






                                     令和21月 松井茂基





コメント30 補足7

イギリス下院、EU離脱法案を可決 1月末に離脱実現へ


The EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill passed in the Commons.

Brexit day is virtually guaranteed on 31 January. What happens next?


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1. MPs debated PM’s Withdrawal Agreement bill and approved


Underlining Johnson’s large majority in Parliament, on December 20, the government has published a revised version of its Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) to ensure that it can take the UK out of the EU on 31 January. The WAB turns Boris Johnson's withdrawal agreement, which is a draft international treaty, into UK law and gives the government permission to ratify it. Incidentally, the Government first introduced the Withdrawal Agreement Bill in October last year. This progressed to a Second Reading, in which the program motion was defeated. The Bill fell when Parliament was dissolved for 2019 General Election. The government is determined to push this bill through pretty quickly, to avoid another Brexit delay. It passed its second reading by 358 to 234 - a majority of 124.





●After Christmas, MPs gave their final backing to the bill that will implement the UK government's Brexit deal on 7th January. The Commons voted 330 to 231 in favor of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) and it moved to the House of Lords, where it is expected to be passed without too much opposition.

The House of Lords started to debate the key areas of the bill on 13 January. If Lords passe it on 21st January, WAB will be concluded via Royal Assent.

Assuming the European Parliament also gives the green light, the UK will formally leave the EU on 31 January with a withdrawal deal.




2. What happens next?

イギリスがEUの政治機構から離脱する日付が131日と決まった。しかし、これは完全離脱に向けたステップの一歩に過ぎない。今後の焦点は、より挑戦的な段階、即ち、イギリスとEUの自由貿易交渉(FTA)に移る。この交渉は、イギリスがなおEUの枠内に留まることが出来る本年1231日までの“移行期間”中 になされなければならない。なお、移行期間中はイギリスにEU法がそのまま適用されていることから、離脱したという事実以外、経済活動に与える影響はほとんどない。在イギリスのEU市民や在EUのイギリス国民についてもその地位は保証される。人、物、サービスなどの移動についても従来同様に自由である。イギリス公共放送BBCの報道によれば、EUからの完全離脱に向けて想定される流れは下図のようになる。


The date for the UK to exit the political structures of the EU was now set at 31 January.

However, this would only mark the next step in the Brexit process.

The focus for 2020 will move to the much more challenging phase – negotiating a UK-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA). This agreement must be concluded in a “transition period” until 31 December 2020, when the UK still remains in the EU trading structures.

Incidentally, during this period, UK citizens in the EU, and EU citizens in the UK, will retain their residency and social security rights. Freedom of movement rules will continue to apply during transition. This means that UK nationals will be able to live and work in EU countries (and EU nationals will be able to live and work in UK) during this period. According to the BBC, the supposed flow which the UK will be fully out of the EU by December 31, 2020 becomes as follows:


説明: Flowchart explaining how Brexit and then a trade deal might happen



Difficult talks with the EU seem almost inevitable. When Theresa May-Boris Johnson's predecessor agreed on the draft withdrawal agreement with the EU in November 2018, the EU offered May a transition period after Britain’s exit in March 2019 , which lasts until 31 December 2020-just 21 months and can be extended once by mutual consent.

The UK was originally due to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. Having failed to get Theresa May’s agreement approved, the UK parliament voted for her to ask the EU to delay Brexit three times. Due to three extensions, time to negotiate a future trading relationship with the EU has already been reduced from two years to 11 months and few experts believe it is possible to “get Brexit done” in that time, raising the possibility of crashing out on 31 December 2020.

When the two sides negotiate a free trade deal, the UK will seek the same customs free rule on trade as the EU members do and negotiate a deal on favorable terms including immigration restriction, access to fishing waters and so on.

On the other hand, the EU will never allow that way of “cherry-picking” by the UK that will continue to enjoy the preferential trade terms negotiated by the EU, not aligning to the bloc’s rules.



