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20166月の国民投票でイギリスがEU離脱を宣言してからこの3年あまり、離脱に関する沢山の不可解な造語が世界中を賑わしました。代表的なのが「BREXIT:ブレグジット」で、これはイギリスがEUから離脱することを現わす「British exit」を縮めた造語です。そして最近、イギリスの新聞にしばしば「BREXHAUSTION:ブレックスゾーション」という新語が登場するようになりました。この語はBREXITと極度の疲労を意味するEXHAUSTIONを結合させた造語で、一向に埒のあかないBREXIT危機にイギリス国民も当の政治家達もほとほと疲れ果てていると言う意味で使われています。しかし、イギリス以上にうんざりしているのはEU側です。この度、EUがイギリスの3度目のEU離脱延期を認め、1031日の合意なき離脱が回避されたのも、双方に、「もういい加減にしよう、もういい加減にしてくれ」と言うBREXHAUSTIONがあるからだと思われます。



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1.            始めに(前回コメントの要旨)

2.            「合意なき離脱」回避、総選挙決定までの経緯





  (4)イギリス政府、EUに離脱延期を要請 (1019日) 

  (5) EU離脱延期を承認(1028日)、1031日の「合意なき離脱」回避



  (7)イギリス下院解散 来月総選挙へ(116日)




参考1 昨年11月、メイ前首相とEU が合意した離脱協定案

参考2 ジョンソン首相が提案した修正案

参考3 イギリス政府とEUが合意した新離脱協定案


                                   令和元年11月 松井茂基


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コメント30 補足5




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1.        始めに


1. Introduction

(The point of previous comment)



議会軽視と取れるジョンソン首相のこの行動は、逆に「合意なき離脱」の阻止に向けて野党の結束を促すことになり、94日、下院は野党提出の離脱期限を延期する法案the Benn act)を賛成327、反対299で可決した。



Prime Minister Boris Johnson had repeatedly said the UK would leave on 31 October deadline with or without a deal during this summer's Tory leadership campaign and since taking office in July. Immediately before parliament resumes work just after a summer holiday break, Johnson went into unprecedented action that Parliament would be prorogued from 9 September until 14 October. Johnson aimed to nip the legislation in the bud, which the opposition camp was going to pass a bill banning a no-deal Brexit. (*)

This Johnson’s action which was regarded as an excessive disrespect for the parliament prompted to unify the opposition camp into preventing “no deal Brexit." On the night of 4 September, the British House of Commons approved a bill by a vote of 327 to 299 to prevent Johnson from pulling out of the EU without a deal.

The law obliges Johnson to ask the EU to approve a three-month delay to the Brexit deadline of Oct. 31, unless Parliament approves a new deal or votes to support a no-deal Brexit by October 19.



(*) The Supreme Court has ruled: Boris Johnson's decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks was unlawful. Supreme Court president Lady Hale said the unanimous decision of the 11 justices meant Parliament had effectively not been prorogued - the decision was null and of no effect. Speaker of the Commons John Bercow said MPs needed to return "in light of the explicit judgement", and he had "instructed the House of Commons authorities to prepare... for the resumption of business" from 11:30 BST on Wednesday 25 September.




2. Sequence of events lead to avoidance of no deal Brexit and vote to snap election

(1)イギリス政府は、EUに対し離脱協定の修正案を正式に提示 (細部は参考2を参照)

(1) UK offers a new Brexit deal proposal

(For details, see the reference 2)

9月初めに成立した離脱延期法(the Benn act)の規定に従い、イギリス政府は10月2日、EUに対し、離脱協定の修正案を正式に提示した。最大の課題は、イギリス領北アイルランドと、地続きのEU加盟国アイルランドの国境を、離脱後にどう管理するかだ。北アイルランドでは20世紀後半、アイルランドへの併合を求めるカトリック系と、イギリス統治の継続を望むプロテスタント系の住民が対立し、武力紛争に発展した。対立の再燃を防ぐため、国境の自由な往来を維持する方針では、イギリス、EUともに一致する。新提案の特徴は、イギリス全体がEUの関税同盟から抜ける一方、北アイルランドの物品の規格については、EUのルールを適用すると明記したことだ。これにより、アイルランドとの間で物品の税関検査が復活しても農産品の検疫などは避けられる。国境周辺での検査は行わず、手続きの電子化を活用することで、円滑な物流を確保できるという。技術的に実現可能かどうかは不透明だ。EUルールの適用には北アイルランド自治政府・議会の承認も条件となる。


Under the term of earlier law (the Benn actenacted in early September,

the British government offered a new Brexit deal proposal on October 2.

