









                平成313月 松井






Naomi Osaka and her darker skin color




+ 大坂なおみ選手が全豪オープンで優勝した翌日、読売新聞は社説で彼女の勝利を概要次のように伝えた。





+ On the next day when Osaka Naomi won at the Australian Open, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported her victory in the editorial as roughly follows; 

21-year-old woman has achieved a feat that deserves special mention in the history of Japanese sports. Naomi Osaka won the women’s singles title at the Australian Open, one of the four Grand Slams in tennis. With her latest victory, it has been confirmed that Osaka will become the world’s No. 1 singles player. It is an outstanding achievement that a Japanese player, male or female, has reached No. 1 in the rankings for the first time. Osaka has won her second straight Grand Slam title, following her singles title at the U.S. Open last year.

 Osaka’s father came from Haiti and her mother is Japanese, and she was brought up in the United States. Both her tremendous plays in tennis and her playful personality are part of her appeal. Although she speaks English more fluently than she does Japanese, most Japanese people felt warmly toward Osaka and strongly supported her. She seems to possess the kind of star potential only seen in the global era.


+ 勿論、読売新聞だけでなく、日本のマスコミ全てが、大坂選手のこの快挙を手放しで報じ始めた





+ It is no wonder that not only the Yomiuri Shimbun, but most Japanese media started reporting her brilliant feat enthusiastically.

 In the moment when she won, I also shouted “Bravo!” beside myself, watching the TV. While I have played tennis for more than 50 years from my twenties to this age, I am now a great fan of Kei Nishikori, the only male Japanese pro-tennis player ever to be ranked inside the world top 5 in singles.

Many critics and fellow players have said that Nishikori has the dominating quickness and two handed backstroke which is one of the best on the tour. However, his dream to become the world’s No.1 singles player cannot come true due to less power of serve resulting from his shorter height than foreign players by a head.

While I am surprised that only 21 years old Osaka achieved the dream too easily and highly praise her feat, I felt something odd that the whole mass media has reported that “a Japanese player” has reached No. 1 in the rankings for the first time. That is why she is half-black, not “looking Japanese enough” and now has dual nationality and can only speak a smattering of Japanese. Moreover, when we watch her pound out a 200 kilometer per hour serve (faster than Nishikori) with her 180 centimeter big-body (taller than Nishikori), there are probably not too few of us who think that’s weird.







2.Nissin, cartoon ad of Ms. Osaka

As a matter, Nissin, one of the world’s largest instant-noodle brands unveiled the ad just before the Australian Open which features Ms. Osaka and Kei Nishikori in a cartoon drawn by Takeshi Konomi, a well-known manga artist whose series “The Prince of Tennis” is popular in Japan. The cartoon Ms. Osaka bears little resemblance to her real, biracial self. Her skin was unmistakably lightened, and her hair style changed. The depiction has prompted criticism in Japan, where she has challenged a longstanding sense of cultural and racial homogeneity. After the ad was first published online, people on social media, including many fans of Ms. Osaka, said they were deeply disappointed.

Then, it has caused controversy among overseas media such as the New York Times, taking up the Japanese racial discrimination and xenophobia, responding with sensitivity to Japan’s online fuss. Answering interview by the New York Times, a Nissin spokesman apologized in an email for “the confusion and discomfort”, saying: “There is no intention of whitewashing,” and “We accept that we are not sensitive enough and will pay more attention to diversity issue in the future.” Then, Nisshin clarified to have removed the ad on 23d January.





At left, a cartoon version of Naomi Osaka in an ad for Nissin, a Japanese instant-noodle brand; at right, the real Ms. Osaka at the Australian Open this January.



(1)ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、15年間日本に住んでいる黒人コラムニストのバイエ・マクニール(Baye McNeil)氏本件に関する次のようなコメントを掲載した。



3.Reactions by Overseas Media to Nisshin's video ad

(1)The New York Times reported following comments by Mr. Baye McNeil, a black columnist who has lived in Japan for 15 years.

I didn’t understand why the ad would “erase her black features and project this image of pretty much the prototypical anime girl-next-door character.” Ms. Osaka’s rise into a beloved national figure has been particularly exciting for biracial people in Japan, known as hafus, who have long battled for acceptance. “Making her look white just tells these people that what they are isn’t good enough.”

The discussion of biracial identity in Japan got a boost in 2015 when Ariana Miyamoto, who is half-Japanese, half-African-American, won the Miss Universe Japan pageant. She used her fame to discuss the plight of “hafus,” but some in Japan were unwilling to accept her as a model of Japanese beauty.



2アメリカのネットメディア「デイリービースト」は、昨年9月、大坂なおみ選手が全米オープンを制覇した時、「日本は大坂なおみのような『外国人の血』を必要としている」という見出しを掲げ、日本に30年以上住んでいるユダヤ系アメリカ人ジャーナリストのジェイク・アデルシュタイン(Jake Adelstein)氏が日本社会のハーフ日本人に対する差別・偏見及び排外主義を厳しく批判した長文の記事を掲載した。




(2)The Daily Beast, an American news and opinion website, published a long article which Mr. Jake Adelstein, Jewish American journalist living in Japan more than 30 years, severely criticized Japan’s discrimination and prejudice against “hafu (half-Japanese)” and Japan’s xenophobia, titling “Japan needs foreigner blood like Naomi Osaka’s” after she won the U.S. Open tennis tournament last September.