● FTA交渉の難しさを考えると、イギリスとEUの間のFTA交渉は、移行期間中にはまとまらず、移行期間は延長される公算が大きい。一般的に通商協定の交渉は分野が多岐にわたり、妥結までに短くても数年かかる。ジョンソン首相は、イギリスとEUの通商交渉は、カナダとEUと結んだFTAをモデルにすると言うが、この交渉には約7年かかり、協定書も1600ページに及んだ。完全な履行にはなお数年を要すると言う。



Thinking of the difficulty on a free trade deal, the deal between the UK and the EU is unlikely to be concluded in a transition period and a transition period is likely to be extended. Generally, a trade deal takes at least several years to be concluded because a trade deal includes many different fields. Johnson says the deal the UK will aim for will be “on the model of a super Canada plus arrangement”. Canada’s free trade deal with the EU (known as CETA), which came into provisional effect in 2017, took seven years to negotiate and runs to almost 1,600 pages. It will take several more years to implement fully. If UK and EU negotiators fail to agree and implement a trade deal by 1 January 2021 and no transition extension is agreed, that would leave the UK trading on WTO (World Trade Organization) terms with the EU. This means that most UK goods would be subject to tariffs until a free trade deal was ready to be brought in.

A core part of the revised withdrawal agreement agreed last October is that there shall be a “transition or implementation period” under Article 126. This period begins when the UK leaves the EU and ends, by default on 31 December 2020. However, the UK and EU can jointly agree, on a one-off basis, to extend that period by a further period of ‘up to two-years,’ under Article 132. But, under the divorce terms, a decision will have to be taken by July 1. There is hardly any time to get the decision done in that time.





Boris Johnson insists that a trade deal can be done during the transition and has ruled out an extension. In a change to the bill (WAB), Johnson made it illegal to extend those talks beyond the end of next year.

Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, the new President of the European Commission, visited Prime Minister Johnson in London on 8th January for the first time since taking office.

At the meeting, Mr. Johnson said the UK was ready to start negotiations "as soon as possible" after 31 January. He has also insisted a deal is possible by December 2020 and has said the transition period will not be extended. Meanwhile, speaking ahead of talks with the PM, Ursula von der Leyen warned it would be "impossible" to reach a comprehensive trade deal by the end of 2020. She said if the deadline was not extended it was not a case of "all or nothing", but of priorities. The EU presumes that the 11 month-transition period is not enough to get the term that both sides are acceptable.








In general election 2019, Tories vowed that as well as negotiating a UK-EU trade deal, the transition will also allow the UK to hold formal trade talks with other countries - such as the US and Australia. If completed and ready in time, these deals could also take effect at the end of the transition.

President Donald Trump welcomed UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s election victory last December, saying “Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new trade deal after Brexit. This deal has the potential to be far bigger and more lucrative than any deal that could be made with the EU.”

When the UK holds trade talks with other countries on a one-by-one basis, a big disadvantage might be generated by less bargaining power based on the scale of the population and the economies which compares unfavorably to when the UK was the EU member country.

There is also a risk to drain away young people in Britain to the European continent, who have noticed the advantage of joining the EU through their own experience in foreign language learning, new technology acquisition, foreign culture learning and so on.

These things suggest that there is a viewpoint that the UK may consider rejoining the EU sooner or later.





<参考>  移行期間とは

<reference>   What is the transition period?


Much of Ms. May's original Brexit deal will remain as part of the overall agreement. Some of the key areas are:








The transition - a period of time during which all of the current rules stay the same allowing the UK and the EU to negotiate their future relationship - is due to last until the end of December 2020. The UK will need to abide by EU rules and pay into the EU budget, but will lose membership of its institutions. The transition can be extended, but only for a period of one or two years. Both the UK and EU must agree to any extension.


Citizens' rights



UK citizens in the EU, and EU citizens in the UK, will retain their residency and social security rights after Brexit. Freedom of movement rules will continue to apply during transition. This means that UK nationals will be able to live and work in EU countries (and EU nationals will be able to live and work in UK) during this period. Anyone who remains in the same EU country for five years will be allowed to apply for permanent residence.







The UK will have to settle its financial obligations to the EU. There is no precise figure but the biggest part of this "divorce bill" will be the UK contributions to the 2019 and 2020 EU budgets. As Brexit was delayed from 29 March to 31 October 2019, some of that money has been paid as part of the UK's normal membership contributions already. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimates that the bill is now around £33bn (down from £39bn). The OBR expects that most of the money - around three-quarters of the total - would be paid by 2022, with some relatively small payments still being made in the 2060s.

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