


両者共に、1960年代から30年続いた血で血を洗う「北アイルランド紛争(The Troubles」に平和をもたらしたベルファスト合意(Belfast Agreementを遵守すること人とモノが自由に移動できる現状の国境環境を維持する点では一致しています。しかし、イギリス議会には、昨年11月に政府とEUが合意した離脱協定案では、イギリスの主権回復には程遠いとする反発が強硬離脱派のみならず穏健離脱派からもあり、現在、政府と議会は機能不全に陥って国家の命運がかかった方針を決定できないという状況になっています。そして離脱の舵取り役を果せないメイ首相の求心力低下が一層明らかになっています。



1.昨年11月、イギリス政府とEU が合意した離脱協定案




                             平成314月 松井









1.昨年11月、イギリス政府とEU が合意した離脱協定案


Both sides have agreed at a technical level on a draft deal for Britain’s exit from the EU on 13th Nov. They also reached a final agreement on the withdrawal deal at an extraordinary EU summit on Nov. 25.








Under the draft deal, a transition period is set to run until the end of 2020 after Britain leaves the EU on March 29 next year, during which the country will maintain its current relationship with the bloc. Britain will comply with its commitment to the EU budget until 2020. The deal guarantees the rights of EU citizens in Britain and Britons in the EU. The biggest concern, a decision on border controls between Northern Ireland, which is part of Britain, and Ireland, has for all practical purposes been postponed. To maintain freedom of movement at the border, Britain will remain in the EU Customs Union until this issue is resolved and thus accept EU regulations such as environmental standards. During the transition period, Britain and the EU will continue talks on their future trade relationship.



交渉の最大の懸案事項であるイギリス領北アイルランドの国境問題では、201712月の時点で、イギリスもEUも、アイルランド島内2国間の国境を跨ぐ現状の協力関係を維持し、島全体の経済を支援すること、及びベルファスト合意(Belfast Agreement /the 1998 Good Friday peace agreementを遵守するための保険として「バックストップ(backstop)」歯止め措置、安全策、防御策などと訳されている)が必要だと合意していた。

バックストップを先に提案したのはEU側で、「北アイルランドだけをEUの単一市場(の大半)と関税同盟に残す。そうすれば、アイルランド島を2つに分ける厳しい国境管理が復活することはない」という案だった。 イギリス領北アイルランドがEUの単一市場と関税同盟に入るということは、北アイルランドだけがEUのルールに従うことを意味する。 

イギリスは、この案ではイギリス(正式名称:グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)の解体につながってしまうと絶対反対の立場だった。そこでイギリス政府は、EU案を受け入れるかわりに「イギリス全体が、EUの関税同盟に留まる」と言う案を提案し、両者はこれで合意した。つまり離脱協定案は、バックストップが発動された場合、単一市場には北アイルランドのみが残り、他のイギリス連合国は単一市場を離れる。しかし関税同盟には北アイルランドを含むイギリス全体が留まると言うものだ。この背景には、EU側に、関税同盟及び単一市場からの離脱を決めたイギリスが実質的に単一市場に残留しながら人の移動だけは規制すると言う「いいとこ取りは許さない」という加盟27ヶ国の強い基本姿勢がある。一方、イギリス政府の提案は、(北アイルランドを除く)単一市場からの離脱で、最大の問題であった人の移動の自由は除外できて離脱強硬派に顔が立ち、関税同盟に残ることで、関税同盟に残ることを主張する穏健派をひとまず安心させ国の分断を避けようと言うもので,EUはこれに妥協した。 但し、この案では結局、単一市場の問題で実質的にグレートブリテン島と北アイルランドとの間のアイルランド海/アイリッシュ海に国境線が引かれることになる。


The UK and the EU said a backstop is needed - they both signed up to it in December 2017. They also agreed on what it needs to achieve maintaining cross-border cooperation, supporting the all-island economy and protecting Belfast Agreement/the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement. But beyond that there have been major differences between the two sides.

