



                       平成31430日 松井








A new Brexit deadline of Oct. 31 was agreed at the EU summit meeting




2.コメント Comment




 ・今後の焦点:イギリスは、522日までに離脱協定案を批准できるか? 523日に欧州議会選挙を行うだろうか?)



1.   離脱延期を巡るEU首脳会議の合意内容

The outcome of the mutual agreement on Brexit deadline at the EU summit meeting


+ EU410日、ブリュッセルで首脳会議を開き、深更に及ぶ議論の末イギリスEU離脱期限を1031日まで認めることにした。ただし、無条件ではない。


The EU has held an extraordinary summit meeting on April 10 and decided to extend the deadline by which Britain will leave the bloc until the end of October at the latest after discussion till late night. But it isn't unconditional. Anyway, the worst-case scenario of Britain leaving the EU without a deal (no-deal Brexit) on April 12 has been averted for the time being, while British MPs still deadlocked over a deal.


+ 離脱日の延期幅について、メイ首相は630日までの延期を要請していたが、トウスク欧州理事会常任議長(EU大統領)は、イギリス議会が離脱協定案を承認すれば前倒しの離脱も出来るというオプション付きで最長1年の延期を提案した。


As for the Brexit deadline, while May requested an extension until June 30 of the deadline by which the U.K. must reach a deal on its departure, the chairman of European Union leaders Donald Tusk proposed to offer Britain an extension of the Brexit deadline by up to one year, with the option of leaving earlier, if only Britain ratifies the existing withdrawal agreement. But French President Emmanuel Macron’s push for a June Brexit and strong opposition for the situation that EU has been swayed by Brexit meant the meeting ended up with the October compromise. Oct. 31 would also correspond to the end of the five-year mandate of the present EU executive Commission. EU leaders have a strong will to put prospect on the Brexit issue by then.


+ EU側は厳しい条件を突き付けた。公表された合意文書によると、52326日に予定される欧州議会選までに(522日までに)イギリス議会が離脱合意案を批准できない場合、イギリスはこの議会選挙に参加しなければならない。EU側が延期を認める最低条件としてこれをイギリス側に迫った。



EU leaders laid down strict conditions for the extension of the Brexit deadline.

According to the agreed documents, if the British Parliament cannot ratify the existing withdrawal deal by the 2019 European Parliament election ( by May 22nd ) which is scheduled on May 23-26, the UK must hold the elections to the European Parliament on 23 May. EU urged UK to accept the participation to the European Parliament election as the minimum requirement that EU can allow the extension of the Brexit deadline.

Mrs. May agreed to organize British elections to the European Parliament on May 23, though it is still unclear if that vote will go ahead and how far it might turn into a virtual second referendum on EU membership that some hope could mean Britain cancelling Brexit. If UK refuses to do this, UK can’t continue as an EU member until the end of October but leaves on 1 June with a no-deal Brexit. But, if the British Parliament ratifies the withdrawal agreement, UK can leave immediately without waiting for the deadline of Oct. 31.

 Mrs. May who is careful about the participation to the European Parliament election insisted at the press conference that it is necessary to leave as soon as possible, the UK can still leave on May 22 and not hold those European parliamentary elections if parliament passes the withdrawal deal.


+ EU62021日に再び首脳会議を開きイギリスの動向を検証する。今は全くその兆候はないが、メイ首相は野党労働党との交渉を成功させ、この首脳会議までに「合意ある離脱」を達成出来るだろうか?


Leaders would meet again in June to assess the situation. Britain could have left by then if May succeeds in building a coalition for her deal with the Labor opposition — though there is no sign of agreement yet. EU president Donald Tusk said his "message to British friends" was "please do not waste this time".

EU Leaders Discuss Brexit Extension At Brussels Summit




2.コメント Comment

+ EUは、522日を絶対に譲れない離脱延期期限としていたのになぜあっさりそれを放棄したのか? イギリスは630日までの離脱延期を申請したのになぜトゥスクEU大統領は最長1年延期を提案したのか?

Why did EU abandon the Brexit deadline of May 22 easily even though EU couldn't compromise this?  Why did the EU president Donald Tusk offer an extension of the Brexit deadline by up to one year though Mrs. May asked for an extension until June 30?





The withdrawal agreement reached between the EU and UK has been rejected three times by UK MPs. The EU considered that Mrs. May couldn’t make a deal in the British Parliament even if EU gave the United Kingdom time until May 22nd. In other words, Prime Minister May has lost a card in hand to the extent that a solution cannot be found out on such a short extension. The EU seems to have judged that it is possible to prevent the risk of UK’s rolling series of short extensions and frequent opening of emergency EU summit creating new cliff-edge dates, by proposing a long-range and flexible extension (named “flextension”) under the stipulation that the existing withdrawal agreement can be ratified by the UK parliament.