To make his criticism short, Japan embraced ‘half’-Japanese and Haitian-American the new tennis superstar after she beat Serena Williams, but Japan’s government remains xenophobic. That must change. Osaka’s victory has raised questions about what it means to be Japanese and whether Japan is ready to create the multiracial society it needs to survive and thrive as a nation.

The detail of his criticism on the Japanese racism is as follows; In addition, Jake Adelstein is a Jewish American journalist crime writer who has spent most of his career in Japan. Adelstein grew up in Missouri and moved to Japan at age 19 to study Japanese literature at Sophia University. In 1993 Adelstein became the first non-Japanese staff writer at the Yomiuri Shinbun newspaper, where he worked for 12 years, particularly engaging in the reportage of “yakuza.”



+ 日本には高校生でもほとんどが知っている「勝てば官軍、負ければ賊軍」ということわざがある。このことわざは、特に混血児選手がいる場合の日本スポーツ界では今もまかり通っている。「勝てば日本人、負ければハーフ」と言う具合である。ハーフという言葉は、親の片方が日本人ではない子供達に対して使われる。ハーフと言う語は、何かが欠けていることを匂わせ、また軽蔑的な混血・雑種を思い起させるためこの語の使用は物議をかもす。



There’s a Japanese saying most high-school students here know, “If you win, you’re the Imperial Army. If you lose, you’re scurvy pirates.” It’s still very applicable to sports in modern Japan, especially when the players are of mixed race. “If you win, you’re Japanese. If you lose, you’re a hafu (half-Japanese).” “Hafu” is the term in vogue for any child with one parent who is not fully Japanese; the term is controversial because it seems to imply that hafu lack something and is also reminiscent of the pejorative “half-breed.” Yet, alternate terms, like daburu (double), haven’t caught on.

When Naomi Osaka became the first Haitian-American and Japanese woman to win the U.S. Open tennis tournament this month, suddenly most of Japan embraced as her fully Japanese. No scurvy pirate she! Everybody loves a winner. Half-Iranian and half-Japanese major league pitcher Yu Darvish would be another example. But apart from ebullient praise for super athletes, Japan’s xenophobia runs deep, and it’s something the country will have to conquer if it hopes to be a winning nation—not just an opportunistic fanboy.



+ 日本は、民族的に同質的な社会、特に一致と調和を尊ぶ社会と思われがちだが、実は幾層にも渡る差別と外国人嫌悪が存在する。





+ Even in what appears to be an ethnically homogenous society, especially one that values conformity and harmony, there are layers and layers of discrimination and xenophobia.

The first is a discrimination against Korean-Japanese.

Japan likes to credit ethnic homogeneity in Japan as the reason crime is so low. Ironically, the low street-crime numbers are due to a still powerful organized-crime presence that forbids its members to engage in street crime; give the yakuza their due. Ironically, one-third of these outlaws are made up of Korean-Japanese. Third-and fourth-generation Korean-Japanese, many of them descendants of slave labor from Japan’s colonial period, are blamed for every crime, accident, and problem in Japan.

The second is a discrimination against “burakumin.” They are descendants of the bottom rung of Japan’s long-abolished caste system often labeled as “untouchables” because they once butchered livestock and did other taboo work that supposedly gives them “tainted blood”


The third is the many mainland Japanese view against Okinawans as “lazy” and not purely Japanese; they are also subject to shoddy treatment. The United Nations has recommended the Okinawans be treated as indigenous people four times. The Japanese government vehemently protested, saying such a recommendation “does not accurately reflect the realities of our country.”



+ 日本には、帰国子女に対する差別もある。あまりにも長い間海外に住んでいた女の子と男の子は「帰国子女」と呼ばれる。彼等は、再び完全な日本人になれるかも知れないし、外人と同じようにひどい扱いを受けるかも知れない。彼等は、日本の鋳型に入れ戻されるか、あるいは、“高慢である”、“騒々しい”、“自説を曲げない”、“非日本的である”等の理由でいじめに直面する。東京のインターナショナルスクールで教えている自分もハーフであるLisa Gazanさんは、「ここ10年で、帰国子女は社会に更に受け入れられるようになったが、それも都市部に限る。あまりにも長く外国にいた子供は十分に日本人ではないためにいじめられることが多い」と言う。

そして、勿論、 女性であると言うだけの理由で日本女性は、また、LGBT性同一障害者)に類する人達は常に差別に直面している。日本は老人にとって偉大な国なのである。


+ There is discrimination against “returnees” in Japan too. Girls and boys who have lived overseas too long are called “returnees.” They can also be fully Japanese and be treated just as badly as a foreigner. They have to be pounded back into the Japanese mold or face bullying for being “uppity,” “loud,” “opinionated,” “un-Japanese.”