The EU originally proposed a backstop that would mean Northern Ireland staying in the EU customs union, large parts of the single market and the EU VAT system. If a backstop only applied to Northern Ireland, then the customs and regulatory border would essentially be drawn down the middle of the Irish Sea. Goods coming into Northern Ireland from elsewhere in the UK would have to be checked to make sure they met EU standards. Any separate status for Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK is seen as potentially damaging to the union as a whole. As such, Prime Minister Theresa May continually rejected the EU's proposal saying it would threaten the constitutional integrity of the UK.

They both finally agreed that instead of accepting the EU-proposed backstop, the whole of the UK will remain within the EU customs union if the prime minister fails to secure an alternative arrangement before the end of the two-year Brexit transition period.

That is to say, the draft withdrawal deal indicates that when a backstop is actuated, only Northern Ireland is left in the single-market and the rest of the UK leave it, but. the whole of the UK including NI will remain within the EU customs union.

For the EU side, the 27 member countries show a fundamental attitude never to allow that way of “cherry-picking” by the UK which actually remains in the single-market, rejecting free movement of people, even though the UK took "hard" Brexit which means not to stay both in the EU single market and in the EU customs union, adopting the immigration restriction as the top priority.

For the UK side, while the UK government’s proposal to leave from the EU single-market (excluding Northern Ireland) might save a hard Brexiter’s face who has insisted on the immigration restriction, the proposal to remain within the EU customs union would also relieve a soft Brexiter for the time being who has argued to stay in the EU customs union. The UK government seeks to avoid a division of the country and the EU compromised with this. But, in the draft deal for Brexit, a borderline would essentially be drawn down the middle of the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland due to the single-market issue after all.



+ イギリスの正式名称は、「グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国The

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)」で、通常Great Britain(GB) あるいはUnited Kingdom (UK)と呼ばれる。我が国では通称イギリスまたは英国と呼んでいる。イギリスは、イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド及び北アイルランドの四つの非独立国からなる。


+ イギリスが描いていたEU離脱の理想図は以下のようなものであった。



・イギリス政府は、昨年7月、離脱後の交渉の核となる将来関係についてイギリスの基本姿勢を示す「イギリスとEU の将来関係」と題する700ページの白書を公表した。この白書でイギリス政府は、EU離脱後にEUの「単一市場」と「関税同盟」から完全離脱するものの、これまで同様にEUとモノの取引を自由にする「自由貿易地域」を創設し、工業製品や農産品の規格などでEUのルールに従う方針を示した。これは現在のEUルールに基づく単一市場とほとんど同じである。一方、人の移動の自由については将来規制する旨繰り返し強調しているが、これは移民規制がハードブレグジットの根幹だからである。この白書は、メイ政権が、EUルールによる国境や通商の規制から離れイギリスの主権回復を重視するハードブレグジッド路線を変更し、EUとの貿易の維持に力点を置くソフトブレグジッドを模索し始めたことを示したものである。その背景には英領北アイルランドとEU加盟国アイルランドの間で人、モノの行き来など4つの自由を維持する上で、ソフトブレグジッドを選ばざるを得なかったという事情がある。

+ 関税同盟とは何か、単一市場とは何か


「単一市場」とは、関税同盟の進化型と言える。 単一市場とは、「物、人、資本、サービス」が自由に制限なく移動できて、貿易に対する関税や割当などを廃している市場である。


+ 厳しい国境管理とは?









What is the Irish border Brexit backstop?


A key part of the Brexit negotiations was about the border that separates Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Last November, EU leaders approved a withdrawal deal with the UK that includes an agreement on the Irish border. Both sides committed to avoiding the return of a "hard border" - physical checks or infrastructure - after Brexit.

This is where the controversial "backstop" comes in.



(1)Go on then, what is the backstop?  では「バックストップ」とは?

The backstop is a position of last resort, to maintain an open border on the island of Ireland in the event that the UK leaves the EU without securing an all-encompassing deal. At present, goods and services are traded between the two jurisdictions on the island of Ireland with few restrictions. The UK and Ireland are currently part of the EU single market and customs union, so products do not need to be inspected for customs and standards.




