














令和2521日 松井茂基








1First round of negotiations


(1) Both sides entered negotiations



The first round of negotiations on the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom took place from March 2 to March 5 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. This would be with the aim of implementing the new relationship as soon as the transition period ends. 




As for the chief negotiators of both sides, Michel Barnier is the EU’s chief negotiator in the second phase of Brexit negotiations with the UK, as head of the newly created Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom (UKTF). Previously, he was chief negotiator during talks over the Withdrawal Agreement, when he led the European Commission’s Article 50 Task Force.

David Frost is Boris Johnson’s Europe advisor and chief negotiator for the talks on the UK’s future relationship with the EU. He leads a team in the Cabinet Office which prepared the UK government’s negotiating mandate and leads the negotiations with the EU.



As for subjects of the negotiation, 11 different policy areas as shown in the table below are supposed to be discussed in the simultaneous parallel way by 11 different working groups. According to the UK government, these subjects are classified according to pragmatic need of the negotiation. However, the EU’s proposed security partnership which would involve co-operation in foreign affairs and defense matters seems to be excluded from this negotiating table because British negotiators have asked to leave these issues aside. The UK’s future global position will depend on a series of factors: international cooperation in the defense industry, the UK’s vision of internal security (including Northern Ireland), the country’s future commitments to European security and foreign policy and NATO. The UK has bargaining ability in this field after all.



As for the timetable of the negotiation, half a dozen or so rounds of negotiations are expected to take place by the end of June. The teams agree to have five round talks by mid-May and meet about 3 days every round, alternating between Brussels and London as shown in the table below. After that, both aims an agreement at the summit’s level in June, too.







Trade in goods



Trade in services and investment and other issues



Level playing field for open and fair competition






Energy and civil nuclear cooperation






Mobility and social security coordination



Law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters



Thematic cooperation



Participation in Union programmes



Horizontal arrangements and governance











3月  2日(月)午後








4月  6日(月)午前
















(2) The first round, “serious divergences"



The first round of negotiations on the future relationship between the EU and the UK was held from March 2 to 5 March as scheduled in Brussels, Belgium. Both chief negotiators warned on March 5 of “serious divergences" between the two sides after the conclusion of the first round of talks.



Speaking at a press conference in Brussels after four days of talks, EU negotiator Michel Barnier said the two sides had major disagreements in four areas: a “level playing field” for competition, fishing, security cooperation, governance of the future relationship.

当面、難航必至とみられているのが6分科会の漁業権を巡る問題で、案の定この交渉は極めて難しいことが判明した。EUはイギリスの排他的経済水域でのEU 漁業者の漁業継続を関税撤廃の条件としている。これまでの取決めでイギリスの排他的経済水域における漁獲量の約3分の2がイギリス以外のEUの漁業者によるものと言われる。イギリスと隣接するEU各国、特にフランスの漁業者にとりイギリス南岸での漁業継続は死活問題とされる。しかし、イギリスの漁業者から見れば事情は全く逆であり、1973 年の欧州経済共同体(EEC)加盟以降、彼らは自国の漁場をEUに奪われたと考えている。イギリスの漁業者は熱心な離脱支持層であり、イギリス政府はその主張を無視できない。


As expected, discussions on future fishing rights have proved difficult. Johnson says Brexit means that Britain takes control of its waters. The EU, meanwhile, wants to make sure its fishing fleets still have access to British waters, in much the same way as they do now.


On governance, Barnier said UK negotiators have asked for a series of sectoral agreements while the EU is pushing for one comprehensive deal that includes all topics up for discussion.

最も深刻なのは,3分科会の“Level Playing Field平等な競争条件)”を巡る問題である。EUは,イギリスがこれに合意する見返りに、EUの単一市場へ他国を上回るアクセスを確保しながらEUの規制からは逃れようとしていることを警戒している。そのためEUは,補助金,競争政策,社会・雇用・環境基準,税制等における平等な競争条件の確保を要求している。

The EU is particularly vexed by concerns that Britain may diverge on rules and regulations to gain a competitive advantage so wants to make sure that a level playing field is agreed by London in return for a high degree of access to the single market.








Meanwhile, UK negotiator David Frost said it was “pleased with the constructive tone from both sides” but also predicted the negotiations would be “tough.”