As just mentioned above, some EU leaders led by French president Macron have insisted that a one year delay to Brexit would be too long despite EU president Tusk suggesting a "flexible extension" of a year and warned that UK should not participate about the EU budgetary discussions and the election of the European Commission executives. The EU has finally compromised on the extension of Brexit deadline until 31 October after Mr. Macron resisted calls for a longer delay.



+ マクロン仏大統領が離脱期限の延期について批判的である理由は何か?

Why is French President Macron against a long extension to Britain’s membership of the EU.?







First, the promotion of EU’s competitiveness-strengthening projects under the leadership of French president Macron together with Germany will be adversely affected by the Brexit process. One of the planned projects includes the acceleration of R&D for artificial intelligence (AI) which has fallen behind compare to the US and China.

Also, the EU has difficulties on the policy toward the United States. The trade friction with America has worsen every day after the appearance of the US president Donald Trump, and there is a possibility that the United States threatens to impose duties on car made in the EU. This gives a severe blow to Germany particularly.

President Trump is also critical about NATO which is the linchpin of European Defense. EU member countries have to prepare their own defense posture seriously without the UK and the US.

Moreover, member states which suffer from financial difficulty mainly in the East and the Southern European countries are participating in the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, Chinese development strategy). There is a lack of collaboration among member countries as to the strategy for China. Therefore, EU has to agree as early as possible on the unified strategy for China and must prohibit member countries from stealing a march on the others.

EU has been taken up much time to cope with the Brexit issue and a situation which is unable to discuss these important matters even if the EU summit meeting is held has continued even now. A settlement about Brexit issue as quickly as possible is EU’s real intension.



The EU’s calculation and concerns about the UK’s participation in the European Parliament election







The European Parliament (EP) is the EU's law-making body. It is directly elected by EU citizens every 5 years. The Parliament is composed of 751 members (MEPs) who are elected out of the 28 member states. Election is done per country and political parties in each country run a candidate in the election. The last elections were in May 2014. The next European election will take place between 23-26 May 2019.

A reason that the EU obligated the UK to participate in the European Parliament election subject to long-range extension will be to require the UK to fulfill the election-obligation which is still a member state of the EU. More importantly, there is a “increasing majority” of British people who want to cancel Brexit and remain in the EU, disgusting extremely chaotic UK Parliament. The EU has an expectation that the EP election will go ahead pushed by this increasing majority of British citizens.

Meanwhile, the EU originally intended not to make the UK participate in the European Parliament election, insisting that May 22 on the eve of the election is a Brexit deadline no matter how long the extension is. Specifically, president Macron feels really uneasy about that the Brexit crisis spreads to the EU when the UK participates in the EP election.

In the EP election, each faction of far-right populist parties in Italy, Germany, France, etc. aims to achieve high rate of votes obtained in the election. The EU and UK which are cornered at the blind alley over the Brexit issue becomes ideal target for the populist parties, appealing to voters as “The political establishment lacks the governability.”

A Brexit extension until 31 October means that such risk will be further amplified too. Also, as for the 6 months or more extension of the deadline, the UK may think that the EU is unexpectedly flexible and afraid of no-deal Brexit after all. There is possibility that the UK demands an extension again when the October 31 approaches.

Thus, the long-range extension is sensible since it gives time to UK to finally choose its way. President Macron warned that the EU could not "be held hostage" to the Brexit crisis. Together with an increasing risk of populist parties, the risk that other EU projects are neglected due to Brexit is not exaggeration.


+ 今後の焦点:イギリスは、522日までに離脱協定案を批准できるか? 523日に欧州議会選挙を行うだろうか?

Focal points from now: Can the UK ratify the withdrawal agreement by May 22?

Will the UK participate in the European Parliament election on May 23?





The worst-case scenario of “no-deal Brexit” has been averted for the time being, but the extension of the Brexit deadline merely serves only to carry forward the conclusion. Thus, the course of action will still be entirely in the UK's hands. A possibility of "no-deal Brexit" on June 1 or on October 31 has still remained.

The focus will be shifted again onto whether or not British Parliament can ratify the withdrawal agreement. The existing withdrawal agreement has already been rejected three times due to many dissenters within the ruling Conservative party, and Mrs. May has held talks with the Labor Party, the largest opposition party, in an attempt to find a breakthrough. However, both have a difficult discussion about remaining in the EU customs union permanently which the Labor Party wants. If the UK remains in the customs union, it becomes difficult to conclude a free trade agreement with different countries except the EU member states. It is difficult for May to accept it since the 2017 Conservatives manifesto on Brexit includes leaving the EU Customs Union. If May accepts the Labor Party's request, the resignation of Cabinet ministers and mass secession from the party could happen and the Conservatives may lose the majority in the House of Commons.