The biggest sticking point is how the border between British-ruled Northern Ireland and neighboring Ireland, an EU member, will be administered after Brexit is realized.

In Northern Ireland, Catholic residents―  who sought to become unified with Ireland―and Protestant residents―who desired continued British rule―were at odds with each other in the latter half of the 20th century, and the confrontation evolved into armed conflicts. To prevent a resurgence of the hostility, Britain and the EU have in common a policy of maintaining free traffic across the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

The new Brexit deal offer is characterized by the fact that it clearly mentions that Britain as a whole will withdraw from the EU customs union but EU rules will apply to the standards of goods in Northern Ireland.



(2)1017日、イギリス政府とEU、新しい離脱協定案に合意 (細部は参考3を参照)

(2)  The U.K. and EU reached a draft Brexit deal

(For details, see the reference 3)


A revised Brexit deal has been agreed by the UK and EU in the morning of 17 October. All sides want to avoid the return of a "hard border" between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland after Brexit - with checks and infrastructure which could be targeted by paramilitary groups. Coming up with solutions to this - acceptable to all sides - has been very challenging. The new protocol replaces the controversial Irish backstop plan in Theresa May's deal. Much of the rest of that deal will remain.




< Why does the EU agree to renegotiation?>




+ The EU has been tossed about by the UK which backtracks repeatedly on the Brexit deal. The reason why the EU changed its position so far, which is going never to answer the UK’s demand to renegotiate the ongoing withdrawal agreement and agreed to hold the renegotiation deal is because “Brexit fatigue” has spread among the member nations and EU wants to put an end to the negotiation with the UK. On 1 November, Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, Defense Minister in Germany will assume presidency of the EU Commission as the successor of outgoing president Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU wants to make a fresh start under the new president. While the EU faces mounting challenges to address in implementing its mission, including finance and refugee issue, it is true that the EU prefers to have this matter settled as soon as possible. French president Macron concerns that the EU could get waylaid by Britain’s domestic dramas. “We cannot wait in indefinite uncertainty,” the presidential Elysée Palace said in a statement.





+ What the EU gives the most importance is to avoid “no deal Brexit” which leads to confuse EU economy. Johnson’s agreement for the new Brexit deal who had previously said he would rather be "dead in a ditch" than ask for an extension means that he changed his mind to the EU partner in order to realize an orderly departure of Britain from the EU. However, the UK Parliament voted to withhold support for Johnson’s new Brexit deal. Accordingly, the UK government formally required the EU to delay the country’s departure for the third time under the terms of the Brexit delay law (the Benn act) enacted in early September. While agreeing to give the UK a Brexit extension, the EU will endorse Johnson’s position for the new Brexit deal to be approved by the UK lawmakers.





+ The EU can avoid economic confusion and receive the payment of “Financial Settlement (so-called Divorce Bill)” from the UK by evading no deal Brexit.

By the way, the divorce bill is the UK’s remaining share of the amount of appropriations which the UK has committed under the MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework) 2014–2020 after the date of the UK’s withdrawal and is required by the EU to pay for as the debt. On December 8, 2017, the UK has reached a historic deal on paying €39bn in a hard-fought Brexit divorce settlement that clears the way for trade talks.

In case of no deal Brexit, EU will face a financial problem when Divorce Bill doesn't come to the MFF in addition to the EU’s economic confusion. Thus, EU has less aggressive circumstances that can’t tell the UK like “Get out of here if you want to do so.”