“In some areas there seems to be a degree of common understanding of how to take the talks forward,” he said in a statement. “In other areas, such as fishing, governance, criminal justice and the so-called ‘level playing field’ issues there are, as expected, significant differences.” Frost said any deal had to respect the “legal and economic independence” of the U.K.

Britain has accused the EU of seeking to impose tougher conditions on the UK , saying that the EU has not imposed such conditions on other countries which have free trade deals with the EU, such as Japan, Canada, etc. The EU believes that, given the UK is a large economy that is geographically close to the single market, a level playing field is a prerequisite to avoiding tariffs.



<参考> 平等な競争条件とは?

<Reference> What is “Level Playing Field”?

平等な競争条件とは、一義的には、労働者の権利や環境保護などの分野で他の国の競争力を奪うような取引を防止するために使われる一連の共通ルールと基準を意味する通商政策用語で、競争条件の公平性を議論するときによく使われる。playing fieldはサッカーやテニスなどの競技を行う「グラウンド」を指す。level the playing fieldは、「段差をなくして競争条件を同じにする」という意味)

A level playing field is a trade policy term that refers to a set of common rules and standards that are used primarily to prevent businesses in one country undercutting their rivals in other countries, in areas such as workers' rights and environmental protections.


平等な競争条件の規定は、貿易問題以外にも、持続可能な開発や気候変動などの分野でも使用されている。EUの単一市場は、異なる国々の間で合意された平等な競争条件が最も進んでいる例である。欧州委員会及び欧州司法裁判所は、このルールを監督し、実施することについて責任を有している。EUは何故イギリスとの間で平等な競争条件を保証することを切望しているのか? EUは、UKEUの単一市場に地理的に近く大きな経済を持つ国であることを利用して、EU加盟国を各個撃破し自国に有利にFTAを締結しようとしていると見て、これを防止するためこのルールが必要と考えているからである。


Beyond ensuring fair and open trade, level playing field provisions can support other objectives such as sustainable development or meeting climate change commitments. The EU’s single market is the most developed example of a level playing field agreed between different countries. The European Commission and the European Court of Justice are responsible for overseeing and enforcing these rules.

Why are the EU keen to ensure a level playing field between the EU and the UK?

The EU believes that, given the UK is a large economy that is geographically close to the single market, a level playing field is a prerequisite to avoiding tariffs.




2. Covid-19 hit negotiations


(1) The second round was scrapped


A second round of face-to-face trade talks between the two sides were due to take place in London on March 18-20, but they were scrapped because of the spread of the deadly disease. The “standstill” transition period is due to expire on December 31, giving the bloc and Britain nine months to hammer out the terms of their future relationship. 



A UK government spokesman announced on March 17 that this week's talks had been cancelled. “In light of the latest guidance on coronavirus, we will not formally be convening negotiating work strands tomorrow in the way we did in the previous round,” the spokesman said. 




(2) How to continue talks



Both sides mainly communicated via email, prompting questions over future. Two sides tried to figure out how to conduct talks using video link.


A UK government spokesman said, “Both sides remain fully committed to the negotiations and we remain in regular contact with the European Commission to consider alternative ways to continue discussions, including exploring flexibility in the structure for the coming weeks.”



Meanwhile, one EU source told that the bloc has not 'had time to properly go through our own text' among the 27 member states on the specifics of what the deal should look like. “There were going to be in-depth meetings, but now they are cancelled,” he said. 


In the first round of talks between the UK and EU more than 200 officials split into 11 different working groups mentioned above, sitting round 11 different tables in a conference center in Brussels, discussing 11 different policy areas.



Since the coronavirus worsened, the two sides looked at whether they could replicate this set-up using video-onferencing and speaker phones. They have given up because it's just too difficult. But, the two chief negotiators - David Frost for the UK and Michel Barnier for the EU are still searching for ways to hold virtual negotiations in the future.




(3) Both chief negotiators suffered from the symptoms of Covid-19



The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier revealed he has tested positive for the disease on Twitter on March 19 (but, now recovered). Boris Johnson’s chief Brexit negotiator David Frost was showing signs of being infected with coronavirus a day after Michel Barnier tested positive for the disease. Number 10 confirmed David Frost was self-isolating after suffering from the symptoms of Covid-19 (but, now no longer self-isolating). While the two leads were confined to their homes, the EU and UK continued working on draft legal texts, but progress ground to a halt.