Also, the UK government came to have to prepare for the European Parliament election on May 23rd and make a compromise with the Labor Party to find a plan that will be passed by Parliament at the same time. May has continued attempts to avoid participation in the election by agreeing withdrawal before 23 May so far. If the elections go ahead, the UK's withdrawal from the EU is expected to be the central issue of the election campaign. The UK’s participation in the 2019 European Parliament election will definitely trigger a political turmoil. The May cabinet may be forced to resign en masse and call a dissolution of Parliament and a general election. A situation that Prime Minister May can neither retreat nor advance continues.


+ 国民投票の危うさ  The risk of referendum





The greatest obstacle in the Brexit deal is the problem of how to manage the border between Northern Ireland, which is part of Britain, and Ireland, which is an EU member state as I repeatedly mentioned. This turmoil started three years ago when then British Prime Minister David Cameron held a national referendum to ask the people whether they wanted Britain to stay in the EU. If Britain leaves the EU customs union, it could lead to the return of border controls such as customs checks. The knotty problem of preserving free travel while also leaving the customs union did not become a point of debate during the referendum. If this issue had been discussed in Parliament, it probably would not have slipped under the radar.

Even in the existing withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU, this knotty problem can’t be settled and stays in vague expression yet. At present, the UK is under the situation that Government and the Parliament have failed to function properly and fix the policy to decide the fate of the nation.

And now, turning to the Okinawa referendum which over 70% of voters rejected U.S. Futenma base transfer to the Henoko district in Nago in Okinawa, we must learn from the Brexit mess which has swayed the fate of the United Kingdom.

The judgement for such problem to influence the nation’s fate should not be entrusted to the ignorant masses. The nation will pay a huge price for the referendum.



<参考1> EU主要機関

1 欧州理事会(政治レベルの最高協議機関)The European Council



欧州理事会議長ドナルド・トゥスク氏Donald TUSK,前ポーランド首相)(任期2年半,201412月に就任し,現在2期目。)the President of the European Council


2 EU理事会(決定機関) Council

 EU各国の閣僚級代表により構成されるEUの主たる決定機関(外務理事会,総務理事会,経済・財政理事会等分野毎に開催される)。外務理事会の議長はフェデリカ・モゲリーニ(Federica MOGHERINI)外務・安全保障政策上級代表。それ以外のEU理事会の議長は半年交代の輪番制議長国閣僚(2018年前半ブルガリア,2018年後半オーストリア)。

3 欧州委員会(執行機関) The European Commission


欧州委員会委員長 ジャン=クロード・ユンカー氏Jean-Claude JUNCKER,前ルクセンブルク首相)the President of the European Commission

欧州委員(貿易担当) セシリア・マルムストローム氏(Cecilia MALMSTRÖEM,前内務担当(欧州委員))他


4 欧州対外活動庁(執行機関)

 リスボン条約に基づき20111月に正式発足した,EU版外務省。職員は,欧州委員会,EU理事会事務局,加盟国政府関係者から構成される。組織は,役員会(Corporate Board)の下に,地域・機能毎にわかれた局があり,EUの外交政策を立案,執行する。

外務・安全保障政策上級代表 フェデリカ・モゲリーニ氏(欧州委員会副委員長を兼務)


5 欧州議会(諮問・共同決定機関)The European Parliament


議長 アントニオ・タヤーニ氏(Antonio TAJANI1期目)


6 欧州司法裁判所



<参考2> イギリスの議会

1.イギリス議会(Parliament)は、下院に相当する庶民院(House of Commons)上院に相当する貴族院 (House of Lords)によって構成される両院制で、そこで可決された法案を儀礼的に承認するイギリス国王(The Crown)を合わせた3機関から構成される。なお、英文記事では、イギリス国会議員をしばしば“MP”と標記するが、これは「Member of Parliament」の略である。

2.イギリスの法律では、イギリスの主権 (sovereign)は、両院と王位によって構成される議会にあるとされる。議会の長は、儀礼上、イギリス王位である。しかし、王位の存在については、イギリスの憲法を構成する慣習法の一つに「国王は君臨すれども統治せず」 (the sovereign reigns but does not rule.)とあり、儀礼的なものに留まる。


3.保守統一党はイギリスの保守政党で、通常は保守党Conservative Partyを党名として使用する。前身は「トーリー党」である。現在でも党の俗称として“Tory”が使用されることがある。1920年代以降は労働党と共に二大政党制を形成し、政権交代を繰り返している。


+議席数:定数650議席 任期:5年(解散あり)



・閣外協力(北アイルランド民主統一党DUPDemocratic Unionist Party10議席





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