
さて、新型コロナウイルスで、これまで感染者数332万人、死者数88,000人、今月に入っても連日1000人を超える死者が続き、猛烈な被害に見舞われているイギリスでは、2021年を迎える1時間前の1231日午後11時(日本時間202111日午前8時)、ロンドン中心部、議会議事堂の大時計「ビッグベン(Big Ben)」の鐘の音が鳴り響き、イギリスはEU加盟国としての半世紀近い歴史に幕を閉じました。














                      令和3117日 松井茂基






1.        合意が成立。



1.   An agreement has been reached.

The UK established the terms of the UK orderly withdrawal from the EU.



On December 24, an agreement has been reached on the future relationship centering on FTA between the EU and the UK, which has continued since the UK officially left the EU in January last year. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the UK and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen each announced that effect at a press conference.





フォンデアライエンEU委員長           ガッツポーズするジョンソン英首相





Both sides need parliamentary approval for the agreement to enter into force. The UK Parliament overwhelmingly approved a bill bringing the deal into UK law by 521 to 73 votes after the House of Commons was recalled on December 30. The House of Lords also passed the bill. Queen Elizabeth, who was staying at Windsor Castle has granted Royal Assent to Boris Johnson’s Brexit Deal and the bill was finally passed. Meanwhile, the European Commission held an ambassador-level meeting in Brussels on December 25 and began scrutinizing the approximately 2,000 pages agreement document including annexes. Member countries have proposed a provisional application that would bring the agreement into force without the consent of the European Parliament after scrutinizing the document. The European Parliament will begin deliberations on the agreement at the beginning of the year. Mr. David Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament stated on December 24, "Parliament regrets that the duration of the negotiations and the last-minute nature of the agreement does not allow for proper parliamentary scrutiny before the end of the year. But we are confident that our priorities are reflected in this final deal." If the European Parliament agrees, the agreement will formally come into force. The negotiations, which began in March last year, were difficult due to the significant differences between the two sides on three key issues: fishing rights in British waters, ensuring fair competition for companies, but the deal has been agreed, days before a deadline. The agreement has barely prevented a situation where revives tariffs and significantly damages to the economy on both sides of the Atlantic at the beginning of this year.




2. Here are the main agreements



The agreement (EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement) covers not just FTA, but also a broad range of other areas in the EU's interest, such as investment, competition, State aid, tax transparency, air and road transport, energy and sustainability, fisheries, data protection, and social security coordination. Key features of the Agreement include the following:



自由貿易協定(FTA)では、英国とEUは前例のない100%の関税自由化に合意した。 これは、英国とEUの間で生産する商品の移動に、原産地規則が満たされている限り関税や割当枠がないことを意味する。EUが他の貿易相手国とのゼロ関税、ゼロ割当取引に合意したのはこれが初めてである。

As for a Free Trade Agreement, the UK and the EU have agreed to unprecedented 100% tariff liberalization. This means there will be no tariffs or quotas on trade in goods provided rules of origin are met between the UK and the EU. This is the first time the EU has agreed a zero tariff zero quota deal with any other trading partner.





As for level playing field provisions, both parties have committed to ensuring a robust level playing field by maintaining high levels of protection in areas such as environmental protection, the fight against climate change and carbon pricing, social and labor rights, tax transparency and State aid. For this purpose, Needless to say, it is expressed to build a binding dispute settlement mechanism and so on.




は、企業、消費者、市民に最大限の法的確実性を与えるためガバナンスに関する専用の章を設け、協定がどのように運用および管理されるかを明確にした。また、合同パートナーシップ評議会を設立し、協定が適切に適用および解釈され、発生するすべての問題について話し合うことを確認するとしている。ガバナンスや紛争解決 メカニズムについて、協定で規定されたルールの順守や、これに一方が従わなかった場合の報復措置の内容に関し、調停機関としての欧州司法裁判所(ECJ)の役割は外された。一見、英国側の主張が通った格好となった。


As for Governance framework, to give maximum legal certainty to businesses, consumers and citizens, a dedicated chapter on governance provides clarity on how the agreement will be operated and controlled. It also establishes a Joint Partnership Council, who will make sure the Agreement is properly applied and interpreted, and in which all arising issues will be discussed. In the governance and the dispute settlement provisions, the role of the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) as a mediator regarding compliance with the rules stipulated in the agreement and the content of retaliation measures when one side does not comply has been removed. Apparently, the UK's claim was accepted.



