


コメント22-4 「欧米はどこへ向かうのか」の補足


Trump Administration ―White Supremacy Issue and Dismissal of Steve Bannon, senior strategist to President Trump





 米国バージニア州シャーロッツビル812日(土)、市内の公園に建つ、人種差別や奴隷制度の象徴と見なされている南軍司令官ロバート・E・ リー(Robert E. Lee)将軍の像を撤去する計画に抗議する白人至上主義者達の集会が行われた。

これに端を発し、白人至上主義者と集会反対派が衝突し流血騒ぎとなった。更に、ナチ(Nazi)同調者とされる男の車が反対派の群れに突っ込み、女性1人が死亡, 少なくとも19人が怪我をする惨事となった。


1.White Supremacy Issue

1Charlottesville Incident in Virginia

On 12 August, thousands of white nationalist protesters gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA to protest the planned removal of a statue of a general of the pro-slavery Confederacy, Robert E. Lee.

This rally degenerated into bloody clashes with the counter-protesters and led to the the death of a 32-year-old woman, who was struck by a car driven by a neo-Nazis activist guy and injuring at least 19 others.









ジャクソン主義(Jacksonian Democracyとは、北米大陸に白人至上主義を拡大することだった。






(2)  Trump’s remarks on the Charlottesville Incident

President Trump had said on 12 August that "many sides" were involved in Charlottesville. He made no reply to a reporter's shouted question whether he had spoken out strongly enough against white nationalists. "We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of violence, bigotry and hatred on many sides," he said. On 13 August, however,

The White House vindicated in a statement that Trump's message "condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred, and of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi, and all extremist groups. He called for national unity and bringing all Americans together."

However, President Trump has once again defended far-right protesters at the Charlottesville rally on 15 August, saying they were not all neo-Nazis and white supremacists and laying the blame for the violence equally on what he called the “alt-left”. Furthermore, as for the movements to remove statues honoring leaders of the Confederacy built in public lands have gained momentum across the United States since the Charlottesville violence, President Trump made it clear he opposed such campaign. He remarked in a Tweet on 17 August, lamenting “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments, you can’t change history, but you can learn from it. who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish!”

In America, there was once a collision between black people who called for the removal of statue of 7th President Andrew Jackson as the slave-owing founder and white people who protested the removal.

As for Andrew Jackson’s character, the hunger for Indian land was most intense in the Southern slave-owning states, and Jackson as a politician generally reflected Southern economic interests. “Jacksonian Democracy” was about the extension of white supremacy across the North American continent. By his policy of Indian Removal, Jackson confirmed his support in the cotton states.

As I previously mentioned in the comment 22-3 “The politics climate of the United States which yielded President Trump”, the Trump’s way of actions is thought of as "the new Jackson democracy." Trump, who hung a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office, sees himself in the seventh president of the United States. His chief strategist, Steve Bannon who is assumed as the mastermind behind the Trump Administration, praised Trump as “very Jacksonian.” It is evident that these two persons are white supremacists just only for that reason.

Since recent high-profile cases of unarmed black men dying at the hands of white police officer have sparked protests and civil unrest across the United States, the division between black and white people became more serious. Then, Trump's Tweet on Thursday again invoked an argument, because his remarks seem to be part of an effort to direct the debate over the president’s defense of white nationalist protesters in Charlottesville.






 共和党員もまたトランプ氏を批判した。ともに共和党の元大統領であるジョージ・HW・ブッシュ(George H.W. Bush)氏とジョージ・W・ブッシュ(George W. Bush)氏親子は、シャーロッツビル事件で白人至上主義者達を擁護するトランプ氏に対する反発が高まりつつある中、人種的偏見、反ユダヤ主義、憎悪を批判する声明を共同で発表した。





3Backlash against Trump’s remarks

President Trump was abandoned by business leaders, lambasted by some senior Republicans, and implicitly criticised by military leaders amid a fierce backlash over his comments in response to violence by white supremacists in Charlottesville.

Particularly, the breach with the business community, which forced President Trump to disband his two advisory councils on 16 August was the most striking. The disbanded advisory councils were the American Manufacturing Council and the Strategy and Policy Forum consisting of high profile chief executives of major US companies. The executives quit the councils one after another criticized the President's response in Charlottesville, denouncing intolerance, racism and violence as the affront to core American values. At the very beginning when the executives started quitting, Trump took an aggressive stance, saying "Anyone could be ok to be with you at all." However, he suddenly changed the attitude and tweeted as, "Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!". With this, the aim to make use of the executive’s opinions for the economic growth and the employment expansion ended in failure and two advisory councils were forced to disband without any activity results.

Republicans too issued denunciations on Mr. Trump’s remarks.

