











                        令和21012日 松井茂基









1. Trump's base is shrinking as s without a college degree continue to decline.

●公共放送「NPR (National Public Radio)」は去る93日、前回大統領選以来、全米有権者人口マップの変化について、ブルッキングズ研究所と共同で実施した興味ある分析結果を発表した。その中でとくに目を引いたのが、全有権者に占める高卒以下の「低学歴白人層」のトランプ支持割合の下落だ。建設労働者、農業従事者などで構成される同グループは4年前、圧倒的多数でトランプ支持に回り、当選の大きな要因となったが、分析によると今回、全体に占める低学歴白人層の割合は45%から41%に低下していることが判明した。


That's a key finding of an analysis of how the U.S. electorate has changed since 2016, based on census data analyzed by the Brookings Institution and NPR. In 2016, Trump was helped to victory by winning a record margin among voters without a college degree. But in the last four years, they have declined as a share of the voting-eligible population across the U.S. and in states critical to the presidential election. Nationally, the group has gone from 45% of eligible voters to 41%. Of the 16 states most likely to be closely contested this election, all but two have seen a decline in s without a college degree as a share of eligible voters. College-educated s, on the other hand, have gained in 14 of those states, according to the analysis.

Latinos are on the rise in 12 of the 16 states, most notably in the Sun Belt, where Asian Americans are also a significant share.




     A shrinking gap



Almost two-third of s without a college degree voted for Trump in 2016, and they are still among the largest voting blocs in the country. But the gap between them and other more Democratic-leaning groups is shrinking.

For example, when you combine s with a college degree and Latinos, two groups that have voted far more in favor of Democrats, they are now almost on par with s without a degree.

That's a big shift from 2016. Then, s without a college degree had a 9-point advantage over s with a degree and Latinos combined. Now, the gap is only about 2 points.





A decline of s without a college degree in the Rust Belt





Trump was able to eke out an Electoral College victory in 2016 by fewer than 80,000 votes in three critical formerly Democratic states — Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. So given that he was operating at such a narrow margin already, Trump can't afford to lose voters there. But that may be what's happening in the Rust Belt. There are seven battleground states where s without a college degree are a majority of eligible voters. All of them, except New Hampshire, have areas included in the Rust Belt. And in each of them, s without a degree have declined. In some places, like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Ohio, they've gone down significantly, by 5 percentage points as a share of eligible voters. Conversely, s with a college degree have gone up in each of them. These states are less diverse than other places, so this educational split among s is one of the most important factors in determining whether Trump or Joe Biden wins them.




Diversifying Sun Belt



The U.S. is diversifying more quickly in the South and West, and we've seen traditionally Republican Arizona, Georgia and Texas emerge as battlegrounds.

Demography is largely responsible for that. In four key Sun Belt states, including Florida, the share of non-college-educated s has gone down, while Latinos are on the rise. In Arizona, in particular, s without a college degree are down 5 points since 2016, and Latinos are up 6. Latinos now make up almost a third of the voting-eligible population in the state. In 2016, they made up only 15% of voters, according to exit polls, so registering Latinos to vote is critical there for Democrats. The fact is this: Latinos are simply aging into the voting-eligible population. In 2018, s for the first time made up a minority of America’s under-15 population. So even if immigration were shut off completely today, Latinos would only continue to become a larger share of eligible voters over the next generation.







Sun Belt

Sun Bely is a region comprising 15 southern states in the United States and extending from Virginia and Florida in the southeast through Nevada in the southwest, and also including southern California. Between 1970 and 1990, the South grew in population by 36 percent and the West by 51 percent, both well above the national average. Large in-migration, along with a high birth rate and a decline in out-migration, all contributed to rapid growth of both the Sun Belt’s population and manufacturing activities. Improvements in transportation and communications, abundant air conditioning in summer, and a favorable winter climate are attractive forces for retirees as well as workers.





Yes, but who will turn out?



Trump may have won a record margin among s without a college degree, but their turnout rate was not remarkable as compared with past presidential elections. In fact, it was lower than in both 2008 and 2004. Trump won a record margin of voters without a college degree in 2016, but they didn't turn out at a record rate.

