




衆院選で自衛隊の根拠明記を謳う憲法改正を公約に掲げた自民党が圧勝し第4次安倍内閣が発足したことで、十全会会員各位も漸く九条改正に道筋が・・との思いを強くされたのではないでしょうか。しかし、今後進められる政策は、アベノミクスの継続に伴う景気対策、少子化対策が中心となるようですね。 今回私が取り上げたのは、アベノミクスをやり玉にした我が国の報道の自由に関するテーマです。昨年427日付ジャパン・タイムズ紙に、投資情報専門誌のウィリアム・ペセック(William Pesek)記者が、

How Muzzling the Press Hurts Abenomics(メディアのアベノミクス批判は如何に封じられているか)

(副題)How can Japan’s fossilized politics and business change if media shies away from asking tough questions?  (メディアが耳に痛いことを言わないで、時代遅れの日本の政治やビジネスがどうして変ると言うのか?)










What William Pesek, the reporter of this article, wants to say may be summed up in one word: “The Abe administration has threatened to media independence.” Or “There is no media freedoms in Japan.”

Pesek wrote: It’s testament to Abe’s media-control efforts that some media still speak of Abenomics as a going concern – just one solid stimulus from restoring Japan’s 1980s greatness. He picked up a survey at the beginning of the article, which the Paris-based media advocacy group named “Reporters Without Borders” lowered Japan’s place in its annual ranking of world press freedom to 72nd out of 180 nations, trailing Tanzania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dominican Republic — down from 61st the previous year, and said that the second straight year of precipitous declines is because the Japanese government glossed over the economy which is sputtering than meets the eye with regulating the medias.

Pesek also cited that on April 19, David Kaye, United Nations special rapporteur on freedom of expression, slapped the Abe administration’s chilling campaign to muzzle the media. Eventually, he strongly criticizes the Abe government from following three points of view, noting the independence of the press in Japan is facing serious threats.

Incidentally, William Pesek is the executive editor of Barron’s Asia. Pesek writes a daily column that will focus on macroeconomics, policy, politics and markets in Asia. However, due to his extremely biased opinion or a lack of understanding on Japan, it is pointed out that we should be wary of trickery when reading his column on Japan.




+ 第1点は、日本のメディア報道ぶりは、事実上政府の意向に沿ったものである。日本のメディアは排他性の強い記者クラブに依存しており、(報道の)独立と言う基本原則を主張できるような自らの広範なプロ組織を持っていない。

Firstly, Japanese reporters practically toe the government’s line. The media itself depends upon the exclusivity of the press club system and lacks a broad professional union that could advocate for basic principles of independence.


+ 第2点は、新たに制定された特定秘密保護法と政府の執拗な中立性公正性に対する圧力が、メディアに高レベルの自己検閲を行わせている。


Secondly, the newly adopted the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets (The State Secrecy Law), and a persistent government’s pressure for “neutrality” and “fairness” appear to be producing high levels of self-censorship.


+ 第3点は、記者クラブや特定秘密保護法に加え、放送法が、アベノミクス、集団的自衛権、原発再稼働、TPPなど安倍政権の主要政策の失敗や弱点を糊塗するために使われている。1950年に制定され、政府に放送メディアを規制する直接的な権限を与えた放送法は、その第4条で、ジャーナリストの職業的義務の問題と放送免許の取り消しを行う政府権限の問題を曖昧にしている。政府は放送法第4条を廃止し、メディア規制から手を引くべきだ。


Thirdly, in addition to the press club system and/or the Secrets Act, the Broadcast Act is used to vanish over failures and weakness of the Abe’s major policies such as Abenomics, the national security, the nuclear power and TPP. The Broadcast Act, adopted in 1950 to give the Government direct authority to regulate the broadcast media, confuses the professional obligations of journalists, in Article 4, with the Government’s power to suspend broadcasting licenses. The Government should repeal Article 4 and get itself out of the media-regulation business.

*参考 放送法第4条第1項

第四条  放送事業者は、国内放送及び内外放送(以下「国内放送等」という。)の放送番組の編集に当つては、次の各号の定めるところによらなければならない。


The Broadcast Act

(Editing and Other Matters of the Broadcast Programs of Domestic Broadcasting, etc.) Article 4 (1) The broadcaster shall comply with the matters provided for in the following items when editing the broadcast programs of domestic broadcasting or domestic and international broadcasting (hereinafter referred to as “domestic broadcasting, etc.”):

(@It shall not harm public safety or good morals;

(A) It shall be politically fair.

(B) Its reporting shall not distort the facts;

(C) It shall clarify the points at issue from as many angles as possible where there are conflicting opinions concerning an issue.