3. New timetable after the second round of negotiations



During a videoconference on 15 April 2020, Michel Barnier, the EU’s Chief Negotiator, and David Frost, the UK’s Chief Negotiator released a timetable for the next three rounds of negotiations in an attempt to get coronavirus-disrupted talks back on track.

In a joint statement, the two sides said recent technical work had been “useful to identify all major areas of divergence and convergence”, but they agreed there was a need to organize further talks “in order to make real, tangible progress in the negotiations by June”. The next round will begin from April 20 to 24, with further talks scheduled for the weeks of 11 May and 1 June.




Though the 2nd to 5th round of negotiations which have firstly been planned by the mid-May, meeting 3-4 days per round, the new timetable is trying to recover the delay of the negotiation, increasing the number of meeting days per round and conducting a total of three rounds until the beginning of June.


Both sides maintain their initial target schedule to achieve a broad agreement by June and reach a final deal by September and make the UK’s transition period end on 31 December 2020.



During the video call, Frost told Barnier the UK did not intend to seek an extension to the 11-month transition period, which ends on 31 December 2020. Yet EU diplomats are increasingly convinced that London will ask for an extension, as the fallout from coronavirus hammers the global economy and consumes political energy across Europe.

Under the divorce agreement signed last year, Britain must decide by June 30 whether it wants to extend a transition period that is aimed at smoothing its departure from the bloc. The transition period – which keeps the UK in the EU single market and customs union without voting rights – can be prolonged for up to two years, but only once.



4. Second round talks resumed via videoconference



Britain and the European Union have held a second round of negotiations on their future relationship by videoconference after a five-week standstill amid the coronavirus pandemic, but limited progress was made in bridging the gaps between the two sides.

イギリス政府スポークスマンは、今回の会議は、ここ数週間双方が準備した資料に基づき全ての分野にわたって十分な議論が行われ建設的な交渉だったとする一方、EU側が自由貿易協定(FTA)締結の前提として企業への補助金などの基準をEUに合わせるよう求めたことについて、第1ラウンドの時と同様、「EUは、日本やカナダなど他のFTA締結国に対しては厳しいLevel Playing Field(公平な競争条件)を求めていない」と不満を表明し、また、他の分野についても根本的に重要な相違があると述べた。

A UK government spokeswoman said in a statement, “This was a full and constructive negotiating round, and with a full range of discussions across all the issues, on the basis of the extensive legal texts provided by both sides in recent weeks.” However, Britain said the detail of the EU’s offer on goods trade falls “well short” of recent precedent in free trade agreements it has reached with other countries and there were also “significant differences of principle in other areas.”





The EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier has accused the UK of dragging its feet over post-Brexit negotiations. He described this week's talks as "disappointing" -- adding that no progress had been made in key areas. The UK had failed to engage or provide texts on crucial topics such as fishing, Barnier said. Yet "more than ever, the clock is ticking," he added, ahead of crucial deadlines this year. "We cannot accept to make selective progress, on a limited set of issues only. We need to make progress on all issues in parallel. We need to find solutions on the most difficult topics. The UK cannot refuse to extend the transition, and at the same time slow down discussions on important areas," the chief negotiator said. Despite the health and economic crisis, attention must now focus on the post-Brexit ties, which have to be sorted before the transition period ends on December 31. This keeps many arrangements intact from the UK's time as an EU member state. But these will abruptly change unless a new agreement is in place.



5. The third round talks took place via video conference



The third round of negotiations between the EU and the UK took place via videoconference from 11 May to 15 May 2020. More than 200 officials took part in the talks via video conference this week. Both sides were far apart on key issues but under pressure to make progress ahead of an EU-UK summit next month.




Britain’s chief negotiator David Frost said at the end of the latest round of video-conference negotiations, there had been “very little progress”, adding that he found it “hard to understand why the EU insists on an ideological approach which makes it more difficult to reach a mutually beneficial agreement”. A UK source described the talks as tetchy at times, with just six weeks to go before a legally binding deadline by which a decision must be made on extending the transition period beyond 2020. The British government has previously said it could be forced to refocus its attention away from the negotiations and towards preparing the country for a no-deal outcome if significant progress has not been made by 1 July.