Trump has done very little to reach out beyond his base. But as the Cook Political Report's David Wasserman has noted, half of all nonvoters in 2016 were s without a college degree. So, on the one hand, there's clearly room to grow for Trump with his base group of voters. On the other hand, it's unclear why they would turn out for Trump at higher levels than in 2016. Majorities of Americans this year disapprove of the job he's doing overall and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. According to a Reuters / Ipsos opinion poll held on Sept. 3-8, the voting-eligible population of s without a college degree who says "I definitely plan to vote" has declined. On the contrary, in addition to s with a college degree who have voted far more in favor of Democrats, the rising of voting motivation by the black and the Hispanic voting blocs is noticeable. Reuters say, "It is unprecedented that these groups which didn't show an interest so much so far in the presidential election showed this time their voting intention actively, it means that they have so strong distrust to President Trump." Therefore, the Trump’s team is forced to call voting more seriously to s without a college degree in key battleground states toward the final stage of the campaign.





2. White women’s change of mind.


What is Suburban women?




America’s suburbs were key to Donald Trump winning the presidency in 2016. U.S. suburbs were initially well-defined enclaves on the edge of cities when they sprang up during the post-World War Two baby boom. The families that lived in them were often structured around a single income - the man's - and a single caretaker - the woman. While it is hard to characterize a country as diverse as the United States, or even to define what a “suburb” is anymore, the neighborhoods within commuting distance to a major U.S. city look very different today. In fact, suburbs have grown increasingly diverse in recent years; as of 2010, 35 percent of suburban residents were minorities — roughly the same share as in the national population. Trump has tried to position himself as a protector of the “Suburban Lifestyle Dream,” saying that suburban housewives want safety and security more than anything else.




Suburban women’s change of mind.


The 2nd example of shrinking of Trump's base is suburban women’s change of mind.

In a Wall Street Journal poll on Sept 5, Mr. Trump trailed Biden among suburban women 39% to 56%. According to the same exit poll held in the previous presidential election, Mr. Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in the suburbs 49% to 45%. It supports that a position was reversed in past 4 years.  In the survey for the rate of the votes by the all-America women four years ago, Clinton lost non-college-educated  women, winning only 34 percent to Trump's 62 percent. Women voters, particularly women in Battleground states, will make a significant difference in the 2020 election. All survey definitively shows that while President Donald Trump has tried to appeal to women voters, particularly suburban women, with a law and order message, his efforts have not persuaded suburban women who view Trump highly unfavorably and trust Biden more on law and order and a multitude of other issues.  Across nearly every group of women voters, Biden holds a significant polling advantage. However, President Trump does hold an advantage with non-college educated women. They voted for him in 2016 and are poised to vote for him again.  This could be significant in the battleground states where non-college women are 27-29 percent of the likely electorate while college women are 12-14 percent of the likely electorate.





Why did suburban women change their mind?



According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump’s “law and order” message fell short with its target audience of suburban s voters. Instead, suburban s, like all Americans, have been largely driven by concerns about the coronavirus, which has killed more than 210,000 people so far in the United States, more than any other country in the world. When asked about the most important factor driving their vote, 27 percent of suburban s said they were looking for a candidate with a robust plan for handling the virus, while 25 percent said they wanted someone who would restore trust in American government. Another 19 percent said they wanted a president who was strong on the economy and jobs.




● その他女性達がトランプ氏を嫌う理由

Other reasons why women disapprove Trump



+Women have moved away from Trump in recent months, describing themselves as frustrated by the way Trump handled the killing of George Floyd in police custody and the subsequent racial-justice protests.





+ As Mr. Biden tapped California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate who is the first Black woman and the first woman of Indian ancestry on a major party’s presidential ticket, Mr. Trump labeled her a “madwoman” in an interview.





+ The president has long been criticized for vulgar comments about women. He has also been accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen women, allegations he has denied.





