



4回 欧米はどこへ向かうのか?

Where will Europe and America go?



International cooperation or Globalism is at risk by the emergence of anti-foreignism and populism in Europe and America.



1.    アメリカはどこへ向かうのか?




1. Where will America go?

1Protectionism-oriented economic policy.  The decline of Pax Americana.


Trump asserted that he took an "America first" foreign policy doctrine which every decision on trade, on immigration, on foreign affairs and so forth will be made to benefit America in his inaugural address. He suggested that America institutes the protective economic policy and withdraws from the international duty including reevaluation over the close traditional alliance with NATO, Japan and Korea.




As for protectionism, during his campaign for president, Trump promised a much better deal for Americans through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Immediately after assuming the presidency, Trump reversed several policies of former President Barack Obama: He withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). In March, reportedly, Trump's administration prepared to ignore any rulings by the World Trade Organization(WTO) that it sees as an affront to U.S. sovereignty. Moreover, in June, Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord, saying the agreement is a pernicious threat to the economy and American sovereignty.

安全保障及び欧米関係では、就任後修正したものの、選挙期間中、 NATOは時代遅れの組織でありアメリカに膨大な支出を強いていると批判、日本や韓国に対しては防衛支出を増やさなければ米軍を引き上げると脅した。こうした方向を助言しているのがバノン大統領首席補佐官と言われる。その一方で、彼は、マクマスター大統領補佐官、ティラーソン国務長官、マティス国防長官、及びヘイリー国連大使からなる外交・安全保障政策スタッフを任命した。彼等は、歴代大統領のスタッフと比べても極めて有能とみられている。特にマティス長官は、アジアと欧州を何度も訪問し、内向き指向のトランプ大統領にいらいらさせられている同盟諸国に対し、米国は100%同盟国と共にあると言って安心させる努力をしてきた。マティス長官が初めて日本を訪れた時、安倍総理に、安保条約第5条は、1年前も5年前もそうだったように、1年後も10年後も有効であることを約束すると語った。



欧州で最も影響力を持つドイツのメルケル首相は、3日間にわたる米欧間のNATOG-7サミットを総括し、「これまでドイツや欧州諸国は無意識のうちにアメリカに頼ってきたが、トランプ大統領のアメリカは最早信頼できるパートナーではなくなった」とミュンヘンの記者会見で語った。更に、彼女は、「欧州が他国を当てに出来る時代は終りつつある、欧州人は運命を自分の手で掌握しなければならない」と述べた。NATO常駐アメリカ政府代表のアイヴォ・ダールダー(Ivo HDaalder)氏は、これは、アメリカが主導しヨーロッパが従った一つの時代の終焉を意味するものだ。今日のアメリカは、国際的課題についてヨーロッパが向かおうとする道と真逆の方向に進んでいる。メルケル氏の発言はそれを如実に示すものだと述べている。528日付のニューヨークタイムズ紙は、メルケル首相のこの発言は、米欧間の潜在的な地殻変動を表わしたものだと伝えた。



パクス・アメリカーナラテン語Pax Americana )とは、「アメリカの平和」という意味であり、超大国アメリカ覇権が構築する「平和」を言う。ローマ帝国の全盛期を指すパクス・ロマーナ(ローマの平和)に由来する。「パクス」は、ローマ神話に登場する平和秩序女神である。ソ連を盟主とする社会主義圏に対抗する自由主義圏の盟主としてアメリカがNATOや日米安保などを通して西側諸国の安全保障を引き受け「核の傘」を提供するとともに、「ドルの傘」で自由主義経済を形成する体制である。


Regarding security and the US-European relationship, even though he changed his stance to the alliance after taking office, Trump has said during his campaign NATO is outdated and costing the United States too much money, also threatened to withdraw US forces if Japan and South Korea do not step up their financial support. It is told that these decisions were a victory for Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist.

Meanwhile, Trump appointed staffs responsible for the foreign affair and the national security policy comprises the National Security Advisor Gen. H.R. McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Ex Gen. James Mattis and the US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. They are regarded as very capable staffs even if they compare with successive president staffs. Specifically, Defense Secretary James Mattis often visited Asia and Europe, saying that the United States stands "100 percent" with its allies, to reassure the allies rattled by Trump's inward-looking tendency. In Japan, Mattis told Prime Minister Abe, "I wanted to make certain that Article 5 of our mutual defense treaty is understood to be as real to us today as it was a year ago, five years ago and it will be a year and 10 years from now."