Former US presidents George HW Bush and George W Bush on 16 August issued a joint statement that condemned “racial bigotry, anti-Semitism and hatred” as Donald Trump faced a growing backlash over his defense of those who took part in the far-right rally in Charlottesville.


The father and son did not mention President Trump by name, but their rare combined intervention came after Trump’s comments that “there is blame on both sides” for the deadly violence in Charlottesville on 12 August. “America must always reject racial bigotry, anti-Semitism and hatred in all its forms,” the Bushes said in a statement, going on to cite the third US president, Thomas Jefferson, who lived near Charlottesville. “We are reminded of the fundamental truths recorded by that city’s most prominent citizen in the Declaration of Independence: we are all created equal and endowed by our creator with unalienable rights. We know these truths to be everlasting because we have seen the decency and greatness of our country.”





The nation’s top military leaders, representing the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines and the National Guard Bureau, posted messages on social media condemning racism, extremism and hatred. What made military leaders adopt a firm stance toward racism is because they needed to give special consideration to the morale of soldiers on active service and the recruiting activities.

They did not mention Mr. Trump by name, but their messages were a highly unusual counter to the commander in chief.



ホワイトハウスのサラ・サンダース報道官は声明で「ジョン・ケリー(John Kelly)大統領首席補佐官とスティーブ・バノン氏は、今日をスティーブの最後の日とすることで互いに合意した。我々は、彼の貢献に感謝しており、今後の健闘を祈っている」と発表した。


2. Dismissal of Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon, senior strategist to President Trump and Trump’s self-styled liaison to the far right, has departed the White House on 18 August in the latest staff turmoil and returned to his previous post as Executive Chairman of Breitbart News.

 Ms. Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, said in a statement: “White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day. We are grateful for his service and wish him the best.”

Conflicting reports were coming in about whether Bannon resigned or Trump fired him.

Later, White House officials confirmed that Trump had dismissed Steve Bannon on 18 August after reports of clashes between Bannon and other members of the White House reached fever pitch.








1What is Steve Bannon?

On August 17, 2016, in the later months of the campaign, Steve Bannon (born November 27, 1953) joined Trump’s 2016 presidential bid, taking the position of chief executive officer.

He had been the head of Breitbart News, a far-right news, opinion, and commentary website so far.

As for Breitbart, he once described it as the platform for the new right-wing “alt-right” which has insisted on white supremacy, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, far-right populism, antiforeignism, etc. It is also pointed out that there are seemingly some similarities in rhetoric between Breitbart and Hitler.

Strangely enough, Pope Francis was talking about Hitler in reference to today's populist wave in Europe and the U.S. in an interview with Spanish newspaper on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration as follows,

― While Germany was weighed down by debt and feelings of defeat, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, promised to restore the country to its former glory. He spoke on an ultranationalist platform and was positioned as a voice of the people, against the government elite who brokered the Versailles Treaty and left the country weak and in debt. Germany is broken, it needs to get up, to find its identity, it needs a leader, someone capable of restoring its character. And there is a young man named Adolf Hitler who says, ‘I can, I can.” Trump prevailed in the 2016 presidential election in part because of disillusioned voters looking for someone to lead them out of economic distress. Trump's case is the most noteworthy.

Bannon was the leading promoter of the most high-profile political agenda to Trump such as shrinking the federal bureaucracy / anti-Obama politics, imposing a ban on travelers from several majority-Muslim countries, taking "America first" doctrine with antiforeignism insisting on immediate withdrawal from TPP and so on.

Bannon’s rhetoric that was a driving force behind the birth of President Trump may have something in common with Hitler's appearance as Pope Francis commented.














(2)Reasons for Dismissal

While every other White House staffs were disappointed and felt antipathy against the Trump’s remark that “both sides” were to blame for the deadly violence in Charlottesville, only Bannon fully supported Trump.

Though Trump has placed Bannon as a pivotal person who can keep his core support basis consisting of working class white voters, it seems that Trump had expectation to avoid the criticism on the racial issue by dismissing Bannon amid a fierce backlash over his comments in response to violence by white supremacists in Charlottesville.


A power struggle between Bannon and McMaster, the national security adviser in White House intensified up to hating each other has made the Administration management disrupt.

 Breitbart News- once headed by Bannon - has claimed that McMaster should be discharged, criticizing that McMaster is not going enough to be in the tank for Israel issue and mans the NSC staffs nominated by the former Obama administration.

It is told that McMaster took it out on Trump and Mr. John F. Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general just named as White House chief of staff on 31 July also got angry over the Breitbart’s attack upon McMaster which has confused White House. Kelly’s mission is to impose discipline on White House personnel.

In the administration, President Trump’s eldest daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, who is also Trump’s senior adviser have sought a more traditional, globalist approach to the world’s problems.

Marine Corps retired General Kelley, the White House chief of staff and Army Lieutenant General McMaster, the national security adviser are both realists too.

