
27.5.20 NEEC


妄想彼女 (コメント)



今回のテーマは、201536日付のJapan Times紙に掲載された「Man finds girl of his dreams in the mirror(彼女を持つのが夢の男、鏡の中に見つける)」と言うタイトルの記事です。日本の将来にとって最も深刻な危機は少子高齢化に伴う人口減少です。我が国が人口減に転じて10年になります。出生率は20年間にわたり低レベルで推移し人口回復には程遠い状況です。その一方、平均寿命は延び続け、国民の年齢中央値は47歳に達し世界で最も老いた国民となっています。その結果、国の活力を担う生産年齢人口(1564歳)は減り続けています。日本は今、人類がかって経験したことのない未知の領域に突入していると言われています。我が国にとって喫緊の課題は人口の再生産にあります。国が繁栄し、居心地も良く、創造的であるためには、十分に若い人口を持つ必要があります。解決策は二つ。一つは子供を作ること、もう一つは(これには抵抗がありますが)移民を受け入れることです。中でも大切なのは子供を作ることです。こうした観点から、このテーマについて私は、今の日本の若者の結婚観・セックス観についてコメントすると共に、日本の若者の結婚しない、セックスしない症候群が世界経済を危機に陥れるとするワシントンポスト紙の分析を紹介しました。(294)

Japan Times紙に掲載された「Man finds girl of his dreams in the mirror」と言うタイトルの記事に載っている内容は次の通りです。














This guy’s act seems really absurd and a departure from the normal, thus, I cannot bring myself to comment as far as this article is concerned. However, watching our society where such a ridiculous guy is born. I notice that serious situations have been now proceeding in Japan behind this article. One of them is a syndrome which young people do not or cannot get married, and the other is “sekkusu shinai shokogun (sexless syndrome)”. Both are the root of not only the world’s fastest advancing aging society with child birthrate falling, but also the obstacle to national power revitalization.


Why don’t or can't young people get married?

According to Annual Report on Health, Labor and Welfare in 2013, the social norm saying “it is not until young people get married that they are recognized as a full-fledged man or woman for the first time” had once prevailed. Thus, a the consciousness which getting married in the one’s life is something natural unless people have any some particular reason became common in our country.

However, as such social norm becomes weaker in recent years, marriage has changed from for the sake of the family or parents to that of the individual, and become one of  the individual’s choices. However, an increase of non-marriage rate and young people who cannot relate well to the opposite sex and eventually cannot get married, shows that so called "marriage liberalization" resulted from weakening of the social norm and an increase of love marriage has come up against a brick wall.

 In the background of the deadlock, there is an aspect that young people cannot help looking for marriage partner by themselves even in the midst of remarkable deterioration of their personal-relation build-up capability. However, young people have still strong desire for marriage, and their aspiration has been shown up over the lively “konkatsu (marriage hunting)” events.

However, the biggest reason why young people don’t or can’t get married is the restrictions on their income after all. The 27% of young working force are now non-regular employees, and their income is far below compared with regular employees. Most of them are thinking that getting married is difficult, taking wedding expenses, enormous child care expenses and the anxiety over receipt of pension, etc. etc. into consideration.

Since about 98% of children born child are legitimate children of man and woman who are formally married in our country, it is considered that the rise of age at marriage or the lifetime non-marriage rate will greatly influence on the number of babies born.















As for sexless syndrome, I would like to introduce The Washington Post which analyzed the relationship between Japan’s sexual apathy and the global economy as follows:

Japanese people are so averse to romantic relationships that the country's media even has a name for it “sekkusu shinai shokogun”, or "celibacy syndrome."

This is more than a story about Japan. It's a story about the global economy. Japan is the world's third-largest economy, a crucial link in global trade. It owns almost as much U.S. debt as does China. It's a top trading partner of the U.S., China and lots of other countries. The Japanese economy is in serious enough trouble that it could set other countries back. And the biggest source of that trouble is demographics

Japanese people aren't having enough kids to sustain a healthy economy. The population is shrinking very, very fast. One big reason they're having fewer kids is that they're not as interested in dating or marrying one another, in part because they're less interested in sex.

More than half of Japanese are single. 49 Forty-nine percent of unmarried women and 61 of unmarried men, ages 18 to 34, are not in any kind of romantic relationship.

Between 40 percent and 50 percent of all marriages in Japan are said to be sexless.

 In old Japan, marriage was essentially a device to produce family heirs. Leading causes are fatigue from work for men, and a weary feeling that “sex is more trouble than it’s worth for women.

Also, Japanese women often avoid romantic relationships because Japanese laws and social norms can make it extremely difficult for women to have both a family and a career. They are forced to choose and inevitably lots of women are only seeking the latter. These all have major and potentially catastrophic implications for the economy.

This isn't just bad because it means the Japanese economy will have fewer workers and thus be less productive. It's setting up an economic time bomb that will go off before long. People in Japan tend to live a long time. Elderly Japanese are expensive to care for because they spend so many years in retirement and because they're accustomed to a high standard of living and medical care.

 For any economy to stay healthy, there needs to be enough taxpayers to support all the retirees. But Japan's population is shrinking and aging simultaneously, which means that the number of old people is skyrocketing just as the base of taxpayers shrinks.

Moreover, Japan is one of the most indebted governments in the world. Right now, Japanese public debt is 230 percent of its GDP – more even than Greece. Japan will be okay as long as it can keep growing but, with its demographic time-bomb, it's hard to see how that's possible in the long term.

Investors could one day look at the country's aging and shrinking tax base and decide that Japan's public debt might not actually be such a safe investment, triggering a loss of confidence and possible insolvency.

Officials in Japan are keenly aware of how endangered they are by the country's low birth rate. National programs encourage young men and women to get together and politicians often debate how to create more Japanese babies.