最大の懸案であった漁業問題では、英国側は自国海域における完全な支配権の復活を要求した。一方、EU沿岸各国は、英海域でのEU漁船の操業継続が保証されるよう求めていた。両者は激しい議論の末妥協に達し、5年半の移行期間を設け、EU側はその間、英海域での現在の漁獲割当量の25%を英国に段階的に返還する。それ以降は、英海域におけるEU漁船の漁獲割当量について毎年交渉を行う。どちらも、一方の側が合意なしにその水域へのアクセスを削減または撤回する漁場に関税を課すことができる。 一方の側は、多の側が漁業規定に違反している場合、水域またはその他の貿易規定へのアクセスを停止することができる。


Fishing was one of the most sticking points of the UK-EU trade negotiations, the UK has demanded full sovereignty over its waters. Meanwhile, EU nations of the coastal have called for guarantees that EU fishing vessels will continue to operate in the UK waters. After intense debate, the two sides reached a compromise: The 25% of EU’s fisheries quota in UK waters will be transferred to the UK over a period of  5 and a half years. After this, there will be annual discussions on fisheries opportunities. Either party will be able to impose tariffs on fisheries where one side reduces or withdraws access to its waters without agreement. A party can suspend access to waters or other trade provisions where the other party is in breach of the fisheries provisions.



▼輸送について、市場へのアクセスは単一市場の時代より下回るが、協定は、航空、道路、鉄道、海上交通が持続的、継続的であることを規定している。 これには、EUと英国の事業者間の競争が公平な競争の場で行われ、乗客の権利、労働者の権利、および輸送の安全性が損なわれないようにするための規定が含まれている。


On transport, the agreement provides for continued and sustainable air, road, rail and maritime connectivity, though market access falls below what the Single Market offers. It includes provisions to ensure that competition between EU and UK operators takes place on a level playing field, so that passenger rights, workers' rights and transport safety are not undermined.





The past course of negotiations -- Three conflictive points




The reason why the negotiations ran into difficulties was that the fundamental differences between the two sides have surfaced in the following three points.



● その1つが、公平な競争を確保するための規定である。ジョンソン英首相は、「国家主権の完全な回復」を掲げて強硬姿勢をとり、自国企業への補助金や環境、労働基準などでの規制について、イギリスは、離脱した以上、EUに従う必要はなく独自のルールを設けたいと主張した。これに対しEUは、「公正な競争条件」の確保を強調し、英国がEU単一市場との関税なしの貿易を続ける条件として、EUのルールに従うことを求めた。EUの結束を維持するためにも、英国側の「いいとこどり」は許さないという原則は曲げられなかったからである。


● One of them is the provisions to ensure level playing field. Prime Minister Johnson insisted not to go to have high alignment with the EU and set its own rules regarding state aid, environmental standards, labor regulations, etc. taking a hardline stance under the slogan of “full restoration of national sovereignty."

In response, the EU has repeatedly told Britain to ensure “level playing field” and called for the UK to follow EU rules as a condition for continuing access to the lucrative EU Single Market without tariffs. In order to maintain the unity of the EU, it can be said that the bloc did not distort the principle of not allowing Britain to “cherry-pick” what it wants.






    Also, regarding a mediator regarding compliance

 with the rules stipulated in the agreement, the EU called for a settlement in the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) the same as in the past, while the UK insisted on establishing a new dispute settlement body.



● さらに、イギリスの周辺海域での漁業権につい


● In addition, while the EU has tried to maximize its right to continue to operate in the UK waters, the UK has strongly opposed it and demanded full sovereignty over its waters.





Though both sides agreed in many other areas, such as FTA with a zero tariff zero quota, they continued to oppose each other without concessions at all in these three points. In last December, when the end of the transition period was near, Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen held repeatedly phone call or face-to-face meeting in an attempt to reach a compromise in the Brexit talks.




3.What happened with the UK's violation of the Withdrawal Agreement?