Lisa Gazan, a hafu herself who teaches at an international school in Tokyo, says, “In the last 10 years, returnees are more accepted into society but that’s in urban areas. Too much time abroad can make kids be bullied for not being Japanese enough.”

And of course, Japanese women, just on the basis of being women, and the LGBT community here, face discrimination all the time. Japan is a great country just for old men.


+ アデルシュタイン氏は、また、次のようなハーフ日本人のコメントを紹介している。著名な写真家で日本とスコットランド双方に血脈をもつ桐島ローランド(Roland Kirishima)氏は、「日本はその人種的純粋主義でいまだに私を驚かせる。今はもう21世紀ではないか。私はこの島国根性にとてもうんざりしている」と日本語でツイートした。このツイートは56,000回「いいね」され、20,000回以上リツイートされている。

国連で働く27歳のハーフ、チェルバーグ玲奈(Reina Grace Chelberg)氏は言う。「私は、大坂選手が勝ったのを見てうれしかった。しかし、たとえ何があっても、(日本人には)次のことだけは心がけて欲しい」。つまり、“日本がさらに進化するには、(大坂選手が)日本人かどうかで大騒ぎするのではなく、単に日本の代表選手が勝ったと喜べるようになるべきだ”。見たところ、日本はまだそう言う段階には達していないようだ。


Adelstein is also introducing the following comments in the article.

Roland Kirishima, renowned photographer, and of Japanese and Scottish heritage himself, tweeted in Japanese, “Japan surprises me still with its racial purism. You know it’s the 21st century right? I’m so sick of this island country insularism.” The tweet has been liked 56,000 times and retweeted more than 20,000 times.

Reina Grace Chelberg, a 27-year-old hafu who works for the United Nations says, “I was happy to see Osaka win, but feared that no matter what happened, the message would get mangled.” “For Japan to become more progressive, the discussion shouldn’t be about half-Japanese or not, but simply focus on being happy that a representative from Japan led the victory.” Apparently, Japan isn’t close to that stage yet.



(3)一方、ハイチのネットメディアWoy Magazineは、大坂選手の優勝について次のように伝えている。



On the other hand, the net media Woy Magazine in Haiti reported as follows soon after Osaka’s win;

―Plenty of her own compatriots began questioning whether the rest of the dyaspora (the place where these people live) could celebrate this win as our own. Particularly, critiques became even more passionate when President Jovenel Moise expressed his congratulations to her, referring to the tennis star as “our Naomi”. She was not ours. We did not invest in her. Haitians, once again, were acting sans souci, shamelessly bragging about a win that is not even ours.―



+ 今回の日清食品の件について、あるメディアは、「日清食品に全く悪意はなかったが、島国で同質性の高い社会が故に欧米に比べ人種や肌の色に無頓着な私達日本人と日本企業に代わって、同社がアメリカをはじめとする国際社会から”洗礼”を受けたと言えるかもしれない」と述べている。しかし、人種や肌の色について日本人は無頓着であると言う見方について私は全くその逆ではないかと思う。むしろ日本人はそのことに敏感であるが故に大坂選手の肌の色問題が今回ネットで論議を呼んだのではないか。


4.Japanese sense of racism

+ As for the Nissin’s ad, a certain media reported that Nissin did not have a particle of malice in him, but could be considered as having been victimized by the international society including America instead of Japanese people or other companies who are indifferent to race and color of skin compared to the advanced western countries due to this island country insularism and homogeneous society. However, I think the view that Japanese are indifferent as to race and color of skin is quite the opposite.

Japanese are rather sensitive than indifferent to the matter. That is why Naomi’s darker skin color resulted in much argument on social media this time.



+ 2015年に長崎県佐世保市の宮本アリアナさんがミス・ユニバース日本代表に選ばれた時のコメントの繰り返しになるが、肌の色については、明治期、「近代化=西欧化」の役割を担ったエリート男性たちが、日本という島国から一歩出た時、絶対に越えることのできない壁であると感じたのが「肌色の壁」であった。







+ Again, I would like to reiterate the comment when Ariana Miyamoto, who is half-Japanese, half-African-American, won the Miss Universe Japan pageant in 2015.

As for skin color, what the elites of the Meiji Era (1868-1912), who shouldered a great role for Japan’s modernization / Westernization felt as an utterly insurmountable wall, was the skin color barrier, whenever they went outside the island nation of Japan.

Harvard University anthropologist Ayu Majima discusses this in her 2013 essay, “Skin Color Melancholy in Modern Japan.” She talks about how these elites felt a sense of “distance, inferiority and disjuncture towards the West.”

Distance was a big theme back then. Although Japan is, of course, geographically Asian, with deep historical connections to China, Yukichi Fukuzawa (the man gracing our \10,000 note), and other Meiji Era elites advocated that Japan “quit Asia and enter Europe” (datsu-a nyū-ō).

