
25.2.20 NEEC





今回のテーマは、エチオピア系アメリカ人でフランス女性と結婚しパリに永く住んでいた著名な小説家Dinaw Mengestu氏が、アメリカに帰国後、2013117日付のNew York Times紙に寄稿した、都市美という視点から見たパリとワシントンDCの類似性についてです。私は30年前の在欧中、パリは何故かくも美しいのかと興味を抱き何度も訪れたことがあるので、今回は主としてパリの美しさがどのようにしてもたらされたかについてコメントしました。








My first visit to overseas was an official trip to the United States in my early 30s, accompanying my boss, and the place was the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. At that time, I saw the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial in the National Mall and the White House for the first time. I remember to have been overwhelmed by the grandeur and beauty of each monument.


2.After ten years, I set foot on European soil for the first time at the age of 40, and had resided in Belgium as a diplomat. During my 3 yearsstay, I visited many cities of Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern European countries officially and privately, and was strongly impressed by the splendor of buildings and monuments to make me think of the ever glory of Western powers. However, the city where I was most fascinated is Paris, called “the capital of the world” after all. The distance between Paris and Brussels in Belgium where I had lived is 300 km, nearly equal to the distance between Tokyo and Nagoya. Because my intimate friends lived in Paris, I made a round trip between the two capitals by my car about 30 to 40 times in total during my tenure. I remember that I often walked about the whole Paris not by car, but on foot, relying on this Michelin guide. At that time, I got interested in why Paris was so beautiful and what was its urban planning. Today, I would like to explain only about how the beauty of Paris was created, because I cannot compare Washington, D.C. with Paris due to little knowledge of Washington, D.C. 












When all is said and done, the beauty of Paris consists in its brightness so that the whole city looks shining, which is never not seen in other European cities. This brightness was brought by the large renovation of Paris around the period when the Black Ships arrived in Japan in 1853 (Perry Expedition).

The Haussmann's Renovation of Paris so-called “Haussmannisation” was a modernization program to transform Paris from a medieval city into a prominent capital, commissioned by Napoléon III and directed by the Seine prefect, Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann, between 1853 and 1870.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the center of Paris had the same structure as it did in the Middle Ages. The narrow interweaving streets and cramped buildings impeded the flow of traffic, resulting in unhealthy conditions. The streets were covered with mud and makeshift shanties, damp and stink, filled with the signs of poverty as well as the signs of garbage and waste left there by the inadequate and faulty sewer system. Last April, NHK aired that a Parisien historian explained the Haussmann's Renovation to Japanese actress Yūki Amami who visited Paris for the first time, taking her to a back-street of Paris. According to his explanation, since there was no toilet in cramped buildings of the Paris back alley before Haussmann's Renovation, residents used to throw away garbage and feces and urine to the courtyard, and those they finally stacked up to the height of fifth five floors. When the courtyard could not be used, they scattered filth into the street with only a 1.7m width from upstairs, shouting “Water! Water!”   

Haussmann began the redesigning process by making a topographical map of Paris. There were many motivations driving the modernization of Paris.

+ The first was economic. It promoted industrialization by making the transportation of goods easier.

+ The second motivation was visual appeal. More light penetrated the streets and the openness created an impression of majesty and unity.

+ The third motivation was hygiene. Haussmann created a new plumbing system to remove waste from the city and eliminate bad smells.

+ The final reason was military. The wide boulevards prevented rebels from raising barricades.

Based on these motivations, 12 radiating avenues from the Arch of Triumph were renewed into the wider street, called boulevard, whose both sides have a tree-belt (the widest Avenue Foch has is 122m in width). Moreover, the complicated streets and buildings since the Middle Ages was were destroyed and rebuilt so that each block has had a courtyard with trees planting planted inside, and Paris was transformed into an open and sanitary city. Further, in order to give a it majesty and unity and make more light penetrate to the city, Haussmann unified the eaves-height of buildings facing the street into the level of sixth floor level, and made the eaves range/string consecutively, and specified the shape of roof, the size of window and the stone of outer wall. This way of building was called the “Haussmann-style.” In order to execute this renovation, the scrap-and build approach was adopted and every building in the planned area were forcedly demolished. It is said that the area destroyed by Haussmann went up to 3/7 of the whole back alley of Paris. For this reason, Haussmann was nicknamed “the Destroyer of Paris.” However, Haussmannisation finally transformed Paris into the shining city, and made it call it came to be called the capital of the world and “La ville-lumiere (the city of light)”.



For reference, Haussmann's Renovation, resulting in the city of light greatly influenced on the painting of a group of the impressionist composed of Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, Vincent van Gogh, Auguste Renoir and so on. They emphasized on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time). Thus, Leaving the lightless Paris, they went out to nature in the suburbs looking for light so thus far. However, they could come to depict light in the courtyard and room even in the center of Paris which were full of light thanks to Haussmann's Renovation. The well-known Renoir’s painting “Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette (Bal du moulin de la Galette)” now exhibited in the Orsay Museum, which depicts people enjoying dance at in the courtyard of the dance hall in Montmartre is one of the typical paintings depicting light.


5.この記事では、ワシントンDCのナショナルモールとパリのチュイルリー公園一帯のモニュメントの配置が酷似していると記述されているが、確かに航空写真や地図で見る限り筆者の言うとおりである。(下記写真参照)ナショナルモールは、ワシントンDCの都市計画をデザインしたフランス人のピエール・シャルル・ランファンの設計をもとに、彼が亡くなってから70年後の1900年代初期に作られている。彼の存命中(1754−1825)、パリには既に凱旋門もチュイルリー公園もルーブル美術館も存在しており、設計時彼の頭の中には当然パリのイメージがあったであろう。では、ナショナルモールは、オスマン改造の影響も受けているのだろうか? オスマン改造は勿論チュイルリー公園一帯にも及んでいる。そのため、時系列から判断して、当然、ナショナルモールの建設時にはオスマン改造が反映されていたと思われる。



According to this writer, the National Mall in Washington, D.C. bore a striking resemblance to the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris. He pointed out that the line of sight connecting the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol echoed the line connecting the Arc de Triomphe with the courtyard of the Louvre. These aerial photograph and map exactly endorse his comment on the similarity of both areas.

Based on the initial design by Pierre Charles L’Enfant, the French-born architect who made the original designs for Washington, the National Mall was constructed in the early 1900s, 70 years after L’Enfant passed away. During L’Enfant's lifetime (1754-1825), the Arc de Triomphe, the Jardin des Tuileries and the Musee du Louvre in Paris had already existed in each location. Therefore, when designing the National Mall, L’Enfant must have superimposed the image of the Jardin des Tuileries to the planning of the National Mall. Then, was the construction of the National Mall also influenced by Haussmann's Renovation?

Haussmann's Renovation between 1853 and 1870 encompassed all aspects of urban planning, both in the center of Paris and in the surrounding districts including the Jardin des Tuileries. Therefore, from sequential point of view, it's natural to think so. The Haussmannisation of Paris influenced the development of many cities in the world. Chicago is one of them in the United States.









