




国力と人口 (コメント20)



今回は、カナダのThe Toronto STAR紙が取り上げた「Families with one child are growing in number around the world(先進国で進む一人っ子家族)」という記事がテーマです。先進工業国では、経済の高度化・複雑化で、労働者にはより卓越した識見・技能が求められ、育児に掛かる教育費などが増大するため一人っ子が増える傾向がある、また、高等教育を受けた女性が出産で仕事を止めたり中断して子育てに専念することで、就業上の地位と高い所得が犠牲になることを嫌がって出生率が抑制されているという内容です。私は、このトピックに関連して、国力と言う観点から、前々回(妄想彼女)、前回(子ども食堂)で取り上げた我が国の人口減少や子どもの貧困問題をレビューすると共に、少子高齢化が急速に進む中、世界が一目置く国力を今後維持して行くにはどうすればよいかについて考えてみました。少々長いコメントですがご興味があれば読んでみてください。








Pp = (C + E + M) x (S + W)

日本列島 イラスト に対する画像結果


What is the relationship between national power and population?

As for National Power Assessment, the following Ray S. Cline’s formula has often been used:

Pp = (C + E + M) x (S + W), where Pp is "power potential," C is "critical mass" (denoting such factors as population and land), E is "economic capability," M is "military capability," S is "strategic purpose," and W is "will."

As shown in this formula, population is a fundamental component of the national power together with economic and military strength. According to Cline, a country, whose population is less than 15 million, is inferior in the national power from the work force-size point of view, and likely to necessitate being under the control of a big country.

Also, the fluctuation of population is historically regarded as being correlative with that of national power. Moreover, not only the size of population, but the composition of it serves serves as a substantial element of the national power. A higher ratio of youth and people in their prime brings/guarantees a larger size of work force, and is advantageous to strengthen its economic and military power. Furthermore, other than from a quantitative viewpoint, high qualitative people are an essential factor for the national power as well. As far as the nation’s educational level remains low, the highly modernized military, technological and economic strength just cannot be expected.









At the outset of the 21st century, the perception that "international competition is competition over human resources" widely prevails.

Incidentally the trend of the population of China and the United States is as follows.

 Experts predict that China will become the world's largest economic power, surpassing the United States in 2030, and it is already taking on a tinge of reality. However, China’s one-child policy, which has been in force for over 20 years, will cause the working population to begin to fall between 2015 and 2020, and China’s total population will begin to decline in the late 2020s or early 2030s. China will experience a rapid aging of society during this period, putting the brakes on its high economic growth.

The US population continues to experience long-term growth, being ensured by increased immigration. While China’s gross domestic product will overtake that of the United States in 2030, the United States will regain its status as the world’s largest economy in 2050.

As for other countries, India’s population will continue to grow into the 2040s, and this will give it the youngest population of any nation in the Asian region. Populations are exploding in the Islamic world, and young people aged 15 or under will account for as much as 45% of the population in some of them by mid-century.










What is the most serious problem in terms of the Japanese population?

Japan’s transformation into a nation with fewer children and more senior citizens is proceeding faster than in any other country in the world.

The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, affiliated to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry updates the long-term domestic population projections every five years based on census figures.

According to the Institute, Japan's total fertility ratethe average number of children a woman is expected to bear during her lifetime — fell to 1.57 in 1989 and went into a general decline. It reached an all-time low of 1.26 in 2005. Despite slight increases in recent years, it was still at only 1.37 in 2008. According to the latest data on April 10, 2017, the birthrates was revised upward from 1.35 in the previous estimate in 2012 to 1.44. The revised figure shows higher birthrates among women in their 30s and 40s. However, it is still far below 2.07 the accepted rate (in 2015) at which developed countries can sustain a stabilized population.

After the total population reached a peak of 127.77 million in 2004, it has begun to decrease and was 127.09 million people in 2015. But, the pace of decline will be moderate due to higher birthrates among women in their 30s and 40s. This would add 6.72 million more people to Japan's population than the previous estimate and delay when the population falls below 100 million by five years.