 In 1875, Fukuzawa, wrote an influential treatise called, “An Outline of a Theory of Civilization.” Borrowing from Western eugenics, he reordered the world to correlate levels of civilization with skin color. White-hued people were at the top, dark-skinned people at the bottom. Naturally, for Fukuzawa, Asians were ranked just below whites. And, naturally, Japanese were the most “civilized” of the Asians. So that’s what happened. Over several decades, Japan industrialized, militarized, colonized and adopted the fashions and trappings of “Western civilization.” Japan sought recognition and acceptance from the West not as an inferior, but as a fellow world power. Japan wanted the sense of distance to disappear. But that didn’t happen. Japan’s elites were shocked when the League of Nations refused to include in its 1919 Covenant an anti-racial discrimination clause that Japan had demanded.

More shocking was when Japan was treated like a “colored,” “uncivilized” nation under America’s Asian Exclusion Act of 1924. How did Japan react to being rebuffed? Policymakers declared that Japan neither belonged to the East nor the West. It isolated itself. This feeling of isolation gave rise to Japan’s “cult of uniqueness,” and it dominates Japan’s self-image today, constantly vacillating between superiority and inferiority when dealing with foreigners. This consciousness has not changed fundamentally even now.




+ 他方、体格に関しては、“日本人の肉体は外国人に比し矮小で弱々しい”、日本スポーツ連盟は長い間、この信条をチームに加える外国人プレーヤーを制限することの正当化に使用して来た。その理屈は、日本人の勝者がいなければ競技が興醒めするということであろう。アマチュアスポーツの祭典である国体は、外人選手の参加を禁じている。高校駅伝では外国人選手は1区の走者にはなれない。そして2007年から外国人選手のエントリーは1チーム2名で出場は1名のみとされた。


+ Meanwhile, as for the physique issue, Japanese bodies are smaller and weaker than those of foreigners. Japan’s sports leagues have long used this belief to justify limiting foreign players on teams. The logic will be that the Ekiden would become “dull” (kyōzame) without a Japanese winning. The National Sports Festival (kokutai), Japan’s largest amateur athletic meeting, bans almost all foreigners. Japan’s popular high school “Ekiden” footrace bans all foreigners from the first leg of the marathon, and from 2007 has capped foreign participants on teams at two.


+ 全豪オープンをTVで見ていた人は次のような微笑ましいシーンを思い出されるかも知れない。準々決勝で勝った直後のコート上でのNHKのインタビューで、試合についての質問に答える前に、大坂選手は「これはライブですか?」と尋ねた。「そうです」と言われた時、彼女はカメラに向かって日本語で「おじいちゃん、誕生日おめでとう」と言って手を振った。彼女は、母方の祖父、大坂鉄夫氏がテレビを見ていると思ったのであろう。



+ You may remember the following smile-provoking scene if you had watched the Australian Open on TV. Naomi was on Japanese broadcaster NHK TV after her win in the Australian Open quarterfinals and instead of answering any questions about the match, she asked: “Is this live?” And when being told yes, she turned toward the camera and, in Japanese, said and waved “Grandpa, happy birthday.” She figured her maternal grandfather, Tetsuo Osaka, would be tuning in.

Tetsuo, who is the chief of Nemuro’s fishery cooperative in Hokkaido. He has been watching Naomi’s play since she was 12 or 13, and noticed how she has matured as a tennis player. When Naomi became the first female Grand Slam singles tennis champion, Tetsuo said: “I am truly happy for my grandchild.” However, to tell the truth, Tetsuo used to oppose vigorously that her daughter Tamaki Osaka, the later Naomi’s mother, dated with Leonard Francois, Haitian, the later Naomi’s father. According to a recent profile in the New York Times Magazine, The two met in Hokkaido when Francois, then a college student in New York, was visiting the island. Tetsuo accused her of bringing disgrace on the family when he learned that she was dating a black foreigner, and the two ran away to Osaka, Japan’s second largest city. Naomi was born there.



 + 日本人とは、民族的特性を言うのか?文化を言うのか?それとも国籍を言うのだろうか?残念ながら、日本人がどのように自分達のことを定義しているかについてのデータはあまりない。前述のアデルシュタイン氏達がTwitterで簡単な調査を行ったところ、約700人から回答があり、国籍と答えた人が46%、日本の価値を受け入れ日本社会の一員であることと答えた人が30%、日本にずっと住み税金を納めていることと答えた人が16%、残り9%が人種と答えたそうだ。




5.What Is It to Be Japanese? 

+ Is Japanese an ethnicity or a culture or a nationality? There isn’t much data on how the people of Japan define being Japanese. The above mentioned Adelstein’s group did easy survey on Twitter in Japanese. In 24 hours, out of 682 people who responded, those who felt it was nationality were 46 percent, 30 percent felt it involved accepting Japanese values and being a member of Japanese society. Another 16 percent voted that if you lived in Japan permanently and paid taxes, you were Japanese. Only 9 percent considered it to be a race.

What would seem to be the Japanese government’s view on the issue is put forth by Ms. Naoko Hashimoto, a Nippon Foundation International Fellow studying national identity in England. She wrote to the Associated Press: “In my opinion, it still appears that Japanese are generally defined as those who are born from a Japanese father and a Japanese mother, who speak perfect Japanese and act like Japanese.”