However, President Trump himself often takes odd actions contrary to the normalcy whenever Trump’s administration begins to seem normal thanks to his staff’s efforts. For example, while Trump lambasted NATO allies for not spending more on defense and accused Germany of “very bad” trade policies at the NATO summit which was held in Brussels, Belgium in May, he did not explicitly endorse Article 5―the mutual-aid clause of the North Atlantic Treaty, though it was originally scheduled to do so. He surprised his staffs, refusing a prepared speech text indicating to endorse Article 5 and replacing that with another one just before the speech.

On the next day following NATO summit, the G-7 summit was held in Taormina, Italy to discuss about free trade, counterterrorism, climate change, refugee issues and maritime security. Member nations had hoped to coax Trump into softening his stances on trade and climate change. But, it became clear that America declined to agree to common European positions on global trade, mitigating the effects of climate change or dealing with Russian aggression.

Ms. Merkel of Germany, the Europe’s most influential leader, concluded in Munich after three days of trans-Atlantic meetings (NATO and G-7 summit), that the United States of President Trump is not the reliable partner, her country and the Continent have automatically depended on in the past. Ms. Merkel added “The times in which we could rely fully on others — they are somewhat over. Europe should know that we must fight for our future on our own, for our destiny as Europeans.” Ivo H. Daalder, a former United States envoy to NATO said “This seems to be the end of an era, one in which the United States led and Europe followed. Today, the United States is heading into a direction on key issues that seems diametrically opposite of where Europe is heading. Merkel’s comments are an acknowledgment of that new reality.” The New York Times as of 28 May reported that Ms. Merkel’s strong comments suggest a potentially “seismic shift” in trans-Atlantic relations.

The former president Obama’s saying “The United States will no longer be the world’s policeman and Trump’s isolationist rhetoric to place America in the wall, insisting on “America First” indicate the decline of “Pax Americana” which has long supported the international order. Pax Americana has many faults, too, but it will be difficult to find any order better than that. While Western countries regret the loss a lot and feel uneasy about the future direction for the international order, Russia and China must be snickering over the Trump’s rhetoric and the alienation between the United States and Europe.





2Trump arouses doubts about his qualities as the presidency. Could he end prematurely??

Trump was at a six month-symbolic milestone of his presidency as of 20 July.

As for his promising agenda during the campaign, achieved results has come to the stage to be tested. However, it is true that many agenda run into difficulties and balk in realization. Unlike ex-movie actor Ronald Reagan, who used his first 100 days to turn around the nation's mood and lay the foundation for a successful presidency, Trump has exacerbated questions about his inexperience and temperament.


+ トランプ大統領は、向こう10年で計2500万人の雇用を創出することを公約の第一に掲げ、特に大統領当選の原動力となったラストベルトの白人労働者の雇用を守ることを約束した。しかし、同地域から企業の海外移転は今も続いており、また、残った企業も合理化で解雇が続くなど、労働者の期待は失望へと変わりつつあるとの報道もある。


+ 「オバマケア」を廃止して規模を縮小した共和党の新たな医療保険制度見直し法案が、マケイン上院議員を含む3人の身内の共和党議員の強硬な反対もあり、617日、上院で頓挫、不成立となった。オバマケアの廃止は共和党が7年にわたり主張して来たもので、トランプ大統領にとって最優先課題となっていた。



+ トランプ大統領は、入国管理の厳格化を公約の柱に掲げ、イスラム6カ国(当初はイラクを含め7カ国)の市民の米国への入国禁止する大統領令に署名した。これに対し各州の連邦控訴裁では、イスラム教徒への差別で違憲などとして同措置の差し止め判断が相次いでいた。https://d.adroll.com/cm/aol/out



Trump promised that his economic team will create a total of 25 million new jobs over the next 10 years especially for white workers in the Rust Belt who became a driving force behind his presidency. But the relocation of company to foreign countries in the region has still continued, and even workers in remaining companies have been dismissed due to rationalization. There are reports that worker’s expectation for Trump is changing to disappointment.


A new, scaled-down Republican plan to repeal the Obamacare law crashed and burned in the Republican-led U.S. Senate on 18 June, as three Republicans including Senator John McCain of Arizona came out to oppose it. The dismantlement of President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, that was the Republicans’ seven-year campaign had become the top priority for President Trump.


