27.6.10 NEEC


江戸しぐさ (コメント)

学校の道徳教範にも取り上げられている、公共のマナーを教える「江戸しぐさ」に関するものです。この江戸しぐさが、史実を無視した全くの作り話であると言う本が出版され物議をかもしている記事が、昨年5月6日付のジャパンタイムズ紙に掲載され それが英語教室のTextになりました。私はその本の著者の方に偏見がある旨スピーチしました。  


As for the book which denies Edo-style etiquette written by Minoru Harada, his logic for the denial is also somehow dubious. I feel that Harada's criticism rather does not match reality.  



・例えば、原田氏はいくつかある江戸しぐさの中から、「肩引き」、「かさかしげ」、「こぶし腰浮かせ」の3つについて否定した後は、江戸しぐさを今に伝えた芝三光と弟子の越川禮子の人物批判ばかりしている。また、しぐさの否定についても「肩引きは威嚇にしか見えない」など本人の主観を述べているに過ぎず、論理的な説明になっていない。(原田実氏の批判 参考2参照)

For example, after Harada denied three etiquettes such as “kata hiki”, “kasa kashige”, and “kobushi ukase” out of eight examples of Edo-era etiquette, his heavy criticism is concentrated only on Mitsuakira Shiba’s and his apprentice, Reiko Koshikawa’s, personal career. Also, as for the denial of three etiquettes, for instance, he says that “kata hiki” looked like only intimidating the others. This criticism is entirely subjective and, therefore, quite illogical. Incidentally, “kata hiki” is the “shigusa” to pull one side of shoulders back when two people pass each other on the narrow lane not so as to collide.


Why didn't experts criticize Edo-style etiquette so far even though they can't stand up to historical scrutiny? For this question, Harada says, “Since it is so absurd from expert’s point of view, they didn’t feel like making a counterargument.” However, will Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) recommend and many schools adopt such thing which experts entirely ignore? What experts does Harada mention about?

・原田氏の言う「わずか数人によって生み出された偽の歴史」が、何故これほどまで広まり、国や自治体などの行政が推薦するようになったのか? 原田氏は、その問いに対し、基本的に人々は“いい話”を疑わない、1970~80年代には「江戸ブーム」が盛り上がっていて、“江戸時代のいいもの”なら受け入れるような社会的な土台が出来ていたと言う。



Why has the history fabricated by several people circulated that much? Why have the central and local governments recommended Edo shigusa?

For these questions, Harada responded, “People do not suspect "the good thing" basically. The "Edo boom" was rising in the 1970s-80s. And the background which accepts every good things of the Edo era had been formed in the society at that period.”

However, it was last month that the board of education in the city of Moriya, Ibaraki Prefecture, launched a pilot project to teach Moriya shigusa, which is inspired by Edo shigusa. And yet it was after last August when Harada wrote this book. It is impossible that the board of education in the city of Moriya can be ignorant of Harada's book. Therefore, the city of Moriya might think Harada's book was rather dubious than the NPO group Edo Shigusa.




Isn't it difficult to prevent further expansion of Edo shigusa only by criticizing, considering the present situation so that it has permeated into the school textbook?

Harada answered for this question as follows:

“Edo shigusa is has not been exterminated. any longer. However, it should not be used easily at least in the field of education. The biggest problem is to expound morality based on the falsehood when it is used in the field of education. This will be an act which destroys the reliance which forms the basis of morality. While understanding that Edo shigusa was fabricated, if it is intentionally used, it will be out of the question.”

While saying so, he mentioned, “It was satisfactory to use fictions, like Aesop's Fables, for moral education. But, in the case of Edo shigusa, the value will be lost at the moment it is proved as a fictional, because it has been considered as being useful on the hypothesis that Edo shigusa was handed down from Mitsuakira Shiba’s ancestors in the Edo Period.” As for Aesop's Fables, neither the author nor the origin are not known well too either. I have doubts about Harada’s view that while Western fiction is right, Edo shigusa is wrong.