The writer’s harsh criticism on the Abe Administration particularly on the second and the third point corresponds with that of the left-wing parties such as the Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party and left-leaning medias such as Asahi Shinbun, Mainichi Shinbun, TBS, etc.






















From my stance to support Prime Minister Abe and his party LDP, I strongly oppose to this reporter’s view as follows:

As for the first point, the reporter’s saying that Japanese medias depend on the exclusivity-dominated “kisha club / press club” is quite right. A kisha club or a press club in our country is a news-gathering association voluntarily/privately organized by media companies with major news organizations playing a major role in making it to cover stories continuously at public institutions, business associations and so on. It completely differs in nature with Japan National Press Club and Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan / FCCJ, both Public Interest Incorporated Associations, which reporters in addition to major media can join. This type of organization only exists in Japan.

There are hundreds of press clubs nationwide and organized by each news gathering sources such as the prime minister, the Diet, ministries, local governments, police, the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren).

Press club members are given the press room in government and industry buildings at rent-free or low price. Each club member makes one to several reporters always stay at the press room. 

About the advantages of kisha club, it becomes easy for each media company to get information as quickly as possible. That is, information straightly comes down from the body giving the report without news gathering effort and editing process. Also, there is no wasteful competition with other members for news gathering, and the status having information exclusively has become the vested interests. Also, the newspaper association says that by forming press clubs, media organizations have historically pressured often-reluctant government offices to disclose information, which has benefited readers. For the body giving the report, since points of contact can be unified into kisha club, the system lets government offices and businesses swiftly and effectively provide press releases to major news groups, and kisha club itself functions as the nationwide information network that makes it easy for information to reach the people.

About the disadvantages of kisha club, the first is a closed nature of the club, allowing specific newspaper companies or broadcasting stations to have a monopoly on reporting, making it easy to manipulate information.

Smaller media companies, freelance journalists and foreign news organizations are often blocked from joining kisha club.

 For these reasons, kisha club has been criticized both in Japan and overseas as a symbol of the lack of openness to external groups and feudalistic nature of Japanese systems.

The second is the deterioration of media’s news gathering ability. Critics say a major portion of the content in Japanese newspapers and news shows on TV is a simple regurgitation of announcements and releases provided to press clubs by the government and businesses. In addition, they claim kisha club system encourages reporters to form cozy or non-adversarial relationships with government officials and businesses.

The third is the difficulty to maintain the distance feeling with the news gathering targets, or the disposition to be lenient in pursuiting the target. Specifically, it is said that the kisha club system causes an ill effect to neglect the most important role "monitoring public authority." The convenient access to information and the relations with authorities may discourage reporters at the press clubs from carrying out investigative reporting and make them reluctant to criticize authorities.

This reporter emphasizes that the reporting methods of Japanese medias are almost in line with the government’s taste, pointing out these kisha club’s demerits. Frankly speaking, however, unless Japanese reporters belong to kisha club and borrow the bureaucrat’s extensive professional knowledge and skill, they cannot report without regurgitation of announcements by the government, because they are generally incapable to collect and analyze highly technical and diversified information on national politics by their own. Also, as for the exclusivity of kisha club, the club was organized by major news organizations such as Asahi Shimbun to have a monopoly on reporting as I already mentioned. Therefore, from the non-club member’s point of view, anyone who controls the freedom of the press is not the government, but the club members themselves, especially major news organizations which played a major role in making the club.

+ 第2点の特定秘密保護法については、そもそもこの法案が成立した経緯は、国家安全保障に関する最高機密に属する特定情報を米国から貰い受けるにあたり、我が国に十分な秘密保全体制が確立していなかったからである。








As for the second point “the State Secrecy Law”, the reason why the bill was submitted to the Diet was because the Japanese insufficient secured system when receiving the Specially Designated Secrets on the national security from the United States. As you know, the Japanese version “National Security Council (NSC)” was established along with enactment of the State Secrecy Law. This Law primarily never intends to limit the public’s right to know or individual freedom as the opposition party and left-wing media criticize. Ninety-nine percent of information included in the Specially Designated Secrets is military-related information called SIGINT (signal intelligence) that is acquired only by the national means such as reconnaissance satellite. I had long engaged in the SIGINT business both in the Defense Ministry and in the Cabinet. Without SIGINT, we have no way to know the indication such as missile launch by North Korea that dominates the fate of a nation. Thus, the highest level of preservation of confidentiality is required when exchanging SIGINT. As you know, Edward Snowden, former contractor for CIA/NSA, left the United States to Russia two years ago after leaking to the media details of extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence organization NSA (National Security Agency). If he is arrested and taken back to the United States, he cannot be escaped probably from receiving a death sentence. Such peculiarity is native to the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets.   