Ms. Hashimoto has also worked on refugee issues for the Japanese government in the past.

Meanwhile, there are cultural values and virtues here that are more esteemed than others all over Japan. These values are part of what makes Japan a great place to live. Often cited Japanese values are politeness, humility, service, respect, honesty, group harmony, and of course, reciprocity.


+ 江戸末期から明治初期に“野蛮国”日本を教導するつもりで訪れた欧米人が、初めて日本人に接しその驚きを伝えた例が、明治10年代に計3回日本に滞在、東京帝国大学で考古学を講じ、大森貝塚を発見したアメリカ人エドワード・モースの手記に記されている。モースは次のように述べている。



+ In the beginning of the Meiji Era through the last days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, many Western diplomats and mentors visited Japan for the purpose of forcing the “barbarous Japan” to open up to a civilized nation and teaching the way. Among them, an American professor, Edward S. Morse, who came to Japan in 1877 and discovered the Omori shell mound, teaching archaeology for three years at Tokyo Imperial University, wrote in his memoirs as follows:

“Though Western people visited Japan in order to guide everything for the modernization, after several months-stay in Japan, they surprisingly but regrettably noticed that Japanese had the virtue and the dignity by nature, which had been a heavy burden to Western people for learning. Simplicity of clothes, cleanliness in and out of the house, nature-loving trait, simple and attractive art, people’s courage, honesty, humbleness / humility, benevolence to others, etc. etc., these are the genius of Japanese not only of the blessed class, but also of even the poorest.”


+ 20113月の東日本大震災は近代社会で起きた最も大きな自然災害の一つだった。しかし、あれほどの大災害に見舞われながらも、他国では必ず見られる略奪、暴動、窃盗、ヒステリックなパニックは一切起きなかった。それどころか、あの極限状況で、膨大な数にのぼる被災者達は、冷静さ・自制心・弱者に対する思いやり・自己犠牲などを示し、且つ、社会秩序を完全に維持した。この日本人の振舞は世界の人々を驚嘆させ、主要メディアは一様にこれをほめたたえた。ある英国人ジャーナリストは、この試練を通して見た日本の文化に完全に打ちのめされたと言う。


+ The East Japan great earthquake in March 2011 was one of the greatest natural disasters that occurred in modern society. However, even in the midst of their crushing adversity, people have not resorted to mass looting, rioting, thievery, or hysterical panic. On the contrary, people have shown virtues such as calmness, politeness, affection for the weak, self-sacrifice, and yet order remains intact. The Japanese behavior astonished people around the world, and main papers in the world uniformly praised it. A British journalist wrote in the UK Telegraph at that time, how struck he was by the Japanese culture throughout this ordeal.


+ 米国に生まれ、晩年に日本国籍を取得した日本文学研究者のドナルド・キーン博士が、先月2496歳で亡くなった。彼が日本文学の奥深さと芸術性を海外に知らしめた功績は計り知れない。ご冥福を祈りたい。





+ Dr. Donald Keene, who was born in the United States and acquired Japanese nationality in his later years, has died at 96 on 24th February. His achievement of making the depth and artistic nature of Japanese literature known overseas is immeasurable. We pray for his soul to rest in peace.

 Right after the East Japan great earthquake, many foreign residents in Japan left the country. But at that time, Dr. Keene, who retired just a year after from Columbia University, decided to become Japanese as a gesture of gratitude toward the nation. Ms. Hiroko Kuniya, the news-caster, who has hosted “Close-up Gendai”, which NHK airs four days weekly in prime time, interviewed Dr. Keene about the Japanese attractiveness which has gripped his heart. Watching TV regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake, he was greatly moved by the preciousness /the dignity of Japanese people, who are capable of preserving calmness, perseverance and moderation even under extreme conditions. And he thought, “I want to live with these people. I want to die with these people.” For the doctor who had been completely absorbed in Japanese studies before, during and after the war, he said, the more he studied Japanese, the more the mystery deepened.

What he paid attention to as a key to the mystery was diaries written by Japanese authors during and after the war. And he particularly empathized with the diaries of Jun Takami. One passage in Takami’s diaries was written in 1944 during the wartime bombing of Tokyo when he was trying to get his mother to safety in the countryside. At Ueno station “everybody is quiet, everybody’s just moving slowly and no one is trying to get ahead of anybody else. My eyes filled with tears unawares, and my heart swelled with pity and love.” And Takami thought, “I want to live with these people. I want to die with these people.” Dr. Keens finally discovered that his searching key to the mystery on Japanese lurked in Takami’s diaries. Watching Japanese behavior during the Great East Japan Earthquake, he felt the same phrase as Takami did, and eventually became Japanese.


