
26.9.10 NEEC


認知症サポート (コメント11)





1.65歳以上の高齢者のうち、認知症の人は推計15%で、2012年時点で約462万人に上ることが厚生労働省研究班の調査で分かった。更に、認知症になる可能性がある軽度認知障害(MCIMild Cognitive Impairment)の高齢者も約400万人いると推計されている。つまり、65歳以上の4人に1人が認知症とその“予備軍”と言う計算になる。

厚生労働省は、「認知症を知り地域をつくるキャンペーン」の一環として、「認知症サポーターキャラバン」事業を軸とした地域づくりを全国で進めている。同キャラバンは、認知症サポーターを全国で養成し、全国が認知症になっても安心して暮らせるまちになることを目指している。認知症サポーターは、認知症について正しく理解し、認知症の人や家族を温かく見守り、支援する応援者である。認知症サポーターには、地域住民、金融機関やスーパーマーケットの従業員、小・中・高等学校の生徒など様々な人たちがいて平成246月末現在全国に300万人を超える認知症サポーターが誕生している。認知症の人達を理解しコミュニティのネットワークを構築するための政府キャンペーン には4つのプログラムが含まれる。その一つが「認知症アポーター100 万人キャラバン」と呼ばれるものである。ここに紹介されているイオン、東京都民銀行、八王子市の長房郵便局の例は全てこの100万人キャラバンの一環である。


According to the health and welfare ministry’s study group, the number of people with dementia is estimated to have reached 4.6 million in 2012 (out of a population of 127.7 million) in Japan. Furthermore, there are about 4 million MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairmentelderly people who may become develop dementia. That is to say, one in four olds elderly would be considered having dementia and its "reserve".

Dementia is no longer a "somebody else's business" but a big challenge for the whole nation. A person with dementia was once considered to be "someone who lost the ability to recognize anyone or anything," or "someone who did one strange thing after another," and was the target of social prejudice.

It is now considered crucial that residents have a proper understanding of dementia, and can support people with this condition in the community in which they live.

Taking these social circumstances into account, the health and welfare ministry launched a 10-year nationwide public campaign in FY 2005 to disseminate knowledge on communication with dementia sufferers.

There are four major programs of the campaign to understand dementia and build community networks. One of the programs is named “nationwide caravan to train one million dementia supporters.” Companies from various sectors including supermarket chains, banks and taxi operators have taken part in the program, in which local government workers with the knowledge offer guidance to their employees about symptoms and how to deal with people suffering from dementia.

Aeon Co, Tokyo Tomin Bank and Hachioji Nagafusa Post Office shown in the article are some examples to join the program.



イオンの場合、2007年度より小売業としてはじめて「認知症サポーター100万人キャラバン」に全社を挙げて参加した。店員から,買い上げ前の食品を開封して食べてしまう、店内で迷子になる、レジで支払いがうまくできないなど、認知症と思われる客への対応に苦慮する報告が徐々に増え、会社としても対応する必要に迫られていた。地域の人々が認知症について正しく理解し、「認知症になっても安心して暮らせるまちづくり」をめざすこのキャアラバンは、イオンの基本理念にも合致する。イオンの従業員が認知症について理解することは、職場・地域・家庭で役立つと考え、社内的な合意も得て、100万人キャラバンへの取り組みを開始した。認知症サポーターの目標数は2010年までの4 年間に3 万人とした。この設定数はイオングループ全体の従業員約30万人の1 割に相当する。

因みに、イオンは、ジャスコ、サティなどの量販店、マックスバリュなどのスーパーマーケット、ドラッグストア、コンビニエンスストアなどを展開する国内外182 社で構成されるグループ企業である。



In case of Aeon, the company has first participated in the government-led nationwide caravan by of all of the companies for the first time as a retail trader since 2007. The report from salespersons, who have struggled with trying to find a way of coping with customers considered as having dementia has gradually increased. These customers sometimes open snack packs and eat them before making payment, get lost even in the store and cannot make payment well at the checkout counter. Aeon had been required to take under the necessity of taking measures. The government-led campaign met with the company’s basic principles. Thus, Aeon which has reportedly roughly 40,000 of its employees and part-time workers at its shops across the country joined the program, so that they can help dementia sufferers who get lost when they visit its stores.

