
26.12.3 NEEC



今回は、201495日付New York Times紙 の「Cant place that smell? You must be Americanーその匂いがわからないの?貴方、アメリカ人でしょ」と言うタイトルの記事がTextでした。女性エッセイストが書いた長文で難解な記事でしたが、一言で言えば、 味覚などの感覚は歴史や文化により育てられるもので、匂いや味の表現も文化が違えば異なると言う趣旨の内容でした。私は、日本人と西欧人の美意識の違いについてコメントしました。


本日の記事のキーセンテンスは、”sensory perception is culturally specific(感性は文化により異なる)である。味覚などの感覚は文化により育てられるもので、同一のものに対しても文化が違えば感じ方が異なることが世界中の20以上のグループを対象とした実験で確認されたと言う内容で大変面白い。本日のテーマに関して私は、日本人と欧米人の感性の違いについて述べて見たい。但し、私のコメントは、記事にある五感の違いに関するものではなく、美意識を含む情緒に関するものである。




The key sentence in this article will be “sensory perception is culturally specific.”

It is very interesting that sensory perception is raised by culture and it was confirmed by the experiment against over 20 cultural groups around the world. Today, I would like to comment on the difference of sensitivity between Japanese and Western people.

However, my comment is not about the five senses, but about the emotion including a sense of beauty/an aesthetic sense.



Firstly, I will explain “mono no aware” or the fragility in Japanese culture.

The sense of impermanence evolved into the emotion that we call “mono no aware”, or the sense of the pathos of things. Running through much of the Japanese literature of the Middle Ages, this emotion is best defined as the sensibility that finds beauty in the fragility of mankind and in things changeable amidst the permanence of nature. Everybody grieves at the sight of things in decay. Western people do, too. But the Japanese sense the beauty that is inherent in that fragility. Donald Keene, the Japanese literature scholar, sees this as a sensibility that is unique to the Japanese.





The Dignity of a State (Kokka no Hinkaku in Japanese) is a book by the famous Japanese essayist and mathematician Masahiko Fujiwara. The book criticizes the emphasis on Western logic in Japanese society and calls for a return to what is described as ancient Japanese virtues. Fujiwara introduced a the following episode as to “mono no aware” in the book.

―About ten years ago, a professor from Stanford University came round to my house for a social visit. It was fall, so as we had our dinner, we could hear the sound from outside. “What’s that noise?” my guest inquired. For a Stanford professor, the sound of the insects was only so much noise. I remember thinking to myself: “How on earth did we lose the war to characters like this?” ―

When Japanese hear the autumn insects, they stop what they are doing, and turn their head, as if listening to a distant music. For Japanese ears, nature sounds are never noise, but music.






As for horobiyasusa”( the things in decay, there is the following example:

While Western building is made mainly with incorruptible/tough stone, the traditional Japanese architecture is built with corruptible/fragile wood. Japan has renewed the architecture so as to perpetuate forever, always replacing the old with the new.

The “Shikinen sengu (Reconstruction)” of the Ise Shrine is the most typical ceremony that where all the shrine buildings are rebuilt anew every 20 years. The Grand Shrines of Ise is the generic name of 125 Shinto Shrines centering on the Inner Shrine consecrated to the ancestral deity of the imperial family of Japan and the Outer Shrine to the deity for food and grains. All the shrines in the Jingu, including the Goshoden (main sanctuary), are rebuilt. In other words, the gods can live comfortably in newly built shrines at a cycle of 20 years. This ceremony is the house-moving of the gods. Adjacent to the present Goshoden is an open area of the same size. The new Goshoden will be built in this open area. The shrines are reborn and look like new shrines, just the way they looked more than a thousand years ago. This may not seem like anything but this method of passing on the culture cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.

From ancient times, Japanese built the architecture in anticipation of decay of wood.

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2.Symbiosis with nature vs. Conquest of nature

One of the sensibilities peculiar to Japanese is an attitude toward nature. The Japanese love of nature is well expressed in the architecture of their home. The traditional Japanese home has the passage faced outside named “nureen (an open veranda)” and “the shoji (paper sliding door)” opened widely to with the outside connecting to the inside of the house. The nureen is peculiar to Japan which is integrated into life. If we sit on the nureen from the garden side, we will posture as putting the half of the body indoors and the remaining half in the external world. There is a will there so that Japanese appreciate nature and take it into life.

On the other hand, in the Western architecture, a house is clearly divided by the wall into internal and external world, and small windows serve merely to take daylight and air. The inside of house is completely isolated from nature and going in and out is limited only to the entrance door. The Western architecture has a style to protect dwellers, diverging from nature. The architecture tells us that there is a distinct difference between Japanese and Western people over the ways in which people involved themselves in nature. That is to say, while Western people have regarded nature as an opposing object and tried to govern it, Japanese have coexisted with nature.

For an example of the Japanese architecture, the Katsura Imperial Villa (Katsura Rikyū in Japanese) is a villa with associated gardens and outbuildings in the western suburbs of Kyoto. Katsura Rikyū is a pivotal work of Japanese Architecture, often described as the "quintessence of Japanese taste.” First revealed to the world by Bruno Taut, the great architect, who defected from Germany in the early Showa period, Katsura stunned the architectural community of the West.

Bruno Taut mentioned about Katsura Rikyu, “It makes me almost cry, it is so beautiful, the simple beauty of the building without having any decorations was estimated to have the same value as the beauty seen in modern architectural modeling.” As a matter of fact, when he saw the hedging system of Katsura Rikyu, he sat down beside it and wept.

The Japanese really are remarkable when it comes to blurring the boundaries of the natural and the manmade.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFtPtejGFKsK6JUIZRN9etuG96iOT-hLDfZYCZ7FMeEh3j5ONLGA  https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6apiPhy1b_3VvaxGA_5uFjzVoQm-jTtDqECxdXQQQ9-qcsV1S2g  https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3fCdk32uuNlHaU6tyB9yfQ6IbYW30OqAJdBSvag3SgcdGR0Wj



3.As a conclusion, in a word, it can be said that Japanese culture is the Japanese sensitivity itself. A professor, Illinois State University says, “I hope Japan disseminates the culture of sensitivity to the world since the word with the meaning “sensitivity” is particular to only Japan.”


