



1回 ポピュリズムとは?



今回は、昨年719日付英国The guardian紙の「The world is taking its revenge against elites. When will America's wake up? (世界は今エリート達に報復している。アメリカは(ポピュリズムから)いつ目覚めるのか?)」という記事がテーマです。




1回 ポピュリズムとは?(22-1

 第2回 欧州のポピュリズム(22-2

 第3回 アメリカ、トランプ大統領誕生の政治風土 (22-3)

 第4回 欧米先進国はどこへ向かうのか? (22-4)                                                          

 第5回 日本の向かうべき方向は? (22-5)









The last year and the first half of this year were the years when populism swept over the world as symbolized by the the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union (EU) and the U.S. presidential election that Donald Trump was elected. However, though a big leap of far-right populist parties in the Netherlands General election this March and the French presidential election this April had been anticipated, the results fell short of the earlier estimate. As a reason, there is a view that the increasing doubt and anxiety about the future of the U.S. which has supported the international order so far, and the uncertainty about the future of the EU resulting from the United Kingdom's withdrawal gave a negative or harmful effect to the stability-oriented voters. Particularly, President Trump’s conducts shouting "America First" as the behavioral principle, such as the domestic and foreign policies with full of contradictions, the haphazard and high-handed political style violently wavered by his own emotion, the unreliable personality (said James Comey, former FBI director), utterly changed the world’s view against the superpower America. On the other hand, as the high popular vote to the far-right parties in the Austrian and the French presidential election makes it clear, populism is never a temporary phenomenon in the Western countries. That is, the values and the system such as liberalism, democracy, rule of law, open market, collective security which have formed the foundation of the international order after World War II have been charged with danger, and concerns over the international order are now spreading around the world.





What is Populism?

Populism is a political technique and/or movement to regain the initiative from the corrupt dominant elites (usually the established politicians) and their camp of followers (usually the rich and the intellectuals) by winning the ordinary people’s support exploiting their interests and rights, or their anxiety and fear. In Japanese, it is translated into “taishu-geigo shugi”, and sometimes used as the synonym for “shugu seiji (mobocracy). Populism is generally rooted in doubt and discontent against the established democratic politics which cannot reflect the entrusted popular wills and expands with dissatisfaction and rage of the silent majority, who feels oppressed by the establishment. Apparently, populism seems to make democracy fall into crisis, but, actually, it gains power and overwhelms due to the malfunction of the democratic politics. Populists can come from either side of the fence. In the US presidential election last year, Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party was on the left and Donald Trump, the Republican Party was on the right; the common thread was that they agitated the voice of the disenfranchised, fighting against inequality and corruption.


<参考> ポピュリズムが影響した欧米の選挙

20164-5月  オーストリア大統領選

20166月   イギリス国民投票(EU残留か離脱か)

201612月   アメリカ大統領選

20173月   オランダ下院選

20174-5月  フランス大統領選

20176月   フランス国民議会(下院)選

20176月   イギリス下院選

20179月   ドイツ連邦議会選