    MPs passed the bill. The EU has launched legal


コメント42で紹介したように、ジョンソン英首相は、昨年9月上旬に突然、対EU交渉の合意期限を1015日までとする“最後通牒”を表明した。これに続いて9月9日, 英政府は、一昨年10月にEUと合意し、昨年1月31日に発効した国際条約「英―EU離脱協定」の主要部分をほごにする「国内市場法案IMBを下院に提出した。9月14日、下院はこれを「賛成340、反対256」で可決した。この法案についてEUは、極めて深刻な国際条約違反であると強く非難、取り下げるよう英政府に求めた。ジョンソン首相がその要求を無視したことでEUは法的措置に打って出た。


As introduced in Comment 42, Boris Johnson suddenly presented the EU an "ultimatum" to set a deadline of October 15 for agreement with the EU to be reached on Sept 7. Following this, on 9 September 2020, the UK government introduced the Internal Market Bill (IMB) in the House of. Commons which would breach the main portion of "the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement " that entered into force on 1 February 2020, after having been ratified with the EU on 17 October 2019. British MPs (Members of Parliament) passed the bill in the House of Commons by a majority of 77 (340 votes in favor with 263 against) on Sept 14. European Commission responded immediately to the introduction of the UK’s Internal Market BillIMBand criticized the UK stating that the Bill constitutes an “extremely serious violation of the Withdrawal Agreement and of international law. And the EU has launched legal action against the UK after Boris Johnson failed to respond to Brussels’ demand.




    The House of Lords made significant  amendments to the Bill



9月30日、この法案は上院に送られた。上院ではこの法案を2つの点で大幅に修正すべきだとする動議が提出された。これは、法案の北アイルランド議定書の実施に関する条項が、「法の支配」をないがしろにし、また、国際条約である英―EU離脱協定に違反し「英国の評判」を損なうものであるとして出された動議で後悔動議(a motion to regret)と呼ばれている。この動議は、賛成395票、反対169票という採決で承認された。そして、上院は11月9日、国内市場法案IMBから、EU離脱協定の北アイルランド国境問題に関わる取り決めをほごにする条項を削除する案を、433165の賛成多数で可決した。こうして修正された国内市場法案IMBは、2020122日に上院を通過した。


The UK Internal Market Bill was introduced in the House of Lords on 30 September. The House of Lords made significant amendments to the Bill. Significant amendments were made to address the effects of the Bill on two areas. A member of the Lords moved a motion to express regret that the Bill’s Part (which concerns the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol) would “undermine the rule of law and damage the reputation of the United Kingdom.” The amendment was approved on a division by 395 votes to 169. On 9 November, the Lords resolved to remove clauses that would enable a breach of international law by allowing the Government to interpret the Northern Ireland Protocol and override parts of the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement. Members voted by 433 to 165 to remove the related clause. The UK Internal Market Bill completed its passage through the Lords on 2 December 2020.





    Government reinstated its draft, but removed

clauses that would enable a breach of international law





However, on December 7, the government promoting the IMB sent the bill back to the House of Commons, which rejected the Lords amendments with a majority in favor and reinstated the government's draft. However, within half a day, Prime Minister Johnson again announced to remove clauses that would enable a breach of international law. Then, on December 8, the UK and the EU agreed to establish the EU-UK Joint Committee on the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement, in particular the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland.




    What happened to this background?





One reason is that a breach of international law ignoring the Lord amendments, taking Northern Ireland as a "hostage" undoubtedly damaged the reputation of the United Kingdom. The other is that the UK would have been rather forced to compromise in the negotiations than the EU. The UK Chancellor Michael Gove, the co-chair of the EU-UK Joint Committee, has offered to the EU that the UK will withdraw controversial clauses of the UK Internal Market Bill for the negotiations. "We have removed one major obstacle and hope that this will have positive consequences," said European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, the Co-Chair of the Joint Committee. Negotiations returned to normal after the UK removed clauses from the IMB that would enable a breach of international law.




4.Opinions for the agreement





While the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who took the initiative in Brexit under the populist slogan of “full restoration of national sovereignty" praised himself, saying this agreement is a British victory, internal and external intellectuals and major media believed that the EU has won concessions from Britain in many areas and strongly reflected theirs claims. This is symbolized by the fact that French President Emmanuel Macron, who has not given an inch in his demand on fishing issues, welcomes the agreement. In addition, most of intellectuals and media highly evaluate that both sides made mutual concessions when facing a common threat of COVID-19 and avoided no deal Brexit, which will have a great impact on the world economy.