(3) Parliament postponed the vote on Johnson's Brexit deal

1982年のフォークランド紛争時以来となる土曜日議会が1019日開催され、ジョンソン首相はEUと合意した新離脱協定案についての採決を得ようと試みた。しかし、保守党を造反したオリバー・レットウイン議員が離脱に必要な国内法―離脱合意法案(WAB : Withdrawal Agreement Bill)の成立を優先させる修正動議を提出し、ジョンソン首相提出の新離脱協定案の採決は見送られた。レットウイン議員の修正動議322306で可決され、ジョンソン首相の新離脱協定案の採決は離脱合意法案(WAB)が議会を通過するまで延期されることになった。この修正動議は明らかに、議会が1019日までに新離脱協定案を承認することを遅らせ、ジョンソン首相が離脱防止法に従ってEU3度目の離脱延期を要請せざるを得なくなることを狙って提出されたものである。


At the first Saturday session since the 1982 Falklands War, Johnson attempted to get approval for his new Brexit withdrawal deal on Saturday 19 October. The meaningful vote on the main motion did not take place on 19th due to the passing of an amendment submitted by former Conservative Oliver Letwin. The Letwin's amendment, which passed by 322 votes to 306, postponed the meaningful vote on Mr. Johnson's Brexit deal until after all the associated legislation has passed through Parliament.

The Letwin's amendment holds off on giving final approval for the UK-EU deal until after that detailed legislation - the Withdrawal Agreement BillWAB- is passed. So without a deal by a legal deadline of Saturday, Boris Johnson must ask for that third Brexit extension.





(4) UK asks EU to delay the country’s departure

ジョンソン首相は1019EU2通の書簡を送った。一つは、トゥスク欧州理事会常任議長(EU大統領)に対し、EUからの離脱期限を1031から来年131日に延期するよう要請するもので延期要請は今回で3回目となる。一方、同時に送ったもう一つの書簡では、あくまで1031日までにEU離脱のための手続きを終えるとし、EU首脳に対し延期を認めないよう要請している。離脱延期を求める書簡は、EUとの離脱協定案が1019日までに英議会の承認を得られない場合、ジョンソン氏に離脱期限を来年131日まで延期するようEUに要請することを義務づける法律(the Benn actに基づくものだ。この書簡にはジョンソン氏の署名はない。他方、トゥスクEU大統領は、延期要請を受領した旨、これからEU首脳に図る旨をツイートした。

Mr. Johnson sent two letters to the EU on 19 October. In the first letter, the British government formally asked European Council President Donald Tusk to delay the country’s departure from October 31 to January 31 next year. This is the third time the departure has been postponed. Meanwhile, in the second letter sent at the same time, Mr. Johnson emphasized to finish a procedure for the country’s departure by October 31 persistently and urged EU leaders not to grant an extension. The UK government’s request in the first letter to President Donald Tusk was made by a legal deadline under the Benn act which required the prime minister to request a three-month extension to the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline if Parliament hadn’t ratified a withdrawal agreement by midnight 19 October. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, however, did not personally sign this letter. On the other hand, Mr. Tusk said on Twitter, “The extension request has just arrived. I will now start consulting EU leaders on how to react.”




(5) EU accepted the UK's request

EU1028日午前、トゥスクEU大統領はツイッターで、「EU27か国は来年1月31日までの“柔軟な延期”(フレックステンションflextension: flexible extensionを縮めた造語)を認めることで合意した」と発表し、今後、書面による正式な手続きを進めるとした。“柔軟な延期”とは、イギリスとEUがすでに合意している新離脱協定をイギリス議会が早く承認すれば、期限を待たずに離脱することを認めるということである。これにより10月末の「合意なき離脱」は避けられる見通しとなった。

European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted, the EU27 member states has agreed on 28 Oct that it will accept the UK's request for a Brexit “flextension” until 31 January 2020. The decision is expected to be formalized through a written procedure.

The so-called “flextension” is shorthand for flexible extension. Details of the term have not been officially confirmed, but are thought to include: If British lawmakers approve the deal sooner, the UK could leave the bloc before the end of January. With this, it became predictable that the no deal Brexit at the end of October will be avoided.




< Why does the EU accept UK's request for the third time? >



Following will be the reasons why the EU accepts the UK's request for the Brexit extension for the third time , while the Brexit fatigue has deepened.