In his statement, Frost said: “We very much need a change in EU approach for the next round beginning on 1 June. “In order to facilitate those discussions, we intend to make public all the UK draft legal texts during next week so that the EU’s member states and interested observers can see our approach in detail.”

一方、EUのバルニエ代表は、“本ラウンドには非常に落胆した。楽観的にはなり得ない結果だった。”と述べた。その根本的な火種は、環境・社会保障・労働基準などの分野における共通の、所謂「平等な競争条件(Level Playing Field)」には縛られないとするイギリス側の主張にあると言う。



バルニエ氏は、“イギリスは、典型的な自由貿易協定の合意を目指すという主張はそっちのけにして、EU単一市場の一部をいいとこ取りをしようとしている。” “会うたびに、イギリスは、喜んでカナダ型FTAを締結すると言いながら、同時に、カナダ型モデルで得られるものよりはるかに多くのことをEUに要求してくる。”と批判した。





The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier told reporters in a virtual press conference that the round of talks had been “very disappointing”, adding that he was not optimistic about the outcome. A key flashpoint remains the British insistence that it will not tie itself to common so-called level playing conditions on environmental, social and labour standards.

Barnier accused, “The UK is trying to pick and choose parts of the EU single market, dismissing the government’s claims that it is seeking a typical free-trade agreement.”

“Every time we meet they say they would be happy to have a Canada-style agreement, but at the same time ... they ask for far more from us than is available under the Canadian model.”

Despite the downbeat tone, Barnier said the two sides were “not at the point of failure” and hinted compromise might be possible on the tortuous issue of fishing right over the 100 species straddling British and EU waters. While the EU wants to maintain the status quo, the UK wants a big increase in its fishing catches from British waters. “We should be able to move away from these two respective very maximalist positions in order to work on all sorts of parameters between these two maximalist positions,” Barnier said, adding that the discussion was “perhaps the only positive outcome from this week”.





Could it be possible that the transition period will be extended?



The voices urging Downing Street ask for an extension of the transition period to avoid a no-deal Brexit at the end of the year are growing stronger.

The talk on the future relationship between the EU and the UK has now been delayed because of the coronavirus outbreak. If the UK and the EU fail to reach an agreement concerning their future relationship during the transition period, the UK will suffer a huge economic blow. The UK–EU Withdrawal Agreement would have allowed up to two years for the completion and ratification of negotiations on the future relationship. That is why the voices on the extension has grown stronger.



According to the public opinion surveys for about 2800 people conducted by YouGov, British international Internet-based analytics firm, in early April, support was 56% and oppose was 27% for extending the Brexit transition period. The 40% of Leave voters even supports extending the Brexit transition period.


Meanwhile, a UK government spokesperson reiterated: “The transition period ends on 31 December 2020, as enshrined in UK law, which the prime minister has made clear he has no intention of changing.” If a decision on extension is made, it would require a deal on new payments into the EU budget. and it is certain to provoke a major backlash from Brexiters. MPs on Hard Brexit told that the country had voted to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum and that last December's general election result showed people had voted for no more delays, and that remains the case.



A decision on extension must be taken by the end of June, according to the terms of the divorce deal.




7. Movements of PM Johnson


Johnson returned to his office and residence in Downing Street on April 27. He had spent two weeks recovering at his country residence Chequers following a serious coronavirus infection that saw him admitted to intensive care. Johnson is back at work and under pressure to announce an exit strategy to the lockdown.


The UK has the second-highest confirmed coronavirus death toll in the world and the highest in Europe. The country has reported more than 248,800 recorded cases and 35,704 deaths from the virus as of May 20, according to Johns Hopkins University data.



While it is seemed that the UK economy will decline as the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s due to Covid-19, PM Johnson is forced to take prompt measures on how to lift the lockdown without causing the second wave of spread of infection. Johnson announced in a televised message on May 10 that he is extending the country's lockdown measures, but unveiled a three-stage plan to reopen schools, some businesses and the hospitality industry in June and July. However, Johnson prioritized on prevention of infection than repairing damage to the economy and emphasized his posture to re-strengthen control on Covid-19 measures according to the situation too.



In such a situation, what decision Johnson will make for the impending deadline of extension of transition period is worthy of attention in the middle of very little progress over the negotiation as mentioned above.



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