+ 2006511日、ニューヨーク・ヤンキースの左翼手松井秀喜選手がダイビングキャッチを試み左手首を骨折する大ケガを負った。無事に手術を終え退院した直後の記者会見で松井が発した最初の言葉は、トーリ監督と同僚選手に対する感謝と謝罪の言葉だった。この言葉に圧倒された513日付のニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、“手術後、松井は怪我したことを謝った”という見出しを付した特集記事を組んで伝えた。




アメリカでは、誤った記事を書いて迷惑を掛けようが、イラクで2500人もの戦死者を出そうが、メディアも政府も誰も謝らない。鉄面皮で傲慢な文化に対し、松井の "I'm sorry" は、我々を自惚れの文化から解放する自由の鐘のようにアメリカ中に鳴り渡ったのである。日本から来たこの謙虚な戦士の言動は、ヤンキースの歴史の中で未来永劫色褪せることはないであろう”。


On May 11, 2006, Hideki Matsui, the Yankees’ left fielder broke his left wrist while attempting to make a great diving catch. After a successful surgery, the first words issued from Matsui were “Thank you” and “I feel very sorry” to Manager Joe Torr and his teammates. The New York Times as of May 13, 2006 devoted a major feature and conveyed the Matsui’s apology, entitled “After Surgery, Matsui Apologizes for Injury,” being overwhelmed by his words.

Mr. Tom Plate, former UCLA professor, who was highly moved by Matsui's behavior, contributed the following article to Japan Times as of May 19, 2006.

“Matsui exceeded his greatness as an individual player with great dignity as a human being and as a team player. In the age of the coddled athlete, the widely overpaid athlete, the agent-protected athlete and the totally obnoxious superstar athlete, Matsui from Japan did something that hardly anyone could remember another athlete doing in a long time.

He apologized. He publicly apologized to his manager for the injury that would keep him out of the team's lineup indefinitely, and he apologized to his fellow players for having to withdraw from the front lines of the battle to allow his broken left wrist to heal. The apology was so unusual and unexpected and uncharacteristic, it became a major news story in the American media. The New York Times devoted a major feature to the Matsui apology. Countless news organizations picked up the story for the astonishing if almost unprecedented development that it represented: a superstar athlete and celebrity actually saying he was sorry. Apologies are as rare in the U.S. as they may be unexceptional in Japan.

In this country even major newspapers fail to apologize to a citizen who has clearly been wronged by a story. To date, nearly 2,500 Americans have died in the Iraq war. It was against this stony-faced culture of arrogance that the Matsui "I'm sorry" rang across America like the ringing of some new liberty bell, freeing us from a culture of smugness. Matsui's apology probably will not go down in history to that degree. Matsui, humble warrior from Japan, gave a public and moving demonstration that reflected the pride of a Yankee.


+ 大坂なおみ選手は、橋本氏の定義に従えば生粋の日本人ではないが、全米オープン及び全豪オープンの表彰式セレモニーで、見事に日本の文化・美徳を体現して見せた。






+ Naomi Osaka is not a native Japanese if we stick to the Ms. Hashimoto’s definition, but she thoroughly exemplified such Japanese cultural values and virtues at her trophy ceremony of the Australian Open and the U.S. Open.

Before her award acceptance speech, she applauded her opponent first and said: “It is a great honor to play a match with you.” Even though she spoke in English, her manner of speaking and all of the details of speech symbolized her “Japaneseness” such as modesty, honesty, politeness, thoughtfulness, etc.

You probably watched an unprecedented scene from the US Open women’s final last September on TV. At her trophy ceremony, the champion Naomi Osaka has been met with booing from the hostile crowd after she beat the tennis legend Serena Williams, even though this booing was not against her, but against the umpire who gave Williams three code violations during the game. In the trophy ceremony which should be emotional, as a roar of boos continued, Osaka tilted her cap down and began to cry.

After Williams asked the crowd to quit booing and it came to stop, Osaka offered her own message to the crowd: “I know that everyone was cheering for her. I’m sorry it had to end like this. I just want to say thank you for watching the match.” And turning her face toward Williams, Osaka added, “It was always my dream to play Serena in the U.S Open finals. So I’m really glad that I was able to do that, and I’m really grateful I was able to play with you.” Listening to her speech filled with human warmth, the atmosphere of arena changed immediately to the respect toward Osaka. Meanwhile, Williams smashed her racquet prompting a second code violation and barked at the chair umpire, calling him a thief for taking a verbal abuse penalty. Once the match ended, Williams didn’t shake the umpire’s hand and continued demanding an apology. She said in a press conference, “I’m here fighting for women’s rights and for women’s equality and for all kinds of stuff.”

In making comparison between Serena’s egotistical manner and Naomi’s speech, which grabs people’s heart all over the world? The result is clear at a glance. An American reporter of Tennis Magazine commented that Osaka not only became the world’s No. 1 singles player, but became a fresh breeze blowing in the tennis world.





1980年から84年まで駐日イギリス大使を務めた親日家のヒュー・コータッチSir Arthur Henry Hugh Cortazzi)氏は、“若年労働者の減少に対処する一つの方法は、外国から出来合いの賃金が安くて済む労働力を輸入することである。日本が生き残り繁栄を続けようとするなら、移民に対する抜きがたい偏見を捨て去ることである。移民の最大の問題は、共通の価値、調和のとれたコンセンサスを持つ同質民族を著しく変えてしまう点にある。日本に今直ちに求められるのは、日本男子、日本民族と言う盲目的愛国主義と伝統的な偏見を思い切って克服することである”と言っている。



+ The imminent crisis threatening the future of Japan is the issue resulting from the aging society with a declining birth rate. The population has begun to decline and the proportion of people of working age continues to decrease. The birthrate is well below the replacement level. Japanese people are aging fast while life expectancy continues to increase.