+ The UK Parliament which becomes the main cause of making Brexit go astray has changed as compared to last two times extension. Though the divorce deal with the EU needs the approval of Parliament to come into effect, Parliament had rejected Theresa May’s divorce deal three times. Meanwhile, Johnson has faced similar political gridlock, as Parliament blocked his attempt to push through his Brexit deal before the October deadline and made him ask the EU for more time. However, a motion for Brexit-related bill WABwas passed in Parliament by a majority in 19 October. Therefore, Parliament didn’t reject the Johnson’s new Brexit deal, but just delayed this time. It is the first time that the contents of the divorce deal agreed by the UK and the EU got the UK Parliament’s support by a majority.





+ As the condition to admit postponement, the EU has supported so far the general election which may lead to the situation for the UK government to make up a clear majority of Parliament to pass legislation related to Brexit and/or another referendum which makes a possibility to retract Brexit. Johnson’s intention to hold a snap election seems to have positively acted on the EU’s decision to grant the Brexit extension.

However, France clashed with the rest of the EU over the length of a Brexit extension as member states struggled to forge a consensus over how to respond to the deadlock in the UK. A little, for wanting to bring a leaving problem to an end early, France was particular about the postponement in short time even if it did to postpone. Therefore, it is a way of thinking, "flextension", that the EU took out. The decision extends the deadline to the end of January but allows for an earlier exit by the UK if ratification is completed quickly.




(6) The British people will vote in a general election on December 12




After the EU has granted a three-month Brexit delay, Mr. Johnson made a motion to hold a Dec. 12 election as a way of breaking the political deadlock over the country’s stalled departure from the EU. Despite difficulties in Parliament, Johnson has grown in popularity since becoming PM. That is why Johnson hopes voters will give his Conservative Party a majority if there is an election, allowing the prime minister to push through the divorce deal he struck with the EU and - finally - take Britain out of the bloc.

But Mr. Johnson lost his bid for an early election. To succeed, Mr. Johnson needed the two-thirds majority of the 650 House of Commons lawmakers -- 434 in total -- to support his call for an early election, under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act (FTPA). Legislators voted by 299-70 for the motion, far short of the two-thirds majority.

After failing to get the two-thirds majority, Johnson Administration introduced an extraordinary Bill on Tuesday 29 October 2019 to allow for an early general election on 12 December. Unlike an early general election motion under the FTPA, a Bill amending the law does not need the 2/3 super-majority to pass. It only requires a simple majority. The Bill was passed by a vote of 438 to 20 on the same day evening. It was Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s fourth attempt to secure an early general election. It is because the main opposition Labor Party voted for the Bill by a sudden turn. The Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn told: “I have consistently said that we are ready for an election and our support is subject to a no-deal Brexit being off the table. We have now heard from the EU that the extension of article 50 to 31 January has been confirmed, so for the next three months, our condition of taking no deal off the table has now been met.”

The House of Lords approved the bill and gained the consent of Queen Elizabeth II on 31 October. The British people will vote in a general election on December 12 for the first time since 1923 in a bid to break the Brexit impasse.



(7)イギリス下院解散 来月総選挙へ(116日)

(7) Parliament was dissolved on Wednesday 6 November



At 00.01am on Wednesday 6 November, Parliament was dissolved. Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, the dissolution of Parliament must happen 25 days before a general election. Britain's five-week election campaign officially began Wednesday.



2.        結びに


3. Conclusion

(The view point in general election)








+ A forthcoming general election will provide the British government with a chance to once again seek the people’s judgment on the advisability of carrying out an exit from the EU.

Behind Brexit, there exists the far-right populist party "the UK Independent Party ( UKIP ) " led by Nigel Farage. He was regarded as one of the most important figures in the campaign of referendum held in June 2016, strongly appealing the the UK’s withdrawal from EU and the limitation of immigrant’s right. The referendum called for voters to choose between “remain” and “leave”, being furiously agitated by Nigel Farage as voters don't understand real problems caused by the UK withdrawal from EU and the votes in favor of a divorce slightly outnumbered those against. Following the vote to quit the EU, Prime Minister Cameron who insisted on remaining in the EU was forced to resign on on 24 June 2016. When Prime Minister Theresa May, Cameron’s successor suffered a humiliating setback in the 2017 general election, both the Conservative Party and major opposition party the Labor Party did not present voters with the anticipated consequences of Brexit in detail. Hence there was no deepening of debate on the matter. Controversial points have likely been finally made clear to the British people, through a process in which the British government has been pressured to revise its proposals during the slightly more than two years of tough negotiations with the EU.