(1)The UK



ジョンソン首相は両手の親指を立てている自分の写真をツイートした。「我々は、金、国境、法律、貿易、そして漁業用水域の管理の自由を取り戻した。 この取引は、英国各地の家族や企業にとって素晴らしいニュースだ。私達は、これまでに達成されたことのないゼロ関税とゼロ割当枠に基づく最初の自由貿易協定に署名した。」

Johnson tweeted a picture of himself with both thumbs up. “We have taken back control of our money, borders, laws, trade and our fishing waters. The deal is fantastic news for families and businesses in every part of the UK. We have signed the first free trade agreement based on zero tariffs and zero quotas that has ever been achieved.”




Lord Frost, the UK's chief negotiator, tweeted that Britain had become a "fully independent country again".



・ 一方、ブレグジット反対派は、EU離脱によって加盟国だったころより国の状態は悪化すると批判。スコットランドを連合王国から分離独立させてEUに再加盟させたいスコットランド自治政府のニコラ・スタージョン首相は、「ヨーロッパの皆さん、スコットランドはすぐに戻ります。明かりを消さないで」とツイートした。

But opponents of leaving the EU maintain the country will be worse off. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, whose ambition it is to take an independent Scotland back into the EU, tweeted: "Scotland will be back soon, Europe. Keep the light on."









President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen said: “It was worth fighting for this deal because we now have a fair and balanced agreement with the UK, which will protect our European interests, ensure fair competition, and provide much needed predictability for our fishing communities. Finally, we can leave Brexit behind us and look to the future. Europe is now moving on.”





French President Emmanuel Macron responded to the Brexit deal with the United Kingdom on December 24 as follows: “The unity and strength of Europe paid off. The agreement with the United Kingdom is essential to protect our citizens, our fishermen, our producers. We will make sure that this is the case,” Macron said on Twitter.



ドイツのメルケル首相1224日、合意に関し次のような声明を発表した。 “EUと英国の交渉担当者が合意に達し、EUと英国の将来の関係が明確になったことを嬉しく思う。これは歴史的な成果である。この合意により、我々とイギリスの新たな関係の基盤が生み出されるEUの外にあってもイギリスは、ドイツにとってもEUにとっても引き続き重要なパートナーであり続ける”。


German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a statement on the agreement on December 24 as follows: “I am pleased that the negotiators of the EU and the UK have reached an agreement and that the future relationship between the EU and the UK is clearly regulated. This is a historic achievement. With this agreement, we are laying the foundations for a new chapter in our relations. Even outside the EU, the UK will remain an important partner for Germany and for the EU.”




(3)Intellectuals and major media



The worst-case scenario of trade tariffs being revived between Britain and the European Union, which would have plunged the economy into chaos, has been narrowly averted. If they had failed to reach an agreement on the FTA and tariffs were restored, these would have been an unavoidable major impact on the manufacturing and distribution sectors on both sides. The deadline for negotiations, which was initially set for mid-October, was significantly delayed. A decision by both sides to avoid further damage in the face of the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic must have been behind the last-minute agreement. The negotiations were difficult because British Prime Minister Boris Johnson took a hard-line stance, proposing full restoration of national sovereignty. He called for the right to have independent policies on subsidies to domestic companies, environmental regulations, labor standards and so on. In response, the EU stressed the importance of fair conditions for competition and urged Britain to abide by EU rules as a condition of it continuing tariff-free trade with the EU’s single market. In order to maintain the unity of the EU, it can be said that the bloc did not distort the principle of not allowing Britain to “cherry-pick” what it wants. Britain finally conceded and effectively accepted the current EU rules. It is reported that if measures are taken to distort fair competition, the two sides will make efforts to mediate with a view to sanctions. Regarding fishing rights in British waters — another point of contention in the negotiations — Britain insisted on a sharp reduction in quotas for EU member nations, but in the end both sides agreed on a 25% reduction over 5½ years. The British people may accept Mr. Johnson’s appeal “This agreement is a British victory” for a moment. But if they hammer out the details of the agreement, they can see that many were in line with the EU's claim. After a long time, the British people will be embarrassed, finding compromises and problems in the agreement. Mr. Johnson's interest is just to maintain power, and he has no clear political beliefs. The concrete future image after Brexit has not been clearly drawn.