3. Trump’s popularity slips in the Military and more troops will vote for Biden






For the Trump's campaign team, the 3rd cause of concern is a decline of approval rating and the defection in the military. The latest Military Times poll shows a continued decline in active-duty service members’ views of President Donald Trump and a slight but significant preference for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election among troops surveyed. In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Among all survey participants, 42 percent said they “strongly” disapprove of Trump’s time in office. In a poll conducted at the start of Trump’s presidency, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of him, versus 37 percent who had an unfavorable opinion. Even with the steady decline, Trump’s popularity in the poll remains better than former President Barack Obama. Obama had a 36 percent favorable rating and a 52 percent unfavorable rating in a January 2017 Military Times poll. Among active-duty service members surveyed in the poll, 41 percent said they would vote for Biden, the Democratic nominee, if the election was held today. Only 37 percent said they plan to vote to re-elect Trump.




● 軍部が重大な懸念を示すトランプ大統領の言動

     Policy disagreements



Even with the president’s lower popularity, the most recent poll respondents were more likely to hold a favorable view of Trump’s handling of military issues (48 percent) than an unfavorable one (46 percent). Still, the latest poll found significant disagreement among active-duty respondents with several controversial presidential policy statements from recent months.




+ Only about 17 percent of those surveyed felt the White House has properly handled reports that Russian officials offered bounties for Afghan fighters to target and kill American troops, an issue Trump has dismissed as unreliable intelligence. Nearly 47 percent disagreed with his statements.






+Similarly, almost 74 percent of those surveyed disagreed with Trump’s suggestion that active-duty military personnel should be used to respond to civil unrest in American cities, including the ongoing racial equality protests. Only about 22 percent supported the president’s idea.




+ Troops agreed with Trump’s assessment of China as a national security threat (nearly 87 percent called it a significant concern) but ranked Russia (81 percent) well above Iran (58 percent).





+Only about 21 percent of troops saw immigration as a significant national security issue, but 48 percent identified nationalists as a concern.





+ Nearly half of troops surveyed said the U.S. military force level in Germany should remain the same, despite Trump’s recent moves to drawn down American military personnel levels there. Another 24 percent say they believe troop levels in Germany should be increased.



●これらに追い打ちをかけたのが、米有力誌「The Atlantic」(93日号)の衝撃的スクープ記事だった。トランプ氏は201811月、第1次世界大戦の終戦100年記念式典に合わせて訪仏した。パリ東部のエーヌ・マルヌ米国人墓地には何百人もの米海兵隊員が埋葬されているが、トランプ大統領は、捕らえられるか、殺された彼等を「負け犬losers」・「間抜けsuckers」との表現で侮辱したことを同記事は明らかにした。同行していた米国防省関係者も、20181110日の朝、他国の高官が同墓地を訪問する中、トランプ氏は墓地訪問を取り止め、確かにそのようにコメントしたと証言している。民主党大統領候補のバイデン氏は、「The Atlantic誌の記事が事実なら、これは、トランプ大統領と自分の大統領の役割についての考え方が如何にかけ離れているかを示すものだ」と語った。「義務、名誉、国家これらは、我が国の兵士達が戦場に向かう時の価値感である」と述べ、若し自分が大統領に選ばれるなら、こうしたアメリカのヒーロー達は、私が常に彼らの背中を押し、彼らの犠牲を尊重しているかを知るだろうと付け加えた。トランプ氏は以前にも自らは徴兵を3度にわたり拒否する一方、2015年、大統領に立候補した直後、共和党の重鎮ジョン・マケイン上院議員について「真の英雄とは言えない」と激しく非難した。The Atlanticは、また、トランプ氏が、捕虜としてベトナムで数年を過ごし勲章を授けられた退役海軍軍人のマケイン氏の20188月の葬式をサポートしたくないと言い、自分は捕まらなかった者が好きだと言ったことを伝えている。なお、トランプ氏とマケイン氏がお互いを毛嫌いしたのには次のような経緯がある。




