
29.2.8 NEEC 







今回のテーマは、今年(2017年)117日付 英ガーディアン紙が取り上げた埼玉県川口市の「子ども食堂」とその背景にある子どもの貧困に関するもので、「Japan's rising child poverty exposes true cost of two decades of economic decline(増え続けている日本の子どもの貧困は、失われた20年の経済不況で本当に犠牲になったのは誰かを示すもの)」 と言う記事です。










British daily newspaperThe Guardian” as of Jan 17, 2017 reported on the children’s cafeteria in Kawaguchi, Saitama prefecture, Japan as follows:

Children’s cafeteria in Kawaguchi, a city of just over 500,000 north of the capital, is one of hundreds to have sprouted up in Japan in recent years to provide meals for some of the estimated 3.5 million children – or one in six of those aged up to 17 –officially living in poverty in one of world’s richest countries.

More than 300 children’s cafeterias have opened around Japan in the past four years, more than half of them in the past 12 months. In 2013, there were just 21. Incidentally, the household classed as experiencing relative poverty is defined by the OECD as those with incomes at or below half the median national disposable income.

Mr. Masashi Sato who opened the cafeteria in March 2016 says, few of the 50 or so children eating dinner in the cafeteria are living in abject poverty. Several, though, come from families who cannot afford to feed them properly, the children who eat here every month, about a third come from single-parent families.

A lot of families would never describe themselves that way because of the stigma they attach to poverty, or some families to make use of the cafeteria.

The Kawaguchi cafeteria survives on cash donations from local businesses and food provided by farmers and some of the families themselves. About half of the cafeterias feed children for free, while others typically charge between 100 yen and 300 yen, with parents paying slightly more than their children.


Volunteers prepare meals at a children’s cafeteria in Kawaguchi, Saitama prefecture, Japan(ガーディアン紙が撮影した川口市子ども食堂のボランティアによる食事づくり)












On the re-emergence of poverty in Japan, the year 2014’s report issued by National Institute of Population and Social Security Research indicates as follows:

Until recently, it was widely believed that Japan had solved the poverty problem. The notion that Japan had achieved economic growth and achieved an egalitarian society has sunk deep into the Japanese public consciousness so much so that it has become a source of national pride and identity.

 In fact, already back in the 1960s, the living standard of people was rising rapidly and problems of food shortage after World War II had become things of the past. The term “a middle-class nation” was coined to describe Japan in the 1970s and it was believed that all people, even the most disadvantaged, had benefited from the economic growth.

 The government stopped collecting and publishing statistics on poverty in the 1960s, and poverty dropped from the policy discourse. However, since the 1970s, Japan’s poverty rate has been rising steadily. As the figure below indicates, the relative poverty rate of Japan has increased 4 percentage points from 1985 to 2009, making Japan one of the top five countries among the OECD countries with a high poverty rate.

As to the child poverty, according to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry’s latest survey, a record 16.3 percent of children lived in households that earn less than half the national median income as of 2012 — 0.6 percentage point higher than in 2009 and up from 13.7 percent as of 2003. The figure, which translates into roughly one in six children in Japan, topped the 2010 average of 13.3 percent among OECD member countries. The relative child poverty rate topped the national average of 16.1 percent (covering adults as well) for the first time since the government started taking relevant surveys in 1985. The government has finally recognized the problem of poverty in the late 2000’s. In 2009, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced the relative poverty rate and in 2014, the Law on Measures to Counter Child Poverty was enacted.

Relative Poverty Rate of Japan

Relative Poverty Rate of Japan

3.     子どもの貧困の原因





Mr. Sato, the cafeteria’s founder says Japan's rising child poverty exposes true cost of two decades of economic decline.

The global economic turmoil sparked by the Lehman shock in 2008 hit women in their 20s and 30s particularly hard.

“Those in full-time work were forced to take irregular or part-time jobs with low pay and no bonuses or annual pay rises.

 In some cases, these women have to borrow money, sometimes from loan sharks, and then end up working in the commercial sex industry to pay off their debts. It’s easy for them to get trapped in a negative cycle.”




The government attributes the rise in child poverty to the long-term decline in household income under the deflationary trend since the 1990s. It also highlights the increase in the number of single-parent families — mostly single-mother households. Roughly half of the mothers in such households are hired in low-paying part-time and other irregular jobs because they need to take care of their children.

The child poverty rate among these single-parent households shoots up to 54.6 percent.

Some experts say the problem of child poverty essentially reflects the increasing poverty among the younger-generation households in child-rearing age, including families that have both parents. A decisive factor behind this problem is the growing ranks of the nation’s workers hired in irregular jobs.

Since the 1990s, the number of people with irregular jobs such as those with part-time contracts has increased rapidly to hit 19 million in 2013, or about 37 percent of the nation’s employed workforce, as businesses cut back on full-time employees and relied more on low-paying irregular workforce to trim manpower expenses.









Official statistics and surveys show that the ratio of children receiving higher education goes up in proportion to the income levels of their parents, so does their own average lifetime income. Children of families living below the poverty line often find it difficult to go on to higher education and are more likely to end up taking up low-paying jobs — unless they receive extra support.

The government should review the rigid allocation of social welfare budget, which is heavily spent on support for its elderly population but little on families with children, to substantially increase its investments for the future generations

The popularity of children’s cafeterias reflects a wider problem that Japanese policy makers are struggling to address. Although the Law on Measures to Counter Child Poverty was enacted in January 2014, experts say programs to help needy children are underfunded and held back by bureaucratic inefficiency and political apathy.

 “I do not believe that Abe has any interest in child poverty, or poverty in general … for the simple reason that it’s not a vote winner,” Yasushi Aoto, chairman of the Japan Association of Child Poverty and Education Support Organizations. said. “Politicians only seem to think about the short-term. They’re unable to think about the lives of children today and the people they will become in 40 or 50 years from now.”







(目的)第一条 この法律は、子どもの将来がその生まれ育った環境によって左右されることのないよう、貧困の状況にある子どもが健やかに育成される環境を整備するとともに、教育の機会均等を図るため、子どもの貧困対策に関し、基本理念を定め、国等の責務を明らかにし、及び子どもの貧困対策の基本となる事項を定めることにより、子どもの貧困対策を総合的に推進することを目的とする。







・第二章基本的施策第八条で、 政府は子どもの貧困対策を総合的に推進するため、子どもの貧困対策に関する大綱を定めなければならない。大綱には次に掲げる事項について定めるものとするとしている。
一 子どもの貧困対策に関する基本的な方針
二 子どもの貧困率、生活保護世帯に属する子どもの高等学校等進学率等子どもの貧困 に関する指標及び当該指標の改善に向けた施策
三 教育の支援、生活の支援、保護者に対する就労の支援、経済的支援その他の子どもの貧困対策に関する事項
四 子どもの貧困に関する調査及び研究に関する事項

・第三章子どもの貧困対策会議第15条で、 内閣府に、特別の機関として、内閣総理大臣を長とする子どもの貧困対策会議を置くとしている。会議は、次に掲げる事務をつかさどる。
一 大綱の案を作成すること。
二 前号に掲げるもののほか、子どもの貧困対策に関する重要事項について審議し、及び子どもの貧困対策の実施を推進すること。


子どもの貧困対策法「大綱」が閣議決定されたが、今後どのように子どもの貧困対策は進められるのか? 子どもの貧困対策法の第四条に以下のようにある。