Brexit represents a historic change of Europe that has been promoting integration for many years after World War II. In the undercurrent that led the UK to Brexit, there is a dissatisfaction for the widening disparity in the globalization. In the UK, the number of workers from Eastern Europe has rapidly increased, and the ruling Conservative parties have become extremely enthusiastic about leaving the EU to implement their own immigration regulations.



There is a more serious cause. In June 2016, in the UK where Japan and other countries have long emulated its parliamentary government, the UK politicians left the decision to the referendum on the future of the nation in the cause of "respect for the will of the people." The present Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who had become popular as the mayor of London is the one who took the initiative in Brexit under the populist slogan of “full restoration of national sovereignty." The slogan simplified the future of the UK into “yes or no” to Brexit and upset the EU’s 40-year-old dream of European integration. However, the EU was also tough. The EU would have a sense of crisis that makes the EU ‘s unity difficult, which is now fluctuating, if the EU allowed the UK to take “cherry-pick.”





In a series of negotiations, the EU drew concessions from the UK in many areas, strongly reflecting its claims. To begin with, the UK did not have an option of "no deal Brexit." The tough stance that Johnson has shown is a just pose for negotiations. The victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential election, who was negative about Britain's departure from the EU, also supported the agreement. If the agreement had broken down, it would have affected future British-American relations.



Both sides placed the highest priority on " level playing field " such as subsidy rules for companies. The EU succeeded in including provisions that restrict market access if there is a large difference between the two regulations. The UK also succeeded in making the EU accept the decision of a third party rather than the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) in the event of a dispute. In other words, if a conflict arises over regulations such as subsidies and products, the newly established "council" will arbitrate. However, because the council is made up of representatives of the UK government and the European Commission, the EU's executive body, "decisions and measures are indirectly restricted by the EU law" (Financial Times). The UK cannot completely escape the influence of the EU.



From the very beginning, the British side has wanted to discuss fisheries issues separately from the FTA (Free Trade Agreement). However, the EU side has longed for comprehensive global governance like "If the UK violates the agreement in the fishery, the EU can impose tariffs on other areas." The UK side reluctantly agreed to take some measures as the EU claims.





5.Background to the agreement



The conflict between the UK, which proposed full restoration of national sovereignty and the EU, which did not distort the principle of not allowing Britain to “cherry-pick” has long continued, and some market sources have said that "no FTA" is inevitable. However, the re-spread of COVID-19 was the decisive factor in urging both parties to compromise. In particular, alarmed by a fast-spreading variant of the coronavirus, the UK was forced to impose a wholesale lockdown on London on 20 December. Thus, Neighboring countries such as Germany and France restricted traffic to and from the UK, causing confusion in the movement of people and goods. "The confusion, that is predicted after the end of the transition period went ahead," said a British government official.



As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, European Commission forecasts that the euro area economy will contract by 7.8% in 2020. The Office for Budget Responsibility has concluded the UK's economy will shrink by11.3% this year, but further stagnation is inevitable depending on the outbreak of the mutant species. Neither of them had any further risk of pushing down the economy, and it seems that they were willing to avoid the rupture.



On the UK side, the relationship with the United States was also taken into consideration. President-elected Joe Biden is skeptical of Britain's departure from the EU and is said that he wants to improve relations with the EU, which was estranged by the Trump administration. If the UK-EU negotiations broke down, not only would the US-UK FTA conclusion under negotiation be far away, but the US-UK relations themselves could cool down.



The real intention of both the UK and the EU was to avoid the result of "no FTA" that would hurt the economy from the beginning. However, the negotiations were prolonged by sticking to the line that both parties could not give up, and the content of the FTA concluded this time was limited to the minimum centered on maintaining zero tariffs on goods.



What took so long?  "Both are not just for avoiding economic catastrophe on their own side (especially on the UK side). Everyone, including politicians, wants not to take responsibility for catastrophes that occur due to no deal agreement," said Brussels correspondent of the public television channels France 3.




