevant to Japan. In the seas surrounding our country, Chinese vessels are appearing in Japan’s contiguous zone around the Senkaku Islands for consecutive days, with some of them actually violating Japanese territorial waters. As a result, the Japanese side has been busy watching out for and trying to stop Chinese vessels’ intrusions. Against this backdrop, Japan cannot help strongly recognizing the necessity of the Japan-U.S. alliance once again.

The effectiveness of deterrent power by an alliance depends on two factors — the alliance needs to stay sufficiently prepared for an emergency, and must remain determined to take joint action. When a potential adversary perceives the alliance’s deterrence to be credible, emergencies can be avoided. The basic response to fluid international situations such as those facing us today is to clarify the backbone of our foreign policy and ensure that it remains steady. For Japan, this backbone can only be its unwavering alliance with the United States. Surrounded by worsening security circumstances, Japan is under pressure to determine what role it should play as an independent ally of the United States.




Using different gauges between Japan and the US on the matter




Regarding the confrontation between the United States and China, a majority of Japanese people apparently choose to be silent for the time being, seeing it as a “trade war” between the two countries. But I hear the United States is resolutely prepared to engage in a long-term confrontation with China, and intends to request Japan’s cooperation. Even if this lasts 50 or 100 years, the United States aims to contain Beijing’s hegemonic ambitions based on its state capitalist model in the areas of trade, technology, military power and others.

The matter of concern is the difference of opinion between Japan and the United States about the level of Japan’s contribution to the bilateral alliance. Whereas Japan applies the development of the alliance as the yardstick to gauge its contribution, the United States uses a different barometer to measure if Japan is sufficiently responding to the growing pace of China’s military power.

From the U.S. perspective, Japan’s contribution to the bilateral alliance is judged to be “too slow,” “too little” and “temporary.” Washington considers it necessary for Japan to assume a greater share of responsibility in the alliance.

Japan is aware of China’s threat but it tends to take a less active, wait-and-see attitude toward the world’s second-largest economy, as it does not want its relationship of economic interdependence with China jeopardized.

However, there is no room for compromise from the U.S. standpoint, because the battle for hegemony with China is a struggle not only to defend such foundational American values as freedom and democracy, but also to protect the national interests and national security of the United States.

The prerequisite for the security of Japan is U.S. nuclear protection, also known as the “nuclear umbrella,” provided thanks to the Japan-U.S. alliance. Japan has no other option in this regard. Then, how does the United States see Japan? The United States, too, has no partner that could take the place of Japan in Asia, considering that Japan shares values with the United States, has a high logistics ability and is important in geopolitical terms.

Does this mean Japan need not swing between optimism and fear when responding to each request from the United States? Of course not. Japan and the United States are bound by an extremely broad range of ties. When Japan faces China resolutely, backed by the unwavering alliance, China may choose to behave in the neighborhood more like a gentleman. Conversely, weak-kneed diplomacy will only result in China taking advantage of such a wavering stance to adopt an overbearing attitude toward Japan and incite division between Japan and the United States through manipulation of public opinion.



●内向き志向 脱却の時 

Stop inward-looking policy







Areas for Japan-U.S. joint actions deeply overlap with the safety and national interests of Japan. Japan-U.S. coordinated operations in the Strait of Hormuz in the Middle East, the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Pacific and Indian oceans, among other areas, will certainly contribute to ensuring the effectiveness of the Japan-U.S. alliance and raising the deterrent power of the alliance. Furthermore, Japan-U.S. cooperation in outer space and the cyber realm is indispensable, because these are umbrella areas that cover all regions.

Solidarity between the SDF and the U.S. military, backed by national sentiment shared between the two countries, is vital to ensure the effectiveness of the Japan-U.S. alliance. In this connection, what is necessary in Japan now is the awakening of public opinion to facilitate the development of the alliance. Precedents can be found in Japan’s modern and contemporary history.

During the Edo period (1603-1867), the Tokugawa shogunate effectively isolated the country from the rest of the world for about 200 years. But the period of isolation came to an end in the 19th century, following the arrival of a U.S. flotilla known as the Black Ships. At the time, the Western powers were accelerating the colonization of Asia. A sense of crisis over the threat to independence surmounted the national policy of isolation, and the country opened itself up to the world.

