28.3.16 NEEC




長崎県佐世保市出身の宮本エリアナさん(20)が、昨年、ミス・ユニバース日本代表に選ばれました。黒人の米海軍水兵と地元の女性の間に生まれた彼女が、自分は紛れもなく日本人だと思っているのに日本人からはそう見られずいじめを受けたこと、また父の住むアメリカに行くと英語がしゃべれない変なアメリカ人と思われるなど、彼女がハーフであることに悩み生き様を探すことを伝える記事(2015.5.29The New York Times紙)がTextでした。私は、本問題に関し19世紀開国以来の日本人の人種差別意識について調査しコメントしました。





この記事の主人公Ariana Miyamoto(*)も厳しい差別を受けたと告白していることから恐らくこうしたアメラジアンの一人であろう。本日は、この記事を機会に日本人の人種差別意識について述べて見たい。 





Does everyone here know the term “Amerasians”?

This term was coined by the author of the well-known book, “The Good Earth,” and the Nobel Prize-winner Pearl S. Buck. According to her, "Amerasians” are the children of women of specified Asian nations and American soldiers, who were born during a certain time period. Among the specified Asian nations, the Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea and Japan where American troops remained or remain stationed are included. These Amerasians have been forced into a severe life in harsh environments.

Namely, the vast majority of the American fathers were European-Americans and African-Americans. Very often, these fathers abandoned their children and the children’s mothers when they returned to America. Thus, the mothers had to bring up their children as a single mother. Amerasians have suffered from severe discrimination in the education and employment due to the prejudice over their appearance and their mother's lower social status. When their father is an African-American, the discrimination is particularly more severe than their father being European-Americans.

The heroine of the article, Ariana Miyamoto, might be one of such Amerasians, judging from her confession confessing that she received severe discrimination in her childhood.

Today, I would like to comment about the Japanese consciousness for racial discrimination in on this occasion.









2.Japanese racial consciousness

Watching the pro tennis player Nishikiori's outstanding performance, why we Japanese feel as if a burden had been lifted off our minds, is because he shows us to break that he has broken through the high barrier of “skin color and physical difference" which Japanese people could not exceed easily, beating strong Western players better in physique in the world of tennis which Europeans and Americans have long dominated.

As for skin color, what the elites of the Meiji Era (1868-1912), who shouldered a great role of for Japan’s modernization / Westernization felt as an utterly insurmountable wall, was the skin color barrier, whenever they went outside the island nation of Japan.

Harvard University anthropologist Ayu Majima discusses this in her 2013 essay, “Skin Color Melancholy in Modern Japan.” She talks about how these elites felt a sense of “distance, inferiority and disjuncture towards the West.”

Distance was a big theme back then. Although Japan is, of course, geographically Asian, with deep historical connections to China,

Yukichi Fukuzawa (the man gracing our \10,000 note), and other Meiji Era elites advocated that Japanquit Asia and enter Europe(datsu-a nyū-ō).

In 1875, Fukuzawa, wrote an influential treatise called, An Outline of a Theory of Civilization.Borrowing from Western eugenics, he reordered the world to correlate levels of civilization with skin color. White-hued people were at the top, dark-skinned people at the bottom. Naturally, for Fukuzawa, Asians were ranked just below whites. And, naturally, Japanese were the most “civilized” of the Asians.

So that’s what happened. Over several decades, Japan industrialized, militarized, colonized and adopted the fashions and trappings of “Western civilization.” Japan sought recognition and acceptance from the West not as an inferior, but as a fellow world power. Japan wanted the sense of distance to disappear.

But that didn’t happen. Japan’s elites were shocked when the League of Nations refused to include in its 1919 Covenant an anti-racial discrimination clause that Japan had demanded. More shocking was when Japan was treated like a “colored,” “uncivilized” nation under America’s Asian Exclusion Act of 1924.


How did Japan react to being rebuffed? Policymakers declared that Japan neither belonged to the East nor the West. It isolated itself. This feeling of isolation gave rise to Japan’s “cult of uniqueness,” and it dominates Japan’s self-image today, constantly vacillating between superiority and inferiority when dealing with foreigners. This consciousness has not changed fundamentally even now.


3.Meanwhile, as for the physique issue, Japanese bodies are smaller and weaker than those of foreigners. Japan’s sports leagues have long used this belief to justify limiting foreign players on teams — as if it somehow “equalizes” things. This “equalization” is not limited to the famous examples of baseball and sumo. The National Sports Festival (kokutai), Japan’s largest amateur athletic meeting, bans almost all foreigners. Japan’s popular high school “Ekiden” footrace bans all foreigners from the first leg of the marathon, and from 2007 has capped foreign participants on teams at two. The logic will be that the Ekiden would become “dull” (kyōzame) without a Japanese winning.

A much stranger thing has happened in the sumo world. The Japan Sumo Association decided to count even naturalized Japanese citizens as “foreigners” in 2010. However, the Nationality Law of Japan does not admit the classification of Japanese citizens, thus, some point out this is a clear violation against "equality under the law”, which the Constitution of Japan defines, since naturalized wrestlers are the same Japanese as we are.







4.These are not just a matter of citizenship, but a matter of “What is a “foreigner? What is Japanese?” Some urge that Japan should quit Europe and return to Asia (datsu-ō nyū-a), since it has now become Asia-Pacific period. However, Japanese are still Westerner in terms of consciousness, even though they are racially Asian. Even now after modernization / Westernization had completed, the Japanese identity is always vacillating, saying “Who on earth are we?”

The imminent crisis threatening the future of Japan is the issue resulting from the aging society with a declining birth rate. The population has begun to decline and the proportion of people of working age continues to decrease. The birthrate is well below the replacement level. Japanese people are aging fast while life expectancy continues to increase. Mr. Hugh Cortazzi served as Britain’s ambassador to Japan from 1980 to 1984 suggests Japan as follows:

One way of coping with the declining number of young workers is to increase imports of finished goods from countries where wages are relatively low. Ultimately, Japan will only survive and prosper if it alters its deep-seated prejudice against immigration. One argument against immigration is that it would alter significantly Japan’s homogeneous population with its shared values and harmonious consensus. For Japan, the immediate requirement is to confront vigorously Japanese male and ethnic chauvinism and traditional prejudices.

However, the introduction of immigration might bring about a new type of racial discrimination and the “hafu” problem.