+ 第3点の放送法については、左翼系メディアは集団的自衛権の限定的使用を認めた法案を激しく批判し、一方的に「戦争法案」と呼んで我が国の国益を貶める程に繰り返し報道した。






ただ、彼女は自分が在任中に命ずるつもりはないが将来の大臣がどうするかはわからないと発言を後退させている。しかし、この高市発言以降、昨年3末で、岸井成格がTBSの「NEW 23」、古舘伊知郎がテレビ朝日の「報道ステーション」、そして国谷裕子がNHKの「クローズアップ現代」を降板させられたと言われている。



高市早苗写真 に対する画像結果

Sanae Takaichi, the internal affairs minister


Hiroko Kuniya NHK

Ichiro Furutachi, TV Asahi

Shigetada Kishii, TBS


As for the third point “the Broadcast Act”, the left-wing medias harshly criticized the Abe’s new legislation to permit Japan to engage in collective self-defense under very limited conditions and reported repeatedly calling it “war bill” one-sidedly to the degree to damage the national interest. Specifically, TBS and TV-Asahi are obviously inclined toward the left to the extent as if they are a propaganda organization of the Communist Party. Thus, their way of reporting clearly violates the Broadcast Act Article 4, stating that the broadcaster shall be politically fair and clarify the points at issue from as many angles as possible where there are conflicting opinions concerning an issue. While these TV stations continue to air the one-sided political statement like a flood to viewers so that the bill should be scrapped or withdrawn because it is highly likely to be unconstitutional, they completely ignored the people’s opinions who agree with the bill. What the "Hōsōhō junshu wo motomeru Shichōsha no kai (the group of viewers seeking the compliance with the Broadcast Act", that Mr. Kent Gilbert and his colleagues organized, regarded as a serious problem particularly is the declaration of Shigetada Kishii, anchorman of the TBS evening news program “News 23″. Kishii expressed opposition on 16 September 2015 to contentious security bills before they cleared the Diet and called on fellow opponents, “Voices should continuously be raised for the bills to be scrapped.” The group sent an open letter to Kishii, TBS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to seek the compliance with the Broadcast Act Article 4 in November 2015. Imposing his one-sided opinion on the audience assertively is obviously against the Act, because Kishii is the presider of the program and in the position to represent TBS. The Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Sanae Takaichi raised alarms on Feb. 8 last year (2016), when she told the Diet that the 1950 Radio Law, which regulates the nation’s airwaves, allowed the government to shut down broadcasters that fail to remain “politically neutral” by highlighting “only one aspect of a polarizing political issue.” However, when questioned by legislators a day later, she seemed to back down a bit. “I don’t think I would resort to such measures myself,” she said, “but there is no guarantee that future [communications] ministers won’t.” After Ms. Takaichi raised alarm, it is said that three of the country’s most outspoken television anchors were removed almost simultaneously by three different networks. Shigetada Kishii of the TBS and Hosts Ichiro Furutachi of TV Asahi’s influential “Hodo Station” ere both replaced in April 2016, and NHK’s longtime anchorwoman Hiroko Kuniya was dismissed too from its “Close-up Gendai” news and features program in March. Furutachi has often been criticized by the government and its supporters for his commentaries. Kuniya’s departure has long been whispered about as she was known for asking big-name politicians tough questions. Her unscripted questioning on security bills to chief cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga, in July 2014 was cited as one of the reasons for the termination of her contract.

It will be a matter of course that the Broadcast Act and the Radio Law can be applied to the left-leaning medias which repeat only the criticism of the government one-sidedly on the most critical issues which may decide the fate of Japan.


*参考 電波法76条1項 



The Radio Law

Article 76. (1) When a licensee, etc. has violated the provisions of this Law or the Broadcast Law, or any orders or administrative dispositions thereunder, the Minister may order the licensee, etc. to cease the operation of the radio station for a specified period not exceeding three months or suspend all or part of validity of the registration of Article 27-18 paragraph (1), or impose a limitation to the permitted operations hours, frequencies, or antenna power for a specified period.














David Kaye, the UN Special Rapporteur

David Kaye, the UN Special Rapporteur cited by Pesek in the beginning of the article, presented a full report on 13 May 2017, to the 35th UN’s Human Rights Council held in Geneva, Switzerland summarizing his findings on Japan following his visit from 12-19 April 2016. Kay took as a serious problem that the internal affairs minister had the authority to issue the administrative measure to the media and recommended to re-examine the Broadcast Act Article 4 for a guarantee of the independence of the press.

He expressed deep concern over the kisha club system fostered an unhealthy relationship between journalists and the government and corporate bodies they cover, adding that it could be used as a conduit for applying pressure on journalists “that is difficult to resist.”

