
27.7.1 NEEC





本トピックについては、記事で紹介されているMission:Readiness と言うグループ作成した、肥満がアメリカ軍の即応体制に与える影響に関する報告書についてもう少し詳しく紹介したい。




このグループは最近、アメリカの17歳―24歳の若者の75%が、高校中退、犯罪歴、身体的不適格などの理由で軍隊に入隊できないと言う国防省のデータを参照しながら、“Too fat to fight(太り過ぎで戦えず)”と名付けた報告書を公表した。



Today, I would like to give further detail of the report released by Mission-Readiness shown here, expressing that obesity epidemic has become a threat to U.S. military personnel and national security

Firstly, what is Mission: Readiness?

Mission: Readiness is an organization of about 130 America’s Retired Generals, Admirals, Enlisted Leaders, and Civilian Military Leaders.

This group recently released a report, titled “Too fat to fight” citing Department of Defense data indicating that an alarming 75 percent of all young Americans 17 to 24 years of age are unable to join the military because they failed to graduate from high school, have criminal records, or are physically unfit.

Particularly, as for young Americans’ physical, the group has reported that at least nine million 17-24-year-olds in the United States are too fat to serve in the military. That is 27 percent of all young adults, causing concern about the strength of the nation’s future military. The U.S. Department of Defense must recruit nearly 190,000 new military personnel every year to replace those retiring or leaving military service for other reasons. Nearly one-quarter of all applicants to the military are medically disqualified because of excessive weight and body fat. Disqualification due to obesity ranks far higher than the second-top reason: smoking marijuana (nearly 13 percent of disqualifications).




I would like to introduce the weight limit when U.S. Army beats up looks for recruits.

The average height and weight of the American male is 70 inches (178cm) and 192 pounds (87kg) respectively, and that of females is 64 inches (163cm) and 163 pounds (74kg). The weight which the U.S. army requires a 17-20 year-old man’s male volunteer with the average height (70 inches) is minimum 132 pounds (59.9kg) and maximum 180 pounds (81.6kg). This means that the average weight of the American male is over 12 pounds (5.4kg) above the Army’s maximum limit.

Incidentally, the average height and weight of Japanese males is 172cm and 64kg respectively, and that of females is 158cm and 53kg. The weight which the Self-Defense Forces requires man’s male volunteers with the average height (172cm) is minimum 54kg and maximum 84kg. Every Japanese male who are is the average weight can join the Self-Defense Forces.



Researchers estimated current military ineligibility and projected obesity’s future impact on military readiness. In 2007-2008, nearly 12 percent of eligible male civilians (ages 17 to 42) and 35 percent of eligible women exceeded the Army’s weight and body fat limits. These levels reflect substantial increases over the past four decades. From 1959 to 2008, the percentage of men who were ineligible for enlistment because of their weight doubled, while the percentage of ineligible women tripled.

As to the future, the researchers reported that a gain of just 1 percent body fat would disqualify more than 850,000 additional men and 1.3 million women from Army service. And military leaders emphasize that today’s high levels of obesity among children present challenges in recruiting tomorrow’s military.

Mission:Readinessグループは、議会に対し、学校からジャンクフ-ドと高カロリー飲料を除去する措置を直ちに取るよう求めている。この2つの食品が学童肥満の元凶と見ているからである。軍が子供の健康について関心を持つのはこれが初めてではない。(大戦直後の)1946年、Lewis Hershey大将は、議会を説得し、子供達の栄養状態を改善して身長と体重を増やし、米国の安全保障を確かなものにする方策として、アメリカ最初のNational School Lunch Act(全国学校昼食法)を通過させることに尽力した。

今回、Mission: Readinessグループも、現行のChild Nutrition Act(児童栄養法)に以下のような変更を加えるよう議会に求めている。




Johnnie E. Wilson退役陸軍大将は、次のように述べている。


The group is calling on Congress to take immediate steps to remove junk food and any remaining high-calorie beverages from our schools, noting that these products are major contributors to childhood obesity. Military concerns about the fitness of our children are not new. In 1946, General Lewis Hershey was instrumental in convincing Congress to pass the original National School Lunch Act as a way to improve the nutrition of America’s children, increase their height and weight, and ensure America’s national security.

Today, Mission: Readiness is calling on Congress to reauthorize the Child Nutrition Act with the following changes:

Allow the U.S. Department of Agriculture to adopt new nutrition standards that will get high-calorie, low-nutrition foods out of our schools;

Support the administration’s proposal for adequate funding to improve the quality of food available in schools and increase the number of children who have access to quality meals at school;

Deploy proven school-based programs that enlist parents in helping children adopt life-long changes in their eating and exercise habits.

As retired U.S. Army General Johnnie E. Wilson says:

“Child obesity has become so serious in this country that military leaders are viewing this epidemic as a potential threat to our national security. We need America’s service members to be in excellent physical condition because they have such an important job to do. Rigorous service standards are critical if we are to maintain the fighting readiness of our military.”







As the group pointed out in the report, junk food and high-calorie beverages in America’s schools are major contributors to childhood obesity. How is junk food getting to American kids in schools?  According to researchers,

nearly one in five elementary schools, one-third of middle schools, and half of all high schools have a school store, canteen, or snack bar where students can purchase food or beverages;

vending machines are available in 21 percent of elementary schools, 62 percent of middle schools, and 86 percent of high schools;

students can purchase à la carte food or beverages in two-thirds of elementary schools and roughly 80 percent of middle and high schools.

In the United States, new legislation championed by Michelle Obama has pushed schools to debut/introduce menus with controversial calorie restrictions. But even the healthiest choices are generally provided by large agri-food companies, cooked off site, frozen and then reheated, and forced to compete in cafeterias with all things fried, salty and sweet.

対照的に、日本は食品と健康の両者を真剣に捉えており、その結果、日本の学校給食は国家が誇りうるものの一つとなっている。 日本の学校給食は子供達が日常家庭で食べているものを供する。昼食は大抵の場合一から調理される。栄養バランスがとれているうえ、ご飯、野菜、魚、スープなど量もたっぷりである。これがこの40年間ほとんど変わっていない。昼食時間は共同作業の舞台である。小・中学校では、生徒達が白い割烹着と帽子を身につけ級友達に給仕する。子供達は教室で食事をとる。彼らは全員が同じものを食べる。若し食事に手を付けないと悲劇が待っている。学校には、自動販売機は置かれていないのだ。食事制限がある場合は別だが、どこの学校でも子供達は食べ物を学校に持っていくことは許されない。これが高校入学前まで続く。



By contrast, Japan takes seriously both its food and its health and, as a result, its school lunches are a point of national pride. Schools in Japan give children the sort of food they’d get at home. The meals are often made from scratch. They’re balanced but hearty, heavy on rice and vegetables, fish and soups. The meals haven’t changed much in four decades. Mealtime is a scene of communal duty: In both elementary and middle schools, students don white coats and caps and serve their classmates. Children eat in their classrooms. They get identical meals, and if they leave food untouched, they are out of luck: Their schools have no vending machines. Barring dietary restrictions, children in most districts can’t bring food to school, either, until they reach high school.

Japan’s system has an envious payoff — its kids are relatively healthy. According to government data, Japan’s child obesity rate is always among the world’s lowest. Japan does struggle with childhood and adolescent eating disorders, and government data show a rise in the number of extremely skinny children. But there is virtually no malnutrition resulting from poverty. Japan’s children will live on average to 83, longer than those in any other country, according to the World Health Organization.