However, the trend of population decline will remain unchanged, and Japan's population is expected to drop to 88.08 million in 2065 by 30%, predicts the Institute.

Meanwhile, while the percentage of people aged 65 or older will rise from 26.6%, or 33.87 million in 2015, to 38.4%, or 33.81 million in 2065, the percentage of youth under 14s will fall from 12.5%, or 15.95 million, to 10.2%, or 8.98 million.

The percentage of working people between 15 and 64 will fall from the current 60.8%, or 77.28 million, to 51.4%, or 45.29 million, five decades later.

The decline in the birthrate, in turn, is exacerbating the aging of Japanese society. As a result, a shrinking working-age population must foot an ever-increasing bill for pensions, medical care, and other services for seniors. Moreover, if the economy has matured and is not growing, employment opportunities drop for young people. In the case of Japan, the problem was exacerbated by the recession in the 1990s. And these trends are liable to make young people less inclined to marry or to have children, further accelerating the decline in the birthrate. Eventually, the graying of society and declining birthrate are set to have a major impact on economic and military capacity, which is a key constituent of potential power in the national power-formula.




―我が国は50年後も1億人の人口を維持する。現在の出生率が続くようであれば、50年後に人口は8000万、100年後には現在の3分の14000万人まで減少すると予測されている。これは即、我が国の競争力の喪失につながる。今が、誰もが活躍できる「一億総活躍社会」の実現に向けて内閣の総力を結集すべき時だ。次の3年間を「アベノミクスの第2ステージ」と位置付け新しい「3本の矢」を軸に、経済成長子育て支援、安定した社会保障の実現を目指す。第一の矢、経済では、「希望を生み出す強い経済」により、東京五輪が開催される2020年頃に戦後最大のGDP600兆円を達成する。第2の矢、子育てでは、「夢をつむぐ子育て支援」により、希望出生率1.8 (現在は1.44) まで回復する。第3の矢、社会保障は、「安心につながる社会保障」により、団塊世代70歳を超える20年代に介護離職ゼロを実現する―


After the Third Abe Cabinet was formed in December 2014, in an effort to address the depopulation issue, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe announced as follows:

Japan will maintain the population at 100 million people 50 years from now. If the current birthrate continues, the population of Japan will be just over 80 million 50 years from now, and 100 years from now it will be 40 million, which is one-third today’s population. This will directly lead to a decline in Japan’s competitiveness. Now is the time for the Cabinet to make concerted efforts toward realizing a society in which all one hundred million-plus citizens are each dynamically engaged (Ichioku Sokatsuyaku Shakai). To achieve this, during the second stage of Abenomics, the first arrow is a robust economy that gives rise to hope, which is a reinforcement of the “three arrows” that were in place before, and our target shall be achieving the largest GDP in postwar history of 600 trillion yen around 2020 when Olympics will be held in Tokyo. The second arrow will be dream-weaving childcare supports. Under this arrow we will aim to raise the birthrate to 1.8 children per woman (now 1.44), which is the level the public has indicated as desirable. The third arrow will be social security that provides reassurance. Our goal with this arrow will be to reduce to zero the number of people who leave employment to provide nursing care.





Abe’s declaration to maintain the population at 100 million people 50 years from now is paid attention as a future guide for the national power. What measures are necessary to realize this issue? Referring to expert’s views, I would like to pick up the following six measures:





The first is to make all-out efforts to help increase the birthrate.

The falling birth rate is due to an increase in the number of unmarried people, late marriages and late birth. It is thought there are worries about unstable employment, financially insecure life after marriage, work incompatible with child-rearing and increasing child-rearing expenses and investment in education behind these trends. Especially, in view of the current employment situation that the ratio of non-regular employee accounts for almost 40% of all employees, promotion of indefinite-term employment / regular employment and better treatment of non-regular employees would be mandatory for stabilizing the employment situation.