As far back as the year 2000, the United Nations Population Division in a paper, “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” noted, “In order to keep the size of the working-age population constant at the 1995 level of 87.2 million, Japan would need 33.5 million immigrants from 1995 through 2050.”

Mr. Hugh Cortazzi served as Britain’s ambassador to Japan from 1980 to 1984 suggests Japan as follows: “One way of coping with the declining number of young workers is to increase imports of finished goods from countries where wages are relatively low. Ultimately, Japan will only survive and prosper if it alters its deep-seated prejudice against immigration. One argument against immigration is that it would alter significantly Japan’s homogeneous population with its shared values and harmonious consensus. For Japan, the immediate requirement is to confront vigorously Japanese male and ethnic chauvinism and traditional prejudices.”


+ 昨年1225日、安倍内閣は今年4月からスタートする外国人労働者の受け入れを拡大する基本方針と、2024年までの5年間の受け入れ見込み数を14業種で計345150人とするガイドラインを閣議で了承した。これは昨年128日に改正入管法が国会を通過した後新たな在留資格のもとで外国人を「労働者」として迎える新制度の枠組みを公式に決定したものだ。これにより熟練した技能を持つと認定された外国人労働者には日本での永住や家族の帯同も可能となる。



+ On Dec. 25 last year, the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe approved the basic policy for accepting more foreign workers starting April 2019, and guidelines stipulate the estimated number of foreign workers at 345,150 across 14 industries for five years through spring 2024. The approval has officially determined the framework for the introduction of laborers entering Japan from abroad under new residency statuses after revision to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act passed the Diet on Dec. 8. By this, the highly skilled foreign workers would be allowed accompanying family members, with the possibility of being able to live in Japan permanently if certain conditions are met.

Meanwhile, the government now aims to welcome 40 million foreign visitors annually by 2020 – double the previous target – and 60 million by 2030, under a new government tourism strategy compiled in March 2016.



+ 安倍首相は、より多くの外国人労働者を受け入れる大胆な計画を発表したが、「移民」という語を使うこと、あるいは「外人の血」を持つこれらの人々を日本市民にするためのロードマップを示すことは拒否している。





東京とアメリカで育ったリッチ素子Motoko Richニューヨーク・タイムズ東京支局長「大坂選手を応援する日本人の中にも、日本人を広い意味でとらえる世代が現れてきている。日本の社会はもっと寛容になりつつある」と言う。


+ Prime Minister Abe has announced bold plans to bring more foreign workers into Japan, but refuses to use the word “immigration” or offer up any road map to let these people of “gaijin blood” become Japanese citizens.

However, an increasing number of foreign workers and tourists, and people’s business and tourism on a worldwide scale in line with the globalization will increase an interracial marriage as a matter of course. Also, “lengthening” of the period of stay and “permanenting” of living in Japan may stimulate foreign workers to form their own sphere of life and culture in the Japanese society.

In Japan, there is, so to speak, ethnic chauvinism constituting basis of politics traditionally. However, when thinking about 100 years to come, facing a decline in national power caused by falling birthrate and depopulation, Japan is now under the pressure of the necessity to combat racism, embrace the Japanese with "Naomi’s skin color" which is not white, black or yellow and become more welcoming of foreigners and multiculturalism.

There is an opinion rather taking one step further too, saying “We must now rely on the gaijin blood.” The evening tabloid Nikkan Gendai which has a particular characteristics of anti-government- ran a feature with the headline “Is it that we must now rely on the blood of foreigners?”, immediately after Osaka won at the Australian Open, and the article then points out unashamedly for Japan to really excel in certain Olympic events, Japan will need to find more half-black athletes.

In a broader sense, it is not necessarily the case that Nikkan Gendai is totally beside the question. Japan won’t continue as a powerful and innovative nation if it only welcomes superstar tennis players with a great serve.

As for the change of Japanese sense of racial discrimination, Mr. Baye McNeil, the previously mentioned columnist, says "This country is proud of being homogeneous. However, Japan sends a message to the world that we know full well that Japan is not homogeneous by spotlighting Naomi Osaka."

Ms. Motoko Rich, Tokyo bureau chief for The New York Times who grew up in Tokyo and America says "A new generation which looks at Japanese with a wider view is emerging among Japanese fans of Naomi Osaka too, the Japanese society seems to become more tolerant".


+ 一つ気になることがある。オリンピックが巡って来る2020年、大坂選手はなお日本人でいられるだろうか?アメリカと日本の両国の国籍を持つ彼女は、いわゆる二重国籍者であり、日本国は基本的に二重国籍を認めていない。彼女は22歳の誕生日を迎える前に、どちらかの国籍を選択しなければならない。選択しない場合は、自動的に日本国籍を喪失する可能性もある。どちらの国籍を選ぶのか、それは本人が決めることだ。



+ There is only one concern. Will Japan still love Osaka when the 2020 Olympics rolls around? Japan doesn’t allow dual nationality. Osaka, who now holds dual citizenship, must under Japanese law, forsake her other nationalities before she turns 22 if she is to remain “Japanese.” When not choosing, she has a possibility to lose her Japanese nationality automatically. It’s up to Osaka to decide which one to choose.