Kaye added, pointing to the lack of solidarity among journalists, the media bears some responsibility for the situation and has a role in putting it right. The law and the media together can protect freedom of the press. Kaye said the state secrets act went into force in December 2014 was another example of the pressure Japanese journalists have faced since Abe took office in late 2012. The “rather vague” category of state secrets is protected by a very harsh law that deters journalists (whistle-blower) from embarking on investigations. The Fukushima nuclear disaster, the imperial family’s personal lives and the defense of Japan are all state secrets. Kaye also noted the gradual disappearance of references to “comfort women” – tens of thousands of women, mostly from the Korean peninsula, who were forced to work in Japanese military brothels before and during the war. In 1997, all seven history textbooks approved for use in junior high schools addressed wartime sexual slavery, yet none referred to the issue between 2012-15, and only one mentioned it last year.

Japan responded angrily to claims that media freedoms were at risk under Abe. Its ambassador to the UN, Junichi Ihara, accused Kaye of peddling “inaccuracies” about the government’s commitment to a free press. In a statement to the council, Ihara said: “It is regrettable that some parts of (Kaye’s) report are written without accurate understanding of the government’s explanation and its positions.”

Japanese Government also indicated with the counter document against the Kay’s report, "Most of the report are based on the rumors and the wrong assumptions and includes inaccurate and insufficient opinions on the present situation and the culture of Japan."


Radhika Coomaraswamy, former UN

special rapporteur on “comfort women”













慰安婦を「性奴隷」と決めつけ、日本政府に賠償を求めた国連人権委(人権理事会の前身)のスリ・ランカ出身のラディカ・クマラスワミ(Radhika Coomaraswamy特別報告者の虚偽報告もいまだに正されていない。








Both Pesek’s article and Kay’s report are terribly slovenly anyway, because there are many mistakes of fact and wrong indications without understanding the law and the system in Japan clearly. What are their grounds for writing so?

There exist Japanese groups to compel them to write the article and the report that are supposed to be used only in denigrating Japan. David Kay visited Japan from 12-19 April 2016. During his one week stay in Japan, he allotted half of the days to meeting government officials and the remaining to meeting journalists, NGOs, lawyers, etc. concerned except the weekend. In the government offices, bureau chief or councilor class officials seem to accept an interview with him. The problem is journalists, NGOs, lawyers and citizen groups whom Kay seemed to meet. Even if anyone he interviewed with were not detailed, it goes without saying that the people whom Kay exchanged opinions were left-leaning medias, liberal intellectuals, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations members and Korean residents in Japan. For example, the Cabinet Information and Research Office seemed to grasp the information that Kazuko Ito, Korean descent Japanese attorney at law the same as the left politician Mizuho Fukushima and the secretary general of Human Rights Now, an international human rights NGO supported Kay's visiting Japan. These people cooperate with his report making and are selling out of our country, exploiting Japanese trait "the cult of the United Nations".

The evidence of the report criticizing Japan isn't absolutely unveiled and never be requested too. Just saying "I heard it from someone" or "I saw it somewhere" is enough for the UN reporters.

Asahi Shimbun wrote an article "The Silencing of Japan’s Free Press, Warning from Overseas" based on the press conference held by this UN special reporter. However, how dare Asahi says that, scattering the concept of fabricated “comfort women” story to all over the world to that extent? If we overlook "the lie" beginning with the name of the United Nation, the misunderstanding Japan only spreads to all over the world. The fabricated report of Radhika Coomaraswamy of Sri Lanka, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and author of the first UN report dealing with the issue of the comfort women, published in 1996, isn't corrected yet. The report-which was effectively the first time the UN had fully addressed the issue of the comfort women-defined the comfort women system as sexual slavery and urged the Japanese government to acknowledge its legal responsibility and to pay compensation to the victims. Actually, there is a Japanese leftist traitor who sells Japan in the UN committee, too. For example, Yoko Hayashi, the 59-year-old Tokyo-based female lawyer assumed the chair of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in February 2015, becoming the first Japanese leader of the U.N. body. The CEDAW is the committee that demanded the amendment of the Imperial Household Law to allow women to succeed to the throne on the grounds that it discriminates against women in March 2016. She is a successor of Yayori Matsui who was well-known as a member of the Asahi Shimbun editorial board and an offensive feminist. Hayashi is the instigator who spread the comfort woman issue to the world together with Mizuho Fukushima.

However, even if both William Pesek and David Kay are such a low degree of reporters,  it is fearful because they are influential enough over the public sentiment in the United State and the world. It becomes mandatory for Japan to demolish the people’s sayings and doings who denigrate Japan by demonstrating the objective facts.