+ Johnson had repeatedly said the UK would leave on 31 October deadline with or without a deal under a "do or die" promise during this summer's Tory leadership campaign and since taking office in July. The final approval for Johnson's UK-EU deal was postponed until after that detailed legislation - the Withdrawal Agreement BillWAB- is passed and the Brexit deadline has been postponed until Jan. 31.

Johnson called for the general election with a view to taking control of Parliament by securing a majority of seats in the House of Commons for his Conservative Party, thereby legislating Brexit-related bills as soon as possible. The number of seats occupied by the ruling Conservative Party in the House of Commons falls short of a majority. Even when the British government agrees on a deal with the EU, it is impossible to ascertain the prospect of Parliament approving it, thereby making division over Brexit prevail across society. Johnson has restored the whip to 10 of the 21 Tory MPs who rebelled against him over Brexit last month. The rebels were expelled from the parliamentary Conservative Party after backing efforts to pass legislation to block a no-deal Brexit. The move to readmit the rebels came shortly before MPs backed the prime minister’s plan to hold an early general election on Thursday, 12 December. Those who have had the whip restored are now eligible to stand as Conservative candidates at the election if new candidates have not since been chosen.








+ Labor opposes the government’s Brexit plan but the party is not firmly united. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn asserts that it is imperative to hold negotiations with the EU again so as to enable Britain to stay within the EU customs union, even if Brexit is realized. Party members in favor of remaining in the EU call for holding another national referendum. While most party members and its supporters are in favor of remaining in the EU, there exists a lot of Brexiters in the lawmakers and the supporters. Thus, Corbin is taking a strategy to get support from both sides.

As for other opposite parties, the Brexit Party wants the UK to leave the EU without a deal. This party was launched in April this year and led by Nigel Farage I mentioned above. The Party dominated the Conservatives and Labor in European elections 2019. The Brexit Party is in retreats after Farage decided not to contest any Tory-held seats at the general election and hinted he could also give Boris Johnson a clear run at dozens of Labor marginals on October 11. Farage bowed to immense pressure from within his own party to withdraw candidates from 317 constituencies after conceding that splitting the Leave vote would put Brexit at risk.

The Liberal Democrat party (the Lib Dems) which was the second winner in European elections is formally adopting a policy to stop the country from leaving the EU if it wins power at a national election. The party holds just 18 seats in Britain’s 650-seat parliament.

The Green Party's one MP, Caroline Lucas, has been a vocal campaigner for another referendum, and believes the UK should stay in the EU.



世論調査会社ユーガブが今月115日〜6日に行った調査によると、政党別の支持率は離脱派の保守党が36%でトップだった。残留派が支持基盤の最大野党・労働党は2位の25%で、自由民主党17%、EU離脱党11%と続いた。( )内は前回調査との比較。

+ Latest Westminster voting intention (5-6 Nov) Con - 36% (-2 since 1-4 Nov) Lab - 25% (n/c) Lib Dem - 17% (+1) Brexit Party - 11% (n/c) Green - 5% (n/c) Other - 6% (n/c)






+ It is at least a saving grace that not only the UK and the EU, but the Conservatives and Labor have aligned with each other to avoid a no-deal Brexit. The options presented to the British people are to either approve of the Brexit deal Johnson has worked out with the EU or pursue a different path proposed by the opposition parties. All that remains is which path people select in the general election substantially regarded as the 2nd referendum.

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                                      ―参 考 Reference

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昨年11月、イギリス政府とEU が合意した離脱協定案

<The reference 1>

A draft deal for Brexit agreed by UK and EU last November



Both sides have agreed at a technical level on a draft deal for Britain’s exit from the EU on Nov. 18 last year. They also reached a final agreement on the withdrawal deal at an extraordinary EU summit on Nov. 25.