(2)What will become of the Irish border when the UK leaves the European Union?


But, after Brexit, all that could change - the two parts of Ireland could be in different customs and regulatory regimes, which could mean products being checked at the border.

The UK government does not want this to happen. The EU has also said it does not want any hardening of the border. However, the UK's current red lines, which include leaving the customs union and the single market, make that very difficult.



(3)So how to guarantee that aspiration of a frictionless border?


Well, you could try to put up a safety net. The backstop is that safety net - an arrangement that will apply to the Irish border after Brexit, if a wider deal or technological solution cannot keep it as frictionless as it is today.

An agreement on the backstop is important because the EU won't agree to a transitional period and substantive trade talks until it is in place.



(4)What had been agreed on the backstop before last month?


The UK and the EU said a backstop is needed - they both signed up to it in December 2017. They also agreed on what it needs to achieve - maintaining cross-border cooperation, supporting the all-island economy and protecting the Good Friday peace agreement. But beyond that there have been major differences between the two sides.



(5)What is the EU's position on the backstop?   


The EU originally proposed a backstop that would mean Northern Ireland staying in the EU customs union, large parts of the single market and the EU VAT system.

Its chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, continually emphasized that this backstop could only apply to Northern Ireland.



(6)And that had been a problem in the UK?    それがイギリスでは問題に?

That is an understatement. If a backstop only applied to Northern Ireland, then the customs and regulatory border would essentially be drawn down the middle of the Irish Sea. Goods coming into Northern Ireland from elsewhere in the UK would have to be checked to make sure they met EU standards. Any separate status for Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK is seen as potentially damaging to the union as a whole.

As such, Prime Minister Theresa May continually rejected the EU's proposal saying it would threaten the constitutional integrity of the UK. She suggested a backstop that would see the UK, as a whole, remaining aligned with the EU customs union for a limited time after 2020. Her proposal, published in June, contained nothing about single market regulatory issues, which are probably more important than customs in terms of maintaining a soft border.



(7)How did the EU react to that?     この提案に対するEUの反応は?

With scepticism, Mr Barnier said it could not even qualify as a backstop since the issue of regulatory alignment () was not addressed. However, he did not rule out some sort of long-term customs relationship with the UK. Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar said that the backstop could not have a time limit.

() "Regulatory alignment" effectively means continuing to follow at least some of the rules of the EU's single market.



(8)But then there was a breakthrough - sort of?  そこから突破口が見えた…ような?

After months of an impasse, on 14 November 2018, Theresa May said her cabinet had backed a draft deal between UK-EU negotiators that included agreement on a backstop.

Northern Ireland will remain within parts of the EU single market, if another solution cannot be found by the end of the transition period in December 2020. That means that goods coming into Northern Ireland would need to be checked to see if they meet EU standards. It would also involve the whole of the UK will remain within the EU customs union, unless and until both the EU and UK agree that it is no longer necessary.



(9)What did the EU say about the deal?           EUの反応は?

On 25 November, EU leaders approved the agreement at a special summit in Brussels.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said anyone in Britain who thought the bloc might offer improved terms if MPs in Westminster rejected the deal would be "disappointed". The Taoiseach (Irish prime minister) Leo Varadkar said the deal was the "next best outcome" to the UK staying in the EU and allowed for an orderly withdrawal.



10So that resolved the issue?        これで問題解決か?

Not at all. Theresa May faced a backlash from MPs at Westminster, and several of her own ministers resigned in protest at the agreement on the backstop. The DUP, a Northern Ireland unionist party that props up Mrs May's minority government, also abstained on key budget votes in a bid to warn the government to "bin the backstop".

It has repeatedly said it would not accept any additional Northern Ireland-only checks, because it is concerned that any differences between NI and Great Britain could threaten the union. However, it has been urged by business and agri-food groups in Northern Ireland to support the government's plan.

Brexiteers in other parties also expressed concerns about the backstop, fearing the UK would continue to follow EU rules for an indefinite time without having any say over them.