The second is to take measures to mobilize the female and the elderly workforce into the labor market. For this to happen, it is necessary to improve the working and social environment to make it easier for women and aged people to work.

For utilizing the potential manpower of women, it is necessary to provide them with workplaces which they can demonstrate their ability to the fullest extent and help them with child-rearing compatible with work. Concretely, promotion of elimination of children on waiting lists and enhancement of local support for children and child-rearing are required. Also, for male workers in their 30s in the child-raising generation, the limitation of long working hours is particularly necessary for helping their partner’s child-rearing.

As to the elderly workforce, most companies consider it advantageous to utilize elderly skilled workers and many cite such merits as “they can hand down their skills to younger people” and “the company can secure skills and maintain the quality of their products.” 





The third is to revitalize the regional economies.

As to the background of regional revitalization, political and corporate leaders in Japan were jolted by the conclusions of a 2014 book titled “Local Extinctions” written by Hiroya Masuda, a former Iwate prefectural governor and head of a government committee on local revitalization. Masuda’s detailed warning that 896 cities, towns and villages throughout Japan could go extinct by 2040 due to the decreased number of women of child-bearing age. In response to this warning, Abe Cabinet established the Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy (Machi-Hito-Shigoto Sosei Honbu) headed by Minister Shigeru Ishiba in September 2014. The five-year strategy starting from 2015 and the long-term vision were approved at the first meeting of the Headquarters. And the three basic directions; “Generate stable employment in regional areas”, “Create a new inflow of people to regional areas from Tokyo” and “Fulfill the hopes of the young generation for marriage, childbirth, and parenthood” were presented for regional revitalization. The revitalization of “Furusato (home town)”, where young people can avoid going out to Tokyo and create a new inflow from Tokyo is important not only for maintaining the national power, but for preserving local cultures and traditions.







The fourth is to step up productivity through technological innovation.

Since the rate of economic growth depends on the rates of population increase and technological progress, the economic growth rate will decline unless the progress of technological innovation surpasses the pace of population decline and aging. Prime minister Abe has also highlighted how the nation’s declining demographic is not a burden but an incentive to bolster productivity through innovations such as robotic technology and artificial intelligence.

Expenditure on research and development (R&D) is one of the most widely used measures of innovation inputs. According to the 2014 UNESCO survey on the R&D expenditure of GDP, Japan is the 3rd place (3.58%) among the UN member countries, following Korea (4.29%) and Israel (4.11%). While Japan now gets the world-top level expenditure in this field, further investment to innovations will become necessary for the forthcoming depopulation.

Meanwhile, it is essential to bring up young people of abundant intellectual creativity who can start and carry out innovations. According to The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2014-2015, an annual publication of university rankings by Times Higher Education (THE) magazine, the number of Japanese universities included in the top 400 is nothing but 12 universities, moreover, only 2 universities, the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, ranks 23rd and 59th respectively among the top 100 .

The time has come to consider the reform of university education from the viewpoint of bringing up global human resources in order to increase the number of universities drastically which can rank in the world top 100.






The fifth is to bolster efforts to introduce foreign workers into this country under certain conditions.

There are fears that if permits are given unconditionally for the entry of foreign workers, the nation's law and order and social solidarity might be damaged as was the case with some European countries. The forecast research team calculated that if the number of foreigners in Japan increased by 250,000 every year, the total population would be significantly higher - 100.7 million in 2065. However, despite the nation’s demographic time bomb, the government appears to remain reluctant to discuss the politically sensitive topic of large-scale immigration. If, however, workers with required qualifications and abilities are introduced under certain designated conditions, it is expected to stimulate intellectual activities in this country and contribute greatly to social advancement.

Meanwhile, the Self-Defense Force, the Maritime Safety Agency and the police are the organization which needs sturdy young men equipped with the patriotism in large quantities. Even if the acquisition of young men becomes increasingly difficult due to the declining birth rates, "the mercenary/hired soldier" must not be allowed from the national and the public security point of view. With the innovation of equipment, a minor manpower saving will be possible, but far from substantial solution for the shortage of young people. Accordingly, as for the human resources of the Self-Defense Force, it may be the time to consider adopting the conscription / draft system in real earnest.