The view point of the agreement







Under the draft deal, a transition period is set to run until the end of 2020 after Britain leaves the EU on March 29 next year, during which the country will maintain its current relationship with the bloc. Britain will comply with its commitment to the EU budget until 2020. The deal guarantees the rights of EU citizens in Britain and Britons in the EU. The biggest concern, a decision on border controls between Northern Ireland, which is part of Britain, and Ireland, has for all practical purposes been postponed. To maintain freedom of movement at the border, Britain will remain in the EU Customs Union until this issue is resolved and thus accept EU regulations such as environmental standards. During the transition period, Britain and the EU will continue talks on their future trade relationship.


The intent of both sides

交渉の最大の懸案事項であるイギリス領北アイルランドの国境問題では、201712月の時点で、イギリスもEUも、アイルランド島内2国間の国境を跨ぐ現状の協力関係を維持し、島全体の経済を支援すること、及びベルファスト合意(Belfast Agreement /the 1998 Good Friday peace agreementを遵守するための保険として「バックストップ(backstop)」歯止め措置、安全策、防御策などと訳されている)が必要だと合意していた。バックストップを先に提案したのはEU側で、「北アイルランドだけをEUの単一市場(の大半)と関税同盟に残す。そうすれば、アイルランド島を2つに分ける厳しい国境管理が復活することはない」という案だった。 イギリス領北アイルランドがEUの単一市場と関税同盟に入るということは、北アイルランドだけがEUのルールに従うことを意味する。 

イギリスは、この案ではイギリス(正式名称:グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)の解体につながってしまうと絶対反対の立場だった。そこでイギリス政府は、EU案を受け入れるかわりに「イギリス全体が、EUの関税同盟に留まる」と言う案を提案し、両者はこれで合意した。つまり離脱協定案は、バックストップが発動された場合、単一市場には北アイルランドのみが残り、他のイギリス連合国は単一市場を離れる。しかし関税同盟には北アイルランドを含むイギリス全体が留まると言うものだ。この背景には、EU側に、関税同盟及び単一市場からの離脱を決めたイギリスが実質的に単一市場に残留しながら人の移動だけは規制すると言う「いいとこ取りは許さない」という加盟27ヶ国の強い基本姿勢がある。一方、イギリス政府の提案は、(北アイルランドを除く)単一市場からの離脱で、最大の問題であった人の移動の自由は除外できて離脱強硬派に顔が立ち、関税同盟に残ることで、関税同盟に残ることを主張する穏健派をひとまず安心させ国の分断を避けようと言うもので,EUはこれに妥協した。 但し、この案では結局、単一市場の問題で実質的にグレートブリテン島と北アイルランドとの間のアイルランド海/アイリッシュ海に国境線が引かれることになる。


The UK and the EU said a backstop is needed - they both signed up to it in December 2017. They also agreed on what it needs to achieve maintaining cross-border cooperation, supporting the all-island economy and protecting Belfast Agreement/the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement. But beyond that there have been major differences between the two sides. The EU originally proposed a backstop that would mean Northern Ireland staying in the EU customs union, large parts of the single market and the EU VAT system. If a backstop only applied to Northern Ireland, then the customs and regulatory border would essentially be drawn down the middle of the Irish Sea. Goods coming into Northern Ireland from elsewhere in the UK would have to be checked to make sure they met EU standards. Any separate status for Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK is seen as potentially damaging to the union as a whole. As such, Prime Minister Theresa May continually rejected the EU's proposal saying it would threaten the constitutional integrity of the UK.

They both finally agreed that instead of accepting the EU-proposed backstop, the whole of the UK will remain within the EU customs union if the prime minister fails to secure an alternative arrangement before the end of the two-year Brexit transition period. That is to say, the draft withdrawal deal indicates that when a backstop is actuated, only Northern Ireland is left in the single-market and the rest of the UK leave it, but. the whole of the UK including NI will remain within the EU customs union. For the EU side, the 27 member countries show a fundamental attitude never to allow that way of “cherry-picking” by the UK which actually remains in the single-market, rejecting free movement of people, even though the UK took "hard" Brexit which means not to stay both in the EU single market and in the EU customs union, adopting the immigration restriction as the top priority. For the UK side, while the UK government’s proposal to leave from the EU single-market (excluding Northern Ireland) might save a hard Brexiter’s face who has insisted on the immigration restriction, the proposal to remain within the EU customs union would also relieve a soft Brexiter for the time being who has argued to stay in the EU customs union. The UK government seeks to avoid a division of the country and the EU compromised with this. But, in the draft deal for Brexit, a borderline would essentially be drawn down the middle of the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland due to the single-market issue after all.