(11) What does legal advice on the backstop say?  バックストップに関する法的助言は?

On 5 December 2018, the government published the full legal advice it received on the backstop, after Parliament voted to find ministers in contempt for withholding it after a binding Commons vote. Much of what it said repeated what has been known since the draft withdrawal deal was published. But it did state that NI alone could end up in a customs union with the EU under the terms of the backstop, and the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox said entering into it would be a "political decision".

MPs opposed to the deal said the full advice had vindicated their position.

But the prime minister again defended her plan, and said the backstop was a necessary "last resort" to protect commitments made to Northern Ireland in the Good Friday Agreement.



(12) What happens next?              これから何が起こる?

The prime minister still has to get the deal agreed by Parliament.

A vote was due to take place on Tuesday, 11 December, but Theresa May postponed it after conceding the deal faced certain defeat in the Commons. After surviving a vote of confidence in her leadership, she will travel to Brussels for an EU summit to seek legally binding pledges on the backstop. It is understood the EU will not renegotiate the deal but may be willing to give greater assurances on the temporary nature of the backstop.

Ultimately, if the backstop deal does not stick, then there is no withdrawal agreement and no transition period. That means a hard, possibly chaotic, Brexit.

At that point, the EU and the Irish government would have some difficult decisions to make about what happens at the border or to Irish goods going into the wider single market.







On Jan 16 2019, Britain's parliament voted 432 to 202 against May's plan for taking Britain out of the European Union, the biggest parliamentary defeat for a government in modern British political history.

The UK ministers and backbenchers are concerned because the arrangement would leave the UK without the ability to strike independent free-trade deals and subject to EU rules and regulations despite having no role in its legislation. They are also concerned that the EU would seek to make the supposedly temporary arrangement permanent.


(2)312日 イギリス議会、修正離脱協定案を再び否決

On Mar 12, British MPs have rejected Theresa May’s revised Brexit deal by 391 to 242, a majority of 149. This evening's vote was the second time the British Prime Minister's withdrawal agreement has been decided on in the House of Commons. Although the 149 margin was reduced from the record 230-vote defeat of the first “meaningful vote” in January, Mrs May was left far adrift from a majority with just 17 days to go to the scheduled date of Brexit on March 29.

The prime minister met for last-minute talks with EU leaders in Strasbourg on March 11’s evening before announcing the revised terms of her deal. The deal will be put to Members of Parliament on March 12’s evening after it was previously defeated by a record-breaking House of Commons majority back in January. Under the terms of March 11's agreement, the EU has formalized previous assurances on the controversial Northern Ireland backstop, as well as allowed the United Kingdom the right to seek independent arbitration on exiting it. The UK has also put forward a "unilateral declaration," stating that it believes it can exit the backstop arrangement if it believes the EU is acting in bad faith in future negotiations to find alternatives to it. May said the deal had been "improved" and urged her MPs to unite behind it. The new terms go some way short of the previous demands of Conservative opponents that the backstop should either have a fixed time-limit or the UK should be free to unilaterally withdraw from it.





On Mar 14, the House of Commons passed a motion to postpone Brexit, with the scheduled departure approaching on March 29. Given the risk of a “no-deal exit,” which could disrupt the economies of both Britain and the EU, it can be said there was no alternative but to delay Brexit.

The draft withdrawal agreement reached between the British government and the EU was voted down by a wide margin on March 12, following a defeat in a similar vote in January. May was forced to give up her stance of proceeding with Brexit as scheduled and proposed a motion to ask the EU for a delay.

May expressed her intention to put the draft withdrawal agreement to a vote again next week. If the agreement is approved, Brexit will be postponed until the end of June. If it is rejected, May is said to ask the EU for a longer extension.





On Mar 21, European leaders rejected the British Prime Minister’s request for a three months Brexit delay, agreeing to give her three weeks instead.

While the extension to April 12th — three weeks from today, and two weeks from the original and frequently guaranteed original March 29th departure date — is “unconditional”, European leaders expect Theresa May to use the time to get the withdrawal deal the EU agreed to give her over the line.