Trump signed a travel ban-related executive orders on citizens from six Muslim-majority countries, centering a pledge upon tightening immigration control during his campaign. But, Trump’s travel ban has been blocked nationwide by several federal judges, since his order is a discrimination and an unconstitutional attack on Muslims.

However, Supreme Court agreed in June to let President Trump's ban go into effect for travelers with no strong connection to the United States, reversing the actions of lower federal courts. The court also agreed to hear the case involving travelers from six Muslim-majority countries and international refugees in October, leaving open the chance that it could reverse June's verdict if challengers can prove the ban is illegal or unconstitutional.





U. S. President Donald Trump is depicted beheading the Statue of Liberty in this illustration on the cover of the latest issue of German news magazine Der Spiegel

+ トランプ大統領は、就任後すぐに、メキシコとの国境に壁を築くこと、不法移民の滞在に寛容な国内の「聖域都市」(*下記参照)を取り締まるとする2つの難民関連の大統領令に署名した。しかしこの大統領令の実現の見通しは全く立っていない。トランプ氏は壁の建設費用をメキシコに払わせると言っているのに対し、メキシコはこんなばかげた壁にびた一文払うものかと言う。また、推定1,100万以上いるとみられる国内の不法移民については、これを有益とする見方と有害であるとの見方が相半ばし国家は分断の危機にある。


President Trump signed two immigration-related executive orders soon after he was

inaugurated, including efforts to build a wall on the Mexican border and to clamp down

on "sanctuary cities" that shield migrants in the country illegally. However, it is unlikely that these orders are realized. Trump has called for building the wall by getting Mexico to pay for it. Mexico says, “we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall!” As for the over 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States, the issue continues to divide Americans who are both in favor and against.




+ トランプ大統領の無節操な人事のせいで重要ポストにあるスタッフのおまえは首だ!ドミノが続いており、政策を遂行する態勢が確立しない。また、上院の承認を必要とする実務を担当する政府高官554名中数百名が依然空席のままであると言う。因みに東アジア・太平洋担当の国務次官補はまだ空席でアジア外交不在の状況にある。



Due to Trump's unprincipled personnel affairs, the “you are fired!!” domino at the key posts in the administration continues and the readiness for carrying out political agenda is thus staggering. Also, out of the 553 key appointments that require Senate approval, hundreds of key jobs across the federal government still remain vacant. For example, the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs is not nominated yet, which means the absence of Asian diplomacy.

Furthermore, Trump appointed his son-in-law Jared Kushner to serve as his senior adviser in the White House and his daughter Ivanka Trump to serve as special assistant to the president, raising concerns about conflict of interest and nepotism. There are critiques that the president’s family needed to leave and let more experienced political operatives take over a White House that has failed to keep Trump’s agenda on track.





As stated above, what Trump says is impracticable and he can’t put it into practice.

Trump's rating averages in the low 40% range―easily the lowest ever mark for a president this early in his administration in the modern era and one that poses real questions for Trump's capacity to enact his future agenda. What affects the fate of President Trump is Republicans movement who now commands a majority in the House and Senate. The 2018 midterm elections will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 in the middle of Trump's term. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested. Democrats are feeling optimistic about their chances in the forthcoming elections, thanks to the GOP’s early struggle to enact its agenda in Congress, Trump’s low approval ratings, and the investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. If Democrats wins in the election, it may impeach Trump for his incompetence of politics and/or the so-called “Russia-gate” in Japan. A possibility that Trump throws up his presidency before that, depending on the investigation over the world-watching possible links between Trump’s campaign and Russia is not zero.





1.        欧州はどこへ向かうのか?



1.    Where will Europe go?

Europe is changing, too. Following the drop in the score of the right-wing Norbert Hofer in the rerun of the Austrian presidential election last December, and the considerably poorer than expected showing of the Eurosceptic far right in the recent parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, Macron's substantial margin of victory against Le Pen confirms that support for populist parties, which brought Brexit in Britain and Trump in the USA, is waning.

 These are reactions against Trump’s diplomacy riddled with contradictions and the Brexit brought a distrust and an uneasy feeling among people for the future international order and the prospects for Europe. It made voters head for a tendency toward stability and put the brakes on the surging populism for the time being.