Moreover, adding insult to injury is a shocking scoop article of the Sept 3 issue of the US influential magazine "The Atlantic." The Atlantic details multiple instances of President Donald Trump making disparaging remarks about members of the U.S. military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers.” The defense official said Trump made the comments as he begged off visiting the cemetery outside Paris on the morning of Nov. 10, 2018. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said, “If the revelations in the Atlantic article are true, then they are yet another marker of how deeply President Trump and I disagree about the role of the President of the United States.” “Duty, honor, country — those are the values that drive our service members,” he said in a statement, adding that if he is elected president, “I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice — always.” While Trump refused to do his military service 3 times, in 2015, shortly after launching his presidential candidacy, Trump publicly blasted Republican Sen. John McCain, saying “He’s not a war hero.” He added, “I like people who weren’t captured.”The Atlantic also reported that Trump said he didn’t want to support the August 2018 funeral of McCain, a decorated Navy veteran who spent years as a Vietnam prisoner of war, because he was a “loser.” Incidentally, the health-care insurance system now enforced in America is so-called "ObamaCare", but, as everybody knows, the repeal of ObamaCare and its alternative have been argued under President Trump. However, a new, scaled-down Republican plan crashed and burned in the Republican-led U.S. Senate on 18 June 2016, as three Republicans including Senator John McCain of Arizona came out to oppose it. On the back of harsh criticism for these cases not only by the U.S. military, but by all-American, Trump will be driven into the harder situation about his presidency.



● 共和党指導者達がトランプ氏の支持基盤の一部であると思っていた軍部におけるトランプ人気の低下は、来るべき選挙における大統領の勝利を疑わしくしている現役米兵は海外駐留も含め約140万人にも上っており、もし、今回のミリタリー・タイムズの調査結果が米軍全体の空気を正確に反映しているとすれば、トランプ氏は軍人票でもバイデン候補に大きくリードを許すことになる。それだけではない。これに数十倍規模の退役軍人、数倍規模の軍属まで考慮すると、軍の投票動向への影響はかなり大きなものになると予想される。


Still, the dipping popularity among troops — considered by Republican Party leaders to be part of the base of Trump’s support — could prove problematic for the president in the upcoming election. The current U.S. active-duty service numbers as many as 1.4 million, including the U.S. forces stationing overseas. Supposing that latest Military Times poll reflects the mood of the whole U.S. active-duty service numbers correctly, Trump will give Biden a big lead even in the servicemen’s votes. In addition to this, when considering military veteran with several-tens of times scale and civilian employee with several times of scales, the influence by military over the vote trend will becomes quite big.




4. Older voter’s lack of interest in Trump



President Trump is 73. His leading rival former vice president Joe Biden is 77. The Most Powerful People in American Politics Are Over 65 — vulnerable to the coronavirus but enormously influential politically — are eligible for social security. Older voters have punched above their political weight for years, with turnout among those 65 and older often double, or more, that of the youngest voters. As Americans age and become more rooted in their communities, political participation tends to rise with their stake in society. While the older population is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse, the share of the older population that is non-Hispanic is dropping.




Therefore, older voter’s lack of interest in Trump cannot be ignored. According to The New York Times/Siena College polls of likely voters in four key states released on Sept. 12. Mr. Biden leads President Trump by between three and nine points in four key battleground states. In Minnesota, Biden leads Trump by nine points; he leads by five points in Wisconsin, four points in Nevada, and three points in New Hampshire. In Wisconsin, Biden holds a 12-point 52-40 percent lead with voters over 65.









But why are the older voters increasingly abandoning Trump? There’s the pandemic. The pandemic has killed some 210,000 Americans, and 8 in 10 of the deaths reported have been among those 65 or over. President Trump’s delayed and fractured response to the outbreak appears to have reshaped the political dynamics for older Americans. Four years ago, he won voters 65 or over by a margin of 13.3 percentage points. But looking at an average of the nine most recent national polls, voters age 65 or over favored Biden to Trump by 49.5 percent to 45.7 percent. Race and law and order-issue that would come to dominate the news showed Trump and Biden tied among voters 65 or over.

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