Another precedent was the 1960 revision of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. U.S. policy during the Occupation had kept Japan isolated, but the U.S.-Soviet Cold War brought a sea change to the situation. The Cabinet of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi decided to have Japan join the Western camp, supporting freedom and democracy, by revising the security treaty. Japan’s business community was already on board with the free economic system. Japan’s leftists, however, fell into line with propaganda campaigns by the Soviet Union and China, giving rise to waves of protest against the security treaty with the United States. Superficially, the massive demonstrations looked like the prelude to a revolution. In those days, some intellectuals praised the protest rallies as “the dawn of democracy,” but, once the revised treaty was ratified, a sense of calm returned to the public as if nothing had happened. Kishi’s vision of the world and his strategic way of thinking were decisive factors in Japan reopening itself and set the backbone of the nation’s foreign and security policy. However, subsequent administrations all returned to and firmly maintained the inward-looking orientation.

While the United States had viewed the U.S. forces in Japan as “a cap on the bottle” to prevent the resurgence of Japanese militarism, Japan has been limiting its security efforts to the implementation of an “exclusively defense-oriented policy,” and has kept the SDF’s capabilities to the “bare minimum necessary” for self-defense purposes for about 60 years since the revision of the security treaty. As a consequence, Japan managed to achieve miraculous economic development, resulting in what we have today. As Japan enters the Reiwa era, its people must shed their excessively inward-looking way of thinking so the nation can more fulfill its role in the international community as a sovereign state.



(2)国際政治学者 三浦瑠麗氏(女性)


(2) Mrs. Lully MIURA

"War & Peace in the 21st century: Why conscription system is needed again?”








Lully MIURA graduated from UTokyo and earned her Ph.D. from the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics of UTokyo. She is a Founder and President of Yamaneko Research Institute, Inc.

国際政治学者、三浦瑠麗氏の『21世紀の戦争と平和 徴兵制はなぜ再び必要とされているのか』(新潮社)が話題となっている。この本は、フランスやスウェーデンの徴兵制再開等に着目し、これらの動きは、軍国主義への回帰ではなく、国民の間に負担共有の精神を甦らせ、戦争を抑止するための試みであると説明する。徴兵制の存在意義を問い直し、平和主義の強化を提言する本格的な研究書だが、副題に踊る「徴兵制」の一語が刺激的だ。




Lully Miura’s book "War & Peace in the 21st century: Why conscription system is needed again? (Shincho-sya, 2019) is being talked about in public now. In the book, taking note of the reintroduction of compulsory military service by France and Sweden, Miura analyzes that these movements are not the return to militarism, but an attempt to deter a war, making people revive the burden sharing mind.

This book is a real research book to ask the significance of conscription system once more and propose the strengthening of pacifism. And the word "conscription system" expressed on the subtitle of the book is becoming sensational. Under the Constitution, conscription is regarded as "unconstitutional" in Japan and Japanese people have a strong aversion to it due to the prewar experience. Why did she find the strong value in the system? According to the book, the reasons are as follows:

It has been especially obvious among the developed democracies entering the 21st century that the civilian government sometimes embarked on the high-risk aggressive war over strong opposition from military authority. The Iraq war in 2003 led by the U.S. is the typical example. Just a political principle that states the superiority of the civil authority over military authority in controlling the military cannot prevent the outbreak of war. Why does civilian run toward a militant stance in the stable democratic nation? While the burden on going to the battlefield and paying the price in blood is inclined toward military personnel in the country of all-volunteer armed forces, it is unexpected that the predominant electorate and politician shed their own blood.




Miura is also stating as follows in the interview:




+ I have insisted for a long time that the war becomes rather easy in the developed democracies which the civilian control is prevailing. In comparison to the military authorities who consider the costs of war in a calm manner, politicians and the general public tend to count it by only a sense of justice and/or a merit. Thus, the civilian control has a risk of easily rushing straight toward military action. On December 20, last year, there was an incident that an ROK naval vessel directed its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. I think it was a quite dangerous situation, taking note of stirring public opinion. The coolest entity was not the general public, not politicians, not the media, but the Self-Defense Force.