If Parliament passes May’s deal before April 12th, the EU will grant the PM an extra short extension until May 22nd to put the legislation in place to make that deal activate and pass smoothly. If the Prime Minister fails in doing what she is told by European leaders, the United Kingdom will either leave — against the wishes of almost everyone in the British and European political establishments — without a deal or remain an EU member for either the long or short term.

 “April 12 is a key date in terms of the UK wondering whether to hold European parliament elections. If it has not decided to do so by then the option of a long extension will immediately become impossible.”

Theresa May said the British Parliament had a “clear choice” and that she would be returning to the UK to whip up support for her deal.


(5)327日、 メイ英首相、離脱協定案可決後に辞任すると与党へ表明。イギリス議会、議員提出の8つの代替案を全否決。


その事態に備えてイギリス下院は27日、議員提出の8つの代替案―国民投票、関税同盟への残留、野党労働党案(関税同盟残留)、単一市場・関税同盟残留、離脱の撤回、合意なき離脱、一定期間の自由貿易、単一市場残留―について採決したがいずれも過半数の支持は得られなかった。最も賛成と反対の差が少なかったのが、離脱するもEU関税には残る案、しかし賛成264票、反対272票(8票差)で否決された。次いで差が少なかったのが、2度目の国民投票を行う案、これも賛成268票、反対295 票(27票差)で否決された。これらの代替案は41日、再び下院で諮られる。

On Mar 27, Prime Minister Theresa May said she would quit if her twice-defeated EU divorce deal passes at the third attempt, making a last-ditch bid to persuade rebels in her Conservative party to back her. May told a meeting of Conservative lawmakers she would stand down if her divorce plan finally got through a bitterly-divided parliament, to ensure a smooth path for a new leader to begin the next step of negotiating the future relationship with the European Union.

Brexit was plunged into farce on Mar 27 as clueless MPs took control of Parliament but couldn’t agree on any of eight ideas to break the stalemate.

None of the indicative votes put before the Commons managed to secure a majority.

As a result the options — including revoking Article 50, a customs union, and a second referendum — are set to be put before Parliament again on April 1.

But when the results were announced, the expected winner to sign up to the EU customs union lost by 264 votes to 272. A separate push for a second referendum was rejected by 295 votes to 268.




On the day that the UK was due to leave the EU, there has instead been more delay and continued division over Brexit. Here's what today has meant for the Brexit process: MPs voted by 286 to 344 to reject the government’s withdrawal agreement for a third time

It means the UK has now also missed a deadline to leave the EU with a deal by 22 May.

Prime Minister Theresa May has to seek an extension until 12 April to avoid leaving the EU without a deal. She said it was now "almost certain" that the UK would have to take part in European elections and that we may have "reached the limits" of what Parliament can achieve



下院(定数650)は1日夜議員提出のブレグジット代替案4案について「示唆的投票(indicative votes)」を行ったが、今回も全ての案が否決された。この日の採決に付された代替案は、327日に採決され否決された8つの案のうちから選ばれた4つの案でその内容と結果は次の通りである。

On April 1, the British Parliament failed yet again to break the Brexit impasse.

Members of Parliament (MPs) held a second round of indicative votes to try to figure out an alternative plan for the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union. The votes were intended to reveal what type of Brexit plan could secure a majority in Parliament.

But nothing won — for the second time. Last week, lawmakers held indicative votes on eight Brexit options, ranging from softer Brexit plans to a no-deal Brexit. No plan won a majority, although a few alternatives came close, including one option that would keep the UK in a customs union with the EU after the breakup.

Here are the four Brexit options that members of Parliament voted on.


@ EU離脱後も関税同盟に残留 Customs union


This plan would allow the UK to retain a form of membership in the customs union post-Brexit, which means the UK would continue to follow all the EU customs rules. Parliament defeated this plan last week by a margin of eight votes, and on Monday, it lost by just three. The final tally was 273 in favor and 276 against.