<The reference 2>

Johnson’s new plan



How does the prime minister's Irish border plan differ from the backstop?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson opposes the backstop saying it is antidemocratic and could trap the UK in the EU's customs territory



    How does his plan differ on customs?



It says the whole of the UK should leave the EU's customs union. This inevitably means a new customs border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with new requirements for cross-border traders. However the prime minister believes the impact of this can be minimized with any checks taking place away from the border. His plan involves trusted trader schemes and simplified customs procedures with the smallest traders being exempt from all customs procedures. He suggests that physical checks would only be required on a small proportion of trade and that most checks could take place at traders' premises. However the plan suggests that checks may also have to happen at "other designated locations which could be located anywhere in Ireland or Northern Ireland." Are those 'designated locations' customs posts by another name?

The plan would also probably require the EU to make changes or derogations to its customs rules.


    What about single market rules?



Mr. Johnson's plan has big similarities to the backstop. Northern Ireland would continue to follow EU rules on agriculture, food safety and industrial goods -the rest of the UK would not. That would effectively mean a new border in the Irish Sea with checks on goods coming in here from other parts of the UK.

These sorts of checks already happen on livestock. All animals coming here from the rest of UK enter through an inspection post at Larne Harbor. The new plan would mean an increase in the scope and scale of these checks.



    What about Stormont?



One big difference in the new plan is that the Northern Ireland Executive and Assembly would have to approve that single market arrangement coming into force. Then every four years, Stormont would have to decide if it wants to continue to follow EU rules or align with the rest of the UK. The DUP, which has welcomed the plan, believes that would mean Northern Ireland would always default to UK regulations unless there is a cross-community vote at Stormont to continue to follow EU regulations. Nationalist parties fear this would amount to a unionist veto on whether to continue to follow EU rules. That is because of the existence of a veto mechanism at Stormont known as the Petition of Concern.


    Will the Irish government go for this?


It seems unlikely at this stage. From the Irish government's point of view, they made an agreement with the UK in the 2017 Joint Report - a kind of interim deal - which said there would not be "any physical infrastructure or related checks and controls" as a result of Brexit. That was not just an agreement to prevent any new infrastructure at the Irish border, it was any new checks on the island of Ireland. So the Irish government's position has been that the UK agreed that the status quo would be maintained for cross-border trade. What Boris Johnson is proposing on customs would not meet those criteria.





<The reference 3 >

Key parts of a revised Brexit deal.


Here are some of the key new parts of a revised Brexit deal.


< Some things have changed >





The whole of the UK will leave the EU customs union. This means the UK will be able to strike trade deals with other countries in the future. There will be a legal customs border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (which stays in the EU). But in practice the customs border will be between Great Britain and the island of Ireland, with goods being checked at "points of entry" in Northern Ireland. Duty (tax) won't automatically have to be paid on goods coming into Northern Ireland from Great Britain. But where something is "at risk" of then being transported into the Republic of Ireland (which is part of the EU customs union), duty will be paid. A joint committee made up of UK and EU representatives will decide at a later date what goods are considered "at risk". Ordinary people won't have their baggage checked and duty won't apply to individuals sending goods to other people. There will also be limits agreed by the joint committee on the amount of help the government can give to Northern Irish farmers. The figure will be based on the amount they currently receive from the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.

説明: Map showing how Brexit customs plan would work

It might be that duty is paid on goods that do not end up being sent on from Northern Ireland into the EU. The UK would be responsible for whether to refund the duty in these circumstances.

新協定の関税の仕組みを図解した。グレートブリテン島から北アイルランドへ輸送される物品(赤い矢印)には、アイルランド島に入った段階(赤い点線)で関税がかけられる。その後、物品が北アイルランドにとどまれば関税が払い戻されるが、さらにEU加盟のアイルランドへ輸送された場合、払い戻しはない 関税を支払った物品が、最終的にEU圏内に入らない場合もあり得る。イギリスはこうした場合に払い戻しを行うかどうかの責任を負うことになる。一方、一般人に対しては持ち物検査は行わず、個人間の発送品には関税が適用されない。このほか、政府が北アイルランドの農家を支援できる金額には作業部会によって制限が設けられる。金額の上限は、農家が現在、EUの共通農業政策から得ている額を元に決められることになる。




    Regulations on goods



When it comes to the regulation of goods, Northern Ireland would keep to the rules of the EU's single market, rather than UK rules. That removes the need for product standard and safety checks on goods at the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, because both will be part of an "all-island regulatory zone". But it adds to the checks between the rest of the UK - which will not be sticking to EU single market rules - and Northern Ireland.