因みに「大国」と言う定義は公式には存在しない。大国とは相対的なものであり、国力を構成する各種要素の比較、時代の流れ、歴史的経緯などによって判断されるため一概に決めることはできない。冷戦下のアメリカと旧ソ連は大国を超える存在として超大国と呼ばれていたが、ソ連崩壊後はアメリカが唯一の超大国と言われている。我が国は、敗戦の焦土からの奇跡的な復興で経済大国と看做されるようになった。しかしこれは裏を返せば、軍事力や国際政治力で劣り、経済に限って大国であるという含意がある。ハーグ戦略研究センターの2014年度報告では、アメリカ(人口31000万人)、イギリス6200万人)、フランス6300万人)、ロシア14300万人)、中国134900万人)、日本12700万人)、ドイツ8200万人)の7カ国を、現在、大国(Great Power)と位置づけしている。この7カ国のうち、英、仏、独、日本の4カ国は、国土、人口、軍事力などのハード・パワーでは、米、ロシア、中国には及ばないものの、文化や科学技術、政治的価値観、民度などのソフト・パワー(*下記参照)では他の国を魅了し影響を与える力を持っているが故に大国と認めていると思われる。




The first is to work out a clear vision to create a future vision as a country with a middle-size population.

By the way, the term "big country" is not defined officially. That can't be said sweepingly because the big country is a relative concept and judged by the comparison of various elements which composes the national power formula, the flow of the times, the historic process and so on. During the cold war, the United States and the former Soviet Union were called a superpower as an existence exceeding a big country. However, after the former Soviet Union collapsed, only the United States has been named a superpower. Japan has been regarded as one of the greatest economic powers in the world, thanks to the miracle postwar restoration from ashes. However, to put it the other way, this naming connotes that Japan is not enough for the military power and the international political influence, but for only the economic power. According to the 2014 report of Hague center for strategic studies, 7 nations - the United States (310 million populations), the United Kingdom (62 million), France (63 million), Russia (143 million), China (1.349 billion), Japan (127 million), Germany (82 million) – are placed as the “Great Power”. Among 7 nations, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan are not as large as the United States, Russia and China as far as the hard power such as land, population and military power is concerned. However, these 4 nations are regarded as the Great Power by having the soft power such as culture, scientific technology, political sense of values, high standard of living, which can fascinate and affect other countries.

In case of Japan, even if its population should come down to 88 million from 127 million, it would still be larger than that of the United Kingdom, France and Germany. If Japan continues to create the soft power peculiar to our country accompanied by the intellectual value based on the premise of middle-size population. it could still exist sufficiently as the Great Power which can gain recognition and cachet in the world for a long time to come. 

On the other hand, in order to keep the hard power such as the suitable sized economic capability which guarantees people’s high standard of living and the military power which can cope with the hypothetical threat, the exceptional ideas will become necessary for the distribution of limited manpower.




その社会のもつ文化や政治的価値観などを背景として、他国から理解、信頼、支持、共感を得て、国際社会で発揮される影響力のことを言う。軍事力や経済力、資源を背景として行使されるハード・パワーと対比される。アメリカハーバード大学教授で国際政治学者であるナイ氏(Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr. 1937―)が提唱した。ナイ教授はソフト・パワーの源泉として、(1)文化的魅力、(2)政治的な価値観、(3)外交政策の3点をあげている。ナイ教授によれば、日本のソフトパワーは、世界最高額のODA、世界最高の平均寿命、世界第3GDP、ダントツの特許件数、治安のよさなどである。 また、“クールジャパン”と言われる漫画、アニメ、ビデオゲーム、キャラクターズグッズ、コスプレ、ファッション、映画、料理等々も日本の重要なソフトパワーである。