For the given opinion "Good manners had better permeate people as a result, even though it is fabricated,” Harada says, “Doing so will come to destroy the ethical basis for the sake of manners that remain only in form. However, the biggest reason why Edo shigusa was selected in the field of education is attributed to its content which is effective for teaching good manners to people. It was not chosen by how it came about. That is why the city of Moriya judged so and has created a booklet, learning from Edo shigusa.












Reading Harada's interview, I suspect the reformist-factions which have opposed to the moral education in our country are behind him. Tokyo Shimbun was the first paper to highly publicized Harada's book. Tokyo Shimbun, known as a left-leaning paper, well informed Harada's book in its column named “Kochira-Tokuhobu (Here is the news flash department)" on April 6 this year, heading "Edo-style etiquette is not backed up by historical evidence." And the article concluded like, “Using tradition as a cover of the moral education which the central and local governments praise extravagantly means neglecting science and will put the nation in danger. What left-leaning media, such as Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo Shimbun furiously have opposed is against the revival of moral education. "Stop forcing the fixed values on others" is a slogan common to all of these media. As an example, Asahi Shimbun as of October 22, last year is described as follows:

Ethics will become a formal subject for Japanese children at elementary and junior high schools. The Central Council for Education, an advisory panel for the education ministry, on Oct. 21 submitted to education minister, Hakubun Shimomura, its proposal that ethics should be taught as a subject. Ethics has been treated as a “non-subject” activity. But it will be given the status as a formal subject as early as the academic year that starts in April 2018. This will represent the first major change in Japan’s ethics education in 70 years since the prewar “shushin” (morals) classes were abolished in 1945, the year when World War II ended, on grounds that they supported the nation’s militarist education system before and during the war. Will making ethics a formal subject really help nurture diverse values? It is hard not to worry that the step will have the opposite effect.

However, thanks to once existed the pre-war “shushin” (morals) classes, Japan is still regarded as a nation which has a keen sense of morals and is at a high level of culture from all over the world. The tragedy in March 2011 was one of the greatest natural disasters that occurred in modern society. However, even in the midst of their crushing adversity, people have not resorted to mass looting, rioting, thievery, or hysterical panic. On the contrary, people have shown virtues such as calmness, politeness, affection for the weak, self-sacrifice, and yet order remains intact. The Japanese behavior astonished people around the world, and main papers in the world uniformly praised it.

If discipline, academic education and moral education at school and home are lost, such “Japaneseness” will disappear over the years. Thus, it is necessary for schoolchildren to learn Edo-era etiquette. What should be excluded from school is the distorted sense of values which certain political parties, mass media, intellectuals with progressive ideas and the Japan Teachers Union have made desperate efforts to expel traditional moral codes under the name of postwar democracy, regarding them as the symbol of militarism throughout the postwar years.


参考1 江戸しぐさとは

江戸しぐさとは、芝三光(1928 - 1999年)が提唱したものである。NPO法人「江戸しぐさ」によると、「江戸しぐさ」は、「江戸時代の町人文化によって形成された生活哲学、行動哲学」であり、それが200年以上続く江戸時代の平和を守る基本になってきたと言う。










参考2 原田実氏の批判

私は、ACの広告を見た時から、「これはちょっとおかしいんじゃないか」と思っていました。何故なら「江戸しぐさ」と言いながらも、電車内での席の譲り方などといったものがメインンだからです。現代の生活の中でしか通用しない、江戸時代に存在しなかったものを想定したマナーが、歴史的に正しいわけがありません。当時から私と同じことを考えている人がいて、ネットの一部では批判も出ていたのですが、「こんな荒唐無稽なものだから、それほど影響力をもたないだろう」と思っていました。 ところが、調べてみるとNPO法人「江戸しぐさ」が設立されてからは、特に教育方面の世界に非常に大きな影響力を持っていて、TOSS(教育技術法則化運動)のように、「江戸しぐさ」を教材に取り入れて、普及している団体も出てきていた。それで、「いや、これは基本的に江戸時代のものではありえないんだよ」ということを、きちんと誰かが説明しないとマズイだろうということで、本格的に調べ始めたんです。


参考3  守谷しぐさ