A 単一市場に残るノルウェー方式 Common market 2.0


This is a very “soft” Brexit proposal, meaning the UK and the EU would have very close economic ties. The model for this is Norway, which is not an EU member but has access to the EU single market (which broadly means free movement of goods, capital, services, and people) through seeking membership in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) — which is made up of Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein — and European Economic Area.

This was voted down 188-283 last week, but then the opposition Labour Party agreed to back the plan after some tweaks were made to the proposal. In the end, though, this wasn’t enough and it still failed, albeit in a much closer vote — 261 for and 282 against.


B 国民の意向を確認する2度目の国民投票 Second referendum


This option stipulates that any Brexit deal approved by Parliament has to go back to the public for a “confirmatory” vote. To be clear, it doesn’t say exactly what will be on the ballot, just that the public gets a say in the final deal. This got the most “yes” votes last week, with 268, but 295 people still voted against it. On Monday, the margin was a bit closer — with 280 voting in favor and 292 against. It still received the most “yes” votes of all the proposals.


C リスボン条約50条に基づく離脱手続きを撤回する If all else fails, revoke Article 50


This plan would seek an extension to Brexit, and if that doesn’t happen, requests the prime minister stop Brexit by revoking Article 50 if the Parliament can’t approve a deal before the Brexit deadline and agrees it does not want to leave the EU without a plan. (Article 50 is the mechanism in the EU’s Lisbon Treaty that the UK is using to leave the bloc.) This plan lost 184-293 last week. It also fared pretty terribly on Monday, 191 to 292.



The government gloated that the results showed the PM’s Brexit deal was the “best compromise” available and suggested that the same deal would be put to MPs in this week. As above-mentioned, on the day that the UK was due to leave the EU, MPs rejected the government’s withdrawal agreement for a third time

It means the UK has now also missed a deadline to leave the EU with a deal by 22 May.

The three time-defeated Theresa May has to seek an extension until 12 April to avoid leaving the EU without a deal.

Meanwhile, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on April 2, “Over the last days a no-deal scenario has become more likely, but we can still hope to avoid it”, adding the EU was ready to accept Britain staying the EU’s customs union or a relationship akin to the one the EU has with Norway.



On April 3, Theresa May has launched discussions with the largest opposition Labor Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, in a bid to break the impasse. May is said to be aiming to compile a new draft Brexit option, and if it passes the House of Commons, to ask the EU for another Brexit delay. The Labor Party has proposed that Britain remain in the EU customs union even after leaving the bloc. It is a framework that would maintain closer ties with the EU than under the current draft deal.

However, by approaching Corbyn, a veteran socialist loathed by many of May’s Conservatives and mocked by May herself as unfit to govern, she risks further inflaming divisions in her party. Two junior ministers quit on Wednesday.







On April 5, Theresa May has written to the European Union to request a further delay to Brexit until 30 June while Brussels suggested that it might be best to postpone the split for up to a year. EU leaders also reacted skeptically, saying that there had to be a strong justification for any further delay. Strong resistance is likely against May's plan, which would involve Britain planning for European elections on May 23 but then not actually holding them. The current Brexit deadline of April 12 has already been pushed back once from March 29 because of the UK parliament's repeated failure to back the deal May signed with the other 27 EU leaders in December.

May's formal request to EU Council president Donald Tusk said Britain thinks the delay "should end on June 30 2019" -- the same date she asked for and was refused at the last EU summit last month. "If the parties are able to ratify (the withdrawal agreement by) this date, the government proposes that the period should be terminated earlier," May wrote in a letter released by Downing Street.

A senior EU official said that Tusk's own idea for a "flexible" 12-month extension "will be presented to member states today".

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte -- seen as one of May's closer European allies -- said the letter "doesn't answer" important concerns.

Meanwhile a source in French President Emmanuel Macron's office said it was "premature" to consider the request without "a clear plan" from May about what she intended to do with the extra time.

The other 27 EU nations must give unanimous backing to any deadline extension.

Some EU leaders fear that Britain's participation in the European Parliament vote will help boost the standing of anti-EU parties due to their popularity among Brexit-backing Britons.


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