
25.12.11 NEEC




最近ある日の新聞広告欄で、死ぬまでに見ておきたい日本の文化と言われるのが春画であると言う謳い文句を見つけました。これで思い出したのが、もう5年も前になるのですが、英語教室でテーマになった大英帝国博物館が日本の「春画展」を開催したと言うニュースKyodo October 2013  Major exhibition of Japanese erotic art opens in Londonです。当時のイギリスのメディアによれば、3ヶ月にわたって展示された170点の春画は、行儀のよいイギリス人を吐きそうになるくらい熱狂させ、格式高い展示で有名な同博物館をついには官能の見世物館に変えたそうです。ここのところ私の投稿は少子高齢化問題に関連した固い話題が多かったのですが、今回はその時の春画展に関するやわらかいコメントを投稿します。ご覧頂ければ幸甚です。






“Shunga” is a the Japanese term for erotic art which was particularly popular in the Edo period. Most shunga are a type of ukiyo-e, usually executed in a woodblock print format. Translated literally, the Japanese word shunga means picture of spring: "spring" is a common euphemism for sex.

Today, I would like to comment on how shunga spread domestically and internationally, and what characteristic the picture has.


Probably, one reason why shunga became popular in the Edo era will be is the same as what contemporary young men seek for in pornographic books and pictures.

The appearance of shunga coincides with the urbanization of Japan, beginning in the 17th century. The cities were demographically unbalanced, none more so than Edo. Two-thirds of Edo were male, prompting the novelist Ihara Saikaku to call it a “city of bachelors.” At the same time this city was severely disciplined and not many could afford what pleasure quarters there were. Shunga thus filled a need. They were cheap, stainable and disposable. Moreover, it was considered a lucky charm against death for a samurai to carry shunga, and a protection against fire in merchant warehouses and the home. Also, despite claims of educational use (pillow books for ignorant brides), shunga were was intended for fun.





一方、我が国では、最近はやや緩和されたものの、1世紀前は、外国人に笑われるとして春画を没収した経緯がある(今話題の“特定秘密”を守るためではなかった)。 外国人が笑っているのは、欧米から輸入した芸術作品の局部すら日本では今なおボカシを入れていることだそうだ。


Although it is not clear when the first shunga got across to the West, it is generally said that “the Clove,” a ship possessed by the British East India Company, which voyaged to Japan for the first time, brought it back to Britain in 1614. While cultural products obtained in Japan were sold off at the auction in Europe, shunga collections were destructed destroyed as obscene materials under the influence of religious precepts. The quality of shunga art varies, and experienced artists found it to their advantage to concentrate on their production. This led to the appearance of shunga by first-rate artists, such as the ukiyo-e painter perhaps best known in the Western world, Katsushika Hokusai and Kitagawa Utamaro. Europeans who highly valued shunga as an outstanding art form were French artists in the era of Japonism in the 19th century. Also, it was in 1865 that the British Museum added shunga to a part of its collection for the first time. Since then, shunga has obtained high evaluation from the Western artists as one of the sophisticated arts.

Meanwhile, though there have recently been some reproductions in Japan allowed, a century ago, law enforcers in Japan were confiscating erotic art because “it might cause the foreigners to laugh at us.” (It was not to ensure protection of the current controversy “specially designated state secrets.) Now, more liberated countries are truly laughing at the spectacle of a Japan continuing to blot its imported obscene pictures and still hampering public showings of some of the finest works in its artistic heritage.





The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, Hokusai, 1814


The exhibition of shunga had major repercussions in London.

According to the recent British media, it seems that this display has reached fever-pitch in the press. Britain’s usually well-behaved gallery-goers are, quite frankly, gagging for it. A museum famous for its “blockbuster” exhibitions has finally served up a “bonkbuster” — this is a superbly interesting, academically groundbreaking, and oddly touching display of one of the world’s most infamous artistic genres.

Indeed, this show exudes delight and amusement — it was with good reason that one early alternative term for shunga was warai-e, or “laughing pictures.” But there are dark corners, too. One case holds a creepy selection depicting sex with monsters and supernatural creatures, which contains “the notorious octopus.”

Yes, that’s the octopus — probably the most famous work of shunga known outside Japan, depicting a pearl-diving girl in coitus with cephalopods. It is the handiwork of Katsushika Hokusai, who can equally lay claim to creating the most famous Japanese artwork known outside Japan — his woodblock print “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” (1829-32). This may be the most surprising insight the visitor with little prior knowledge of shunga takes away with them — that many of these erotic prints came from the hands of the Japanese artists most celebrated today.






Shunga couples are often shown in nonrealistic positions with exaggerated genitalia.

According to a Western analyst, a frank depiction of genitalia had reasons for the Japanese people. The Western genre of the nude downplays the genitals. With so much erotic power inherent in the secondary sexual characteristics (), it can afford to. But the people in Japanese prints have few secondary sexual characteristics (though their clothing may have some) and there is “not much else of a bodily kind for shunga to show.” This is perhaps one of the reasons for the magnification of male genitalia.

Secondary sex characteristics are features that appear during puberty, especially those that distinguish the two sexes of a species, but that are not directly part of the reproductive system. Secondary sexual characteristics include growth of pubic, armpit, and leg hair; breast enlargement; and increased hip width in girls.





In almost all shunga the characters are fully clothed. This is primarily because nudity was not inherently erotic in Tokugawa Japan – people were used to seeing the opposite sex naked in communal baths. It also served an artistic purpose; it helped the reader identify courtesans and foreigners, the prints often contained symbolic meaning, and it drew attention to the parts of the body that were revealed, i.e., the genitalia.





Shunga not only shows uncut images, but also includes the texts that explain integral parts of the image. Often in the form of dialogues, these texts are usually lightly humorous. For example, the dialogue that accompanies an image of a husband being fed sake by his wife emphasizes how, flaccid, he is plainly between bouts:

Husband: Tonight it feels particularly good, perhaps because of the moon-viewing.

Wife: Me too. I’ve climaxed five times tonight.

Husband: Let’s take a break and have a bit of sake.

Wife: You’ll only poison your body.

Husband: You’re more poisonous than any sake.