    Enforcing the rules



This will be done by UK officials at "points of entry into" Northern Ireland, but the EU will have the right to have its own officials present. It seems those EU officials may be able to overrule UK officials. "Where the Union representative requests the authorities of the United Kingdom to carry out control measures in individual cases for duly stated reasons, the authorities of the United Kingdom shall carry out those control measures."


    Northern Ireland's say


Because Northern Ireland will be set apart from the rest of the UK when it comes to customs and other EU rules, the deal gives its Assembly a vote on these provisions.

But this vote would not happen until four years after the end of the transition period that is due to run until the end of 2020 - so no earlier than January 2025. If the Northern Irish Assembly votes against the provisions, they would lose force two years later during which time the "joint committee" would make recommendations to the UK and EU on "necessary measures". If the Assembly accepts the continuing provisions by a simple majority, they will then apply for another four years. If the deal has "cross-community support" then they will apply for eight years, or until a new agreement on the future relationship is reached if that comes sooner. The deal defines cross-community support as more than 50% each of unionist and nationalist Assembly members voting in favour, or at least 40% of members from each designation if in total at least 60% of members have voted in favour. The UK government has said that if the Northern Ireland Assembly is still not sitting at that point, it will make alternative arrangements to make sure a vote can take place.







The new agreement says that EU law on value added tax (VAT - a tax added when you make purchases) will apply in Northern Ireland, but only on goods, not services. But it also allows Northern Ireland to have different VAT rates to the rest of the UK, which would not normally be allowed under EU law. For example, if the UK decided to reduce the VAT on household fuel to zero, Northern Ireland would still have to keep it at 5%, which is the EU minimum. It also means that Northern Ireland may get the same VAT rates on certain goods as the Republic of Ireland, to stop there being an unfair advantage on either side of the border.




< Some things have not changed >


Much of Ms. May's original Brexit deal will remain as part of the overall agreement. Some of the key areas are:

● 移行期間




The transition - a period of time during which all of the current rules stay the same allowing the UK and the EU to negotiate their future relationship - is due to last until the end of December 2020. The UK will need to abide by EU rules and pay into the EU budget, but will lose membership of its institutions. The transition can be extended, but only for a period of one or two years. Both the UK and EU must agree to any extension.


    Citizens' rights


UK citizens in the EU, and EU citizens in the UK, will retain their residency and social security rights after Brexit. Freedom of movement rules will continue to apply during transition. This means that UK nationals will be able to live and work in EU countries (and EU nationals will be able to live and work in UK) during this period. Anyone who remains in the same EU country for five years will be allowed to apply for permanent residence.




The UK will have to settle its financial obligations to the EU. There is no precise figure but the biggest part of this "divorce bill" will be the UK contributions to the 2019 and 2020 EU budgets. As Brexit was delayed from 29 March to 31 October 2019, some of that money has been paid as part of the UK's normal membership contributions already. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimates that the bill is now around £33bn (down from £39bn). The OBR expects that most of the money - around three-quarters of the total - would be paid by 2022, with some relatively small payments still being made in the 2060s.


    Future UK/EU relationship



This is addressed in the political declaration. This text, which is not legally binding, has also been revised by UK/EU negotiators. It says that both sides will work towards a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and a high-level meeting will be convened in June 2020 to take stock of progress towards this goal. The text also contains a new paragraph on the so-called "level playing field" - the degree to which the UK will agree to stick closely to EU regulations in the future. While the references to a "level playing field" were removed from the legally binding withdrawal agreement, the revised political declaration says that the UK and the EU should "uphold the common high standards […] in the areas of state aid, competition, social and employment standards, environment, climate change, and relevant tax matters".

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