Osaka plays always wearing pearl necklace and earrings which symbolizes Japan even if it is supposed to be uncommon that athletes wear it during play because of occasional sweat symptoms. Though I hope Osaka chooses Japanese nationality, she might acquire American citizenship finally no matter how she loves Japan, because the United States has obvious advantages as a base of tennis.



+ 大坂選手の国籍をめぐる問題をみていると、人のグローバル化が進んでいる現代社会において、単一国籍しか認めていない日本の現行制度が揺らぎはじめているように認識させられる。民主党党首だった蓮舫氏の二重国籍問題の時は、彼女が日本と台湾の利益相反を問われかねない立場の国会議員だったから、厳しく追及されたが、民間人については議論の余地があるのは確かだ。


大きく分けて血統主義(ラテン語でJus sanguinis)と出生地主義(ラテン語でJus soli)の2つがある。血統主義は、子の出生地がどこであれ親のどちらかの国籍が子の国籍となる方式、一方の出生地主義は、両親が別国籍であろうと出生した国の国籍が付与されるという方式である。血統主義と出生地主義の両方が存在すると、当然、二重国籍問題が持ち上がって来る。日本は国籍法第2条により血統主義をとるため二重国籍は認めていない。






+ While watching a controversy on the Osaka’s nationality, it makes us recognize that the current Japan’s Nationality Act which nominally forbids citizens from having more than one nationality is starting to stagger in an increasingly globalized world. In case of the former Democratic Party leader Renho, who is half Taiwanese and half Japanese, she was intensely investigated about her possible dual citizenship, because she holds a position of the National Diet member being easily questioned about a conflict of interest between Taiwan and Japan. However, it is for sure that the dual citizenship issue is debatable for private citizens.

By the way, how is your nationality determined when you come into this world?

It’s generally categorized as jus “sanguinis” (Latin: right of blood) or “jus soli“ (Latin: right of soil). Jus sanguinis is a principle that citizenship is determined by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state. Meanwhile, Jus Soli is a principle that citizenship is determined by one's birthplace. When both jus sanguinis and jus Soli exist, the problem of dual citizenship comes up as a matter of course. Japan is a jus sanguinis state as opposed to jus soli state by Article 2 of the Nationality Act and does not allow dual citizenship.

However, for example, when Japanese parents were transferred to the office of the United States and have a child, the child is treated as either the American citizen by the jus soli country (the U.S.) or as the Japanese citizen by the jus sanguinis country (Japan) at the same time. The child who has dual citizenship must choice either of two by 22 years old in accordance with the Constitution of Japan.

The principle of single nationality was mainstream in the world so far. But, at present, many nations have a mixed standards of jus sanguinis and jus soli. The overwhelming majority our of 36 member countries of the OECD admits dual citizenship from the point viewpoint to prevent the outflow of superior human resources from the country and attract excellent workers from outside. Germany which was a model of the Japan’s Nationality Act so far changed her policy to "jus soli" from "jus sanguinis" and came to admit dual citizenship too.

In case of Japan, according to the Ministry of Justice, dual citizenship will make legal unfairness such as the liability for tax payment or military service between people who have it and who do not have it. In addition, increasing the number of people who do not have the patriotism on Japan will have a bad effect on Japan. For these reasons, government force people to choose the citizenship into one.

As above-mentioned, it appears that an increase of interracial marriage with childbirth is inevitable for the time to come even in Japan. In order to survive and thrive as a nation, how to recognize multi-nationality is an issue we cannot overlook.


+ 以上述べたように、これからの日本は、なおみ色の新日本人や在留外国人が増え社会は変質せざるを得ない。しかし、絶対に変わって欲しくないのは、大坂選手や松井選手が態度で示した、またドナルド・キーン博士を日本人にさせた「日本人らしさ」である。





+ As mentioned above, the Japanese society cannot help substantially changing from now on due to the increasing number of new Japanese with Naomi’s skin color and foreign residents. However, I never want to change “Japaneseness” that both Matsui and Osaka expressed by their behavior and made Dr. Donald Keene take Japanese citizenship.

While becoming tolerant toward the racial diversity and the multi cultures, we have to take drastic measures to maintain the traditional Japaneseness, positively adopting “assimilation policy" not only to the new Japanese, but to foreign residents so that the Japanese language and culture become the main stream. For it, when employing foreign workers, it will be necessary to restrain only one race from forming their own sphere of life and culture in the Japanese society, making their national origin diversify into different nations.

As for such Osaka’s Japaneseness, it is evidenced that proper education on her has been given from childhood. Osaka’s upbringing, she’s said in interviews, was influenced by both Japanese and Haitian culture.

                                                                         The end


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