+ In order to have consciousness that soldiers are the same people as citizen, I'm afraid to say that the way they are now is not good. We should have the awareness so that everybody might be mobilized when the government decided to wage a war.

You might think the idea of conscription system to deliver it irrational argument or extreme logic, but it is a natural answer for me. It is the people’s consciousness of involvement which is important for peace above all. This book is not merely thought experiment, but intends to be realistic policy proposal.






Miura whose father was professor of the National Defense Academy says that she has been thinking for a long time how the nation should treat the people who would lay down their life when the moment arrives. What the Self-Defense Force (SDF) is a familiar existence for her from childhood became one of motives for writing this book.

“I have wondered about better treatment of the SDF. After the war, on the one hand Japanese people have a strong aversion to the military which has impaired the dignity of the SDF, but on the other hand people show indifference to the SDF that doesn’t concern them and a lack of sense that the SDF personnel are compatriot. Changing their behavior to treat the SDF personnel as an outsider, people should deepen understanding to the SDF. The SDF has strained to gain people’s understanding too, but frankly speaking, the advertisement is ill-managed and it gives me a headache. To begin with, in the Japanese universities which educate government officials, there is no system for teaching the civil-military relation. This shows the true nature of this issue in Japan. The existence of power elites who don't know the military affairs makes me feel so uneasy.”





6. Conclusion


一方、安倍首相は、2006年(平成18年)9月、第1次安倍内閣発足時、美しい国づくり」及び「戦後レジームからの脱却」を宣言した。「美しい国」と言う語については、当時, これは情緒的な言葉で具体的な指針にはなり得ないと揶揄する向きもあった。しかし、これはまさに戦後大方の国民が失なってしまった、かっての美徳を取り戻し、物質的繁栄の追及から、心の豊かさを尊ぶ品格ある国づくりへと日本丸の舵を切り替えて、世界の中で名誉ある地位を占めようとしたもので、安倍首相は、国家のあるべき姿について明確な目標を示した戦後希有な国家指導者であると私は高く評価している。 また、「戦後レジームからの脱却」の一丁目一番地は憲法改正である。安倍首相には残る任期の間に、憲法を改正し、戦後日本国民に対し戦争犯罪者であるという意識を植え付け、2度とアメリカに立ち向かうことのないよう大和心を破壊する教育を強要した連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ)のウォー・ギルト・インフォメーション・プログラム(War Guilt Information ProgramWGIPの悪影響を一掃して貰いたいものだ。



Since the inauguration of the Abe administration, the Government of Japan has advanced diplomacy, from a panoramic perspective of the world map, under the policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of international cooperation. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has thus far visited 80 countries and regions (169 countries and regions in total) between Oct 2006 and Sept 2019. As a result, Japan’s presence in the international community has steadily risen, and the relationship of trust between Prime Minister Abe and foreign leaders and the heads of international organizations have also been greatly deepened. It could be considered that the result is in the background of the proposals by experts mentioned above.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abe declared to build a "beautiful nation" and to free Japan from its "postwar regime" on the occasion of his inauguration ceremony in September 2006. Some people ridiculed the term "beautiful nation" as an emotional word which was not likely to become to a specific guideline at that time. But, using this term, Abe tried to shift a rudder of the nation from the pursuit of material-oriented prosperity to the building of a new nation with the dignity, which respects mind-oriented abundance and eventually occupy the honorable status in the international arena, while mentioning the revival of traditional virtues which have long decayed. I highly evaluate him as one of rare national leaders throughout the postwar years, who clearly showed the national target designed to respond to changing times. As for “freeing Japan from its postwar regime," the most important matter which should be taken first is the amendment of the Constitution. During his remaining term of office, I would like Prime Minister Abe to get rid of the War Guilt Information Program (WGIP) led by General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ), revising the Constitution. The GHQ tried to destroy Japan’s traditional spirit with this Program that is the “propaganda strategy for inserting war guilt consciousness in Japanese”. They called this the “spiritual disarmament”.

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