(1)   避けられぬイギリスと欧州大陸の関係悪化



1The relationship between the UK and European continent will crucially deteriorate.

In the background where the UK chose Brexit, there was the people’s apathy toward politics other than being agitated by the populist party. It is said that the momentum for reaffirming the traditional British diplomacy and the presence in the world community has now heightened. The election result such as the Conservative’s crushing defeat, the Labour’s coming back and the far-right populist party’s zero-seat in the House seems to reflect the change of British people’s consciousness. Mrs. May, who was doubted if she would resign, taking responsibility for the election result said she would carry on as Prime Minister, and would do a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party - a Northern Ireland Party with 10 MPs - to get their support in Commons votes. Eventually, Brexit talks has started as scheduled on 19 June. However, by the general election result, Mrs. May’s “hard” Brexit strategy is opposed by even some of her MPs, let alone by the strengthened opposition Labour Party. Thus, the UK’s footing to attend the negotiation table with the EU is still unclear. Anyway, Brexit would still go ahead even if there is a difference of “hard” or “soft”, because Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has ruled out a second referendum. In any case, the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European continent will change dramatically over the Brexit issue.

As for the relationship with America, Mrs. May visited America following Prime Minister Abe in January this year and talked with President Trump who had just assumed office. May’s aim was to strengthen the trade relation with the U.S. to limit an influence over the economy where some companies are delaying expansion plans in Britain or shifting operations out of the UK into Europe since the UK voted to leave the EU last June. Trump promised to discuss for the trade pact between two countries, responding to May’s request. The UK–US relation is regarded as becoming closer through immigration and trade issue than ever before.

(2)   独仏主導で欧州統合が進展。ポピュリズム再発要因の内在。



(2) Germany and France to lead post-Brexit EU in further integration.

Indwelling causes for the recurrence of populism.

Macron's election is not just a victory for the moderate and pro-European majority of electors in France, but a victory for the European Union too. A win for Le Pen had the potential to do even more damage to the EU than the narrow victory for Brexit in the UK's referendum in 2016, because her win could trigger a wave of exits / "exit domino" throughout the EU and bring the breakdown of the block. While the optimism that Germany-France Axis will lead the EU and European integration will be deepened spreads, there is a pessimistic view that Populism is never a temporary phenomenon. If there is no development over “the North-South economic gap” in Western Europe and "the East-West gap such as poverty, productivity, value, etc. between Western Europe and post-communist states in East Central Europe, populist parties are likely to re-develop and stand again as a true threat.


(3)   フランス主導で欧州独自の防衛力強化



(3) France-led military build-up for the “independent” Europe

Meanwhile, the collective security issues in Europe have come to worry about than EU integration issues. The US-led NATO has assumed the leading role for the defense of Europe so far. However, following the UK leaving the EU and the dawn of President Trump who makes light of NATO, the EU confirmed its policy to expand defense cooperation among member states at the European Council held in Belgium on 22-23 June. Incidentally, the EU has originally stated to adopt common foreign and security policy based on the 1993’s Maastricht Treaty undertaken to integrate Europe.

In 1966, France announced that it will no longer assign its forces to NATO and withdraw from the integrated military structure, even though France remained politically in NATO. This decision was led by President Charles de Gaulle who made clear his dissatisfaction with aspects of the US leadership role, as well as, more specifically, with NATO's nuclear policy and integrated command structure. Since then, France which has intended a diplomacy with a clearly different way from the United States has been positive for strengthening defense cooperation in the EU block. On the contrary, the United Kingdom, which has given weight to "the special relationship" with the U.S. via NATO was cautious with this. While the presence of the UK which has played a “braking role” declines remarkably due to own Brexit, the pro-EU French president Macron has shown a willingness to work for the EU defense build-up, saying "Europe must be able to respond to the threat independently" during his election campaign. Ms. Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, spoke of the UK’s decision to leave the EU, which means the bloc will lose its second-largest economy and one of its two nuclear powers. Britain’s departure will also weaken trans-Atlantic ties and leave the Continent more exposed to the threat than before. The defense build-up of European continent will be forwarded by France as a leader of the block, seeing NATO's trend.

Incidentally, the number of member states in the EU and the NATO are 28 and 29 respectively, but 22 members are overlapping.

It seems that the seismic shift mentioned above has begun not only in trans-Atlantic relations, but in the UK-European continent relations.