6.Future outlook


The UK


Immediate disorder


According to the agreement between the two, it is expected that zero tariffs will be maintained for trade on all goods and all quantities between the UK and the EU. For the automobile industry, which builds a supply chain between the UK and the EU, the worst situation of tariff revival has been avoided.  However, unlike when joining the EU, FTA limit the origin of goods subject to preferential tariffs. Products with a large proportion of original material from countries other than the UK and EU may be subject to tariffs after January 1, 2021, even if they were previously tariff-free. New customs clearance work such as proof of origin to receive preferential tariffs and confirmation of whether products and foods meet the regulations will be required. For this reason, there remains a risk of confusion such as logistics stagnation and traffic congestion around the English Channel after January 1.




New post-Brexit immigration policy


One of the UK’s difficult problems is how to regulate inflows of EU migrants who come to the country with intent of working. In the 2016 referendum over the UK’s membership of the EU, the question of how Brexit would impact migration to the UK was a major point of contention. As a member country, the UK had accepted EU rules on free movement of workers in exchange for access to the single market. After Brexit, the UK would be able to control immigration from the EU. Britain's Interior Ministry on 28 February disclosed its new post-Brexit immigration policy to bring “the UK’s points-based system”, which are designed to reduce the number of unskilled workers from Europe and focus on accepting highly skilled immigrants. The system is due to start on January 1, 2021. But the government was accused of failing to assess the impact of the reforms on the economy, while businesses heavily reliant on foreign labor questioned the feasibility of the policy. Many organizations such as the Food and Drink Federation, National Farmers Union and National Health Service said they were worried about shortages of workers as they relied on temporary low-skilled migrants. Immigration has been good for Britain and new post-Brexit immigration policy seems to substantially affect to the UK’s future.




The United Kingdom is on the brink of collapse


“スコットランドは、EUの単一市場および関税同盟から追い出され、雇用全てに影響が及んでいる。合意がないよりは良い。しかし、イギリス政府は、どたん場で合意なき離脱と言う考えを放棄することを決定したことだけを言っているが、彼等が、EU加盟国であることの非常に多くの メリットには目をつむり離脱を強行したという事実から逃げることは出来ない。スコットランドの人々はこれまで圧倒的にEU残留を支持して来たが、この声は無視され続けた。EU離脱は、2016年の国民投票当時の想定よりはるかに困難を伴い、スコットランドに損害、混乱を与えてきた。スコットランドには独立国として未来を決め、EUの恩恵を取り戻す権利がある”。因みに、イギリス議会は2020年1月上旬、EUとの離脱協定案の発効に必要な関連法案を承認した。しかし、連合王国を構成するスコットランド、ウェールズ及び北アイルランドの3自治議会は、いずれも同じ内容の法案を否決した。このようにイギリスは、離脱を歓喜する勢力と悲嘆する勢力に大きく分断されている。しかも最近の世論調査では、EU残留を支持する者の数が、離脱を支持する者を上回っている。


The Scottish Government, who mostly favor remaining in the EU, is intensifying its opposition to the UK, which has agreed a deal with the EU. If the negative effects of Brexit such as a decline in trade, break to the surface, the momentum for independence from the UK to take back into the EU is likely to increase. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on 24 December said in a statement as follows:

Scotland has been forced out of the EU Single Market and Customs Union with all the damage to jobs that will bring. “A deal is better than no deal. But, just because, at the eleventh hour, the UK Government has decided to abandon the idea of a no-deal outcome, it should not distract from the fact that they have chosen a hard Brexit, stripping away so many of the benefits of EU membership. “People in Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, but their views have been ignored. “This is a far harder Brexit than could have been imagined when the EU referendum took place, damaging and disrupting this nation’s. Scotland now has the right to choose its own future as an independent country and once more regain the benefits of EU membership.” Incidentally, the UK government's Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB), which took the UK out of the EU on 31 January, passed all its stages in Parliament in early January. In fact, anti-Brexit members command a majority in the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish parliaments. As such, British society is now divided into two camps, one rejoicing at Britain’s departure from the EU and the other mourning it. Recent opinion polls in the country have shown that Britons who now want their country to “remain” in the European bloc outnumber people sticking to the “leave” decision.