For example, as to the historic agreement between Iran and a group of six nations led by former President Obama in 2015 to significantly limit Tehran’s nuclear ability for more than a decade in return for lifting international oil and financial sanctions, Bannon has insisted on its cancellation, but, McMaster has appealed to maintain the accord.

It was obvious from the very first that Bannon who differs from other aides in thought and beliefs would become an obstacle to the stable management of Administration.







Bannon said on 16 August there was no military solution to ending the threat of North Korea's nuclear weapons development, even though Trump has vowed to meet any Pyongyang aggression with "fire and fury like the world has never seen. Bannon also said his biggest focus is for the United States, already the world's biggest economy, to win its trade war with China, the second biggest economy across the globe. This remark is regarded as the decisive factor to dismiss Bannon because it contradicted Trump Administration’s posture not to exclude military option.

By the way, policies toward North Korea in the Administration are engaged mainly by the National Security Advisor McMaster, Secretary of State Tillerson, Defense Secretary Mattis, but Bannon had been actually left out of the group.

















3. Does Bannon’s removal become a turning point of the Trump administration?

By dismissing Bannon, Trump lost the most visible avatar of the president’s most high-profile political agenda that propelled him to victory. Bannon’s removal has a specifically significant influence among the successive dramas of firings, resignations and withdrawn nominations of the Trump White House.

Does this become a turning point of the administration as expected?

By expelling Bannon who was the biggest cause of fight with other aids in the White House, the administration management seems to become remarkably stable under Mr. Kelly’s command and control. It is also highly possible that the relationship between mainstream republicans who have opposed to Bannon on policies and the administration gets better. However, the falling Trump job approval rating does not necessarily recover immediately. Bannon had a gift for grasping the support of working class white voters who propelled Trump to victory in the 2016 presidential bid. The white working class will grouse that they lost a key advocate inside the White House and worry aloud that Mr. Trump would shift left. Therefore, whether Trump can get their fervent support as before or not is uncertain.

Meanwhile, by letting loose Bannon outside the White House in the form of "split-off over fighting", Trump administration is supposed to have a risk that Bannon can always transform himself to a keen critic to Trump and the Administration. He was already back at the far-right Breitbart News. Even if he has indicated that he does not intend to harm Trump, he can use his perch at Breitbart to publicly pressure the president, because Bannon who had played a pivotal role in the White House knows every inch of the Administration inside out including Trump's involvement with Russia, so-called “Russia-gate” and so on.

Also, as for the members of the administration, staffs in the White House and key Secretaries of each Department consist of retired and active military generals, Trump’s family members and rich business leaders came from Wall street. They are all amateurs in politics and administration. Trump’s Administration is, so to speak, a nonprofessional gathering without experienced politicians. Moreover, hundreds of key political appointees who play practically a big role in politics still remain vacant.

These losing normal conditions have still continued and make the future of the Trump administration more uneasy.















4. A possibility that Trump throws up his presidency??

It is President Trump himself who made the white supremacy issue in the Charlottesville incident widen, and the clash in the Administration was basically caused by Trump’s full authorization of Bannon who lacks an insight into politics and administration. It is suggested that the remaining biggest concern in the administration is a question for the ability of Trump himself as the US president even if troubles in the White House are supposed to be settled by the Bannon’s removal.

 While Bannon’s removal is a victory for Mr. Kelly, White House chief of staff, whose mission is to impose discipline on White House personnel, it is said that Mr. Kelley’s control doesn't work on Trump’s uninhibited behavior and actions and is embarrassed.

Seven months after U.S. President Donald Trump took office, a large number of Americans, including many of the country’s political leaders, are wondering whether he is fit to lead this powerful nation. A fellow Republican Bob Corker, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently questioned his ability to serve in the job, saying: “Trump has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation. He has not demonstrated that he understands what has made this nation great and what it is today.” There is growing criticism against Trump even from among fellow Republicans because of a serious mistake he made on the fatal clash in Charlottesville. He made remarks that can only deepen the racial divide in the United States, a deep-rooted social problem that has been haunting the country. The most important principle the United States should proudly promote as a nation of immigrants is racial and cultural diversity, supported by tolerance to such differences. There is absolutely no room, either in the United States or the international community, for the idea that one race is superior to others. However, President himself who is the supreme leader of America treaded on the tiger's tail named “racism” of all things which must not be treaded on.

In addition to this problem, Trump has “Russia-gate” issue referred to the criminal investigation into Trump's involvement with Russia during the election campaign last year. Former director of the FBI Robert Mueller III is at the helm of the investigation.

Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter on Donald Trump’s infamous 1987 book “The Art of the Deal”, tweeted on 17 August: "The circle is closing at blinding speed. Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice."

"Trump's presidency is effectively over," Schwartz wrote in a second tweet. "Would be amazed if he survives till the end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner."