Incidentally, the major Japanese retail chain Aeon Co. has about 180 subsidiaries and 25 affiliated companies. It runs the Aeon and Jusco chains of general merchandise stores and Japan's #1 supermarket chain, with 1,300 stores under the MaxValu and other banners, as well as 3,500-plus MINISTOP convenience stores.








Next, I will introduce “healthy life expectancy” in our country as a related subject to this article. The 2014 Annual Report on Health, Labor and Welfare” publicized last month held up "extension of healthy life expectancy" as a main theme.

Healthy life expectancy is defined as the length of life that an individual lives without limitation in daily activities due to health problems.

Japanese healthy life expectancy was 70.42 years in men and 73.62 years in 2010, which shows the world highest level, and has been prolonged every year.

Meanwhile, life expectancy was 80.21 years in men, and 86.61 years in women. in 2013.

The difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy was 9.79 years in men and 12.99 years in women in 2010. We should take notice of both having a 10 year-difference. The difference is the “unhealthy period”, which an individual spends with limitation in daily activities. If this difference with healthy life expectancy grows as life expectancy increases, the period during which large expenditures for medical care and care benefits are consumed will become longer. If the difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy can be reduced by preventing disease, promoting health, and avoiding the need for care, we can expect not only to prevent decreases in individuals’ quality of life, but also to reduce the social security burden.

In order to prolong healthy life expectancy, it is important for us to prevent a lifestyle related disease from the time of active service. Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. cause various complications, and tend to cause care-requiring conditions.

Local governments and companies are also required to tackle positively the health promotion of residents or employees, such as improvement of their lifestyle, improvement of response rate to health examination and whatever. It is also important for elderly people that their areas of activity expand. It will make their life worth living that elderly people contribute to society by work or local activity, and it will be useful to care prevention.



認知症を予防するためには、その前段階とされる「軽度認知機能障害」(Mild Cognitive

Impairment : MCI)の時期で認知機能低下を抑制する方法が現時点では最も効果的であると考えられている。現在までのところ、「認知症予防・支援プログラム」として、自治体の工夫によるレクリエーション、音楽あるいは調理などへの参加によってなされてきたが、これらの認知機能低下の予防効果についてはまだ確認されていないのが現状である。現時点では継続的なウオーキングやゲーム要素を取り入れた運動のみがランダム化試験(RCT)という科学的根拠により認知機能低下を予防する可能性が報告されている。





Prevention of dementia is the attempt to avoid developing dementia. Although no cure for dementia is available, there are many ways to decrease the risk of acquiring dementia in the first place, including both lifestyle changes and medication.

As for mental activity, "use it or lose it" might be applied to the brain when it comes to dementia. Intellectual activities help keep the mind in shape in later years. Activities such as reading, playing cards and board games and playing a musical instrument can postpone the onset and slow the progression of both Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

As for physical activity, since vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia (after Alzheimer's disease), reducing the risk of cerebrovascular disease also reduces the risk of dementia. Thus, physical exercise, having good blood cholesterol, healthy body weight and blood pressure lowers the risk of developing dementia.


Curbing the decline in Japan’s population has come to the fore as an urgent policy agenda item, with the Abe administration poised to set a target of keeping the nation’s population around 100 million five decades from now. Behind the move is a growing sense of crisis in government and business circles that the falling population — especially that of the working-age population — is eroding the sustainability of the nation’s economic growth as well as its social security system.

As the aging of Japan’s population accelerates, the number of working-age people will continue to be on a long-term trend of decline. Last year, the working-age population or the number of people between 15 and 64 years old fell below 80 million for the first time in 32 years. While seeking to increase Japanese companies’productivity, the government and businesses also need to explore ways to make better use of the nation’s female and elderly workforce.

The government has defined the working-age as 15 to 64 years old so far. However, due to the rapid aging of Japan’s population and the increasing number of lively/healthy old people, the government is currently under consideration to change this definition into 20 to 70 years old as the new working age. Thereby, the working-age population in 2060 will increase by 4 million from the present estimation 44 million to the new estimation 48 million. However, the elderly with dementia cannot become enter the labor force obviously. It is important to prevent dementia so as to be regarded as the labor force even 70 years old of age,