Country’s status declines

EU離脱後のイギリスは、EUや主要国との間で関係の再構築に乗り出す。「グローバルなイギリス」を掲げ、国際的な影響力の拡大を目指す。ジョンソン首相は、かって7つの海を支配した大英帝国再現という夢想を抱いているようにも見える。だが、それは「苦難の道のり」の「始まり」である。イギリスは現在、前例のない程に国際社会で孤立している。 イギリスは、ウィンストン・チャーチルが国際社会の「3つのサークル」と呼んだものから完全に遠ざかっている。 1948年、チャーチル首相は、イギリスは、「英連邦と帝国」・「合衆国を中心とする英語世界」・「統一した欧州」という「3つのサークル」全てに加わっている必要があると主張した。 たとえば、欧州の市場統合を成し遂げ、「単一市場」成立へ向けて、サッチャー首相が指導力を発揮したのはその証左であろう。だが、ジョンソン政権下のイギリスは、そのサークルから脱しようとしている。英連邦はあっても、チャーチルが誇った「大英帝国」はもはや存在しない。イギリスEU離脱は、欧州に別れを告げる決定的な動きだ。つまり、ジョンソン政権は、3つのサークルすべてで事実上その足場を失った。「3つのサークル」がイギリス外交の影響力の源泉であったとすれば、イギリスの国際社会での地位低下は避けられないだろう。


After Brexit, the UK will adventure on rebuilding relations with the EU and major countries. Upholding a "global Britain", the UK aims to expand its international influence. Prime Minister Johnson also seems to have a dream of recreating the British Empire, which once ruled the seven seas. However, it is the "beginning" of the "road of hardship." Britain is now isolated in the international community to an unprecedented extent. Britain is entirely distancing itself from what Winston Churchill referred to as the “three circles” of the international community. In 1948, Churchill emphasized the importance for Britain to participate in “three great circles” among the free nations. The first circle is “the British Commonwealth and Empire,” the second one is “the English-speaking world” led by the United States and the third one is “United Europe.” For instance, Thatcher is known to have exerted her leadership to transform Europe into a “single market.” However, Britain under the leadership of Johnson is turning its back on each one of the “three circles.” While the British Commonwealth still exists, the “Empire” Churchill boasted of no longer exists. Britain’s exit from the EU is a decisive move to bid farewell to Europe. The Johnson administration has thus effectively lost its foothold in all three circles. As the three circles used to be the very source of Britain’s diplomatic influence, it is apparent that the country’s status in the international community will decline.





Furtherance of Unilateralism, Division in the state and the people



During World War II, Britain devoted itself to defending democracy and the free world. It also assumed a great deal of responsibility for establishing a liberal international order in the postwar years. In contrast, Britain has now become the envy of nationalists and populists in the rest of the world. In the European Parliament, Britain’s withdrawal from the European bloc has been praised only by members of far-right parties who are themselves known as euroskeptics. Britain has persistently paved the way to restore national sovereignty despite knowing the risk that Brexit would cause damage to its economy, which has become highly developed thanks to globalization and Europe’s single market integration. Brexit can be said to be a “victory won by nationalism that has been seduced by populism.” The impact which Britain withdrew from the EU after nearly half a century of membership will not remain within the UK and the EU, but will be extended over the world. Brexit is none other than the UK seems to change her position to “the UK First”. Prime Minister Johnson has gained general popularity, often using incendiary language as a weapon to put rivals down. After leaving the EU, if Johnson cannot make the UK which is understood by not only Brexiteer, but people at home and abroad who have felt anxiety and dissatisfaction, there is no cause of Brexit. Will Britain be able to overcome the hardships ahead? The British people’s wisdom is being tested.




The EU


Economic damage



With a Gross Domestic Product of approximately 2.39 trillion Euros in 2018, the UK economy accounted for 15 % of the total GDP of EU member states and was by the second-largest economy in Europe after Germany. The EU member states are due to contribute to the EU budget according to GNI (Gross National Income). Looking the EU member states' share of total contributions to the EU budget in 2016, while most of the EU countries contributed shares between 0.07 % (Malta) and 1.83 % (Denmark), there were only 4 member states, namely France, Italy, Germany and the UK, which reached contribution shares greater than 10 %. Together, these four countries make up over 60 % of all contributions, with UK contributing the third largest share following Germany and France. The EU will be seriously damaged by the UK leaving considering the budget.




