

26.10.22 NEEC


The Stanford marshmallow experiment



1.マシュマロ実験で有名なミッシェル元スタンフォード大教授が、セルフコントロール能力を向上させる秘訣は脳の前頭前皮質を鍛錬することである言う。但し、セルフコントロール自体が成功を保証するものでなく、強い目標(burning goal)を持つことが必要だと述べている。

振り返って私は前頭部を鍛錬することなく、満足感だけを即求める本能(limbic system)にすがって生きてきた。セルフコントロールしながら人生を送って来たとはとても言えない。



そのきっかけは第1子を身ごもった娘が、こんなタバコ臭い家に生まれてくる子供を連れてくることは出来ないと言う一言だった。その瞬間タバコをピタリと止めそれ以来一本も吸っていない。思うにその時のburning goalは元気な初孫をこの腕に抱きたいと言う一念だったであろう。

Mr. Mischel says, “the secret of self-control is to train the prefrontal cortex to kick in first. But, self-control alone doesn’t guarantee success. People also need a “burning goal” that gives them a reason to activate these skills.”

Looking back now, since I have not trained the prefrontal cortex, but lived by the limbic system, a the hot part demanding immediate gratification, it is difficult to say that I could carry on with a well self-controlled life.

One of my few self-control cases was to have quitted smoking suddenly at the age of 60, despite that I was being a chain smoker for 40 years.

The trigger was a word of from my daughter when she conceived the her first baby. One day, she came to my house and said that she would not have taken the baby being born soon if my house continued to reek with tobacco smoke. At that moment, I quitted smoking. I still haven't smoked even one cigarette since then. My burning goal at that time was to carry the my first grandchild with good health in my arms.








According to the article, the starting point of the Stanford marshmallow experiment in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by Mr. Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University, was a the term “sitzfleisch” taught by his grandmother as a child, which means a the power to endure or to persevere in an activity.

I understand this term has the same nuance as the Japanese “gaman” or “kokki.”

Even if this article seems an like advice to individuals how wanting to improve self-control, today, I would like to comment on the Japanese “gaman” or “kokki”, which is regarded as the Japanese national trait, showing two examples.













The first example is “Oshin.”

Oshin is a Japanese serialized morning television drama, which originally aired on NHK from April 4, 1983 to March 31, 1984. The 297 15-minute episodes follow the life of Shin Tanokura during the Meiji period up to the early 1980s. In the work, Shin is called Oshin, an archaic Japanese cognomen.

It was one of the country's most watched serials of all time and has aired in 58 other countries, with subtitles ranging from English to Arabic. Oshin served as a symbolic figure for perseverance, showing the story of a girl born in a very poor rural family in Japan, who through hard work and perseverance eventually triumphs over pain and adversity to achieve fame and success.

Broadcast in the early 1980s when Japan had finally cast off the legacy of the post-war years and the Japanese were beginning to reap the benefits of economic development, the aim of the story was to recall the hardships the older generation had endured in order to pave the way for their children to enjoy their more affluent lifestyle.

Viewers were drawn to the suffering of the main character Oshin - and then drew similarities between her story and their own home lives. Some Japanese worried that showing Oshin abroad would give the country a bad profile - and would even be shameful because it showed the seldom glimpsed, poor, unequal side of Japan. In the event, the reverse proved true. Oshin gave viewers outside Japan, whose only image of Japan was formed by Japanese cars or electric goods, or through bitter memories of Japanese treatment during World War II, a far better understanding of the modern Japan and its people.





















The second example is Dr. Donald Keene.

Dr. Keene, needless to say, is one of the greatest scholars of Japanese literature and has been highly influential in the establishment of Japanese studies in the West. Right after the earthquake and the nuclear disaster at in Fukushima in 2011, many foreign residents in Japan left the country. But at that time, Dr. Keene, who retired just a year after from Columbia University, decided to become Japanese as a gesture of gratitude toward the nation.

Ms. Hiroko Kuniya, the news-caster, who has hosted “Close-up Gendai”, which NHK airs four days weekly in prime time, interviewed Dr. Keene about the Japanese attractiveness which has gripped his hearts.

Watching TV on regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake, he was greatly moved by the preciousness /the dignity of Japanese people, who are capable of preserving calmness, perseverance and moderation even under an extreme conditions.

And the doctor thought, “I want to live with these people. I want to die with these people.” For the doctor who had been completely absorbed in Japanese studies before, during and after the war, he said, the more he studied Japanese, the more the mystery deepened. What the doctor paid attention to as a key to the mystery was diaries written by Japanese authors during and after the war. And he particularly empathized with the diaries of Jun Takami.

One passage in Takami’s diaries was written in 1944 during the wartime bombing of Tokyo when he was trying to get his mother to safety in the countryside. At Ueno station “everybody is quiet, everybody’s just moving slowly and no one is trying to get ahead of anybody else. My eyes filled with tears unawares, and my heart swelled with pity and love.” And Takami thought, “I want to live with these people. I want to die with these people.”

Keens finally discovered that his searching key to the mystery on Japanese lurked in Takami’s diaries. Watching Japanese behavior during the Great East Japan Earthquake, he felt the same phrase as Takami did, and eventually became Japanese.



日本人のこうした我慢強さに作用するburning goalは一体何なのか?













Should we not call these Japanese perseverance a "self-control ", what would we?

What is a “burning goal” that gives Japanese a reason to activate “gaman” or “kokki.” observed in these examples?

In my view, it will be tenderness to consider others' situation and/or consideration not to make trouble for others. The prominent book “Bushido” (The Soul of Japan) written in English by Dr. Inazo Nitobe in during the Meiji period described “self-control” as follows:

(Incidentally, self-control is translated as “kokki” when the book was translated into Japanese.)

+The teaching of politeness on the for others requires us not to mar the pleasure or serenity of another by manifestations of our sorrow or pain.

+The Japanese have recourse to risibility whenever the frailties of human nature are put to the severest test. For laughter with us veils an effort to regain balance of temper, when disturbed by any untoward circumstance. It is a counterpoise of sorrow or rage.

However, while Japan astonished the world with its perseverance in the midst of their crushing adversity in the East Japan great earthquake, it is also true that the Japanese perseverance has been decreasing sharply in recent years.

When comparing with the era of “Oshin”, our country became too rich and free. too much. Due to its side-effect, the number of people who grow up to be selfish and get angry when things don't go their way have increased. Rapid increase of divorce, serious affairs occurred on an everyday-basis such as infanticide, parricide, bullying, abuse, "It's me" fraud, etc. etc. will are proofs that the Japanese traditional perseverance has been deteriorating year by year.


<参考>マシュマロ実験とは (スタンフォード大学での実験)

「自制心」「セルフコントロール」などと呼ばれている「将来のより大きな成果のために、自己の衝動や感情をコントロールし、目先の欲求を辛抱する能力」(Delayed gratification)が、人の社会における成功に重要であることはよく知られている。この実験の本来の目的は、この能力の幼児期における発達を調査するためであった。


Walter Mischelはこの実験から、幼児期においてはIQより、自制心の強さのほうが将来のSATの点数にはるかに大きく影響すると結論した。2011年にはさらに追跡調査が行われ、この傾向が生涯のずっと後まで継続していることが明らかにされた。


The Stanford marshmallow experiment

The Stanford marshmallow experiment was a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.)

In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.