Political damage

外交と軍事の観点から、イギリスは、欧州においてフランスと並ぶ核戦力を持つ軍事大国であり、また、国連安全保障理事会の常任理事国としてEUで積極的な役割を果たしてきた。 イギリスはまた、ヨーロッパとアメリカ間の外交の架け橋としての役割も務めてきた。トランプ米大統領がますます「アメリカ・ファースト」に傾倒して行ったことから、ブレグジット後、欧州統合が弱まり、米国との関係がさらに悪化することが懸念されていた。ヨーロッパの安全を確保するうえでNATOの重要性は変わらない。ジョンソン首相は、ブレグジット後もNATOへの積極的な関与を続けることを約束した。 ロンドンは、この約束を決して破らないよう促されている。フランス、ドイツ、イタリアと共にヨーロッパの4大国の1つであるイギリスが離脱することで、EUは、経済や外交、人材など様々な面で文字通り縮小し国際交渉力が削がれる可能性がある。EUの執行機関・欧州委員会のベステアー(Margrethe Vestager上級副委員長は130日の記者会見で「EUの2大主要国独仏の間を取り持ってきたイギリスが抜ける穴は大きく、埋めるには時間がかかるだろう」と影響の大きさを率直に認めている。

From diplomacy and military point of view, the UK has played an active role in the EU as both a military power with nuclear forces which is on par with that of France and a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The UK has also served as a bridge in diplomacy between Europe and the United States. While U.S. President Donald Trump had been increasingly leaning toward his “America First” policy, there was concern that European unity will be weakened and relations with the United States will further deteriorate after Brexit. The importance of NATO which ensures security for Europe remains unchanged. Prime Minister Johnson has promised that his country will continue active commitments to NATO even after Brexit. London is urged to never fail to fulfill this promise. With the departure of the UK which was one of four major European powers referred to France, Germany, Italy and the UK, there is a possibility that EU’s international negotiation skills will be weakened, literally reducing many things such as economy, diplomacy, human resources and so on. Ms. Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission said on January 30, “France and Germany will struggle to drive the EU without the British “energy” that helped Paris and Berlin work together. I think we will see a new dynamic in the union, but it will take some time before we fully recover.”




Loss of a safety valve



Some EU member countries had expected that the UK, which has kept a certain distance from the EU, has acted as a kind of safety valve for the Franco-German relationship. Donald Tusk, the former EU President, points out a significant contribution which the UK has played so far in the EU which a note of discord stands out. Tusk says “London was the best and the most effective rival power for Berlin. The political strife between Paris and Berlin could have been balanced by London’s existence.” As the European Parliament prepared to vote on Boris Johnson's Withdrawal Agreement 29th January, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission quoted the poet George Eliot, saying: "Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depth of love." She added: "We will always love you and we will never be far, long live Europe." There will come a time again when the EU whose unity is wavering needs the UK. In addition, the EU will lose its strong steering role this year. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has led the EU as the "queen of Europe" based on the scale of economy, would withdraw completely from politics this fall. It is unknown whether the next leader will be able to demonstrate leadership like Merkel. And what about France which has led the European integration after World War II? President Macron is eager to strengthen EU integration, including advocating a "common budget for the euro area." However, its popularity is sluggish in France, and there are many issues such as measures against terrorism by Islamic extremists, and he is regarded as lacking in power.




Does the UK lead a domino effect?



Among EU member countries, there is an economic gap between countries of the north, such as Germany and the Netherlands, and the south, with Italy prominent among them. There is also the rise of nationalism in Eastern Europe. With these factors creating centrifugal force, it would be impractical to call for unity on all issues. Britain’s withdrawal highlighted that the EU is not "an empire" which forces member countries into European integration and there is a room to recover their sovereign power the same as the UK if they want to do. As such, policymakers and political leaders across Europe worried about a domino effect in which populist movements and politicians would lead other member states out of the EU one by one.

One example of a test of EU cohesion last year is a €750 billion pandemic recovery fund that supports the economic reconstruction of member states. Although the agreement was reached in July, member states confronted each other over operational standards, and the final agreement was delayed until the summit meeting on December 10. Hungary and Poland, whose governments have recently been at odds with Brussels, have repelled as the EU demanded that the EU comply with the "rule of law" such as the independence of the judiciary as a condition to support the member states.





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